1000 resultados para Analog impulse tool (D48)
Under the framework of the ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound (SMS) Project successful downhole experiments were conducted in the 1138.54 metre (m)-deep AND-2A borehole. Wireline logs successfully recorded were: magnetic susceptibility, spectral gamma ray, sonic velocity, borehole televiewer, neutron porosity, density, calliper, geochemistry, temperature and dipmeter. A resistivity tool and its backup both failed to operate, thus resistivity data were not collected. Due to hole conditions, logs were collected in several passes from the total depth at ~1138 metres below sea floor (mbsf) to ~230 mbsf, except for some intervals that were either inaccessible due to bridging or were shielded by the drill string. Furthermore, a Vertical Seismic Profile (VSP) was created from ~1000 mbsf up to the sea floor. The first hydraulic fracturing stress measurements in Antarctica were conducted in the interval 1000-1138 mbsf. This extensive data set will allow the SMS Science Team to reach some of the ambitious objectives of the SMS Project. Valuable contributions can be expected for the following topics: cyclicity and climate change, heat flux and fluid flow, seismic stratigraphy in the Victoria Land Basin, and structure and state of the modern crustal stress field.
An extension to a formal verification approach of hybrid systems is proposed to verify analog and mixed signal (AMS) designs. AMS designs can be formally modeled as hybrid systems and therefore lend themselves to the formal analysis and verification techniques applied to hybrid systems. The proposed approach employs simulation traces obtained from an actual design implementation of AMS circuit blocks (for example, in the form of SPICE netlists) to carry out formal analysis and verification. This enables the same platform used for formally validating an abstract model of an AMS design, to be also used for validating its different refinements and design implementation; thereby, providing a simple route to formal verification at different levels of implementation. The feasibility of the proposed approach is demonstrated with a case study based on a tunnel diode oscillator. Since the device characteristic of a tunnel diode is highly non-linear with a negative resistance region, dynamic behavior of circuits in which it is employed as an element is difficult to model, analyze and verify within a general hybrid system formal verification tool. In the case study presented the formal model and the proposed computational techniques have been incorporated into CheckMate, a formal verification tool based on MATLAB and Simulink-Stateflow Framework from MathWorks.
The ability of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to provide good time and frequency localization has made it a popular tool in time-frequency analysis of signals. Wavelets exhibit constant-Q property, which is also possessed by the basilar membrane filters in the peripheral auditory system. The basilar membrane filters or auditory filters are often modeled by a Gammatone function, which provides a good approximation to experimentally determined responses. The filterbank derived from these filters is referred to as a Gammatone filterbank. In general, wavelet analysis can be likened to a filterbank analysis and hence the interesting link between standard wavelet analysis and Gammatone filterbank. However, the Gammatone function does not exactly qualify as a wavelet because its time average is not zero. We show how bona fide wavelets can be constructed out of Gammatone functions. We analyze properties such as admissibility, time-bandwidth product, vanishing moments, which are particularly relevant in the context of wavelets. We also show how the proposed auditory wavelets are produced as the impulse response of a linear, shift-invariant system governed by a linear differential equation with constant coefficients. We propose analog circuit implementations of the proposed CWT. We also show how the Gammatone-derived wavelets can be used for singularity detection and time-frequency analysis of transient signals. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Environmental activism has a long history in protest, addressing issues of degradation and segregation that threaten existing ecologies, social and built fabrics. Environmental activism is traditionally understood as a reaction, chiefly by groups of people, against a perceived external threat. In the 60’s and 70’s, an activist stance began to emerge in the work of some artists and architects, who used creative methods such as performances, happenings, temporary spatial interventions etc to convey their political/aesthetic messages. Some of this work engaged directly with communities but predominantly it was the production of one individual working ‘outside’ society. However such actions demonstrated not only the power of the visual in conveying a political message but also the potential of conceptual creative approaches to reveal alternative values and hidden potentials. This marked a shift from activism as protestation towards an activism of reconceptualisation. Recently, activist groups have developed a more politically informed process. Whilst their ‘tools’ may resemble work from the 60’s and 70’s , their methodologies are non-traditional, ’rhizomatic’, pedagogical and fluid; working alongside, rather than against, the established power and funding structures. Such creative processes build new, often unexpected, stakeholder networks; offer neutral spaces in which contentious issues can be faced; and create better understanding of values and identities. They can also lead to permanent improvements and development in the physical fabric. This paper will discuss a pedagogical example of activism in architectural education. The event (www.fourdaysontheoutside.com) is in its fifth year of existence and as such has revealed a value and impulse beyond its learning and teaching value. The paper will discuss how the event contributes to the university’s outreach programme and how its structure acts as a seedbed for potential research projects and partnerships. UK Universities talk extensively about applied research but have few actual strategies by which to generate it. Fourdaysontheoutside offers some potential ways forward.
