986 resultados para Anesthethic techniques, regional: Epidural


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Background and Objectives - Bupivacaine has been a very useful local anesthetic in Obstetrics in spite of its potential cardiotoxicity. In obstetric analgesia, ropivacaine is preferred to bupivacaine, and levobupivacaine is less cardiotoxic than the racemic mixture. The aim of this study was to compare the maternal-fetal effects of bupivacaine, ropivacaine and levobupivacaine in obstetric analgesia and anesthesia. Methods - Participated in this study 33 term pregnant women, physical status ASA I and II submitted to epidural anesthesia who received 18.75 mg (in 15 ml completed with 9% saline) of: GI - bupivacaine, GII - ropivacaine, and GIII - levobupivacaine. Pain intensity, sensory block level, onset time, quality of analgesia, motor block intensity, analgesia duration and time for labor resolution were evaluated. For vaginal delivery, 40 mg (in 8 ml of saline) of the same local anesthetic were used; for cesarean delivery, the dose has been mg in 20 ml solution. Newborns of these mothers were evaluated through the Apgar score in minutes 1, 5 and 10, and through the Amiel-Tison method (neurologic and adaptative capacity score - NACS) at 30 min, 2 h, and 24 h. Results - There were no significant statistical differences among groups as to sensory block level, onset time, quality of analgesia, labor analgesia duration, time for labor resolution, and Apgar scores at minute 1. Ast to motor block, GIII > GII and GI was intermediary. In relation to pain intensity, there was a trend for GI > GIII. For Apgar scores in minute 5, GII > (GI = GIII), and in minute 10 (GI = GII) < GIII. NACS at 2 h showed, GII > GI > GIII, and at 24 h, GII > GIII > GI. Conclusions - Ropivacaine has relieved maternal pain with less motor block. Newborns of GII mothers (ropivacaine) showed the best Apgar and NACS scores.


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Background and Objectives - Ropivacaine - a local amino amide anesthetic agent - is a plain S enantiomer which makes it a potent and low toxicity drug. The aim of our study was to evaluate 1% ropivacaine for epidural block in lower doses than those described in the literature. Methods - Thirty-eight patients, physical status ASA I and II, aged 15 to 70 years, weighing 50 to 100 kg were selected. Premedication consisted of 15 mg oral midazolam given 60 min before anesthesia induction. In the OR, after standard monitoring a catheter was inserted intravenously to administer 10 ml.kg-1 Ringers lactate solution. Epidural puncture was performed with the patient in the sitting position and 1% ropivacaine was administered in a volume corresponding to 10% of patient's height in centimeters. With the patient in the supine position, motor blockade intensity, temperature sensitivity and sensory block extension at 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes after drug injection were evaluated. Blood pressure, heart rate and adverse side effects during the course of anesthesia and in the post-anesthetic period were also observed. In the recovery room patients were followed-up until motor blockade intensity temperature sensitivity and sensory block had returned to level L2. Results - Mean values were 41.4 years of age, 68.8 kg of body weight and 165 cm height. Upper thermal blockade level was T4 and upper sensory block level was T6. Most patients showed motor block level 1 (Bromage scale) after 30 minutes of observation. Motor block mean duration was 254 minutes and temperature sensitivity 426 minutes. Only three patients had complications: two cases of hypotension and one of bradycardia. Conclusions - In the volumes used in this study, ropivacaine produced adequate analgesia and a less intense lower limb motor block which, however, was sufficient to allow for surgical procedures with low incidence of side-effects.


