996 resultados para Anisotropic structure
The structure of a ferrofluid under the influence of an external magnetic field is expected to become anisotropic due to the alignment of the dipoles into the direction of the external field, and subsequently to the formation of particle chains due to the attractive head to tail orientations of the ferrofluid particles. Knowledge about the structure of a colloidal ferrofluid can be inferred from scattering data via the measurement of structure factors. We have used molecular-dynamics simulations to investigate the structure of both monodispersed and polydispersed ferrofluids. The results for the isotropic structure factor for monodispersed samples are similar to previous data by Camp and Patey that were obtained using an alternative Monte Carlo simulation technique, but in a different parameter region. Here we look in addition at bidispersed samples and compute the anisotropic structure factor by projecting the q vector onto the XY and XZ planes separately, when the magnetic field was applied along the z axis. We observe that the XY- plane structure factor as well as the pair distribution functions are quite different from those obtained for the XZ plane. Further, the two- dimensional structure factor patterns are investigated for both monodispersed and bidispersed samples under different conditions. In addition, we look at the scaling exponents of structure factors. Our results should be of value to interpret scattering data on ferrofluids obtained under the influence of an external field.
Using a Langevin molecular dynamics simulation, we show that the magnetic properties of a mono- and bi-dispersed ferrofluid system depend on the volume fraction and the dipolar coupling parameter. For the bi-dispersed system, most of the chains are formed by the large particles, but the aggregation behavior of the large particles is hindered by the presence of the small particles, which are predominantly attached to the end of the particle chain. To further elucidate the microscopic fluid structure, anisotropic structure factors are calculated.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The region Indiara (GO) is located in southwestern of São Francisco Craton in the Internal Zone of the Brasília Belt, western part of the Tocantins Province. In this locality outcrop rocks of the Goiás Magmatic Arc. These rocks are muscovite gneiss with biotite, muscovite-biotite gneiss, biotite gneiss with muscovite and garnet, biotite-muscovite gneiss, muscovite porfiroclastic gneiss, biotite porfiroclastic gneiss, muscovite-quartz schists, garnetquartz schists, and metamafic rock (hornblende schists) as metric or kilometric lenses. The gneisses have granodioritic composition, granoblastic texture, with some portions with lepidoblastic texture, constituting a discontinuous centimeter to millimeter banding; the structure is anisotropic, marked by the preferred orientation of all the minerals. These gneisses are leucocratic, generally are inequigranular and fine to medium grained. The hornblende schists have nematoblastic texture, are inequigranular and fine to medium grained and have anisotropic structure that is given by a foliation, marked by a strong preferential orientation of the crystals of amphibole and other minerals present in the rock. The gneisses of the area are composed of plagioclase (oligoclase/andesine), quartz, microcline, muscovite, biotite, epidote, apatite, zircon, garnet, kyanite, oxides and hydroxides of iron and opaque minerals. And the metamafic rocks of Indiara region are composed mainly of amphibole, plagioclase (oligoclase/andesine), quartz, titanite, biotite, allanite, garnet, oxides and hydroxides of iron, apatite, epidote, rutile, muscovite and opaque minerals. At least three phases of deformation were observed in the rocks of area of study (Dn-1, Dn and Dn +1). The Dn phase and represented by a well-marked foliation Sn having low dip angle (average dip of 20 °) and dip direction to SW (210/21) and to NE (18/20); the Dn-1 phase is represented by a compositional banding (Sn- 1), this banding is generally...
