1000 resultados para Ameijoas - Ria Formosa (Portugal)
Holothurian populations are under pressure worldwide because of increasing demand for beche-de-mer, mainly for Asian consumption. Importations to this area from new temperate fishing grounds provide economic opportunities but also raise concerns regarding future over-exploitation. Studies on the habitat preferences and movements of sea cucumbers are important for the management of sea cucumber stocks and sizing of no-take zones, but information on the ecology and behavior of temperate sea cucumbers is scarce. This study describes the small-scale distribution and movement patterns of Holothuria arguinensis in the intertidal zone of the Ria Formosa national park (Portugal).Mark/recapture studieswere performed to record theirmovements over time on different habitats (sand and seagrass). H. arguinensis preferred seagrass habitats and did not show a size or life stage-related spatial segregation. Its density was 563 ind. ha−1 and mean movement speed was 10 m per day. Movement speed did not differ between habitats and the direction of movement was offshore during the day and shoreward during the night. Median home range size was 35 m2 and overlap among home ranges was 84%. H. arguinensis' high abundance, close association with seagrass and easy catchability in the intertidal zone, indicate the importance of including intertidal lagoons in future studies on temperate sea cucumber ecology since those systems might require different management strategies than fully submerged habitats.
Short-time site fidelity and movements of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) in a coastal lagoon were determined using passive acoustic telemetry. Nine fish, ranging from 20.1 to 32.5 cm total length, were surgically implanted with acoustic transmitters and monitored for up to 179 days. Minimum convex polygon areas ranged from 18,698.6 m(2) to 352,711.9 m(2). Home range sizes were small, with individuals using core areas on a daily basis. However, these core areas shifted within the study site over time towards the opening to the sea. Two different diel behaviors were recorded, with some individuals more active at night and others during day time. Some individuals also demonstrated homing abilities, returning to the capture site after being released more than 4 km away. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The physiological responses of the clam R. decussatus from the Ria Formosa, southern Portugal, were examined in relation to normoxia, hypoxia (11, 6, 3 and 1.2 kPa) and anoxia; acute elevation of temperature (at 20, 27 and 32 °C), and its effect on the resistance to air exposure (at 20, 28 and 35 °C); current velocity (0.6, 3, 8 17, 24 and 36 cm. s-1) and turbidity (10, 100 and 300 mg. l-1 dry weight of particulate matter), and the efficiency of this species in retaining particles of different size (at 10 and 100 mg. l-1); and to copper contamination considering both short-term acute exposure to high levels (0.1-10 mg Cu. l-1) and chronic environmental levels (0.01 mg Cu. l-1). Clearance rates, respiration rates, absorption efficiency and excretion rates were assessed through the physiological energetics in terms of the energy budget and scope for growth (SFG). Stress independent respiration rates (R) and clearance rates (CR) were observed in relation to hypoxia down to 12 kPa and 6 kPa, respectively. Anoxic rates were 3.6 % of normoxic rates. Scope for growth was greatly reduced under extreme hypoxia (14 % of SFG in normoxia). Respiration rate was temperature independent in the range 20-32 °C but the decline in clearance rate resulted in negative SFG at 32 °C. Gaping during air exposure and the maintenance of faster aerobic metabolism led to 100 % mortality in 20 hours at 35 °C, 4 days at 28 °C and 5 days at 20 °C. Low current velocities (≤ 8 cm. s-1) supported high clearance rates. Shear stresses ≥ 0.9 Pa induced sediment movement and disturbed the feeding processes resulting in decreased clearance rates (at 36 cm. s-1, is 10 % of maximum CR). The observed ability of jetting out depleted water at a different level than the one of the inhalant current results is an important adaptation of clams to the slow currents of sheltered environments. Ingestion at high seston concentrations (> 100 mg. l-1) is controled by reducing the amount filtered, lowering CR (to 30 % of CR at low seston loads) and producing pseudofeces. Observed efficient retention of particles (70-100 %) in the range 3 to 8 μm is beneficial when algal cells are diluted by fine silt particles as it is likely to occur in the clams natural environment. R. decussatus in the short term escaped the exposure to copper by valve closure and therefore acute tests are not applicable to adult clams of this species. At environmental levels chronic exposure to copper did not induce lethal effects during the exposure period (20 days), but scope for growth was reduced to c. 30 %, indicating sustained impairment of physiological functions. The sensitivity of the physiological energetics and the integrated scope for growth measurement in assessing stress effects caused by natural environmental factors was highlighted.