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Background and Objectives: - The effects of associating lipophilic opioids to local anesthetics in epidural anesthesia are not well defined. There are still questions and controversies about opioid doses to be used and their major effects in the epidural block. This study aimed at evaluating the epidural block effects in humans of the association of different fentanyl and sufentanil doses to bupivacaine with 1:200.000 epinephrine. Methods: - A double-blind randomized study was performed in 94 patients of both genders, physical status ASA I, aged between 18 and 60 years, submitted to lower abdomen, perineal or lower limb surgery. Patients without preanesthetic medication were epidurally injected with 100 mg (20 ml) 0.5% bupivacaine, 0.1 mg (0.1 ml) 1%o epinephrine plus a combination of the following drugs: BUPI Group (15 patients): 2 ml of 0.9% saline solution (SS); FENT50 Group (19 patients): 50 μg (1 ml) fentanyl + 1 ml SS; FENT100 Group (20 patients): 100 μg (2 ml) fentanyl; SUF30 Group (20 patients): 30 μg (0.6 ml) sufentanil + SS (1.4 ml); SUF100 Group (20 patients): 50 μg (1 ml) sufentanil + SS (1 ml). The following parameters were studied: onset of sensory block, analgesic block (onset time) in T12, T10 and T8, analgesic block duration in T10 and T12, motor block degree, consciousness degree, need for supplemental perioperative sedation and analgesia, hypotension, bradycardia and peri and post operative side-effects, analgesia duration, proportion of patients needing supplemental analgesia and evaluation of postoperative pain (pain analog visual scale). Results: Groups were demographically uniform. The addition of fentanyl or sufentanil did not alter major characteristics of perioperative epidural block and has not significantly increased postoperative analgesia duration as compared to the use of bupivacaine only. However, the addition of lipophilic opioids has increased the quality of perioperative anesthetic block, translated into a lesser need for supplemental analgesia (p < 0.02). The increased dose of fentanyl and especially of sufentanil has increased the incidence of perioperative drowsiness (p < 0.001) without significant increase in other side effects. Conclusions: In the conditions and doses used, the addition of lipophilic opioids to bupivacaine and the increased dose of lipophilic opioids have improved anesthetic block quality without changes in the epidural block characteristics or a significant increase in side effects, with the exception of drowsiness mainly caused by sufentanil. However, they were not able to provide a significant increase in postoperative analgesia duration.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Não existem estudos que relatem as repercussões renais determinadas pela injeção de doses elevadas de clonidina no espaço peridural. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos hemodinâmicos e renais determinados pela injeção de doses elevadas de clonidina no espaço peridural do cão. MÉTODO: Vinte animais anestesiados com tiopental sódico e fentanil foram distribuídos aleatoriamente e de forma duplamente encoberta em dois grupos: Grupo 1 ou placebo (n = 10), que recebeu 0,2 mL.kg-1 de solução fisiológica, e Grupo 2 ou clonidina (n = 10), que recebeu 0,2 mL.kg-1 de uma solução contendo 50 µg.mL-1 de clonidina, no espaço peridural. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros hemodinâmicos: freqüência cardíaca (FC): bat.min-1; pressão arterial média (PAM): mmHg; pressão da artéria pulmonar ocluida (PAOP): mmHg; débito cardíaco (DC): L.min-1; volume sistólico (VS): mL; também, os seguintes parâmetros da função renal foram avaliados: fluxo sangüíneo renal (FSR): mL.min-1; resistência vascular renal (RVR): mmHg.mL-1.min; volume urinário minuto (VUM): mL.min-1; depuração de creatinina (D Cr): mL.min-1; depuração de para-aminohipurato (D PAH): mL.min-1; fração de filtração (FF); depuração de sódio (D Na): mL.min-1; depuração de potássio (D K): mL.min-1; excreção fracionária de sódio (EF Na): %; excreção urinária de sódio (U NaV): µEq.min-1; excreção urinária de potássio (U K V): µEq.min-1. O experimento consistiu em três momentos de 20 minutos cada. Os dados foram coletados aos 10 minutos de cada momento e a diurese, no início e no final de cada momento. Ao término de M1, a clonidina ou a solução fisiológica foi administrada no espaço peridural. Após período de 20 minutos iniciou-se M2 e, em seguida, M3. RESULTADOS: A clonidina na dose de 10 µg.kg-1 no espaço peridural do cão promoveu alterações significativas, com diminuições da freqüência cardíaca e do débito cardíaco e aumento da relação depuração de para-aminohipurato de sódio/débito cardíaco. CONCLUSÕES: Nas condições realizadas e nas doses empregadas, pode-se concluir que a clonidina não promoveu alteração da função renal, mas diminuiu valores hemodinâmicos (freqüência e débito cardíaco).