990 resultados para Anima Mundi
Invokaatio: D.F.G.
Contiene, con portadilla y paginación propia: Ad libros Fernelii De abditis rerum causis Ionnis Riolani commentarius.
Mode of access: Internet.
In front of the vast and widespread use of new technology in 3D animation currently, this research aims to give an overview adjacent to major film productions with Studio Ghibli and its main director/animator: Hayao Miyazaki. Showing up as an interesting exception to worldwide success, the Ghibli feature films are made with the predominance of 2D hand-drawn art. Its process dates back to the first animations created in the early twentieth century, though such tools have been “overcome” by big studios like Walt Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks, the works of Miyazaki still get considerable highlight, preferring the pencil and paper than the computer. With the aid of some authors in particular as McCloud and the founders of Anima Mundi, and other theorists of design and subjective philosophy, some analyzes are mapped to better understand the connection between the work of Miyazaki and his contribution to the field of illustration and originality as a whole. The objective is to find the key points of Ghibli animations which will drive new parameters between creativity, illustration and Western and Eastern praxis.
Initial date of publication and number of vols. from Gesamtverzeichnis des deutschsprachigen Schrifttums, 1700-1910.
Mode of access: Internet.
This paper suggests an analysis of "Inanimate Alice" by Kate Pullinger, Chris Joseph and Ian Harper as an example of a transmedia narrative that triggers a new reading experience whilst proposing a literary alterity between reading and performance. Narrative experiences that elect the visual plasticity, interchanging games and tactility as drivers of the creative process are not new. Yet, narrative experiences, which have been created in the gap between reality and fiction, have found on the digital realm the perfect environment to multiple hybrid experiences. Bearing in mind Walter Benjamin’s concept of Erlebnis and Erfahrung, a critical analysis of this digital fiction tries to illustrate how literary art finds its space and time in a metamorphosed continuum only activated by the “patient reader”. All the multimedia hybrids, which this digital literary work may have, challenge readers to interpret different signals and poetic structures that most of readers might not be accustomed to; however even among a cognitive dissonance, meaning is found and reading happens only if time, space and attention are available. All possible transmedia literacies can only respond to this experience of online reading, if they are able to focus and draw attention not to a simple new behaviour or a single new practice, but to a demanding state of affairs that assemble different objective and subjective value forms.
v.3 pt. 1-3
vol. 1
vol. 2
vol. 3
vol. 4
Peccata Mundi arrenca de la iniciativa del director de R+D+I de l'empresa Mas Parés, Jaume Juher, i l’artista plàstic Jaume Xifra, que l’any 2004 van decidir sumar a l’amistat que els uneix un objectiu: convergir en un sol projecte els reptes professionals que es plantejaven individualment des de cadascuna de les seves disciplines: l’art i la investigació gastronòmica. Posteriorment, a l'any 2005, s'incorporen al projecte els experts que constitueixen actualment el nucli central de treball: Josep Bel, expert en anàlisi sensorial i aplicació d'aromes; David Juher, matemàtic i professor de la UdG; Xavier de Palau, músic electrònic; Clara Perxachs, investigadora de la cultura del menjar; i Toni Botella, cuiner. A l'experiència gastronòmico-artística Peccata Mundi el participant tasta un seguit de plats i vins i valora les seves percepcions contestant un qüestionari. Les dades d'aquest qüestionari s'utilitzen, a través d'unes transformacions regides per criteris neurològics, matemàtics, antropològics, etc., per produir unes dades numèriques que seran l'entrada a una aplicació que les farà servir per generar un vídeo amb música d'una durada aproximadament de 2 minuts. Aquest vídeo, que consta d'imatges fractals en moviment i d'una música de fons, generada també utilitzant funcions de comportament caòtic, és el retrat audiovisual de l'experiència sensorial del participant. El projecte consisteix a implementar tota la logística informàtica de l’experiència sensorial Peccata Mundi: dissenyar les aplicacions d'entrada de dades, tractament de la base de dades, processament de les dades del qüestionari, generació del vídeo i la música i producció de l'arxiu audiovisual que finalment el participant s'emporta gravat en suport DVD