988 resultados para Animal communities


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Published also as thesis (Ph.D) University of Illinois, 1925.


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Animal communities are sensitive to environmental disturbance, and several multivariate methods have recently been developed to detect changes in community structure. The complex taxonomy of soil invertebrates constrains the use of the community level in monitoring environmental changes, since species identification requires expertise and time. However, recent literature data on marine communities indicate that little multivariate information is lost in the taxonomic aggregation of species data to high rank taxa. In the present paper, this hypothesis was tested on two oribatid mite (oribatida, Acari) assemblages under two different kinds of disturbance: metal pollution and fires. Results indicate that data sets built at the genus and family systematic rank can detect the effects of disturbance with little loss of information. This is an encouraging result in view of the use of the community level as a preliminary tool for describing patterns of human-disturbed soil ecosystems. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the component community of parasite metazoans of Piaractus brachypomus in the lower Amazon River, northern Brazil. From 34 necropsied fish, 27,384 metazoan parasites were collected, such as Anacanthorus spathulatus, Mymarothecium viatorum and Notozothecium janauachensis (Monogenoidea); Spectatus spectatus and Contracaecum sp (Nematoda); Clinostomum marginatum and Dadaytrema oxycephala (Digenea); and Argulus carteri and Ergasilus sp. (Crustacea). The dominant species was S. spectatus followed by monogenoidean species, and there was aggregated dispersion of parasites, except for D. oxycephala and Contracaecum sp., which presented random dispersion. Positive correlation among the abundance of the three monogenoideans species were found, thus indicating that there was no competition between the species of these parasites on the gills of hosts. The abundances of some parasite species showed positive correlations with the size of the hosts, but the condition factor of the fish was not affected by the parasitism levels. It showed that this host had a metazoan community characterized by high species richness of metazoans, low evenness and high diversity of parasites, with prevalence of endoparasites, including larval stages. This was the first record of C. marginatum, A. carteri, Ergasilus sp. and Contracaecum sp. for P. brachypomus.


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Mixed-species bird flocks are attractive models for the investigation of geographical variation in animal communities, as they represent a subset of the avifauna in most forested regions of the world. Yet studies of the regional variation in flock size and the composition of flocks are few, due to the predominance of studies carried out at single study site. Here, we review nine studies of mixed-species flocks conducted at 16 sites along the Western Ghats in India and in Sri Lanka. We find that flock size varies as much within this region as it does globally, with observation time being a confounding variable. Flock composition, however, is predictably related to elevation. Flocks at high elevations (>1200 m) in the Western Ghats strongly resemble flocks at high elevations in the mountain ranges of Sri Lanka in their composition, especially at the family level. We compare these flocks to flocks of other regions and make recommendations on study methodology that can facilitate comparisons across studies.


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Ponds and shallow lakes are likely to be strongly affected by climate change, and by increase in environmental temperature in particular. Hydrological regimes and nutrient cycling may be altered, plant and animal communities may undergo changes in both composition and dynamics, and long-term and difficult to reverse switches between alternative stable equilibria may occur. A thorough understanding of the potential effects of increased temperature on ponds and shallow lakes is desirable because these ecosystems are of immense importance throughout the world as sources of drinking water, and for their amenity and conservation value. This understanding can only come through experimental studies in which the effects of different temperature regimes are compared. This paper reports design details and operating characteristics of a recently constructed experimental facility consisting of 48 aquatic microcosms which mimic the pond and shallow lake environment. Thirty-two of the microcosms can be heated and regulated to simulate climate change scenarios, including those predicted for the UK. The authors also summarise the current and future experimental uses of the microcosms.


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Drastic biodiversity declines have raised concerns about the deterioration of ecosystem functions and have motivated much recent research on the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem functioning. A functional trait framework has been proposed to improve the mechanistic understanding of this relationship, but this has rarely been tested for organisms other than plants. We analysed eight datasets, including five animal groups, to examine how well a trait-based approach, compared with a more traditional taxonomic approach, predicts seven ecosystem functions below- and above-ground. Trait-based indices consistently provided greater explanatory power than species richness or abundance. The frequency distributions of single or multiple traits in the community were the best predictors of ecosystem functioning. This implies that the ecosystem functions we investigated were underpinned by the combination of trait identities (i.e. single-trait indices) and trait complementarity (i.e. multi-trait indices) in the communities. Our study provides new insights into the general mechanisms that link biodiversity to ecosystem functioning in natural animal communities and suggests that the observed responses were due to the identity and dominance patterns of the trait composition rather than the number or abundance of species per se.