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivo. Comparar el tiempo de bloqueo motor y sensitivo producidos por 12 ml de L-bupivacaína con epinefrina + fentanil vs 15 ml de la misma mezcla por vía epidural, a través de un catéter de polietileno, en anestesia para cesárea. Metodología. Con un diseño clínico controlado aleatorizado se incluyeron dos grupos de 45 maternas cada uno para recibir: 1 grupo LEVO 12: L-bupivacaína 75 mg + 100 mcg de fentanil en 12 ml de volumen y 2 grupo LEVO 15: L-bupivacaína 75 mg + 100 mcg de fentanil + 3 ml de solución salina isotónica en 15 ml, por vía epidural con catéter. Se midió el porcentaje de bloqueos completos, tiempo de bloqueo motor y tiempo de bloqueo sensitivo, producidos por la misma dosis pero en diferente volumen. Resultados. Los grupos fueron comparables en las variables demográficas. El nivel metamérico alcanzado en el grupo LEVO 15 fue significativamente más alto que el alcanzado en el grupo LEVO 12 (P = 0,034). El nivel metamérico más bajo, T10, se encontró únicamente en el grupo LEVO 12 (P = 0,034). El 20% (n = 9) del grupo LEVO 12 necesitó una dosis suplementaria de bupivacaína y en el grupo LEVO 15 en un caso (2,2%) que se produjo bloqueo en tablero de ajedrez necesitó dosis suplementaria (P = 0,018). El uso de fentanilo IV como analgesia suplementaria fue similar en ambos grupos (P = 0,482). No hubo repercusión hemodinámica atribuible al uso de L-bupivacaína. Los efectos secundarios fueron mínimos y su incidencia fue similar entre los grupos (P 0,05). Discusión. La controversia entre dosis y volumen, en la anestesia regional epidural o subaracnoidea, se mantiene aún. Nuestro resultado favoreció a los 75 mg de L-bupivacaína en mayor volumen. Hacen falta más estudios para obtener resultados concluyentes.AU


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Effet d'un bolus intraveineux de phénylephrine ou d'éphedríne sur le flux sanguin cutané lors d'une anesthésie rachidienne Introduction : La phénylephrine et l'éphedrine sont des substances vaso-actives utilisées de routine pour corriger des épisodes d'hypotension artérielle induits par l'anesthésie intrarachidienne. L'influence de ces deux vasopresseurs sur le flux sanguin cutané (FSC) dans ce contexte n'a jusqu'à maintenant pas été décrite. Cette étude évalue l'effet d'une injection intraveineuse de 75 µg de phénylephrine ou de 7.5 mg d'éphedrine sur le FSC mesuré par Laser Doppler, dans les zones concernées parle bloc sympathiqué induit par l'anesthésie intrarachidienne (membres inférieurs) et dans les zones non concernées (membres supérieurs). Méthode :Après acceptation par le Comité d'Éthique, et obtention de leur accord écrit, 20 patients devant subir une intervention chirurgicale élective en décubitus dorsal sous anesthésie. intrarachidienne ont été inclus dans cette étude randomisée en double insu. Le FSC a été mesuré en continu par deux sondes fixées l'une à la cuisse (zone avec bloc sympathique) et l'autre sur l'avantbras (zone sans bloc sympathique). Les valeurs de FSC ont été enregistrées après l'anesthésie rachidienne (valeur contrôle), puis après l'injection i.v. dè phénylephrine (10 patients) ou d'éphedrine (10 patients) pour corriger une hypotension définie comme une chute de 20 mmHg de la pression artérielle systolique. Les variations de FSC exprimées en pourcentage de la valeur contrôle moyenne (+/- écart type) ont été analysées par le test t de Student. Résultats :Les données démographiques des patients et le niveau sensitif induit par l'anesthésie rachidienne sont similaires dans les deux groupes. Aux doses utilisées, seule l'éphedrine restaure la pression artérielle aux valeurs précédant l'anesthésie rachidienne. La phénylephrine augmente le FSC de l'avant-bras de 44% (+/- 79%) et de la cuisse de 34% (+/-24%), alors que l'éphedrine diminue le débit sanguin cutané de l'avant-bras de 16% (+/- 15%) et de la cuisse de 22% (+/-11%). Conclusion : L'injection intraveineuse de phénylephrine et d'éphedrine ont des effets opposés sur le flux sanguin cutané, et cette réponse n'est pas modifiée par le bloc sympathique.. Cette différence peut s'expliquer par la distribution des sous-types de récepteurs adrénergiques alpha et leur prédominance relative dans les veines