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Mass balance between metal and electrolytic solution, separated by a moving interface, in stable pit growth results in a set of governing equations which are solved for concentration field and interface position (pit boundary evolution). The interface experiences a jump discontinuity in metal concentration. The extended finite-element model (XFEM) handles this jump discontinuity by using discontinuous-derivative enrichment formulation, eliminating the requirement of using front conforming mesh and re-meshing after each time step as in the conventional finite-element method. However, prior interface location is required so as to solve the governing equations for concentration field for which a numerical technique, the level set method, is used for tracking the interface explicitly and updating it over time. The level set method is chosen as it is independent of shape and location of the interface. Thus, a combined XFEM and level set method is developed in this paper. Numerical analysis for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 304 is presented. The above proposed model is validated by comparing the numerical results with experimental results, exact solutions and some other approximate solutions. An empirical model for pitting potential is also derived based on the finite-element results. Studies show that pitting profile depends on factors such as ion concentration, solution pH and temperature to a large extent. Studying the individual and combined effects of these factors on pitting potential is worth knowing, as pitting potential directly influences corrosion rate.


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Preliminary results show microradiography and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to be more accurate methods of accessing growth layer groups (GLGs) in the teeth of Tursiops truncatus than transmitted light microscopy. Microradiography shows the rhythmic deposition of mineral as alternating radiopaque and radiolucent layers. It improves the resolution of GLGs near the pulp cavity in older individuals, better than either SEM or light microscopy. SEM of etched sections show GLGs as ridges and grooves which are easily counted from the micrograph. SEM also shows GLGs to be composed of fine incremental layers of uniform size and number which may allow for more precise age determination. Accessory layers are usually hypomineralized layers within the hypermineralized layer of the GLG and are more readily distinguishable as such in SEM of etched sections and microradiographs than in thin sections viewed under transmitted light. The neonatal line is hypomineralized, appearing translucent under transmitted light, radiolucent in a microradiograph, and as a ridge in SEM. (PDF contains 6 pages.)


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Body size and development time are important life history traits because they are often highly correlated with fitness. Although the developmental mechanisms that control growth have been well studied, the mechanisms that control how a species-characteristic body size is achieved remain poorly understood. In insects adult body size is determined by the number of larval molts, the size increment at each molt, and the mechanism that determines during which instar larval growth will stop. Adult insects do not grow, so the size at which a larva stops growing determines adult body size. Here we develop a quantitative understanding of the kinetics of growth throughout larval life of Manduca sexta, under different conditions of nutrition and temperature, and for genetic strains with different adult body sizes. We show that the generally accepted view that the size increment at each molt is constant (Dyar's Rule) is systematically violated: there is actually a progressive increase in the size increment from instar to instar that is independent of temperature. In addition, the mass-specific growth rate declines throughout the growth phase in a temperature-dependent manner. We show that growth within an instar follows a truncated Gompertz trajectory. The critical weight, which determines when in an instar a molt will occur, and the threshold size, which determines which instar is the last, are different in genetic strains with different adult body sizes. Under nutrient and temperature stress Manduca has a variable number of larval instars and we show that this is due to the fact that more molts at smaller increments are taken before threshold size is reached. We test whether the new insight into the kinetics of growth and size determination are sufficient to explain body size and development time through a mathematical model that incorporates our quantitative findings.


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Immunoaffinity chromatography (IAC) and affinity chromatography (AC:) are widely used for extraction of drugs from biological samples. Fifteen column types were purchased from five different manufacturers and;their ability to bind specific drugs including beta-agonists and anabolic steroids over a range of analyte concentrations in fortified bovine urine samples was assessed. The performance data obtained from these columns were compared with columns produced in this laboratory (in house columns). The in house columns gave the highest recoveries, ranging from 92 to 100% at the 1 ng spiking concentration, for five of the seven analytes assessed. Forty percent (11 of 27) of all the commercial column assessments recorded recoveries of less than 50% even when the lowest spiking concentration was applied (1 ng). For one manufacturer, only one of seven different columns purchased delivered extraction efficiencies greater than 50%. The extraction efficiencies of the clenbuterol columns were the highest with all commercially prepared columns showing at least 50% binding of radiolabelled tracer. Recoveries of alpha-nortestosterone were the lowest. The variability of these products with respect to quality control requires constant monitoring.


