997 resultados para Anisotropic models


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O caos determinístico é um dos aspectos mais interessantes no que diz respeito à teoria moderna dos sistemas dinâmicos, e está intrinsecamente associado a pequenas variações nas condições iniciais de um dado modelo. Neste trabalho, é feito um estudo acerca do comportamento caótico em dois casos específicos. Primeiramente, estudam-se modelos préinflacionários não-compactos de Friedmann-Robertson-Walker com campo escalar minimamente acoplado e, em seguida, modelos anisotrópicos de Bianchi IX. Em ambos os casos, o componente material é um fluido perfeito. Tais modelos possuem constante cosmológica e podem ser estudados através de uma descrição unificada, a partir de transformações de variáveis convenientes. Estes sistemas possuem estruturas similares no espaço de fases, denominadas centros-sela, que fazem com que as soluções estejam contidas em hipersuperfícies cuja topologia é cilíndrica. Estas estruturas dominam a relação entre colapso e escape para a inflação, que podem ser tratadas como bacias cuja fronteira pode ser fractal, e que podem ser associadas a uma estrutura denominada repulsor estranho. Utilizando o método de contagem de caixas, são calculadas as dimensões características das fronteiras nos modelos, o que envolve técnicas e algoritmos de computação numérica, e tal método permite estudar o escape caótico para a inflação.


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We begin our studies to make the best of information of seismic data and carry out the description of cracks parameters by extracting anisotropic information. The researching contents are: (1) velocity and polarization anomaly of seismic wave (qP and qSV wave) in weak anisotropic media; (2) reflection seismic synthetic record in anisotropic media; (3) multiple scattering induced by cracks; (4) anisotropic structure inversion and velocity reconstruction with VSP (Vertical Seismic Profile) data; (5) multi-parameters analysis of anisotropy in time-domain and depth-domain. Then we obtain results as follows: (1) We achieve approximate relation of qP and qSV wave's velocity and polarization property in weak anisotropic media. At the same time, we calculate anisotropic velocity factors and polarization anomaly of several typical sedimentary rocks. The results show there are different anisotropic velocity factors and polarization anomaly in different rocks. It is one of the primary theoretical foundation which is expected to identify lithology; (2) We calculate reflection seismic synthetic record with theoretical model; (3) We simulate scattering induced by cracks with Boundary Element Method. Numerical studies show that in the presence of cracks; spatial and scale-length distributions are important and cannot be ignored in modeling cracked solids; (4) From traveltimes information of VSP data, we study the velocity parameter inversion of seismic wave under isotropic and anisotropic models, and its result indicate that the inversion imaging under anisotropic model will not destroy the original features of isotropic model, but it will bring on some bigger error if we adopt the method of isotropic model for anisotropic model data. Further more, basing on the study we develop the CDP mapping technology of reflecting structure under isotropic and anisotropic models, and we process real data as a trial of the methods; (5) We study the problem of initial model reconstruction of anisotropic parameters structure represented by Anderson parameter in depth domain for surface data.


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The polar oceans of Earth are covered by sea ice. On timescales much greater than a day, the motion and deformation of the sea ice cover (i.e., its dynamics) are primarily determined by atmospheric and oceanic tractions on its upper and lower surfaces and by internal ice forces that arise within the ice cover owing to its deformation. This review discusses the relationship between the internal ice forces and the deformation of the ice cover, focusing on representations suitable for inclusion within global climate models. I first draw attention to theories that treat the sea ice cover as an isotropic continuum and then to the recent development of anisotropic models that deal with the presence of oriented weaknesses in the ice cover, known as leads.


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Artificial skins exhibit different mechanical properties in compare to natural skins. This drawback makes physical interaction with artificial skins to be different from natural skin. Increasing the performance of the artificial skins for robotic hands and medical applications is addressed in the present paper. The idea is to add active controls within artificial skins in order to improve their dynamic or static behaviors. This directly results into more interactivity of the artificial skins. To achieve this goal, a piece-wise linear anisotropic model for artificial skins is derived. Then a model of matrix of capacitive MEMS actuators for the control purpose is coupled with the model of artificial skin. Next an active surface shaping control is applied through the control of the capacitive MEMS actuators which shapes the skin with zero error and in a desired time. A simulation study is presented to validate the idea of using MEMS actuator for active artificial skins. In the simulation, we actively control 128 capacitive micro actuators for an artificial fingertip. The fingertip provides the required shape in a required time which means the dynamics of the skin is improved.