et les artères de différents diamètres perfusant le tissu sous-cutané et la peau. L'éphedrine, èn raison de sa meilleure efficacité pour traiter les épisodes d'hypotension artérielle après anesthésie intrarachidienne devrait être préféré à la phénylephrine, leurs effets opposés sur le flux sanguin cutané n'étant pas pertinents en pratique clinique. SUMMARY Background: Phenylephrine or ephedrine is routinely used to correct hypotensive episodes fallowing spinal anaesthesia (SA). The influence of these two vasopressors on skin blood flow (SBF) has not yet been described. We have therefore evaluated the effects of an i.v. bolus of 75 µg phenylephrine or 7.5 mg of ephedrine on SBF measured by laser Doppler flowmetry during sympathetic blockade induced by SA. Methods: With Ethical Committee approval and written consent, 20 patients scheduled for elective procedures in supine position under SA were enrolled in this double-blind randomized study. SBF was measured continuously by two probes fixed at the thigh (area with sympathic blockade) and forearm level (area without sympathic blockade) respectively. SBF values were recorded after SA (control values) and then after a bolus administration of phenylephriné (n=10) or ephedrine (n=10) when systolic blood pressure decreased by 20 mmHg. Changes were expressed as percentage of control SBF values and analysed by Student's paired t-test. Results: Patient characteristics and dermatomal sensory levels were similar in both groups. Phenylephrine increases mean SBF at the forearm level by 44% (79%) [mean (SD)j and at the thigh by 34% (24%). Ephedrine decreases SBF at the forearm level by 16% (15%) and at the thigh by 22% (il%). Ephedrine bolus restores arterial blood pressure to pre-anaesthesia values, whereas phenylephrine does not. Conclusion: Administratión of phenylephrine and ephedrine has opposite effects on skin blood flow and sympathetic blockade does not modify this response. These findings could be explained by the distribution of the alpha-adrenoréceptor subtypes and their relative predominance among veins and arteries of different size perfusing the subcutaneous tissue and the skin. Ephedrine, due to its better efficacy to correct hypotensive episodes following SA, should be preferred, to phenylephrine, their opposite effects on SBF being not relevant for clinical practice.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se as habilitações profissionais, implantadas pela SE nas escolas do Estado de S. Paulo, sob os auspícios da Lei 5692/71, haviam, realmente, preparado os jovens que as concluíram para o exercLcio de uma profissão e averiguar quantos alunos egressos da primeira turma do 2º grau profissionalizante conseguiram ser aproveitados de acordo com a qualificação auferida por eles. O estudo limitou-se às escolas da DE de são José do Rio Preto. O instrumental usado foi a entrevista, por não se saber quais os rumos tomados por esses estudantes, nem porque. Foram entrevistados alunos e autoridades do ensino. Aos primeiros aplicou-se a entrevista estruturada e aos segundos a entrevista semiestruturada. Dentre as autoridades foram entrevistados Diretores de Escola, Supervisores Pedagógicos e Assistentes Técnicos da DRE. Concluiu-se que o intuito maior dos entrevistados era o prosseguimento dos estudos em nível de 3º grau, intuito este já alcançado por um número expressivo desses egressos: 64,66% de S. Jose do Rio Preto e 31,85% das cidades vizinhas. Contudo, nem todos lograram ingressar nos cursos que queriam, nem tampouco em cursos relacionados com o 2º grau concluído: apenas 28,69% o conseguiram. A propósito da destinação para o trabalho, pode-se perceber uma dispersão 5,74% trabalham na profissão muito grande desses jovens: para a qual foram preparados, 59,77% estão foram do ramo e 34,48% ainda não trabalham. Foram 19 os cursos profissionalizantes instalados e conseguiu-se catalogar 58 diferentes serviços executados pelos egressos desses cursos, desde os mais simples como empregada doméstica e servente de pedreiro até ao presidente de indústria o que leva a crer que tais cursos, realmente não profissionalizaram e que o intento da Lei 5692/71 não foi atingido.