949 resultados para Anesthesia, Intravenous


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INTRODUCTION: Intravenous sedation is the most commonly used method of sedation for the provision of adult dental care. However, disparity exists in pre-operative fasting times in use for patients throughout the United Kingdom.

AIMS: The aims of the study were to obtain information on the effects of existing extended pre-operative fasting regimens, to canvas patient opinions on the fasting process, and to record their positive and negative experiences associated with it.

METHODS: A prospective cross-sectional descriptive study using survey methodology was conducted of adult patients attending a dental hospital for operative treatment under intravenous sedation. Sixty-four questionnaires were distributed over a four-month period, beginning 2nd October 2007.

RESULTS: The surveyed patient pool consisted of 38 females and 14 males with a mean age of 32.4 years. The response rate achieved was 81.2%. Seventy-one per cent of patients indicated that normally they consumed something for breakfast, the most common items being tea and toast. Fifty-one per cent of patients indicated that they would wish to eat the same as normal prior to their appointment and 59% wished to drink as normal. Only 19% of respondents reported that they did not wish to eat anything, with 8% preferring not to drink anything at all. Seventy-nine per cent of the patients reported that they had experienced at least one adverse symptom after fasting and 42% had experienced two or more such symptoms. In general, those patients with more experience of sedation found fasting less unpleasant than those attending for the first time (P<0.05). In addition, one-quarter of all patients indicated that the fasting process had made them feel more nervous about their sedation appointment.

CONCLUSIONS: The extended fasting regimen prior to intravenous sedation appeared to affect patients' wellbeing, as the majority reported adverse symptoms.


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Pharmacokinetics and some pharmacological effects of anaesthesia induced by a combination of detomidine, ketamine and guaiphenesin were investigated in eight ponies. Cardiopulmonary function was studied and plasma met-enkephalin, dynorphin, β-endorphin; arginine vasopressin, adrenocorticotrophin, cortisol, 11-deoxycortisol and catecholamine concentrations were measured. The combination produced slight cardiorespiratory depression, hyperglycaemia and a reduction in haematocrit. There were no changes in plasma opioids, pituitary peptides or catecholamines. Plasma cortisol concentration decreased and plasma 11-deoxycortisol increased indicating a suppression of steroidogenesis. Steady state ketamine and guaiphenesin concentrations were attained during the infusion period, and ketamine concentrations likely to provide adequate analgesia for surgical operations were achieved (more than 2.2 μg ml-1). Steady state detomidine concentration was not attained. The ponies took on average 68 minutes to recover to standing and the recovery was uneventful.


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Six Welsh gelding ponies (weight 246 ± 6 kg) were premedicated with 0.03 mg/kg of acepromazine intravenously (i.v.) followed by 0.02 mg/kg of detomidine i.v. Anaesthesia was induced with 2 mg/kg of ketamine i.v. Ponies were intubated and lay in left lateral recumbency. On one occasion anaesthesia was maintained for 2 h using 1.2% halothane in oxygen. The same group of ponies were anaesthetized 1 month later using the same induction regime and anaesthesia was maintained with a combination of detomidine, ketamine and guaiphenesin, while the ponies breathed oxygen-enriched air. Electrocardiogram, heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure, cardiac output, respiratory rate, blood gases, temperature, haematocrit, glucose, lactate and cortisol were measured and cardiac index and systemic vascular resistance were calculated in both groups. Beta-endorphin, met-enkephalin, dynorphin, arginine vasopressin (AVP), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and catecholamines were measured in the halothane anaesthesia group only and 11-deoxycortisol during total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) only. Cardiorespiratory depression was more marked during halothane anaesthesia. Hyperglycaemia developed in both groups. Lactate and AVP increased during halothane anaesthesia. Cortisol increased during halothane and decreased during TIVA. There were no changes in the other hormones during anaesthesia. Recovery was smooth in both groups. TIVA produced better cardiorespiratory performance and suppressed the endocrine stress response observed during halothane anaesthesia.