El test de circuits és una fase del procés de producció que cada vegada pren més importància quan es desenvolupa un nou producte. Les tècniques de test i diagnosi per a circuits digitals han estat desenvolupades i automatitzades amb èxit, mentre que aquest no és encara el cas dels circuits analògics. D'entre tots els mètodes proposats per diagnosticar circuits analògics els més utilitzats són els diccionaris de falles. En aquesta tesi se'n descriuen alguns, tot analitzant-ne els seus avantatges i inconvenients. Durant aquests últims anys, les tècniques d'Intel·ligència Artificial han esdevingut un dels camps de recerca més importants per a la diagnosi de falles. Aquesta tesi desenvolupa dues d'aquestes tècniques per tal de cobrir algunes de les mancances que presenten els diccionaris de falles. La primera proposta es basa en construir un sistema fuzzy com a eina per identificar. Els resultats obtinguts son força bons, ja que s'aconsegueix localitzar la falla en un elevat tant percent dels casos. Per altra banda, el percentatge d'encerts no és prou bo quan a més a més s'intenta esbrinar la desviació. Com que els diccionaris de falles es poden veure com una aproximació simplificada al Raonament Basat en Casos (CBR), la segona proposta fa una extensió dels diccionaris de falles cap a un sistema CBR. El propòsit no és donar una solució general del problema sinó contribuir amb una nova metodologia. Aquesta consisteix en millorar la diagnosis dels diccionaris de falles mitjançant l'addició i l'adaptació dels nous casos per tal d'esdevenir un sistema de Raonament Basat en Casos. Es descriu l'estructura de la base de casos així com les tasques d'extracció, de reutilització, de revisió i de retenció, fent èmfasi al procés d'aprenentatge. En el transcurs del text s'utilitzen diversos circuits per mostrar exemples dels mètodes de test descrits, però en particular el filtre biquadràtic és l'utilitzat per provar les metodologies plantejades, ja que és un dels benchmarks proposats en el context dels circuits analògics. Les falles considerades son paramètriques, permanents, independents i simples, encara que la metodologia pot ser fàcilment extrapolable per a la diagnosi de falles múltiples i catastròfiques. El mètode es centra en el test dels components passius, encara que també es podria extendre per a falles en els actius.