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Tem aumentado muito o emprego da anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças, principalmente neonatos com risco de desenvolver apnéia neonatal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi rever as diferenças anatômicas, fisiológicas e farmacológicas desta técnica em crianças. CONTEÚDO: A anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças, apesar de ter sido técnica empregada desde o início do século XX, teve sua popularidade diminuída com o advento dos anestésicos inalatórios e bloqueadores neuromusculares, para ser novamente resgatada em 1979. As características favoráveis desta técnica em pediatria são relativas à estabilidade cardiovascular, em crianças de até 8 anos de idade, à analgesia satisfatória e ao relaxamento muscular. Os anestésicos mais utilizados em crianças são a tetracaína e a bupivacaína, cujas doses são ajustadas tomando-se por base o peso corporal. Esta técnica é limitada pela duração relativamente curta, devendo ser utilizada para procedimentos cirúrgicos que não ultrapassem 90 minutos e também pela analgesia não abranger o pós-operatório. As complicações são as mesmas encontradas no paciente adulto, incluindo cefaléia por punção dural e irritação radicular transitória. As indicações são várias: cirurgias de abdômen inferior, genitália, membros inferiores, região perineal e, em alguns casos, até em cirurgias torácicas. Seu emprego tem particular interesse nos recém-nascidos prematuros, pelo risco de apresentarem a apnéia da prematuridade. CONCLUSÕES: A anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças é técnica relativamente segura, com poucas complicações e pode ser considerada como opção para anestesia geral, principalmente nos recém-nascidos prematuros com risco de apresentarem complicações respiratórias no pós-operatório.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A raquianestesia unilateral pode apresentar vantagens em pacientes ambulatoriais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a raquianestesia unilateral com o bloqueio combinado femoral-isquiático em cirurgias ortopédicas unilaterais e ambulatoriais. MÉTODO: Sessenta pacientes foram aleatoriamente separados em dois grupos para receber 6 mg de bupivacaína hiperbárica ou hipobárica (grupo RQ) em decúbito lateral esquerdo ou 800 mg de lidocaína 1,6% com epinefrina nos nervos femoral e isquiático (grupo CFI) em decúbito dorsal. O bloqueio dos nervos foi realizado com agulha de 150 mm conectada a um neuroestimulador e inserida no ponto médio entre as duas abordagens clássicas, sendo injetados 15 mL no nervo femoral e 35 mL no nervo isquiático. Avaliados o tempo para realização dos bloqueios e sua duração. Vinte minutos após, os pacientes foram avaliados em relação aos bloqueios sensitivo e motor. RESULTADOS: O tempo para a realização da raquianestesia foi significativamente menor do que o bloqueio combinado femoral-isquiático. O bloqueio unilateral foi obtido em 90% dos pacientes no grupo RQ e 100% no grupo CFI. O tempo para recuperação do bloqueio sensitivo e motor foi significativamente maior no grupo CFI. Não houve bradicardia ou hipotensão. CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo conclui que é tecnicamente fácil realizar bloqueio anterior combinado femoral-isquiático e pode ser uma alternativa para o bloqueio unilateral do membro inferior. A raquianestesia unilateral com baixas doses de bupivacaína resultou em menor tempo para realização, menor número de tentativas e recuperação mais precoce do bloqueio combinado femoral-isquiático, porém com mesma efetividade.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A técnica de histerectomia vaginal possibilita menor tempo operatório e o uso do bloqueio do neuro-eixo, com os benefícios de melhor analgesia pós-operatória e menor resposta sistêmica ao procedimento cirúrgico. O objetivo deste relato foi descrever as alterações hemodinâmicas decorrentes do posicionamento em litotomia exagerada em paciente cardiopata. RELATO do CASO: Paciente de 33 anos, G0P0A0, com história de sangramento uterino anormal e anemia. A ultra-sonografia evidenciava útero miomatoso com volume estimado de 420 cm³. Ela era portadora de trombofilia e miocardiopatia dilatada, com passado de dois acidentes vasculares encefálicos isquêmicos e dois infartos agudos do miocárdio. Foi monitorizada com pressão arterial invasiva e cateter de artéria pulmonar com medida de débito cardíaco contínuo. Realizada raquianestesia com bupivacaína hiperbárica e morfina. A paciente foi posicionada em litotomia exagerada sendo realizada histerectomia total pela técnica de Heaney e salpingectomia bilateral. Como intercorrência intra-operatória apresentou diminuição do índice cardíaco e aumento das pressões de câmaras direitas após o posicionamento, necessitando do uso de dobutamina. CONCLUSÕES: O posicionamento em litotomia exagerada pode ocasionar alterações hemodinâmicas que devem ser consideradas na escolha da técnica cirúrgica.


