993 resultados para Amphiphilic helix


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Le canal calcique dépendant du voltage de type-T CaV3.2 joue un rôle important dans l’excitabilité neuronale et dans la perception de la douleur. Le canal CaV3.2 partage une grande homologie structurale et fonctionnelle avec les canaux NaV. Ces deux types de canaux sont activés par de faibles dépolarisations membranaires et possèdent des cinétiques de temps d’activation et d’inactivation plus rapides que les canaux CaV de type-L. Les structures cristallines à haute résolution des canaux bactériens NaVAb (Payandeh et al. 2011; Payandeh et al. 2012) et NaVRh (Zhang et al. 2012) suggèrent que l’hélice amphiphile S4S5 du domaine II peut être couplée avec les résidus de l’hélice S6 dans le domaine II ainsi qu’avec des résidus de l’hélice homologue dans le domaine adjacent, soit le domaine III, et ce, durant l’activation du canal. Pour déterminer les résidus fonctionnellement couplés, durant l’activation du canal CaV3.2, une analyse cyclique de doubles mutants a été effectuée par substitution en glycine et alanine des résidus clés entre l’hélice S4S5 du domaine II et le segment S6 des domaines II et III. Les propriétés biophysiques ont été mesurées à l’aide de la technique de « cut-open » sur les ovocytes. Les énergies d’activation ont été mesurées pour 47 mutations ponctuelles et pour 14 paires de mutants. De grandes énergies de couplage (ΔΔGinteract > 2 kcal mol-1) ont été observées pour 3 paires de mutants introduites dans les IIS4S5/IIS6 et IIS4S5/IIIS6. Aucun couplage significatif n’a été observé entre le IIS4S5 et le IVS6. Nos résultats semblent démontrer que les hélices S4S5 et S6 provenant de deux domaines voisins sont couplées durant l’activation du canal calcique de type-T CaV3.2.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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"Push-pull" chromophores based on extended pi-electron systems have been designed to exhibit exceptionally large molecular hyperpolarizabilities. We have engineered an amphiphilic four-helix bundle peptide to vectorially incorporate such hyperpolarizable chromophores having a metalloporphyrin moiety, with high specificity into the interior core of the bundle. The amphiphilic exterior of the bundle facilitates the formation of densely packed monolayer ensembles of the vectorially oriented peptide-chromophore complexes at the liquid-gas interface. Chemical specificity designed into the ends of the bundle facilitates the subsequent covalent attachment of these monolayer ensembles onto the surface of an inorganic substrate. In this article, we describe the structural characterization of these monolayer ensembles at each stage of their fabrication for one such peptide-chromophore complex designated as AP0-RuPZn. In the accompanying article, we describe the characterization of their macroscopic nonlinear optical properties.


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The formation of the helical morphology in monolayers and bilayers of chiral amphiphilic assemblies is believed to be driven at least partly by the interactions at the chiral centers of the amphiphiles. However, a detailed microscopic understanding of these interactions and their relation with the helix formation is still not clear. In this article a study of the molecular origin of the chirality-driven helix formation is presented by calculating, for the first time, the effective pair potential between a pair of chiral molecules. This effective potential depends on the relative sizes of the groups attached to the two chiral centers, on the orientation of the amphiphile molecules, and also on the distance between them. We find that for the mirror-image isomers (in the racemic modification) the minimum energy conformation is a nearly parallel alignment of the molecules. On the other hand, the same for a pair of molecules of one kind of enantiomer favors a tilt angle between them, thus leading to the formation of a helical morphology of the aggregate. The tilt angle is determined by the size of the groups attached to the chiral centers of the pair of molecules considered and in many cases predicted it to be close to 45 degrees. The present study, therefore, provides a molecular origin of the intrinsic bending force, suggested by Helfrich (J. Chem. Phys. 1986, 85, 1085-1087), to be responsible for the formation of helical structure. This effective potential may explain many of the existing experimental results, such as the size and the concentration dependence of the formation of helical morphology. It is further found that the elastic forces can significantly modify the pitch predicted by the chiral interactions alone and that the modified real pitch is close to the experimentally observed value. The present study is expected to provide a starting point for future microscopic studies.