The highly hydrophobic fluorophore Laurdan (6-dodecanoyl-2-(dimethylaminonaphthalene)) has been widely used as a fluorescent probe to monitor lipid membranes. Actually, it monitors the structure and polarity of the bilayer surface, where its fluorescent moiety is supposed to reside. The present paper discusses the high sensitivity of Laurdan fluorescence through the decomposition of its emission spectrum into two Gaussian bands, which correspond to emissions from two different excited states, one more solvent relaxed than the other. It will be shown that the analysis of the area fraction of each band is more sensitive to bilayer structural changes than the largely used parameter called Generalized Polarization, possibly because the latter does not completely separate the fluorescence emission from the two different excited states of Laurdan. Moreover, it will be shown that this decomposition should be done with the spectrum as a function of energy, and not wavelength. Due to the presence of the two emission bands in Laurdan spectrum, fluorescence anisotropy should be measured around 480 nm, to be able to monitor the fluorescence emission from one excited state only, the solvent relaxed state. Laurdan will be used to monitor the complex structure of the anionic phospholipid DMPG (dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol) at different ionic strengths, and the alterations caused on gel and fluid membranes due to the interaction of cationic peptides and cholesterol. Analyzing both the emission spectrum decomposition and anisotropy it was possible to distinguish between effects on the packing and on the hydration of the lipid membrane surface. It could be clearly detected that a more potent analog of the melanotropic hormone alpha-MSH (Ac-Ser(1)-Tyr(2)-Ser(3)-Met(4)-Glu(5)-His(6)-Phe(7)-Arg(8)-Trp(9)-Gly(10)-Lys(11)-Pro(12)-Val(13)-NH(2)) was more effective in rigidifying the bilayer surface of fluid membranes than the hormone, though the hormone significantly decreases the bilayer surface hydration.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper considers the importance of using a top-down methodology and suitable CAD tools in the development of electronic circuits. The paper presents an evaluation of the methodology used in a computational tool created to support the synthesis of digital to analog converter models by translating between different tools used in a wide variety of applications. This tool is named MS 2SV and works directly with the following two commercial tools: MATLAB/Simulink and SystemVision. Model translation of an electronic circuit is achieved by translating a mixed-signal block diagram developed in Simulink into a lower level of abstraction in VHDL-AMS and the simulation project support structure in SystemVision. The method validation was performed by analyzing the power spectral of the signal obtained by the discrete Fourier transform of a digital to analog converter simulation model. © 2011 IEEE.
The feeding behavior of Aplysia californica can be classically conditioned using tactile stimulation of the lips as a conditioned stimulus (CS) and food as an unconditioned stimulus (US). Moreover, several neural correlates of classical conditioning have been identified. The present study extended previous work by developing an in vitro analog of classical conditioning and by investigating pairing-specific changes in neuronal and synaptic properties. The preparation consisted of the isolated cerebral and buccal ganglia. Electrical stimulation of a lip nerve (AT4) and a branch of the esophageal nerve (En2) served as the CS and US, respectively. Three protocols were used: paired, unpaired, and US alone. Only the paired protocol produced a significant increase in CS-evoked fictive feeding. At the cellular level, classical conditioning enhanced the magnitude of the CS-evoked synaptic input to pattern-initiating neuron B31/32. In addition, paired training enhanced both the magnitude of the CS-evoked synaptic input and the CS-evoked spike activity in command-like neuron CBI-2. The in vitro analog of classical conditioning reproduced all of the cellular changes that previously were identified following behavioral conditioning and has led to the identification of several new learning-related neural changes. In addition, the pairing-specific enhancement of the CS response in CBI-2 indicates that some aspects of associative plasticity may occur at the level of the cerebral sensory neurons.
Despite rapid to-and-fro motion of the retinal image that results from their incessant involuntary eye movements, persons with infantile nystagmus (IN) rarely report the perception of motion smear. We performed two experiments to determine if the reduction of perceived motion smear in persons with IN is associated with an increase in the speed of the temporal impulse response. In Experiment 1, increment thresholds were determined for pairs of successively presented flashes of a long horizontal line, presented on a 65-cd/m2 background field. The stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) between the first and second flash varied from 5.9 to 234 ms. In experiment 2, temporal contrast sensitivity functions were determined for a 3-cpd horizontal square-wave grating that underwent counterphase flicker at temporal frequencies between 1 and 40 Hz. Data were obtained for 2 subjects with predominantly pendular IN and 8 normal observers in Experiment 1 and for 3 subjects with IN and 4 normal observers in Experiment 2. Temporal impulse response functions (TIRFs) were estimated as the impulse response of a linear second-order system that provided the best fit to the increment threshold data in Experiment 1 and to the temporal contrast sensitivity functions in Experiment 2. Estimated TIRFs of the subjects with pendular IN have natural temporal frequencies that are significantly faster than those of normal observers (ca. 13 vs. 9 Hz), indicating an accelerated temporal response to visual stimuli. This increase in response speed is too small to account by itself for the virtual absence of perceived motion smear in subjects with IN, and additional neural mechanisms are considered.
