5 resultados para Angered


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Our experiences as Indigenous academics within universities often reflects the experiences we have as Indigenous people in broader society, yet I am still surprised and angered when it is others working in higher education who espouse notions of justice and equity with whom we experience tension and conflict in asserting our rights, values and cultural values. At times it is a constant struggle even when universities have Reconciliation Statements as most of them do now, Indigenous recruitment or employment strategies and university wide anti-racism and anti-discrimination policies and procedures.


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This paper examines the importance of British contributions to the success of the Irish hospitals sweepstake. In its early years, up to three-quarters of these tickets were sold in Britain, bringing millions of pounds into Ireland annually to improve and expand the state's hospitals. The vast amount of money leaving Britain in this way angered the British government and forced it to introduce new legislation to curtail the activities of the Irish sweep. The paper will highlight the extent to which the success of the sweepstake depended on the market for tickets in Britain; the threat to the sweep's survival posed by the restriction of its activities in Britain after 1935; the role of the sweepstake controversy in exacerbating further already strained relations between Britain and the Irish Free State in the 1930s; how the success of the sweep raised the issue of legalising a British lottery; and the eventual decline of the sweepstake as a force in British gambling in the post-war years.


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Stadsdelen Angered var en del av det enorma nationella bostadsbyggnadsprogram som benämns som miljonprogrammet. Detta program genomfördes i Angered under åren 1967 – 1975 och kom att prägla Göteborgs stadsbild och demografiska struktur in i framtiden. En del av grunden till miljonprogrammets fanns inom den folkhemsideologi socialdemokratin i hegemoni med staten försökt genomdriva under några årtionden. Det handlade om allas rätt till ett bra och hälsosamt boende.          Angereds fritidscentrum var en del av den centralt styrda planeringen av byggandet av Angereds miljonprogramsområden. Stat och skola samt kommun och socialtjänst var två verksamheter som var drivande i denna planering. I min studie kommer jag att undersöka det som verkade vara en enhetlig plan innehöll olika faktorer som synliggör dessa aktörers roller. Dessas roller och agerande visar på tendenser i något jag kallar sprickor i välfärden.  


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O presente trabalho foi realizado em Vila do Conde, município de Barcarena que faz parte da mesorregião de Belém do Pará, com objetivo de estudar o risco de natureza tecnológica relacionado ao vazamento de óleo, apontando as reais situações de ameaça e a vulnerabilidade da população local. A metodologia baseou-se em três etapas: levantamento bibliográfico sobre o conceito de risco tecnológico; trabalho de campo para a identificação e caracterização das áreas de ameaça na zona portuária e da área de Vulnerabilidade na Vila do Conde através de visitas técnicas, entrevistas, aplicação de questionários, para o levantamento socioeconômico, observações e registros fotográficos; e por fim levantamento cartográfico e utilização de imagens de satélite IKONOS para delimitação das áreas de ameaça no porto, setorização da Vila do Conde e para a confecção de mapas temáticos. Na zona portuária de Vila do Conde identificamos como principais áreas de ameaça ao vazamento: Área de atracação, onde a prática de acostagem, carga, descarga e abastecimento de navios e balsas com óleo combustível é constante, apresentando nível de ameaça que vai de muito a extremamente provável de ocorrer; Área de acesso, delimitada pela ponte por onde percorre os dutos, apresentando nível de ameaça como provável de ocorrer vazamento e a Área de estocagem, onde concentra os tanques de armazenamento e plataformas de abastecimento apresentando nível de ameaça que vai do provável a muito provável de ocorrer vazamento. Na Vila do Conde a vulnerabilidade social apontou que a população do setor rio, na maioria pescadores, apresenta maior grau de vulnerabilidade, seguido pelos moradores do setor praia, como donos de barracas, que apresentam médio grau de vulnerabilidade, e com baixo grau de vulnerabilidade estão os moradores do setor terra firme. Portanto, um sinistro com óleo acarretará uma reação que ira se difundir em toda a Vila, interrompendo os principais fluxos de troca entre os grupos e suas respectivas atividades.


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OBJECTIVE: Many patients approaching death experience hopelessness, helplessness, and a depressed mood, and these factors can contribute to a difficult end-of-life (EoL) period. Biography services may assist patients in finding meaning and purpose at this time. The aim of our study was to investigate the lived experience of volunteers involved in a biography service in Melbourne, Australia, using a qualitative methodology. METHOD: The participants were 10 volunteers who had participated in a biography service within a private palliative care service. Each volunteer was interviewed separately using a study-specific semistructured interview guide. The transcripts of these interviews were then subjected to thematic analysis. RESULTS: Analysis yielded the following themes: motivations for volunteering; dealing with death, dying, and existential issues; psychosocial benefits of volunteering; and benefits and challenges of working with patients and their families. Our results indicated that volunteering gave the volunteers a deeper appreciation of existential issues, and helped them to be more appreciative of their own lives and gain a deeper awareness of the struggles other people experience. They also suggested that volunteers felt that their involvement contributed to their own personal development, and was personally rewarding. Furthermore, the results highlighted that volunteers found that encounters with family members were sometimes challenging. While some were appreciative, others imposed time limits, became overly reliant on the volunteers, and were sometimes offended, hurt, and angered by what was included in the final biography. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: It is hoped that the findings of the current study will provide direction for improvements in the biography services that will benefit patients, family members, and volunteers. In particular, our findings highlight the need to provide ongoing support for volunteers to assist them in handling the challenges of volunteering in a palliative care setting.