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Data from six studies with male broilers fed diets covering a wide range of energy and protein were used in the current two analyses. In the first analysis, five models, specifically re-parameterized for analysing energy balance data, were evaluated for their ability to determine metabolizable energy intake at maintenance and efficiency of utilization of metabolizable energy intake for producing gain. In addition to the straight line, two types of functional form were used. They were forms describing (i) diminishing returns behaviour (monomolecular and rectangular hyperbola) and (ii) sigmoidal behaviour with a fixed point of inflection (Gompertz and logistic). These models determined metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance to be in the range 437-573 kJ/kg of body weight/day depending on the model. The values determined for average net energy requirement for body weight gain varied from 7(.)9 to 11(.)2 kJ/g of body weight. These values show good agreement with previous studies. In the second analysis, three types of function were assessed as candidates for describing the relationship between body weight and cumulative metabolizable energy intake. The functions used were: (a) monomolecular (diminishing returns behaviour), (b) Gompertz (smooth sigmoidal behaviour with a fixed point of inflection) and (c) Lopez, France and Richards (diminishing returns and sigmoidal behaviour with a variable point of inflection). The results of this analysis demonstrated that equations capable of mimicking the law of diminishing returns describe accurately the relationship between body weight and cumulative metabolizable energy intake in broilers.


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Rocket is a leafy brassicaceous salad crop that encompasses two major genera (Diplotaxis and Eruca) and many different cultivars. Rocket is a rich source of antioxidants and glucosinolates, many of which are produced as secondary products by the plant in response to stress. In this paper we examined the impact of temperature and light stress on several different cultivars of wild and salad rocket. Growth habit of the plants varied in response to stress and with different genotypes, reflecting the wide geographical distribution of the plant and the different environments to which the genera have naturally adapted. Preharvest environmental stress and genotype also had an impact on how well the cultivar was able to resist postharvest senescence, indicating that breeding or selection of senescence-resistant genotypes will be possible in the future. The abundance of key phytonutrients such as carotenoids and glucosinolates are also under genetic control. As genetic resources improve for rocket it will therefore be possible to develop a molecular breeding programme specifically targeted at improving stress resistance and nutritional levels of plant secondary products. Concomitantly, it has been shown in this paper that controlled levels of abiotic stress can potentially improve the levels of chlorophyll, carotenoids and antioxidant activity in this leafy vegetable.


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To detect and monitor long-term ecosystem responses to environmental variability, managers must utilize reliable and quantitative techniques to predict future ecosystem responses. Canine teeth from 67 male Australian fur seals (aged 2-19 yr), collected at Seal Rocks, between 1967 and 1976, were measured for relative growth within the dentine growth layer groups (GLGs), as an index of body growth. Fluctuations in relative growth were apparent during 1956-1971, suggesting interannual variation in prey resources within Bass Strait. These were positively correlated with the Southern Oscillation Index and negatively with the Indian Ocean Subtropical Dipole, both on a 2 yr lag. The observed delay may reflect the time required for the nutrient cascade to filter through to the predominantly benthic prey of Australian fur seals. Stable isotope analysis (?15N/?13C) was also used to investigate whether fluctuations in growth were associated with differences in diet. Relative growth was found to be negatively correlated with ?15N, suggesting years of greater resource availability may be associated with individuals consuming proportionally more prey biomass of lower isotopic value. This study demonstrates that fluctuations in the dentine GLGs of male Australian fur seals are related to environmental parameters, suggesting variation in body growth is mediated by changes in prey resources