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Although the peptide Boc-Aibl-Ala2-Leu3- Aib4-Alas Leu'-Aib7-Ala8-Leu9-Aib'0-OMe [with a t-butoxycarbonyl(Boc) blocking group at the amino terminus, a methyl ester (OMe) at the carboxyl terminus, and four a-aminoisobutyric (Aib) residues] has a 3-fold repeat of residues, the helix formed by the peptide backbone is irregular. The carboxyl-terminal half assumes an at-helical form with torsion angles ) and r of approximately -60° and -45°, respectively, whereas the amino-terminal half is distorted by an insertion of a water molecule between the amide nitrogen of Ala5 [N(5)] and the carbonyl oxygen of Ala2 [0(2)]. The water molecule W(1) acts as a bridge by forming hydrogen bonds N(5).W(1) (2.93 A) and W(1)---0(2) (2.86 A). The distortion of the helix exposes the carbonyl oxygens of Aib' and Aib4 to the outside environment, with the consequence that the helix assumes an amphiphilic character despite having all apolar residues. Neighboring helices in the crystal run in antiparallel directions. On one side of a helix there are only hydrophobic contacts with efficient interdigitation of leucine side chains with those from the neighboring helix. On the other side of the helix there are hydrogen bonds between protruding carbonyl oxygens and four water molecules that separate two neighboring helices. Along the helix axis the helices bind head-to-tail with a direct hydrogen bond N(2)-0(9) (3.00 A). Crystals grown from methanol/water solution are in space group P2, with a = 15.778 ± 0.004 A, b = 11.228 ± 0.002 A, c = 18.415 ± 0.003 A, = 102.10 ± 0.02ur and two formula units per cell for C49HON1003 2H2OCH3OH. The overall agreement factorR is 7.5% for 3394 reflections observed with intensities >3a(F), and the resolution is 0.90 A.


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It is widely known that the compressed monolayers and bilayers of chiral lipids or fatty acids form helical morphologies, while the corresponding racemic modification gives only flat platelets without twist. No molecular explanation of this phenomenon is yet available, although subtle interactions at the chiral centers have often been proposed as the driving force behind the morphology of the aggregate to form a particular shape. In the present study, the morphologies of the chiral amphiphilic assemblies have been predicted on the basis of an effective pair potential between the molecules, which depends on the relative sizes of the groups attached to the chiral centers, the orientation of the amphiphilic molecules and also on the distance between them. It is shown that fur a pair of same kind of enantiomers, the minimum energy conformation favours a twist angle between them. This twist between the neighbouring molecules gives rise to the helicity of the aggregate. The present theory also shows from the molecular considerations that for a pair of mirror-image isomers (i.e. the racemic modification) the minimum energy conformation corresponds to the zero angle between the molecules, thus giving rise to flat platelets as observed in experiments. Another fascinating aspect of such chirality driven helical structures is that the sense (or the handedness) of the helix is highly specific about the chirality of the monomer concerned. The molecular theory shows, for the first time, that the sense of the helical structures in many cases is determined by the sizes of the groups attached to the chiral centers and the effective potential between them. The predicted senses of the helical structures are in complete agreement with the experimental results.