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BackgroundThis is an update of a Cochrane Review first published in The Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2008.The technique called one-lung ventilation can confine bleeding or infection to one lung, prevent rupture of a lung cyst or, more commonly, facilitate surgical exposure of the unventilated lung. During one-lung ventilation, anaesthesia is maintained either by delivering an inhalation anaesthetic to the ventilated lung or by infusing an intravenous anaesthetic. It is possible that the method chosen to maintain anaesthesia may affect patient outcomes. Inhalation anaesthetics may impair hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) and increase intrapulmonary shunt and hypoxaemia.ObjectivesThe objective of this review was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of intravenous versus inhalation anaesthesia for one-lung ventilation.Search methodsWe searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL); The Cochrane Library (2012, Issue 11); MEDLINE (1966 to November 2012); EMBASE (1980 to November 2012); Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciencias da Saude (LILACS, 1982 to November 2012) and ISI web of Science (1945 to November 2012), reference lists of identified trials and bibliographies of published reviews. We also contacted researchers in the field. No language restrictions were applied. The date of the most recent search was 19 November 2012. The original search was performed in June 2006.Selection criteriaWe included randomized controlled trials and quasi-randomized controlled trials of intravenous (e. g. propofol) versus inhalation (e. g. isoflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane) anaesthesia for one-lung ventilation in both surgical and intensive care participants. We excluded studies of participants who had only one lung (i.e. pneumonectomy or congenital absence of one lung).Data collection and analysisTwo review authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data. We contacted study authors for additional information.Main resultsWe included in this updated review 20 studies that enrolled 850 participants, all of which assessed surgical participants no studies investigated one-lung ventilation performed outside the operating theatre. No evidence indicated that the drug used to maintain anaesthesia during one-lung ventilation affected participant outcomes. The methodological quality of the included studies was difficult to assess as it was reported poorly, so the predominant classification of bias was 'unclear'.Authors' conclusionsVery little evidence from randomized controlled trials suggests differences in participant outcomes with anaesthesia maintained by intravenous versus inhalational anaesthesia during one-lung ventilation. If researchers believe that the type of drug used to maintain anaesthesia during one-lung ventilation is important, they should design randomized controlled trials with appropriate participant outcomes, rather than report temporary fluctuations in physiological variables.


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Introducción: La anestesia total intravenosa (TIVA) es ampliamente usada y reportada en la literatura como técnica para disminuir la respuesta a la laringoscopia e intubación, en la inducción y mantenimiento de una adecuada anestesia, además de una mejor estabilidad hemodinámica y recuperación pos anestésica; sin embargo no existen un gran número de estudios que comparen el uso de TIVA, determinando si existen diferencias en el perfil farmacocinético según el género del paciente. Objetivo: Describir diferencias farmacocinéticas y de los tiempos de despertar y salida a la unidad de cuidados pos anestésicos (descarga), según el género; en pacientes que reciben TIVA, con remifentanil y propofol, orientado por Stangraf. Metodología: Estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal, en pacientes llevados a cirugía bajo TIVA en el Hospital Occidente de Kennedy en el periodo de junio de 2013 a Enero de 2014.Usando SPSS versión 20 Windows, se analizaron los datos mediante pruebas Kolmogorov-Smirnov y Shapiro-Wilk y U de Mann Withney. Un valor de p menor 0.05 fue aceptado como estadísticamente significativo. Resultados: Se aplicaron pruebas de normalidad y no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre género. El tiempo de despertar fue 9.36 minutos para mujeres y 11.26 minutos para hombres. Los tiempos de descarga fueron 10.71 minutos para mujeres y 12.82 minutos para hombres. Discusión. El tiempo de despertar y descarga no es diferente entre mujeres y hombres en los pacientes analizados. Se requieren estudios adicionales entre grupos poblacionales de diversas condiciones farmacocineticas para corroborar los datos.


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Introducción: La elección de la técnica anestésica para cualquier procedimiento quirúrgico debe estar basada en su seguridad, la rapidez para su aplicación, la recuperación óptima para el paciente y minimización de los efectos secundarios, la anestesia raquídea es una técnica anestésica que puede ser utilizada con buenos resultados clínicos y minimas complicaciones . Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional con recolección prospectiva en mujeres clasificadas como ASA I - II y que posteriormente fueron llevadas a la realización de legrado uterino obstétrico por embarazo no viable durante las primeras 12 semanas de gestación, las técnicas anestésicas fueron anestesia espinal o anestesia general endovenosa dependiendo de la elección hecha por el anestesiólogo previo al procedimiento. Se midieron variables hemodinámicas, control del dolor postoperatorio, tiempo de recuperación y complicaciones perioperatorias con el fin de determinar si se presentaban diferencias significativas entre estas dos técnicas anestésicas. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 110 pacientes, 63.6% (n=70) con anestesia general y 36.4% (n40) con anestesia espinal. Ambas poblaciones fueron comparables. Se presentaron menos efectos secundarios con la técnica espinal, hay una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en cuanto al dolor a favor de la anestesia espinal (p0,000) Discusión: La anestesia raquídea es una opción viable, sencilla , fácil y eficaz para la realización de legrados obstétricos, se puede realizar con monitorización básica y las complicaciones son mínimas. Se requieren estudios más amplios para determinar el papel de cual es la mejor técnica. Palabras claves: legrado uterino instrumentado, anestesia espinal, anestesia general endovenosa