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Growth curves models provide a visual assessment of growth as a function of time, and prediction body weight at a specific age. This study aimed at estimating tinamous growth curve using different models, and at verifying their goodness of fit. A total number 11,639 weight records from 411 birds, being 6,671 from females and 3,095 from males, was analyzed. The highest estimates of a parameter were obtained using Brody (BD), von Bertalanffy (VB), Gompertz (GP,) and Logistic function (LG). Adult females were 5.7% heavier than males. The highest estimates of b parameter were obtained in the LG, GP, BID, and VB models. The estimated k parameter values in decreasing order were obtained in LG, GP, VB, and BID models. The correlation between the parameters a and k showed heavier birds are less precocious than the lighter. The estimates of intercept, linear regression coefficient, quadratic regression coefficient, and differences between quadratic coefficient of functions and estimated ties of quadratic-quadratic-quadratic segmented polynomials (QQQSP) were: 31.1732 +/- 2.41339; 3.07898 +/- 0.13287; 0.02689 +/- 0.00152; -0.05566 +/- 0.00193; 0.02349 +/- 0.00107, and 57 and 145 days, respectively. The estimated predicted mean error values (PME) of VB, GP, BID, LG, and QQQSP models were, respectively, 0.8353; 0.01715; -0.6939; -2.2453; and -0.7544%. The coefficient of determination (RI) and least square error values (MS) showed similar results. In conclusion, the VB and the QQQSP models adequately described tinamous growth. The best model to describe tinamous growth was the Gompertz model, because it presented the highest R-2 values, easiness of convergence, lower PME, and the easiness of parameter biological interpretation.


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On 12 September 2006, on the occasion of the launching of the report Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy, 2005-2006, the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, José Luis Machinea, presented a new version of the software program Module for the Analysis of Growth of International Commerce (MAGIC).  The first version of MAGIC was created by ECLAC Subregional Headquarters in Mexico , to conduct ex post analysis of the competitiveness of countries' exports to the United States market. The new application architecture was made possible thanks to financial support from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Division of Production, Productivity and Management of ECLAC headquarters in Santiago , Chile .  This issue of the FAL Bulletin reviews the progress of MAGIC in the ten years it has been functioning, and the evolution which has made it one of ECLAC's most popular, versatile, and technologically advanced applications.  


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Growth functions with inflection points following a diphasic model, can be adjusted by two approaches using segmented regression or the sum of two functions. In both cases, there are two functions, one for each phase, with inflection and stability points. However, when they are summed, the result is a new function and the points of inflection and stability are different from those obtained from using each function individually. A method to determine these points in a diphasic logistics sum of functions is suggested and the results obtained from fitting the models to eucalyptus growth data showed a better fit of the logistic diphasic sum as compared with segmented regression and monophasic logistic models.


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A genetic approach has been established that combines the advantages of blastocyst complementation with the experimental attributes of the developing lens for the functional analysis of genes governing cellular proliferation, terminal differentiation, and apoptosis. This lens complementation system (LCS) makes use of a mutant mouse strain, aphakia (ak), homozygotes of which fail to develop an ocular lens. We demonstrate that microinjection of wild-type embryonic stem (ES) cells into ak/ak blastocysts produces chimeras with normal ES-cell-derived lenses and that microinjection of Rb-/- ES cells generates an aberrant lens phenotype identical to that obtained through conventional gene targeting methodology. Our determination that a cell autonomous defect underlies the aphakia condition assures that lenses generated through LCS are necessarily ES-cell-derived. LCS provides for the rapid phenotypic analysis of loss-of-function mutations, circumvents the need for germ-line transmission of null alleles, and, most significantly, facilitates the study of essential genes whose inactivation is associated with early lethal phenotypes.


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The growth hormone receptor (GHR) is a critical regulator of postnatal growth and metabolism. However, the GHR signaling domains and pathways that regulate these processes in vivo are not defined. We report the first knock-in mouse models with deletions of specific domains of the receptor that are required for its in vivo actions. Mice expressing truncations at residue m569 (plus Y539/545-F) and at residue m391 displayed a progressive impairment of postnatal growth with receptor truncation. Moreover, after 4 months of age, marked male obesity was observed in both mutant 569 and mutant 391 and was associated with hyperglycemia. Both mutants activated hepatic JAK2 and ERK2, whereas STAT5 phosphorylation was substantially decreased for mutant 569 and absent from mutant 391, correlating with loss of IGF-1 expression and reduction in growth. Microarray analysis of these and GHR(-/-) mice demonstrated that particular signaling domains are responsible for the regulation of different target genes and revealed novel actions of growth hormone. These mice represent the first step in delineating the domains of the GHR regulating body growth and composition and the transcripts associated with these domains.