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In the present study we elaborated algorithms by using concepts from percolation theory which analyze the connectivity conditions in geological models of petroleum reservoirs. From the petrophysical parameters such as permeability, porosity, transmittivity and others, which may be generated by any statistical process, it is possible to determine the portion of the model with more connected cells, what the interconnected wells are, and the critical path between injector and source wells. This allows to classify the reservoir according to the modeled petrophysical parameters. This also make it possible to determine the percentage of the reservoir to which each well is connected. Generally, the connected regions and the respective minima and/or maxima in the occurrence of the petrophysical parameters studied constitute a good manner to characterize a reservoir volumetrically. Therefore, the algorithms allow to optimize the positioning of wells, offering a preview of the general conditions of the given model s connectivity. The intent is not to evaluate geological models, but to show how to interpret the deposits, how their petrophysical characteristics are spatially distributed, and how the connections between the several parts of the system are resolved, showing their critical paths and backbones. The execution of these algorithms allows us to know the properties of the model s connectivity before the work on reservoir flux simulation is started


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The global radiation incident on a tilted surfaces consists of components direct, diffuse and reflected from the ground. On a hourly database, the direct radiation can be calculated by geometric projections (ratio of the incidence angle to the solar zenith angle). The reflected radiation has a small effect on calculations and may be calculated with an isotropic model. Both components presents dependence of measures in incidence or horizontal surface. The great difficulty is to evaluate the diffuse radiation by variations of circumsolar, brightness horizontal, isotropic and anisotropic subcomponents. This study evaluated twenty models to estimate hourly diffuse radiation incident on tilted surfaces at 12.85° (latitude - 10°), 22.85° (latitude) and 32.85° (latitude + 10°) facing to North, under different cloudiness sky conditions, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil (22°53' S, 48°26' W and 786 m above the mean sea level). In contrast, models for estimating the diffuse component show major differences, which justify the validation for local calibrations. There is a decrease of the maximum total radiation scattered with increasing atmospheric transmissivity and inclination angle. The best results are obtained by anisotropic models: Ma and Iqbal, Hay, Reindl et al. and Willmott; isotropic: Badescu and Koronakis, and the Circumsolar model. The increase of the inclination angle allows for a reduction in the performance of statistical parametric models for estimating the hourly diffuse radiation.


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Extrair informações litológicas da subsuperfície através de dados sísmicos constitui-se num grande desafio à prospecção sísmica, pois a hipótese de estratificações formadas por camadas isotrópicas se mostra insuficiente para representar o comportamento do campo elástico em levantamentos com grandes afastamentos entre fonte e receptor, geofones multicomponentes, medidas de VSP tridimensional, entre outros. Sob este panorama, a prospecção sísmica passa a considerar modelos anisotrópicos de subsuperfície para, por exemplo, caracterizar reservatórios. O objetivo deste texto é apresentar um formalismo para modelar o espalhamento de pulsos a partir de ondas planas incidentes em interfaces planas horizontais que separam meios anisotrópicos. Este espalhamento é obtido primeiramente, através da formulação explícita dos campos de deformação e tração como função das matrizes propagadoras, de polarização e de impedância do meio. Em seguidaeste formalismo é usado para a obtenção das matrizes dos coeficientes de reflexão e transmissão através de uma interface plana horizontal para posteriormente, ser generalizado para o espalhamento através de múltiplas camadas. Finalmente, inserem-se ao campo da onda incidente as amplitudes de um pulso analítico para calcular o espalhamento do pulso através de estratificações.