OBJECTIVE: During postnatal development, mammalian articular cartilage acts as a surface growth plate for the underlying epiphyseal bone. Concomitantly, it undergoes a fundamental process of structural reorganization from an immature isotropic to a mature (adult) anisotropic architecture. However, the mechanism underlying this structural transformation is unknown. It could involve either an internal remodelling process, or complete resorption followed by tissue neoformation. The aim of this study was to establish which of these two alternative tissue reorganization mechanisms is physiologically operative. We also wished to pinpoint the articular cartilage source of the stem cells for clonal expansion and the zonal location of the chondrocyte pool with high proliferative activity. METHODS: The New Zealand white rabbit served as our animal model. The analysis was confined to the high-weight-bearing (central) areas of the medial and lateral femoral condyles. After birth, the articular cartilage layer was evaluated morphologically at monthly intervals from the first to the eighth postnatal month, when this species attains skeletal maturity. The overall height of the articular cartilage layer at each juncture was measured. The growth performance of the articular cartilage layer was assessed by calcein labelling, which permitted an estimation of the daily growth rate of the epiphyseal bone and its monthly length-gain. The slowly proliferating stem-cell pool was identified immunohistochemically (after labelling with bromodeoxyuridine), and the rapidly proliferating chondrocyte population by autoradiography (after labelling with (3)H-thymidine). RESULTS: The growth activity of the articular cartilage layer was highest 1 month after birth. It declined precipitously between the first and third months, and ceased between the third and fourth months, when the animal enters puberty. The structural maturation of the articular cartilage layer followed a corresponding temporal trend. During the first 3 months, when the articular cartilage layer is undergoing structural reorganization, the net length-gain in the epiphyseal bone exceeded the height of the articular cartilage layer. This finding indicates that the postnatal reorganization of articular cartilage from an immature isotropic to a mature anisotropic structure is not achieved by a process of internal remodelling, but by the resorption and neoformation of all zones except the most superficial (stem-cell) one. The superficial zone was found to consist of slowly dividing stem cells with bidirectional mitotic activity. In the horizontal direction, this zone furnishes new stem cells that replenish the pool and effect a lateral expansion of the articular cartilage layer. In the vertical direction, the superficial zone supplies the rapidly dividing, transit-amplifying daughter-cell pool that feeds the transitional and upper radial zones during the postnatal growth phase of the articular cartilage layer. CONCLUSIONS: During postnatal development, mammalian articular cartilage fulfils a dual function, viz., it acts not only as an articulating layer but also as a surface growth plate. In the lapine model, this growth activity ceases at puberty (3-4 months of age), whereas that of the true (metaphyseal) growth plate continues until the time of skeletal maturity (8 months). Hence, the two structures are regulated independently. The structural maturation of the articular cartilage layer coincides temporally with the cessation of its growth activity - for the radial expansion and remodelling of the epiphyseal bone - and with sexual maturation. That articular cartilage is physiologically reorganized by a process of tissue resorption and neoformation, rather than by one of internal remodelling, has important implications for the functional engineering and repair of articular cartilage tissue.
Die Strahlschmelztechnologie entwickelt sich in vielen Anwendungsbereichen zu einer echten Alternative zu den konventionellen Fertigungsverfahren. Dieser Trend wird gerade durch die Verarbeitung von serienidentischen, einkomponentigen Pulvern zur Herstellung metallischer Bauteile verstärkt, wodurch sich wiederum neue Entwicklungs- und Einsatzpotentiale ergeben. Allerdings weisen die Strahlschmelzbauteile keine vollkommen übereinstimmenden Werkstoffkennwerte im Vergleich zu herkömmlich hergestellten Bauteilen auf, wodurch die Akzeptanz durch Industrie und Forschung eingeschränkt wird. Eine exakte Beschreibung (Nachweis) der Materialeigenschaften von strahlgeschmolzenen Bauteilen wird in dem Maße wichtiger, mit dem diese Verfahren zur Fertigung von Endprodukten herangezogen werden. Weiterhin spielt die Anisotropie des Gefüges strahlgeschmolzener Bauteile eine große Rolle. Aus diesem Grund wurden im RTC Duisburg umfangreiche Festigkeitsuntersuchungen (statisch und dynamisch) in Abhängigkeit von der Baulage, des Oberflächenzustandes und verschiedener Belichtungsstrategien durchgeführt. In diesem Vortrag werden ausgewählte Ergebnisse zu den Untersuchungen vorgestellt.
