989 resultados para Anatomical structure


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The anterior superior alveolar nerve (ASAN) is a branch of the infraorbital nerve. Only few studies have morphometrically evaluated the course of the ASAN. Midfacial segments of ten hemisectioned fresh adult cadaver heads were dissected to uncover the anterior wall of the maxilla. Specimens were subsequently decalcified and the bone overlying the ASAN was removed under a microscope to expose the ASAN. Its branching pattern from the infraorbital nerve was recorded, and the course of the ASAN within the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus was morphometrically assessed measuring distances to predefined landmarks using a digital caliper. A distinct ASAN was observed in all specimens. It arose lateral (six cases) or inferior (four cases) from the infraorbital nerve. The point of origin was located at a mean distance of 12.2 ± 5.79 mm posterior to the infraorbital foramen. The ASAN was located on average 2.8 ± 5.13 mm lateral to the infraorbital foramen. After coursing medially, the ASAN ran inferior to the foramen at a mean distance of 5.5 ± 3.07 mm. When approaching the nasal aperture, the loop of the ASAN was on average 13.6 ± 3.07 mm above the nasal floor. The horizontal mean distance from the ASAN to the nasal aperture was 4.3 ± 2.74 mm halfway down from the loop, and 3.3 ± 2.60 mm at the floor of the nose, respectively. In conclusion, the present study evaluated the course of the ASAN relative to the infraorbital foramen and nasal aperture. This information is helpful to avoid damage to this anatomical structure during interventions in the infraobrital region of the maxilla. Further, knowledge of the course of the ASAN and of its bony correlate (canalis sinuosus) may be valuable in interpreting anesthetic or radiologic findings in the anterior maxilla.


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Ce mémoire porte sur les propriétés fonctionnelles du plancher pelvien à la suite de traitements pour un cancer de l’endomètre. Chez les femmes, le cancer de l’endomètre est le cancer gynécologique ayant la plus forte prévalence. Les traitements oncologiques de ce cancer ont des conséquences néfastes sur la continence urinaire et il est possible que des altérations aux muscles du plancher pelvien à la suite de ces traitements puissent expliquer en partie cette problématique. Ce mémoire est composé de deux études principales. La première étude porte sur la recension des écrits liés aux impacts de la radiothérapie sur la structure anatomique et la fonction musculaire du plancher pelvien chez des adultes atteints d’un cancer pelvien. La deuxième étude compare les propriétés fonctionnelles du plancher pelvien de femmes avec incontinence urinaire à la suite d’un cancer de l’endomètre traité par chirurgie et une radiothérapie adjuvante (groupe à l’étude), à celles de femmes avec hystérectomie sans incontinence (groupe témoin). Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence une diminution de l’ouverture maximale à l’entrée vaginale, de la longueur vaginale, de la force maximale volontaire du plancher pelvien, du taux de développement de la force dans un test de force maximale et de la coordination lors d’un test de contractions rapides. Ainsi, les deux études de ce mémoire apportent de nouvelles évidences sur les altérations des propriétés fonctionnelles du plancher pelvien à la suite de traitements pour un cancer génital.


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In visual search one tries to find the currently relevant item among other, irrelevant items. In the present study, visual search performance for complex objects (characters, faces, computer icons and words) was investigated, and the contribution of different stimulus properties, such as luminance contrast between characters and background, set size, stimulus size, colour contrast, spatial frequency, and stimulus layout were investigated. Subjects were required to search for a target object among distracter objects in two-dimensional stimulus arrays. The outcome measure was threshold search time, that is, the presentation duration of the stimulus array required by the subject to find the target with a certain probability. It reflects the time used for visual processing separated from the time used for decision making and manual reactions. The duration of stimulus presentation was controlled by an adaptive staircase method. The number and duration of eye fixations, saccade amplitude, and perceptual span, i.e., the number of items that can be processed during a single fixation, were measured. It was found that search performance was correlated with the number of fixations needed to find the target. Search time and the number of fixations increased with increasing stimulus set size. On the other hand, several complex objects could be processed during a single fixation, i.e., within the perceptual span. Search time and the number of fixations depended on object type as well as luminance contrast. The size of the perceptual span was smaller for more complex objects, and decreased with decreasing luminance contrast within object type, especially for very low contrasts. In addition, the size and shape of perceptual span explained the changes in search performance for different stimulus layouts in word search. Perceptual span was scale invariant for a 16-fold range of stimulus sizes, i.e., the number of items processed during a single fixation was independent of retinal stimulus size or viewing distance. It is suggested that saccadic visual search consists of both serial (eye movements) and parallel (processing within perceptual span) components, and that the size of the perceptual span may explain the effectiveness of saccadic search in different stimulus conditions. Further, low-level visual factors, such as the anatomical structure of the retina, peripheral stimulus visibility and resolution requirements for the identification of different object types are proposed to constrain the size of the perceptual span, and thus, limit visual search performance. Similar methods were used in a clinical study to characterise the visual search performance and eye movements of neurological patients with chronic solvent-induced encephalopathy (CSE). In addition, the data about the effects of different stimulus properties on visual search in normal subjects were presented as simple practical guidelines, so that the limits of human visual perception could be taken into account in the design of user interfaces.