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Background and Objectives. The analgesic actions of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) result from the inhibition of the peripheral synthesis of prostaglandins. In spite of the emphasis on the peripheral action, several studies have shown the potential central action of such drugs. In rats, NSAID doses insufficient to block pain when systemically administered were effective when intrathecally injected. This effect could be mediated by interaction with descending serotoninergic ways together with neurotransmission modulation of glycine or N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. Our goal was to study the effect of different tenoxican doses in the histology of dogs spinal cord and meninges. Methods. Thirty two dogs (7 to 17 kg) were randomly distributed in four groups: G1 - Control with distilled water (DW); G2 - 2 mg tenoxican diluted in DW; G3 - 4 mg tenoxican diluted in DW; G4 - 10 mg tenoxican diluted in DW in a constant volume of 1 ml. Anesthesia was induced with etomidate and fentanyl and dural puncture was performed with a 25G spinal needle in interspace L6-7. Animals were observed for 72 hours and subsequently euthanized by electrocution. Lumbar and sacral spinal cord segments were removed for further histologic examination. Results. All animals were clinically normal during the observation period and there has been no histologic alteration of the nervous system and meninges. Conclusions. In our experimental model intrathecal tenoxican doses up to 10 mg have not triggered nervous tissue or meningeal injuries in dogs.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Due to the high incidence of technical and neurological complications, continuous spinal blocks were not performed for several years. With the advent of intermediate catheters the technique has been used more often and gaining acceptance among anesthesiologists. The objective of this report was to demonstrate the usefulness of the technique as a viable alternative for medium and major size surgeries. CASE REPORT: This is a 58 years old female patient, weighing 62 kg, physical status ASA I, with a history of migraines, low back pain, and prior surgeries under spinal block without intercurrence. The patient was scheduled for exploratory laparotomy for a probable pelvic tumor. After venoclysis with an 18G catheter, monitoring with cardioscope, non-invasive blood pressure and pulse oximetry was instituted; she was sedated with 2 mg of midazolam and 100 μg of fentanyl, and placed in left lateral decubitus. The patient underwent continuous spinal block through the median approach in L 3-L 4; 9 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine and 120 μ g of morphine sulfate were administered. Inspection of the abdominal cavity revealed a gastric stromal tumor that required an increase in the incision for a partial gastrectomy. A small dose of hyperbaric solution was required for the entire procedure, which was associated with complete hemodynamic stability. Postoperative admission to the ICU was not necessary; the patient presented a good evolution without complaints and with a high degree of satisfaction. She was discharged from the hospital after 72 hours without intercurrence. CONCLUSIONS: Intermediate catheters used in continuous spinal blocks have shown the potential to turn it an attractive and useful technique in medium and large size surgeries and it can even be an effective alternative in the management of critical patients to whom hemodynamic repercussions can be harmful.


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Background: Surgery is an indivisible, indispensable part of healthcare. In Africa, surgery may be thought of as the neglected stepchild of global public health. We describe our experience over a 3-year period of intensive collaboration between specialized teams from a Dutch hospital and local teams of an orthopaedic hospital in Effiduase-Koforidua, Ghana. Intervention: During 2010-2012, medical teams from our hospital were deployed to St. Joseph’s Hospital. These teams were completely self-supporting. They were encouraged to work together with the local-staff. Apart from clinical work, effort was also spent on education/ teaching operation techniques/ regional anaesthesia techniques/ scrubbing techniques/ and principles around sterility. Results: Knowledge and quality of care has improved. Nevertheless, the overall level of quality of care still lags behind compared to what we see in the Western world. This is mainly due to financial constraints; restricting the capacity to purchase good equipment, maintaining it, and providing regular education. Conclusion: The relief provided by institutions like Care-to-Move is very valuable and essential to improve the level of healthcare. The hospital has evolved to such a high level that general European teams have become redundant. Focused and dedicated teams should be the next step of support within the nearby future.


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The left ventricular response to dobutamine may be quantified using tissue Doppler measurement of myocardial velocity or displacement or 3-dimensional echocardiography to measure ventricular volume and ejection fraction. This study sought to explore the accuracy of these methods for predicting segmental and global responses to therapy. Standard dobutamine and 3-dimensional echocardiography were performed in 92 consecutive patients with abnormal left ventricular function at rest. Recovery of function was defined by comparison with follow-up echocardiography at rest 5 months later. Segments that showed improved regional function at follow-up showed a higher increment in peak tissue Doppler velocity with dobutamine therapy than in nonviable segments (1.2 +/- 0.4 vs 0.3 +/- 0.2 cm/s, p = 0.001). Similarly, patients who showed a > 5% improvement of ejection fraction at follow-up showed a greater displacement response to dobutamine (6.9 +/- 3.2 vs 2.1 +/- 2.3 mm, p = 0.001), as well as a higher rate of ejection fraction, response to dobutamine (9 +/- 3% vs 2 +/- 2%, p = 0.001). The optimal cutoff values for predicting subsequent recovery of function at rest were an increment of peak velocity > 1 cm/s, >5 mm of displacement, and a >5% improvement of ejection fraction with low-dose dobutamine. (C) 2003 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.