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The formation of hypertrophic scars is a frequent medical outcome of wound repair and often requires further therapy with treatments such as Silicone Gel Sheets (SGS) or apoptosis-inducing agents, including bleomycin. Although widely used, knowledge regarding SGS and their mode of action is limited. Preliminary research has shown that small amounts of amphiphilic silicone present in SGS have the ability to move into skin during treatment. We demonstrate herein that a commercially available analogue of these amphiphilic siloxane species, the rake copolymer GP226, decreases collagen synthesis upon exposure to cultures of fibroblasts derived from hypertrophic scars (HSF). By size exclusion chromatography, GP226 was found to be a mixture of siloxane species, containing five fractions of different molecular weight. By studies of collagen production, cell viability and proliferation, it was revealed that a low molecular weight fraction (fraction IV) was the most active, reducing the number of viable cells present following treatment and thereby reducing collagen production as a result. Upon exposure of fraction IV to human keratinocytes, viability and proliferation was also significantly affected. HSF undergoing apoptosis after application of fraction IV were also detected via real-time microscopy and by using the TUNEL assay. Taken together, these data suggests that these amphiphilic siloxanes could be potential non-invasive substitutes to apoptotic-inducing chemical agents that are currently used as scar treatments.


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The formation of hypertrophic scars is a frequent outcome of wound repair and often requires further therapy with treatments such as silicone gel sheets (SGS; Perkins et al., 1983). Although widely used, knowledge regarding SGS and their mechanism of action on hypertrophic scars is limited. Furthermore, SGS require consistent application for at least twelve hours a day for up to twelve consecutive months, beginning as soon as wound reepithelialisation has occurred. Preliminary research at QUT has shown that some species of silicone present in SGS have the ability to permeate into collagen gel skin mimetics upon exposure. An analogue of these species, GP226, was found to decrease both collagen synthesis and the total amount of collagen present following exposure to cultures of cells derived from hypertrophic scars. This silicone of interest was a crude mixture of silicone species, which resolved into five fractions of different molecular weight. These five fractions were found to have differing effects on collagen synthesis and cell viability following exposure to fibroblasts derived from hypertrophic scars (HSF), keloid scars (KF) and normal skin (nHSF and nKF). The research performed herein continues to further assess the potential of GP226 and its fractions for scar remediation by determining in more detail its effects on HSF, KF, nHSF, nKF and human keratinocytes (HK) in terms of cell viability and proliferation at various time points. Through these studies it was revealed that Fraction IV was the most active fraction as it induced a reduction in cell viability and proliferation most similar to that observed with GP226. Cells undergoing apoptosis were also detected in HSF cultures exposed to GP226 and Fraction IV using the Tunel assay (Roche). These investigations were difficult to pursue further as the fractionation process used for GP226 was labour-intensive and time inefficient. Therefore a number of silicones with similar structure to Fraction IV were synthesised and screened for their effect following application to HSF and nHSF. PDMS7-g-PEG7, a silicone-PEG copolymer of low molecular weight and low hydrophilic-lipophilic balance factor, was found to be the most effective at reducing cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis in cultures of HSF, nHSF and HK. Further studies investigated gene expression through microarray and superarray techniques and demonstrated that many genes are differentially expressed in HSF following treatment with GP226, Fraction IV and PDMS7-g-PEG7. In brief, it was demonstrated that genes for TGFβ1 and TNF are not differentially regulated while genes for AIFM2, IL8, NSMAF, SMAD7, TRAF3 and IGF2R show increased expression (>1.8 fold change) following treatment with PDMS7-g-PEG7. In addition, genes for αSMA, TRAF2, COL1A1 and COL3A1 have decreased expression (>-1.8 fold change) following treatment with GP226, Fraction IV and PDMS7-g-PEG7. The data obtained suggest that many different pathways related to apoptosis and collagen synthesis are affected in HSF following exposure to PDMS7-g-PEG7. The significance is that silicone-PEG copolymers, such as GP226, Fraction IV and PDMS7-g-PEG7, could potentially be a non-invasive substitute to apoptosis-inducing chemical agents that are currently used as scar treatments. It is anticipated that these findings will ultimately contribute to the development of a novel scar therapy with faster action and improved outcomes for patients suffering from hypertrophic scars.