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Representatives from the family of Lemnaceae (duckweed) make ideal experimental material for research into a succession of phytophysiological processes with regard to growth rate and vegetative reproduction. They are also easy to maintain in sterile cultures. Lemnaceae belong to the higher flowering plants (flowers are rarely produced), however they are distinguished by a much simplified morphological and anatomical structure. As water plants they possess the advantage, that they can be cultivated in synthetic media under laboratory conditions controlled by the application of both a known light intensity and temperature. This paper describes experimental research of growth of Lemnaceae in different conditions. Some of the variables were mineral media, illumination and aeration.


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A Mata Atlântica figura entre os biomas com o maior índice de biodiversidade, mais ameaçados e menos conhecidos cientificamente do planeta. Nesse bioma, a família Rubiaceae se destaca como a quarta mais importante em número de espécies e indivíduos. Com o objetivo de aumentar o conhecimento relativo ao bioma e à família em questão, este trabalho propõe o estudo de Coccocypselum lanceolatum (Ruiz & Pavon) Persoon, uma espécie de hábito herbáceo frequente em diferentes fitofisionomias de Mata Atlântica no estado do Rio de Janeiro. O trabalho visa comparar a estrutura morfo-anatômica da espécie crescendo em Floresta Ombrófila Densa submontana, em região insular e Floresta Ombrófila Densa montana, em região continental. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em dois remanescentes de Mata Atlântica no estado do Rio de Janeiro: Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande, no município de Angra dos Reis e Parque Ambiental Luiz Simões Lopes, município de Nova Friburgo. Foi feita a avaliação dos seguintes parâmetros ambientais: pluviosidade, temperatura, radiação solar e características do solo. Para a análise morfológica foliar, foram coletadas 25 folhas completamente expandidas, provenientes do 3 ou 4 nós, observando-se a mesma estação climática, entre os meses de maio e junho de 2010 (outono) nos dois sítios de estudo. Para o estudo anatômico foram selecionadas 10 folhas completamente expandidas, provenientes do 3 ou 4 nós, as quais foram fragmentadas nos níveis do pecíolo e terço-médio. Os parâmetros utilizados para a comparação dos materiais provenientes dos diferentes sítios consistiram na espessura total da lâmina foliar, na espessura do mesofilo (m), na espessura dos parênquimas (m), paliçádico e lacunoso, na espessura das epidermes (m) nas faces adaxiais e abaxiais, e nas densidades (mm2) de estômatos e de tricomas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a espécie apresenta variação intraespecífica, relacionada aos diferentes parâmetros ambientais avaliados em função da origem. Desta forma, foram encontradas diferenças na composição química e física e consequentemente no pH dos solos; a presença de antocianinas em órgãos diferentes das flores e dos frutos no material de Nova Friburgo; diferenças morfológicas e anatômicas relativas às diferenças nos índices pluviométricos, composição do solo e radiação solar