The Tertiary detritic aquifer of Madrid (TDAM), with an average thickness of 1500 m and a heterogeneous, anisotropic structure, supplies water to Madrid, the most populated city of Spain (3.2 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area). Besides its complex structure, a previous work focused in the north-northwest of Madrid city showed that the aquifer behaves quasi elastically trough extraction/recovery cycles and ground uplifting during recovery periods compensates most of the ground subsidence measured during previous extraction periods (Ezquerro et al., 2014). Therefore, the relationship between ground deformation and groundwater level through time can be simulated using simple elastic models. In this work, we model the temporal evolution of the piezometric level in 19 wells of the TDAM in the period 1997–2010. Using InSAR and piezometric time series spanning the studied period, we first estimate the elastic storage coefficient (Ske) for every well. Both, the Ske of each well and the average Ske of all wells, are used to predict hydraulic heads at the different well locations during the study period and compared against the measured hydraulic heads, leading to very similar errors when using the Ske of each well and the average Ske of all wells: 14 and 16 % on average respectively. This result suggests that an average Ske can be used to estimate piezometric level variations in all the points where ground deformation has been measured by InSAR, thus allowing production of piezometric level maps for the different extraction/recovery cycles in the TDAM.
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) display high specific mechanical properties, allowing the creation of lightweight components and products by metals replacement. To reach outstanding mechanical performances, the use of stiff thermoset matrices, like epoxy, is preferred. Laminated composites are commonly used for their ease of manipulation during object manufacturing. However, the natural anisotropic structure of laminates makes them vulnerable toward delamination. Moreover, epoxy-based CFRPs are very stiff materials, thus showing low damping capacity, which results in unwanted vibrations and structure-borne noise that may contribute to delamination triggering. Hence, searching for systems able to limit these drawbacks is of primary importance for safety reasons, as well as for economic ones. In this experimental thesis, the production and integration of innovative rubbery nanofibrous mats into CFRP laminates are presented. A smart approach, based on single-needle electrospinning of rubber-containing blends, is proposed for producing dimensionally stable rubbery nanofibers without the need for rubber crosslinking. Nano-modified laminates aim at obtaining structural composites with improved delamination resistance and enhanced damping capacity, without significantly lowering other relevant mechanical properties. The possibility of producing nanofibers nano-reinforced with graphene to be applied for reinforcing composite laminates is also investigated. Moreover, the use of piezoelectric nanofibrous mats in hybrid composite laminates for achieving self-sensing capability is presented too as a different approach to prevent the catastrophic consequences of possible structural laminate failure. Finally, an accurate, systematic, and critical study concerning tensile testing of nonwovens, using electrospun Nylon 66 random nanofibrous mats as a case study, is proposed. Nanofibers diameter and specimen geometry were investigated to thoroughly describe the nanomat tensile behaviour, also considering the polymer thermal properties, and the number of nanofibers crossings as a function of the nanofibers diameter. Stress-strain data were also analysed using a phenomenological data fitting model to interpret the tensile behaviour better.
A model of anisotropic fluid with three perfect fluid components in interaction is studied. Each fluid component obeys the stiff matter equation of state and is irrotational. The interaction is chosen to reproduce an integrable system of equations similar to the one associated to self-dual SU(2) gauge fields. An extension of the BelinskyZakharov version of the inverse scattering transform is presented and used to find soliton solutions to the coupled Einstein equations. A particular class of solutions that can be interpreted as lumps of matter propagating in empty space-time is examined.
The isotropic crystallographic model of the structure of xylanase I from Thermoascus aurantiacus (TAXI) has now been refined anisotropically at 1.14 Å resolution to a standard residual of R = 11.1% for all data. TAXI is amongst the five largest proteins deposited in the Protein Data Bank to have been refined with anisotropic displacement parameters (ADPs) at this level of resolution. The anisotropy analysis revealed a more isotropic distribution of anisotropy than usually observed previously. Adding ADPs resulted in high-quality electron-density maps which revealed discrepancies from the previously suggested primary sequences for this enzyme. Side-chain conformational disorder was modelled for 16 residues, including Trp275, a bulky residue at the active site. An unrestrained refinement was consistent with the protonation of the catalytic acid/base glutamate and the deprotonation of the nucleophile glutamate, as required for catalysis. The thermal stability of TAXI is reinterpreted in the light of the new refined model.