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S'ha estudiat l'estructura i dinàmica del sistema bentònic de llacunes costaneres de la maresma dels aiguamolls de l'Empordà (NE de la península Ibèrica) i els factors que les determinen. Amb aquesta finalitat es van prendre mostres d'organismes del bentos (mensualment), nutrients i pigments de l'aigua (setmanalment) i el sediment (mensualment), així com paràmetres físics de l'aigua (setmanalment), durant dos cicles d'inundació (1997-1998 i 1998-1999). En aquesta maresma els factors determinants per als organismes bentònics i el contingut en nutrients del sediment són principalment físics: el grau de permanència de l'aigua, el confinament i la granulometria. De manera que els factors tròfics tenen menys pes que els físics tal com es posa de manifest amb les associacions de nematodes. El règim hídric de les llacunes integra des del grau de permanència de l'aigua fins a la salinitat i el confinament, per la qual cosa a partir de la caracterització dels diferents tipus de règim hídric es poden discriminar les tres tipologies d'ambients amb comunitats bentòniques diferenciades en l'estructura, la composició i la dinàmica temporal. Així, les tres comunitats diferenciades són: (1) la d'aigües permanents caracteritzada per una riquesa i diversitat elevades i constants en el temps, i per un nombre més elevat de tàxons sense adaptacions per passar situacions adverses; (2) la d'aigües semipermanents i temporànies d'inundació pulsativa, caracteritzada per una menor riquesa i diversitat, i per la dominància d'organismes amb estructures de resistència per passar la fase seca i aguantar condicions desfavorables, i (3) la d'aigües temporànies d'inundació continuada, caracteritzada per una major variabilitat de la riquesa i diversitat al llarg del cicle i per una singularitat taxonòmica més elevada, ja que s'observen cladòcers i una major representació taxonòmica dels insectes. Durant la realització d'aquest estudi els dos cicles d'inundació van suposar entrades d'aigua en el sistema diferents, per això es va diferenciar un cicle humit (1997-1998) i un de sec (1998-1999). En relació amb la major importància de les entrades d'aigua en el sistema, es va observar un contingut en nutrients de l'aigua significativament superior durant el cicle humit. Pel que fa al sediment, la seva major inèrcia explicaria la manca de diferències significatives en el contingut en nutrients del sediment del cicle humit i del sec. Ara bé, sí que s'observa diferència en la composició d'organismes. Així, la variabilitat interanual en l'estructura de la comunitat bentònica de la maresma es pot atribuir a una situació d'estrès provocada pel cicle sec. Aquesta situació va comportar un augment de la diversitat per disminució de la dominància a totes les llacunes estudiades, determinada, en gran manera, per la disminució de l'abundància original de poblacions dominants i característiques d'ambients permanents, Corophium orientale, o temporànies, Gammarus aequicauda. No existeix un patró estacional en les comunitats estudiades, sinó que els principals canvis en el plàncton i el bentos són deguts a pertorbacions hídriques. Aquestes pertorbacions provoquen que s'estableixi una situació en què dominen uns tàxons característics en el plàncton (Synchaeta i Eutintinnus) i, en canvi, que en el bentos es perdi l'estructura pròpia de les comunitats característiques dels diferents ambients (comunitats dominades per Corophium orinetale en aigües permanents i per Chironomus salinarius en temporànies). La severitat és diferent en funció del grau de permanència de l'aigua, i és més alta en ambients permanents i més baixa en els temporanis. La major severitat en ambients permanents ve determinada per la menor adaptació del bentos d'aigües permanents a les fluctuacions ambientals i a l'efecte de la predació sobre el plàncton. A més, tant en el bentos com en el plàncton es donen fenòmens d'histèresi, segons els quals l'efecte de la pertorbació no solament depèn de la causa pertorbadora sinó també de l'estat en què es troba la comunitat en el moment de la pertorbació.


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Drastic biodiversity declines have raised concerns about the deterioration of ecosystem functions and have motivated much recent research on the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem functioning. A functional trait framework has been proposed to improve the mechanistic understanding of this relationship, but this has rarely been tested for organisms other than plants. We analysed eight datasets, including five animal groups, to examine how well a trait-based approach, compared with a more traditional taxonomic approach, predicts seven ecosystem functions below- and above-ground. Trait-based indices consistently provided greater explanatory power than species richness or abundance. The frequency distributions of single or multiple traits in the community were the best predictors of ecosystem functioning. This implies that the ecosystem functions we investigated were underpinned by the combination of trait identities (i.e. single-trait indices) and trait complementarity (i.e. multi-trait indices) in the communities. Our study provides new insights into the general mechanisms that link biodiversity to ecosystem functioning in natural animal communities and suggests that the observed responses were due to the identity and dominance patterns of the trait composition rather than the number or abundance of species per se.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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We evaluated metacommunity hypotheses of landscape arrangement (indicative of dispersal limitation) and environmental gradients (hydroperiod and nutrients) in structuring macroinvertebrate and fish communities in the southern Everglades. We used samples collected at sites from the eastern boundary of the southern Everglades and from Shark River Slough, to evaluate the role of these factors in metacommunity structure. We used eigenfunction spatial analysis to model community structure among sites and distance-based redundancy analysis to partition the variability in communities between spatial and environmental filters. For most animal communities, hydrological parameters had a greater influence on structure than nutrient enrichment, however both had large effects. The influence of spatial effects indicative of dispersal limitation was weak and only periphyton infauna appeared to be limited by regional dispersal. At the landscape scale, communities were well-mixed, but strongly influenced by hydrology. Local-scale species dominance was influenced by water-permanence and nutrient enrichment. Nutrient enrichment is limited to water inflow points associated with canals, which may explain its impact in this data set. Hydroperiod and nutrient enrichment are controlled by water managers; our analysis indicates that the decisions they make have strong effects on the communities at the base of the Everglades food web.

Report drawn up on behalf of the Committeeon Agriculture on A. the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-893/83-COM(83) 548 final) for: I. a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 804/68 on the common organization of the markets in milk and milk products. II. a regulation laying down general rules applying to the milk sector levy specified in Article 5(c) of Regulation (EEC) No. 804/68. III. a regulation laying down general rules applying to the milk sector levy specified in Article 5(d) of Regulation (EEC) No. 804/68. B. the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-996/83-COM(83) 611 final) for: I. a regulation amending Regulation (EEC No. 1723/81 as regards the possibility of granting aids for the use of butter in the manufacture of certain food-stuffs. II. a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 1411/71 as regards the fat content of drinking milk. III. a regulation laying down general rules on the granting of aid for concentrated skimmed milk and concentrated milk for use as animal feed. IV. a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 1269/79 with regard to the terms for the disposal of butter at a reduced price for direct consumption. C. the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-1113/83)-COM(83) 644 final) for a regulation amending Regulations (EEC) No. 1078/77 introducing a system of premiums for the non-marketing of milk and milk products and for the conversion of dairy herds.


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