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作者回顾了秋海棠属植物的发现、命名和引种栽培历史,概述了对该属的分类、形态、解剖、染色体研究取得的进展.结合查阅文献、标本和野外考察、栽培、实验观察,论述了秋海棠科的形态特征、秋海棠属中国种的分组、分布和生态习性、生物学特性、栽培繁殖技术和组织培养技术.强调了保护秋海棠属濒危物种的紧迫性,本论文描述了作者亲自采集或引种栽培的33种2亚种、57号中国原产秋海棠属植物的形态和解剖学特征,分析了结构与功能的关系和不同特征对分类与鉴定的价值,提出了中国产秋海棠属6个组和秋海棠科3个属的演化趋势及相应的形态与解剖学证据,就秋海棠科在分类系统中的位置进行了讨论.本文的主要观察结果和论点如下: 1.首次报道本属成熟根的结构:四原型或五原型,木质部由厚壁细胞和放射状排列的导管组成. 2.茎中维管束环状排列,维管束之间有较宽的束间区.直立茎和花序梗的束间形成层向内产生硬化和木化的薄壁组织,将维管束连成封闭的环,但在直立茎和花序梗的节附近以及根状茎中维管束和束间区硬化程度弱,不形成硬化的封闭环.硬化封闭环是和茎的机械支持功能相联系的,节附近硬化程度弱则为离层的形成做准备,有的种除了轴维管束之外还有髓维管束. 3.茎、叶柄和中脉维管束的数目和分布在不同部位可有或大或小的变化,但对种的鉴定仍有一定价值,重要的是要注意选取具有可比性的相同部位.木质部和韧皮部的比例有时也表现出明显的种间差异. 4.叶片气孔只见于下表面,首次发现内环为4个副卫细胞的螺旋型气孔(已有报道的有不等细胞型和内环为3个副卫细胞的螺旋型).在茎、叶柄和托叶背面气孔生于看上去类似皮孔而实际上由初生组织构成的特殊通气结构上.在本属植物叶片上表面的突出体和子房翅有排水器存在. 5.对各器官特别是叶片表面的毛状体、突出体进行了肉眼、放大镜和显微镜观察,描述了它们的形态和组织学特征,比较了一些种间毛状体组型的区别及鉴定价值. 6.植物体内含有草酸和草酸钙晶体,晶体以棱晶、沙晶和晶簇的形式存在于秋海棠属植物的大部分器官和组织中,在几个细胞相邻处聚集的球形晶簇只见于Sect.Coelocentrum和Sect.Diploclinium,可能表明二者有较密切的关系. 7.根据对子房的解剖研究并结合营养器官特征,认为原来划归Sect.Reichenheimia的B.wangii实际属于Sect. Diploclinium,确认原来没有子房形态描述的B. peltatifolia属于Sect.Diploclinium,B.villifolia属于Sect. Platycentrum。 8.首次较详细描述了花柱和子房中引导组织的分布和形状变化情况。 9.通过对子房结构和其中维管束数目与分布的观察,认为Sect. Platycentrum的2室子房由3个心皮组成,它可能是由3室子房进化而来的. 10.推测中国原产的本属各组的演化趋势如下: (Sect. Mezierea ) →Scct. Sphenanthera → Sect. Begonia → Sect. Reichenheimia ↘Sect. Coelocentrum →Sect. Diploclinium↘ Sect. Platycentrum 11.推测秋海棠科内的演化趋势可能是:Hillebrandia→Begonia→Symbegonia. 12.秋海棠科叶片具单生气孔的种多数只有单表皮,叶片具气孔组的种多数有复表皮.单生气孔和单表皮是较原始的性状,气孔组和复表皮是衍生性状.在10.所列的各组和11.所列的Hillebrandia中,这些性状的发生是和主要依据子房特征而提出的演化趋势基本一致的. 13.中国种的花粉和种子形态变化幅度较小,组间差异不明显.花粉和种子形态表明中国种总的进化程度在秋海棠属中偏低,但没有非洲种所显示的极端情形. 14.证实文献报道的种子萌发时种盖掀起、颈细胞沿胞间层裂开,这是减少种皮对萌发种胚阻力的高度适应机制. 15.作者赞同秋海棠科比四数木科进化程度高、两个科关系最为接近的看法,认为Melchior (1964)修订的Engler系统和Takhtajan(1987)的分类系统对秋海棠科位置的安排可能更接近于反映秋海棠科和其他科之间的系统关系.


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During the stay of the vessel "Ob" (Soviet Antarctic Expedition) at Colombo, May, 1957, the author received from Dr. C. H. Fernando some specimens of different species of fishes from Ceylon, preserved in formalin, as a present for the Zoological Institute (Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) New species of Monogenoidea have been found when examining the gills of the fishes received and the present paper deals with their description. The material was preserved in strong formalin which highly condensed the tissues of the parasites. Therefore the details of the anatomical structure in most of the specimens could not be recognized even by means of phase-contrasting equipment. So the description is confined almost exclusively to the chitinoid armature of the haptor and copulatory organ. The terms and the measurements used in this paper are the same as those used previously (Gussev, 1955).


