3 resultados para Anellament


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En aquest treball s'exposen els resultats obtinguts en la campanya 1994 d'anellament d'ocells inclosa dins del projecte italià Piccole Isole. Es demostra que el factor meteorològic afecta directament la fenologia migratòria de diferents espècies d'ocells. Es pretén també estudiar la influència dels diferents hàbitats en el nombre i en la diversitat de captures. Es recullen també en aquest treball les principals espècies visualitzades durant la campanya, com també l'elevat nombre de controls estrangers recuperats. Dintre de les captures i l'anellament posterior, destaca sobretot la d'un becadell gros (Gallinago media) fets per primera vegada a la peninsula Ibèrica


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The diet of Common Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita wintering in a Mediterranean wetland (El Hondo Natural Park, SE Spain) was studied by analysing the gizzard content of 17 individuals that died accidentally when trapped for ringing. Prey availability was assessed via water-trap sampling over two winters. The bulk of the diet was composed of midges (Chironomidae), which were found in all the gizzards and represented approximately 95% of the prey. Brachycera flies were one of the most captured taxa in the water-traps but represented less than 0.5% of the total number of prey consumed. Compositional analysis revealed very strong prey selection, with Chiffchaffs selecting clumped and less mobile prey, such as chironomids, and avoiding abundant but fast-escaping prey, such as Brachycera.