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This study investigates the effect of well-defined poly(dimethylsiloxane)-poly(ethylene glycol) (PDMS-PEG) ABA linear block co-oligomers on the proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts. The co-oligomers assessed ranged in molecular weight (MW) from 1335 to 5208 Da and hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) from 5.9 to 16.6 by varying the number of both PDMS and PEG units. In general, it was found that co-oligomers of low MW or intermediate hydrophilicity significantly reduced fibroblast proliferation. A linear relationship between down-regulation of fibroblast proliferation, and the ratio HLB/MW was observed at concentrations of 0.1 and 1.0 wt % of the oligomers. This enabled the structures with highest efficiency to be determined. These results suggest the possible use of the PEG-PDMS-PEG block co-oligomers as an alternative to silicone gels for hypertrophic scar remediation.


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Despite broad application, few silicone-based surfactants of known structure or, therefore, surfactancy have been prepared because of an absence of selective routes and instability of silicones to acid and base. Herein the synthesis of a library of explicit silicone-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) materials is reported. Pure silicone fragments were generated by the B(C(6)F(5))(3)-catalyzed condensation of alkoxysilanes and vinyl-functionalized hydrosilanes. The resulting pure products were coupled to thiol-terminated PEG materials using photogenerated radicals under anaerobic conditions.


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Modern and Postmodern Los Angeles is examined through the lens of film noir and neo noir. The unique relationship between the city of Los Angeles and cinema is discussed in terms of a historiography emphasizing the role played by these defining film styles and genres. The research draws and extends on the work conducted by Edward Dimendberg, Paula Rabinowitz and Mike Davis, and urban theory approaches associated with the Los Angeles School of Urbanism.


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We have designed a four-helix protein that is expected to tetramerize in the membrane to form an ion channel with a structurally well defined pore. A synthetic peptide corresponding to the channel lining helix facilitates ion transport across liposomal membranes and largely helical in membranes. Detailed circular dichroism studies of the peptide in methanol, water and methanal-water mixtures reveal that it is helical in methanol, beta-structured in 97.5% water and a combination of these two structures at intermediate compositions of methanol and water. A fluorescence resonance energy transfer study of the peptide shows that the peptide is monomeric in methanol but undergoes extensive anti-parallel aggregation in aqueous solution.


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The monohydrate of the protected amino-terminal pentapeptide of suzukacillin, t-butoxycarbonyl--aminoisobutyryl-L-prolyl-L-valyl--aminoisobutyryl-L-valine methyl ester, C29H51N5O8, crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with a= 10.192, b= 10.440, c= 32.959 Å, and Z= 4. The structure has been solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.101 for 1 827 observed reflections. The molecule exists as a four-fold helix with a pitch of 5.58 Å. The helix is stabilised by N–H O hydrogen bonds, two of the 51 type (corresponding to the -helix) and the third of the 41 type (310 helix). The carbonyl oxygen of the amino-protecting group accepts two hydrogen bonds, one each from the amide NH groups of the third (41) and fourth (51) residues. The remaining 51 hydrogen bond is between the two terminal residues. The lone water molecule in the structure is hydrogen bonded to carbonyl oxygens of the prolyl residue in one molecule and the non-terminal valyl residue in a symmetry-related molecule.


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We report a pH-dependent conformational transition in short, defined homopolymeric deoxyadenosines (dA(15)) from a single helical structure with stacked nucleobases at neutral pH to a double-helical, parallel-stranded duplex held together by AH-HA base pairs at acidic pH. Using native PAGE, 2D NMR, circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy, we have characterized the two different pH dependent forms of dA(15). The pH-triggered transition between the two defined helical forms of dA(15) is characterized by CD and fluorescence. The kinetics of this conformational switch is found to occur on a millisecond time scale. This robust, highly reversible, pH-induced transition between the two well-defined structured states of dA(15)represents a new molecular building block for the construction of quick-response, pH-switchable architectures in structural DNA nanotechnology.