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O método de estereotomografia é estendido para meios com anisotropia arbitrária e implementado para meios com anisotropia elíptica e anelíptica. Os modelos elípticos e anelípticos apresentam somente três parâmetros. Isto faz com que eles sejam menos sensíveis a ambiguidade, causada pela cobertura limitada dos raios em experimentos sísmicos de superfície e VSP, do que modelos transversalmente isotrópicos ou ortorrômbicos. As correspondentes aproximações para superfície de vagarosidade limita a validade desta implementação para eventos qP com anisotropia suave. Experimentos numéricos mostram o potencial e as limitações da estereotomografia para estimar macro modelos de velocidade adequados para o imageamento na presença de anisotropia e a importância dos eventos de transmissão de experimentos VSP de multiplo afastamento modelo para o sucesso desta abordagem.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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El comportamiento mecánico de muchos materiales biológicos y poliméricos en grandes deformaciones se puede describir adecuadamente mediante formulaciones isocóricas hiperelásticas y viscoelásticas. Las ecuaciones de comportamiento elástico y viscoelástico y las formulaciones computacionales para materiales incompresibles isótropos en deformaciones finitas están ampliamente desarrolladas en la actualidad. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de modelos anisótropos no lineales y de sus correspondientes formulaciones computacionales sigue siendo un tema de investigación de gran interés. Cuando se consideran grandes deformaciones, existen muchas medidas de deformación disponibles con las que poder formular las ecuaciones de comportamiento. Los modelos en deformaciones cuadráticas facilitan la implementación en códigos de elementos finitos, ya que estas medidas surgen de forma natural en la formulación. No obstante, pueden dificultar la interpretación de los modelos y llevar a resultados pocos realistas. El uso de deformaciones logarítmicas permite el desarrollo de modelos más simples e intuitivos, aunque su formulación computacional debe ser adaptada a las exigencias del programa. Como punto de partida, en esta tesis se demuestra que las deformaciones logarítmicas representan la extensión natural de las deformaciones infinitesimales, tanto axiales como angulares, al campo de las grandes deformaciones. Este hecho permite explicar la simplicidad de las ecuaciones resultantes. Los modelos hiperelásticos predominantes en la actualidad están formulados en invariantes de deformaciones cuadráticas. Estos modelos, ya sean continuos o microestructurales, se caracterizan por tener una forma analítica predefinida. Su expresión definitiva se calcula mediante un ajuste de curvas a datos experimentales. Un modelo que no sigue esta metodología fue desarrollado por Sussman y Bathe. El modelo es sólo válido para isotropía y queda definido por una función de energía interpolada con splines, la cual reproduce los datos experimentales de forma exacta. En esta tesis se presenta su extensión a materiales transversalmente isótropos y ortótropos utilizando deformaciones logarítmicas. Asimismo, se define una nueva propiedad que las funciones de energía anisótropas deben satisfacer para que su convergencia al caso isótropo sea correcta. En visco-hiperelasticidad, aparte de las distintas funciones de energía disponibles, hay dos aproximaciones computational típicas basadas en variables internas. El modelo original de Simó está formulado en tensiones y es válido para materiales anisótropos, aunque sólo es adecuado para pequeñas desviaciones con respecto al equilibrio termodinámico. En cambio, el modelo basado en deformaciones de Reese y Govindjee permite grandes deformaciones no equilibradas pero es, en esencia, isótropo. Las formulaciones anisótropas en este último contexto son microestructurales y emplean el modelo isótropo para cada uno de los constituyentes. En esta tesis se presentan dos formulaciones fenomenológicas viscoelásticas definidas mediante funciones hiperelásticas anisótropas y válidas para grandes desviaciones con respecto al equilibrio termodinámico. El primero de los modelos está basado en la descomposición multiplicativa de Sidoroff y requiere un comportamiento viscoso isótropo. La formulación converge al modelo de Reese y Govindjee en el caso especial de isotropía elástica. El segundo modelo se define a partir de una descomposición multiplicativa inversa. Esta formulación está basada en una descripción co-rotacional del problema, es sustancialmente más compleja y puede dar lugar a tensores constitutivos ligeramente no simétricos. Sin embargo, su rango de aplicación es mucho mayor ya que permite un comportamiento anisótropo tanto elástico como viscoso. Varias simulaciones de elementos finitos muestran la gran versatilidad de estos modelos cuando se combinan con funciones hiperelásticas formadas por splines. ABSTRACT The mechanical behavior of many polymeric and biological materials may be properly modelled be means of isochoric hyperelastic and viscoelastic formulations. These materials may sustain large strains. The viscoelastic computational formulations for isotropic incompressible materials at large strains may be considered well established; for example Ogden’s hyperelastic function and the visco-hyperelastic model of Reese and Govindjee are well known models for isotropy. However, anisotropic models and computational procedures both for hyperelasticity and viscohyperelasticity are still under substantial research. Anisotropic hyperelastic models are typically based on structural invariants obtained from quadratic strain measures. These models may be microstructurallybased or phenomenological continuum formulations, and are characterized by a predefined analytical shape of the stored energy. The actual final expression of the stored energy depends on some material parameters which are obtained from an optimization algorithm, typically the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. We present in this work anisotropic spline-based hyperelastic stored energies in which the shape of the stored energy is obtained as part of the procedure and which (exactly in practice) replicates the experimental data. These stored energies are based on invariants obtained from logarithmic strain measures. These strain measures preserve the metric and the physical meaning of the trace and deviator operators and, hence, are interesting and meaningful for anisotropic formulations. Furthermore, the proposed stored energies may be formulated in order to have material-symmetries congruency both from a theoretical and from a numerical point of view, which are new properties that we define in this work. On the other hand, visco-hyperelastic formulations for anisotropic materials are typically based on internal stress-like variables following a procedure used by Sim´o. However, it can be shown that this procedure is not adequate for large deviations from thermodynamic equilibrium. In contrast, a formulation given by Reese and Govindjee is valid for arbitrarily large deviations from thermodynamic equilibrium but not for anisotropic stored energy functions. In this work we present two formulations for visco-hyperelasticity valid for anisotropic stored energies and large deviations from thermodynamic equilibrium. One of the formulations is based on the Sidoroff multiplicative decomposition and converges to the Reese and Govindjee formulation for the case of isotropy. However, the formulation is restricted to isotropy for the viscous component. The second formulation is based on a reversed multiplicative decomposition. This last formulation is substantially more complex and based on a corotational description of the problem. It can also result in a slightly nonsymmetric tangent. However, the formulation allows for anisotropy not only in the equilibrated and non-equilibrated stored energies, but also in the viscous behavior. Some examples show finite element implementation, versatility and interesting characteristics of the models.