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For goldfish (Carassius auratus), there are many varieties with different eye phenotypes due to artificial selection and adaptive evolution. Dragon eye is a variant eye characterized by a large-size eyeball protruding out of the socket similar to the eye of dragon in Chinese legends. In this study, anatomical structure of the goldfish dragon eye was compared with that of the common eye, and a stretching of the retina was observed in the enlarged dragon eye. Moreover, the homeobox-containing transcription factor Six3 cDNAs were cloned from the two types of goldfish, and the expression patterns were analyzed in both normal eye and dragon eye goldfish. No amino acid sequence differences were observed between the two deduced peptides, and the expression pattern of Six3 protein in dragon eye is quite similar to common eye during embryogenesis, but from 2 days after hatching, ectopic Six3 expression began to occur in the dragon eye, especially in the outer nuclear layer cells. With eye development, more predominant Six3 distribution was detected in the outer nuclear layer cells of dragon eye than that of normal eye, and fewer cell-layers in outer nuclear layer were observed in dragon eye retina than in normal eye retina. The highlight of this study is that higher Six3 expression occurs in dragon eye goldfish than in normal eye goldfish during retinal development of larvae. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Nursing and midwifery students often struggle to engage with bioscience modules because they lack confidence in their ability to study science (Fell et al., 2012). Consequently many have difficulty applying anatomical and physiological information, essential to providing safe and effective patient care (Rogers, 2014; Rogers and Sterling, 2012); therefore a need exists for nurse educators to explore different methods of delivery of these important topics to enhance current curricula (Johnston, 2010). Inspired by the reported success of creative methods to enhance the teaching and learning of anatomy in medical education (Noel, 2013; Finn and McLachlan, 2010), this pilot study engaged nursing students in anatomy through the art of felt. The project was underpinned by the principles of good practice in undergraduate education, staff-student engagement, cooperation among students, active learning, prompt feedback, time on task, high expectations and respect for diverse learning styles (Chickering and Gamson, 1987).

Undergraduate student nurses from Queen’s University, Belfast, enrolled in the year one ‘Health and Wellbeing’ model were invited to participate in the project. Over a six week period the student volunteers worked in partnership with teaching staff to construct individual, unique, three dimensional felt models of the upper body. Students researched the agreed topic for each week in terms of anatomical structure, location, tissue composition and vascular access. Creativity was encouraged in relation to the colour and texture of materials used. The evaluation of the project was based on the four level model detailed by Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick (2006) and included both quantitative and qualitative analysis:• pre and post knowledge scores• self-rated confidence• student reflections on the application of learning to practice.

At the end of the project students had created felt pieces reflective of their learning throughout the project and ‘memorable’ three dimensional mental maps of the human anatomy. Evaluation revealed not only acquisition of anatomical knowledge, but the wider benefits of actively engaging in creative learning with other students and faculty teaching staff.

The project has enabled nurse educators to assess the impact of innovative methods for delivery of these important topics.


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The pentrophic membrane (PM) is an anatomical structure surrounding the food bolus in most insects. Rejecting the idea that PM has evolved from coating mucus to play the same protective role as it, novel functions were proposed and experimentally tested. The theoretical principles underlying the digestive enzyme recycling mechanism were described and used to develop an algorithm to calculate enzyme distributions along the midgut and to infer secretory and absorptive sites. The activity of a Spodoptera frugiperda microvillar aminopeptidase decreases by 50% if placed in the presence of midgut contents. S. frugiperda trypsin preparations placed into dialysis bags in stirred and unstirred media have activities of 210 and 160%, respectively, over the activities of samples in a test tube. The ectoperitrophic fluid (EF) present in the midgut caeca of Rhynchosciara americana may be collected. If the enzymes restricted to this fluid are assayed in the presence of PM contents (PMC) their activities decrease by at least 58%. The lack of PM caused by calcofluor feeding impairs growth due to an increase in the metabolic cost associated with the conversion of food into body mass. This probably results from an increase in digestive enzyme excretion and useless homeostatic attempt to reestablish destroyed midgut gradients. The experimental models support the view that PM enhances digestive efficiency by: (a) prevention of non-specific binding of undigested material onto cell Surface; (b) prevention of excretion by allowing enzyme recycling powered by an ectoperitrophic counterflux of fluid; (c) removal from inside PM of the oligomeric molecules that may inhibit the enzymes involved in initial digestion; (d) restriction of oligomer hydrolases to ectoperitrophic space (ECS) to avoid probable partial inhibition by non-dispersed undigested food. Finally,PM functions are discussed regarding insects feeding on any diet. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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X-rays were initially used for the inspection of special-purpose wood pieces for quantitative evaluation properties of different species. X-ray densitometry has had its use expanded ill dendroclimatology of Picea engelmannii trees. Subsequent laboratories developed applications of X-ray densitometry for environmental, wood science and technology, and related areas. This paper describes the basic methodology of X-ray densitometry applied to the eucalypt wood analysis, as well its presenting the results of applications in three areas: (i) evaluation of wood biodegradation by white rot fungi, (ii) detection of sapwood and heartwood, and (iii) determination of the effect of management oil wood properties. The wood decayed by white rot fungi was detected by X-ray densitometry with it decreasing wood density due to the biodegradation of cell wall components. The sapwood and heartwood of eucalypts were separated in response to the attenuation of X-rays, reflected by the wood anatomical structure and chemical composition. Also, Ill eucalypt trees after the application of irrigation and i characteristic wood density profiles were detected. Ill addition, the significant potential of X-ray densitometry for eucalypt wood research and analysis is discussed.