4 resultados para Amylovoracidae


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The ultrastructural features of the holotrichous ciliates inhabiting macropodid maruspials were investigated to resolve their morphological similarity to other trichostome ciliates with observed differences in their small subunit rRNA gene sequences. The ultrastructure of Amylovorax dehorityi nov. comb. (formerly Dasytricha dehorityi) was determined by transmission electron microscopy. The somatic kineties are composed of monokinetids whose microtubules show a typical litostome pattern. The somatic cortex is composed of ridges which separate kinety rows, granular ectoplasm and a basal layer of hydrogenosomes lining the tela corticalis. The vestibulum is an invagination of the pellicle lined down one side with kineties (invaginated extensions of the somatic kineties); transverse tubules line the surface of the vestibulum and small nematodesmata surround it forming a cone-like network of struts. Cytoplasmic organelles include hydrogenosomes, irregularly shaped contractile vacuoles surrounded by a sparse spongioplasm, food vacuoles containing bacteria and large numbers of starch granules. This set of characteristics differs sufficiently from those of isotrichids and members of the genus Dasytricha to justify the erection of a new genus (Amylovorax) and a new family (Amylovoracidae). Dasytricha dehorityi, D. dogieli and D. mundayi are reassigned to the new genus Amylovorax and a new species A. quokka is erected. While the gross morphological similarities between Amylovorax and Dasytricha may be explained by convergent evolution, ultrastructural features indicate that these two genera have probably diverged independently from haptorian ancestors by successive reduction of the cortical and vestibular support structures.


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A new genus of amylovoracid ciliates, Bandia gen.nov., is described. They are endosymbiotic/endocommensal in the stomachs of macropodid marsupials. Six new species, B. beveridgei, B. equimontanensis, B. tammar, B. deveneyi, B. cribbi and B. smalesae, are described from Setonix brachyurus, Petrogale assimilis, Macropus eugenii, M. robustus, M. parryi and M. agilis respectively. The gross morphology of Bandia is similar to that of Bitricha, with holotrichous somatic ciliation in two fields, longitudinal dorsal and oblique ventral. The somatic kineties are arranged in groups between non-ciliated. major interkinetal ridges; the groups of kineties thus give the cell a banded appearance. Several species are bimorphic, one form holotrichous and the other with a glabrous right body groove which appears to be derived from an ingrowth of one of the major interkinetal ridges. The groove may function in attachment either in sequestration or conjugation. The ultrastructure of the somatic kineties and the oral structures is similar to that of Amylovorax. Bandia also has unique ultrastructural features associated with the major interkinetal ridges, right body groove and a karyophore. Morphological evolution within the Amylovoracidae may have proceeded from simple forms such as Amylovorax via a process of cellular torsion and/or oral migration to forms similar to Bitricha and by further torsion and cellular elaboration to Bandia.


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A new macropodiniid ciliate genus, Megavestibulum, is described which is endocommensal in the stomach of macropodid marsupials. Two new species, M. morganorum and M. kuhri, are described from Macropus dorsalis and Wallabia, bicolor respectively. Megavestibulum is holotrichous, the somatic ciliation arranged into meridional, curving kineties between broad ridges. The interkinetal ridges are lined apically by thick-walled vacuoles similar to those lining the longitudinal grooves of Macropodinium. The conical vestibulum is apical and very large, occupying up to 1/3 of the cell volume. The vestibular lip appears closable and has a cleft which may allow distention of the vestibullum to ingest large food items. The vestibular ultrastructure is similar to that of Macropodinium including the presence of vestibular vacuoles and the hemispherical differentiation of the distribution of small nematodesmata. Many specimens contained ingested whole ciliates of the genera Amylovorax and Polycosta. The structure of the vestibulum suggests that Megavestibulum is adapted for life as an active predator of other stomach ciliates as well as sweeping in small particulates. The morphology of Megavestibulum suggests that it represents the plesiomorphic body plan within the family Macropodiniidae.


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A new family, Polycostidae, containing one new genus, Polycosta, of ciliates endwocommensal in the stomachs of macropodid marsupials is described. Four new species, A roundi, P. turniae, A sebastopolensis and P. parma are described from Wallabia bicolor, Macropus dorsalis, Petrogale herberti and M. eugenii, respectively. Polycosta is holotrichous with slightly spiral meridional kineties arranged between broad interkinetal ridges. The ultrastructure of one representative species displays the knitted together pattern of postciliary microtubules and kinetodesmata of somatic kinetids common in trichostomes and the interkinetal ridges are dominated by layers of dark bodies but lack ectoplasmic hydrogenosomes. The vestibulum is conical and its aperture appears capable of closing tightly in most species; vesibular kineties are continuations of the right somatic kineties into the vestibulum. There is a prominent phago-plasm delimited internally by a basket of nematodesmata derived from electron dense plates at the bases of kinetosomes the anterior somatic and vestibular kineties. There is a prominent cytoproct which is situated within an invagination of the cell in some species. Polycosta is similar to Amylovorax in terms of gross morphology, somatic ciliature and cortical ultrastructure. The vestibular ultrastructure, however, is more similar to that of Macropodinium. The affinities of the group are thus not clear and this unique combination of characters supports the erection of a new family.