Operant conditioning is a ubiquitous but mechanistically poorly understood form of associative learning in which an animal learns the consequences of its behavior. Using a single-cell analog of operant conditioning in neuron B51 of Aplysia, we examined second-messenger pathways engaged by activity and reward and how they may provide a biochemical association underlying operant learning. Conditioning was blocked by Rp-cAMP, a peptide inhibitor of PKA, a PKC inhibitor, and by expressing a dominant-negative isoform of Ca2+-dependent PKC (apl-I). Thus, both PKA and PKC were necessary for operant conditioning. Injection of cAMP into B51 mimicked the effects of operant conditioning. Activation of PKC also mimicked conditioning but was dependent on both cAMP and PKA, suggesting that PKC acted at some point upstream of PKA activation. Our results demonstrate how these molecules can interact to mediate operant conditioning in an individual neuron important for the expression of the conditioned behavior.
Background. A nonrecognized pneumothorax (PTX) may become a life-threatening tension PTX. A reliable point-of-care diagnostic tool could help in reduce this risk. For this purpose, we investigated the feasibility of the use of the PneumoScan, an innovative device based on micropower impulse radar (MIR). Patients and Methods. addition to a standard diagnostic protocol including clinical examination, chest X-ray (CXR), and computed tomography (CT), 24 consecutive patients with chest trauma underwent PneumoScan testing in the shock trauma room to exclude a PTX. Results. The application of the PneumoScan was simple, quick, and reliable without functional disorder. Clinical examination and CXR each revealed one and PneumoScan three out of altogether four PTXs (sensitivity 75%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, and negative predictive value 95%). The undetected PTX did not require intervention. Conclusion. The PneumoScan as a point-of-care device offers additional diagnostic value in patient management following chest trauma. Further studies with more patients have to be performed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the device.
We explore the feasibility of obtaining a spatially resolved picture of Ca2+Ca2+ inward currents (ICaICa) in multicellular cardiac tissue by differentiating optically recorded Ca2+Ca2+ transients that accompany propagating action potentials. Patterned growth strands of neonatal rat ventricular cardiomyocytes were stained with the Ca2+Ca2+ indicators Fluo-4 or Fluo-4FF. Preparations were stimulated at 1 Hz, and Ca2+Ca2+ transients were recorded with high spatiotemporal resolution (50 μm50 μm, 2 kHz analog bandwidth) with a photodiode array. Signals were differentiated after appropriate digital filtering. Differentiation of Ca2+Ca2+ transients resulted in optically recorded calcium currents (ORCCs) that carried the temporal and pharmacological signatures of L-type Ca2+Ca2+ inward currents: the time to peak amounted to ∼2.1 ms∼2.1 ms (Fluo-4FF) and ∼2.4 ms∼2.4 ms (Fluo-4), full-width at half-maximum was ∼8 ms∼8 ms, and ORCCs were completely suppressed by 50 μmol/L50 μmol/LCdCl2CdCl2. Also, and as reported before from patch-clamp studies, caffeine reversibly depressed the amplitude of ORCCs. The results demonstrate that the differentiation of Ca2+Ca2+ transients can be used to obtain a spatially resolved picture of the initial phase of ICaICa in cardiac tissue and to assess relative changes of activation/fast inactivation of ICaICa following pharmacological interventions.
n this article, a tool for simulating the channel impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models is presented. The simulation tool is based on a previous Monte Carlo ray-tracing algorithm for indoor infrared channel estimation, but including wavelength response evaluation. The 3D scene, or the simulation environment, can be defined using any CAD software in which the user specifies, in addition to the setting geometry, the reflection characteristics of the surface materials as well as the structures of the emitters and receivers involved in the simulation. Also, in an effort to improve the computational efficiency, two optimizations are proposed. The first one consists of dividing the setting into cubic regions of equal size, which offers a calculation improvement of approximately 50% compared to not dividing the 3D scene into sub-regions. The second one involves the parallelization of the simulation algorithm, which provides a computational speed-up proportional to the number of processors used.