The existence of discontinuities within the double-adiabatic Hall-magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model is discussed. These solutions are transitional layers where some of the plasma properties change from one equilibrium state to another. Under the assumption of traveling wave solutions with velocity C and propagation angle θ with respect to the ambient magnetic field, the Hall-MHD model reduces to a dynamical system and the waves are heteroclinic orbits joining two different fixed points. The analysis of the fixed points rules out the existence of rotational discontinuities. Simple considerations about the Hamiltonian nature of the system show that, unlike dissipative models, the intermediate shock waves are organized in branches in parameter space, i.e., they occur if a given relationship between θ and C is satisfied. Electron-polarized (ion-polarized) shock waves exhibit, in addition to a reversal of the magnetic field component tangential to the shock front, a maximum (minimum) of the magnetic field amplitude. The jumps of the magnetic field and the relative specific volume between the downstream and the upstream states as a function of the plasma properties are presented. The organization in parameter space of localized structures including in the model the influence of finite Larmor radius is discussed
A detailed non-equilibrium state diagram of shape-anisotropic particle fluids is constructed. The effects of particle shape are explored using Naive Mode Coupling Theory (NMCT), and a single particle Non-linear Langevin Equation (NLE) theory. The dynamical behavior of non-ergodic fluids are discussed. We employ a rotationally frozen approach to NMCT in order to determine a transition to center of mass (translational) localization. Both ideal and kinetic glass transitions are found to be highly shape dependent, and uniformly increase with particle dimensionality. The glass transition volume fraction of quasi 1- and 2- dimensional particles fall monotonically with the number of sites (aspect ratio), while 3-dimensional particles display a non-monotonic dependence of glassy vitrification on the number of sites. Introducing interparticle attractions results in a far more complex state diagram. The ideal non-ergodic boundary shows a glass-fluid-gel re-entrance previously predicted for spherical particle fluids. The non-ergodic region of the state diagram presents qualitatively different dynamics in different regimes. They are qualified by the different behaviors of the NLE dynamic free energy. The caging dominated, repulsive glass regime is characterized by long localization lengths and barrier locations, dictated by repulsive hard core interactions, while the bonding dominated gel region has short localization lengths (commensurate with the attraction range), and barrier locations. There exists a small region of the state diagram which is qualified by both glassy and gel localization lengths in the dynamic free energy. A much larger (high volume fraction, and high attraction strength) region of phase space is characterized by short gel-like localization lengths, and long barrier locations. The region is called the attractive glass and represents a 2-step relaxation process whereby a particle first breaks attractive physical bonds, and then escapes its topological cage. The dynamic fragility of fluids are highly particle shape dependent. It increases with particle dimensionality and falls with aspect ratio for quasi 1- and 2- dimentional particles. An ultralocal limit analysis of the NLE theory predicts universalities in the behavior of relaxation times, and elastic moduli. The equlibrium phase diagram of chemically anisotropic Janus spheres and Janus rods are calculated employing a mean field Random Phase Approximation. The calculations for Janus rods are corroborated by the full liquid state Reference Interaction Site Model theory. The Janus particles consist of attractive and repulsive regions. Both rods and spheres display rich phase behavior. The phase diagrams of these systems display fluid, macrophase separated, attraction driven microphase separated, repulsion driven microphase separated and crystalline regimes. Macrophase separation is predicted in highly attractive low volume fraction systems. Attraction driven microphase separation is charaterized by long length scale divergences, where the ordering length scale determines the microphase ordered structures. The ordering length scale of repulsion driven microphase separation is determined by the repulsive range. At the high volume fractions, particles forgo the enthalpic considerations of attractions and repulsions to satisfy hard core constraints and maximize vibrational entropy. This results in site length scale ordering in rods, and the sphere length scale ordering in Janus spheres, i.e., crystallization. A change in the Janus balance of both rods and spheres results in quantitative changes in spinodal temperatures and the position of phase boundaries. However, a change in the block sequence of Janus rods causes qualitative changes in the type of microphase ordered state, and induces prominent features (such as the Lifshitz point) in the phase diagrams of these systems. A detailed study of the number of nearest neighbors in Janus rod systems reflect a deep connection between this local measure of structure, and the structure factor which represents the most global measure of order.