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In the present study we elaborated algorithms by using concepts from percolation theory which analyze the connectivity conditions in geological models of petroleum reservoirs. From the petrophysical parameters such as permeability, porosity, transmittivity and others, which may be generated by any statistical process, it is possible to determine the portion of the model with more connected cells, what the interconnected wells are, and the critical path between injector and source wells. This allows to classify the reservoir according to the modeled petrophysical parameters. This also make it possible to determine the percentage of the reservoir to which each well is connected. Generally, the connected regions and the respective minima and/or maxima in the occurrence of the petrophysical parameters studied constitute a good manner to characterize a reservoir volumetrically. Therefore, the algorithms allow to optimize the positioning of wells, offering a preview of the general conditions of the given model s connectivity. The intent is not to evaluate geological models, but to show how to interpret the deposits, how their petrophysical characteristics are spatially distributed, and how the connections between the several parts of the system are resolved, showing their critical paths and backbones. The execution of these algorithms allows us to know the properties of the model s connectivity before the work on reservoir flux simulation is started


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The existence of discontinuities within the double-adiabatic Hall-magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model is discussed. These solutions are transitional layers where some of the plasma properties change from one equilibrium state to another. Under the assumption of traveling wave solutions with velocity C and propagation angle θ with respect to the ambient magnetic field, the Hall-MHD model reduces to a dynamical system and the waves are heteroclinic orbits joining two different fixed points. The analysis of the fixed points rules out the existence of rotational discontinuities. Simple considerations about the Hamiltonian nature of the system show that, unlike dissipative models, the intermediate shock waves are organized in branches in parameter space, i.e., they occur if a given relationship between θ and C is satisfied. Electron-polarized (ion-polarized) shock waves exhibit, in addition to a reversal of the magnetic field component tangential to the shock front, a maximum (minimum) of the magnetic field amplitude. The jumps of the magnetic field and the relative specific volume between the downstream and the upstream states as a function of the plasma properties are presented. The organization in parameter space of localized structures including in the model the influence of finite Larmor radius is discussed


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We have developed a way to represent Mohr-Coulomb failure within a mantle-convection fluid dynamics code. We use a viscous model of deformation with an orthotropic viscoplasticity (a different viscosity is used for pure shear to that used for simple shear) to define a prefered plane for slip to occur given the local stress field. The simple-shear viscosity and the deformation can then be iterated to ensure that the yield criterion is always satisfied. We again assume the Boussinesq approximation, neglecting any effect of dilatancy on the stress field. An additional criterion is required to ensure that deformation occurs along the plane aligned with maximum shear strain-rate rather than the perpendicular plane, which is formally equivalent in any symmetric formulation. We also allow for strain-weakening of the material. The material can remember both the accumulated failure history and the direction of failure. We have included this capacity in a Lagrangian-integration-point finite element code and show a number of examples of extension and compression of a crustal block with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The formulation itself is general and applies to 2- and 3-dimensional problems.