958 resultados para Anarchists Against the Wall


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The crisis in the eurozone has had a dramatic impact on the economic and social fabric of European countries. However important it may be, the economic dimension is only the symptom of a broader problem. The crisis is primarily political in nature. Lorenzo Bini Smaghi argues in this book that the crisis reflects the inability of western democracies to solve problems that have been building for over two decades. He finds that democratically elected officials are loathe to take unpopular decisions that could jeopardise their re-election. Emergency thus becomes the engine of political action, and the justification for corrective measures vis-à-vis the voters. As a consequence, the cure in the form of austerity, administered belatedly and under pressure from the markets, becomes even more painful and unpopular, giving rise to populist movements and endangering democracy itself.


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On 26 December 2003 an Israeli activist was shot by the Israeli Army while he was participating in a demonstration organized by Anarchists Against the Wall (AAtW) in the West Bank. This was the first time Israeli Soldiers have deliberately shot live bullets at a Jewish-Israeli activist. This paper is an attempt to understand the set of conditions, the enveloping frameworks, and the new discourses that have made this event, and similar shootings that soon followed, possible. Situating the actions of AAtW within a much wider context of securitization—of identities, movements, and bodies—we examine strategies of resistance which are deployed in highly securitized public spaces. We claim that an unexpected matrix of identity in which abnormality is configured as security threat render the bodies of activists especially precarious. The paper thus provides an account of the new rationales of security technologies and tactics which increasingly govern public spaces.


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Using low cost portable devices that enable a single analytical step for screening environmental contaminants is today a demanding issue. This concept is here tried out by recycling screen-printed electrodes that were to be disposed of and by choosing as sensory element a low cost material offering specific response for an environmental contaminant. Microcystins (MCs) were used as target analyte, for being dangerous toxins produced by cyanobacteria released into water bodies. The sensory element was a plastic antibody designed by surface imprinting with carefully selected monomers to ensure a specific response. These were designed on the wall of carbon nanotubes, taking advantage of their exceptional electrical properties. The stereochemical ability of the sensory material to detect MCs was checked by preparing blank materials where the imprinting stage was made without the template molecule. The novel sensory material for MCs was introduced in a polymeric matrix and evaluated against potentiometric measurements. Nernstian response was observed from 7.24 × 10−10 to 1.28 × 10−9 M in buffer solution (10 mM HEPES, 150 mM NaCl, pH 6.6), with average slopes of −62 mVdecade−1 and detection capabilities below 1 nM. The blank materials were unable to provide a linear response against log(concentration), showing only a slight potential change towards more positive potentials with increasing concentrations (while that ofthe plastic antibodies moved to more negative values), with a maximum rate of +33 mVdecade−1. The sensors presented good selectivity towards sulphate, iron and ammonium ions, and also chloroform and tetrachloroethylene (TCE) and fast response (<20 s). This concept was successfully tested on the analysis of spiked environmental water samples. The sensors were further applied onto recycled chips, comprehending one site for the reference electrode and two sites for different selective membranes, in a biparametric approach for “in situ” analysis.


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Adaptation of vascular networks to functional demands needs vessel growth, vessel regression and vascular remodelling. Biomechanical forces resulting from blood flow play a key role in these processes. It is well-known that metabolic stimuli, mechanical forces and flow patterns can affect gene expression and remodelling of vascular networks in different ways. For instance, in the sprouting type of angiogenesis related to hypoxia, there is no blood flow in the rising capillary sprout. In contrast, it has been shown that an increase of wall shear stress initiates the splitting type of angiogenesis in skeletal muscle. Otherwise, during development, both sprouting and intussusception act in parallel in building the vascular network, although with differences in spatiotemporal distribution. Thereby, in addition to regulatory molecules, flow dynamics support the patterning and remodelling of the rising vascular tree. Herewith, we present an overview of angiogenic processes with respect to intussusceptive angiogenesis as related to local haemodynamics.


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During multiple sclerosis or its animal model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, circulating immune cells enter the central nervous system (CNS) causing neuroinflammation. Extravasation from the blood circulation across the vessel wall occurs through a multistep process regulated by adhesion and signal transducing molecules on the immune cells and on the endothelium. Since the CNS is shielded by the highly specialized blood-brain barrier (BBB), immune cell extravasation into the CNS requires breaching this particularly tight endothelial border. Consequently, travelling into the CNS demands unique adaptations which account for the extreme tightness of the BBB. Modern imaging tools have shown that after arresting on BBB endothelium, in vivo or in vitro encephalitogenic effector/memory T cells crawl for long distances, possibly exceeding 150 µm along the surface of the BBB endothelium before rapidly crossing the BBB. Interestingly, in addition to the distance of crawling, the preferred direction of crawling against the flow is unique for T cell crawling on the luminal surface of CNS microvessels. In this review, we will summarize the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the unique T cell behavior that is obviously required for finding a site permissive for diapedesis across the unique vascular bed of the BBB.


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This paper turns Snow-White's magic mirror onto recent economics Nobel Prize winners, top economists and happiness researchers, and through the eyes of the 'man in the street' seeks to determine who the happiest academic is. The study not only provides a clear answer to this question but also unveils who is the ladies' man and who is the sweetheart of the aged. It also explores the extent to which information matters and whether individuals' self-reported happiness affects their perceptions about the happiness of these superstars in economics.


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The purpose of this article is to highlight the conflict in the policy objectives of subs 46(1) and subs 46(1AA) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) (TPA). The policy objective of subs 46(1) is to promote competition and efficient markets for the benefit of consumers (consumer welfare standard). It does not prohibit corporations with substantial market power using cost savings arising from efficiencies such economies of scale or scope, to undercut small business competitors The policy objective of 46(1AA), on the other hand, is to protect small business operators from price discounting by their larger competitors.. Unlike subs 46(1), it does not contain a ‘taking advantage’ element. It is argued that subs 46(1AA) may harm consumer welfare by having a chilling effect on price competition if this would harm small business competitors.


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This contribution proposes the effect of the studio practice compiling vocals from many takes on the performance of vocalists.


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This paper contributes to the recent debate about the role of referees in the home advantage phenomenon. Specifically, it aims to provide a convincing answer to the newly posed question of the existence of individual differences among referees in terms of the home advantage (Boyko, Boyko, & Boyko, 2007; Johnston, 2008). Using multilevel modelling on a large and representative dataset we find that (1) the home advantage effect differs significantly among referees, and (2) this relationship is moderated by the size of the crowd. These new results suggest that a part of the home advantage is due to the effect of the crowd on the referees, and that some referees are more prone to be influenced by the crowd than others. This provides strong evidence to indicate that referees are a significant contributing factor to the home advantage. The implications of these findings are discussed both in terms of the relevant social psychological research, and with respect to the selection, assessment, and training of referees.


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