Multimetallic shape-controlled nanoparticles offer great opportunities to tune the activity, selectivity, and stability of electrocatalytic surface reactions. However, in many cases, our synthetic control over particle size, composition, and shape is limited requiring trial and error. Deeper atomic-scale insight in the particle formation process would enable more rational syntheses. Here we exemplify this using a family of trimetallic PtNiCo nanooctahedra obtained via a low-temperature, surfactant-free solvothermal synthesis. We analyze the competition between Ni and Co precursors under coreduction “one-step” conditions when the Ni reduction rates prevailed. To tune the Co reduction rate and final content, we develop a “two-step” route and track the evolution of the composition and morphology of the particles at the atomic scale. To achieve this, scanning transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray elemental mapping techniques are used. We provide evidence of a heterogeneous element distribution caused by element-specific anisotropic growth and create octahedral nanoparticles with tailored atomic composition like Pt1.5M, PtM, and PtM1.5 (M = Ni + Co). These trimetallic electrocatalysts have been tested toward the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), showing a greatly enhanced mass activity related to commercial Pt/C and less activity loss than binary PtNi and PtCo after 4000 potential cycles.
We report electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies at similar to 9.5 GHz (X band) and similar to 34 GHz (Q band) of powder and single-crystal samples of the compound Cu(2)[TzTs](4) [N-thiazol-2-yl-toluenesulfonamidatecopper(II)], C(40)H(36)Cu(2)N(8)O(8)S(8), having copper(II) ions in dinuclear units. Our data allow determining an antiferromagnetic interaction J(0)=(-113 +/- 1) cm(-1) (H(ex)=-J(0)S(1)center dot S(2)) between Cu(II) ions in the dinuclear unit and the anisotropic contributions to the spin-spin coupling matrix D (H(ani)=S(1)center dot D center dot S(2)), a traceless symmetric matrix with principal values D/4=(0.198 +/- 0.003) cm(-1) and E/4=(0.001 +/- 0.003) cm(-1) arising from magnetic dipole-dipole and anisotropic exchange couplings within the units. In addition, the single-crystal EPR measurements allow detecting and estimating very weak exchange couplings between neighbor dinuclear units, with an estimated magnitude parallel to J(')parallel to=(0.060 +/- 0.015) cm(-1). The interactions between a dinuclear unit and the ""environment"" of similar units in the structure of the compound produce a spin dynamics that averages out the intradinuclear dipolar interactions. This coupling with the environment leads to decoherence, a quantum phase transition that collapses the dipolar interaction when the isotropic exchange coupling with neighbor dinuclear units equals the magnitude of the intradinuclear dipolar coupling. Our EPR experiments provide a new procedure to follow the classical exchange-narrowing process as a shift and collapse of the line structure (not only as a change of the resonance width), which is described with general (but otherwise simple) theories of magnetic resonance. Using complementary procedures, our EPR measurements in powder and single-crystal samples allow measuring simultaneously three types of interactions differing by more than three orders of magnitude (between 113 cm(-1) and 0.060 cm(-1)).
A multiparametric extension of the anisotropic U model is discussed which maintains integrability. The R-matrix solving the Yang-Baxter equation is obtained through a twisting construction applied to the underlying U-q(sl (2/1)) superalgebraic structure which introduces the additional free parameters that arise in the model. Three forms of Bethe ansatz solution for the transfer matrix eigenvalues are given which we show to be equivalent.