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Objective - To investigate the effects of inhalation and total IV anesthesia on pituitary-adrenal activity in ponies. Animals - 9 healthy ponies: 5 geldings and 4 mares. Procedure - Catheters were placed in the cavernous sinus below the pituitary gland and in the subarachnoid space via the lumbosacral space. After 72 hours, administration of acepromazine was followed by induction of anesthesia with thiopentone and maintenance with halothane (halothane protocol), or for the IV protocol, anesthesia induction with detomidine and ketamine was followed by maintenance with IV infusion of a detomidine-ketamine-guaifenesin combination. Arterial blood pressure and gas tensions were measured throughout anesthesia. Peptide and catecholamine concentrations were measured in pituitary effluent, peripheral plasma, and CSF. Peripheral plasma cortisol, glucose, and lactate concentrations also were measured. Results - Intravenous anesthesia caused less cardiorespiratory depression than did halothane. ACTH, metenkephalin, arginine vasopressin, and norepinephrine pituitary effluent and peripheral plasma concentrations were higher during halothane anesthesia, with little change during intravenous anesthesia. Pituitary effluent plasma β-endorphin and peripheral plasma cortisol concentrations increased during halothane anesthesia only. Dynorphin concentrations did not change in either group. Hyperglycemia developed during intravenous anesthesia only Minimal changes occurred in CSF hormonal concentrations during anesthesia. Conclusion - The pituitary gland has a major role in maintaining circulating peptides during anesthesia. Compared with halothane, IV anesthesia appeared to suppress pituitary secretion.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The hemodynamic effects of total intravenous anesthesia with propofol or propofol in combination with lidocaine were investigated in 12 dogs. In the P group (n=6), the dogs received a loading dose (LD) of 6mg kg-1 of propofol followed by a constant rate infusion (CRI) of 1.25mg kg-1 min-1. In the PL group (n=6), dogs received a LD of 6mg kg-1 of propofol and 1.5mg kg-1 of lidocaine followed by CRIs of 1.0mg kg-1 min-1 and 0.25mg kg-1 min-1 of propofol and lidocaine, respectively. The animals were instrumented for measurement of hemodynamic variables and bispectral index (BIS), recorded at 75, 90, 105 and 120 minutes during anesthesia. Cardiac index, stroke index, systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressures were lower in the P group compared to the PL group (P<0.05). There were no significant differences between groups in heart rate, systemic vascular resistance index and BIS. Plasma concentrations of propofol were lower in group PL than in group P (medians of 5.7 to 6.1mg mL-1 in the P group versus 3.1 to 3.7mg mL-1 in the PL group). Measured lidocaine plasma concentrations (medians of 2.27 to 2.51mg mL-1) were in the range that result in analgesia and were below values that result in toxicity in dogs. The BIS values observed in the two groups of dogs were compatible with deep anesthesia (mean values of 43-46 and 45-49 in groups P and PL, respectively). Maintenance of deep anesthesia with lidocaine-propofol causes less cardiovascular depression than equipotent doses of propofol alone.


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Twenty-four bitches which had been in labour for less than 12 hours were randomly divided into four groups of six. They all received 0(.)5 mg/kg of chlorpromazine intravenously as premedication, followed 15 minutes later by either 8 mg/kg of thiopentone intravenously (group 1), 2 mg/kg of ketamine and 0-5 mg/kg of midazolam intravenously (group 2), 5 mg/kg of propofol intravenously (group 3), or 2(.)5 mg/kg of 2 per cent lidocaine with adrenaline and 0(.)625 mg/kg of 0(.)5 per cent bupivacaine with adrenaline epidurally (group 4). Except for group 4, the bitches were intubated and anaesthesia was maintained with enflurane. The puppies' heart and respiratory rates and their pain, sucking, anogenital, magnum and flexion reflexes were measured as they were removed from the uterus. The puppies' respiratory rate was higher after epidural anaesthesia. in general the puppies' neurological reflexes were most depressed after midazolam/ketamine, followed by thiopentone, propofol and epidural anaesthesia.


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BACKGROUND: General anesthesia in adult humans is associated with narrowing or complete closure of the pharyngeal airway. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of progressive mandibular advancement on pharyngeal airway size in normal adults during intravenous infusion of propofol for anesthesia. METHODS: Magnetic resonance imaging was performed in nine normal adults during wakefulness and during propofol anesthesia. A commercially available intraoral appliance was used to manually advance the mandible. Images were obtained during wakefulness without the appliance and during anesthesia with the participants wearing the appliance under three conditions: without mandibular advancement, advancement to 50% maximum voluntary advancement, and maximum advancement. Using computer software, airway area and maximum anteroposterior and lateral airway diameters were measured on the axial images at the level of the soft palate, uvula, tip of the epiglottis, and base of the epiglottis. RESULTS: Airway area across all four airway levels decreased during anesthesia without mandibular advancement compared with airway area during wakefulness (P < 0.007). Across all levels, airway area at 50% advancement during anesthesia was less than that at centric occlusion during wakefulness (P = 0.06), but airway area with maximum advancement during anesthesia was similar to that during wakefulness (P = 0.64). In general, anteroposterior and lateral airway diameters during anesthesia without mandibular advancement were decreased compared with wakefulness and were restored to their wakefulness values with 50% and/or maximal advancement. CONCLUSIONS: Maximum mandibular advancement during propofol anesthesia is required to restore the pharyngeal airway to its size during wakefulness in normal adults.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)