Dissertação de mest. em Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2004
Natural radioactive tracer-based assessments of basin-scale submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) are well developed. However, SGD takes place in different modes and the flow and discharge mechanisms involved occur over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Quantifying SGD while discriminating its source functions therefore remains a major challenge. However, correctly identifying both the fluid source and composition is critical. When multiple sources of the tracer of interest are present, failure to adequately discriminate between them leads to inaccurate attribution and the resulting uncertainties will affect the reliability of SGD solute loading estimates. This lack of reliability then extends to the closure of local biogeochemical budgets, confusing measures aiming to mitigate pollution. Here, we report a multi-tracer study to identify the sources of SGD, distinguish its component parts and elucidate the mechanisms of their dispersion throughout the Ria Formosa – a seasonally hypersaline lagoon in Portugal. We combine radon budgets that determine the total SGD (meteoric + recirculated seawater) in the system with stable isotopes in water (δ2H, δ18O), to specifically identify SGD source functions and characterize active hydrological pathways in the catchment. Using this approach, SGD in the Ria Formosa could be separated into two modes, a net meteoric water input and another involving no net water transfer, i.e., originating in lagoon water re-circulated through permeable sediments. The former SGD mode is present occasionally on a multi-annual timescale, while the latter is a dominant feature of the system. In the absence of meteoric SGD inputs, seawater recirculation through beach sediments occurs at a rate of ∼ 1.4 × 106 m3 day−1. This implies that the entire tidal-averaged volume of the lagoon is filtered through local sandy sediments within 100 days ( ∼ 3.5 times a year), driving an estimated nitrogen (N) load of ∼ 350 Ton N yr−1 into the system as NO3−. Land-borne SGD could add a further ∼ 61 Ton N yr−1 to the lagoon. The former source is autochthonous, continuous and responsible for a large fraction (59 %) of the estimated total N inputs into the system via non-point sources, while the latter is an occasional allochthonous source capable of driving new production in the system.
Coastal lagoons are highly variable environments that may act as hotspots of genetic diversity as a consequence of their ecological role as nursery habitats of marine species with both ecological and fisheries importance. The edible cockle (Cerastoderma edule) is a commercially important shellfish resource inhabiting coastal lagoons in Europe and their fisheries management urgently needs genetic studies to design appropriate strategies to promote the recovery of exploited populations. The aim of this study was to assess the C. edule genetic diversity and population structure at a small geographic scale, inside Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southern Portugal) using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I sequences in six locations. Outcomes pointed to a common pattern of high haplotype diversity and non-significant genetic structuring inside the Ria Formosa lagoon. A high level of gene flow was detected between all localities and the presence of a single stock from a genetic point of view may be considered for fisheries management purposes. The existence of a high number of haplotypes and high values of haplotype diversity of C. edule in Ria Formosa lagoon could be consistent with the hypothesis that higher genetic diversity is expected in populations occurring in coastal lagoons, suggesting that lagoons could increase standing genetic variation and an adaptive potential of lagoon populations as an ecological response to a highly variable environment.
The feeding habits of Sparus aurata L., Diplodus annularis L. and Spondyliosoma cantharus L. in the Ria Formosa (southern Portugal) lagoon system were studied using three simple methods (frequency of occurrence, numeric percentage and percentage weight) and a composite index [index of relative importance (IRI)]. The Ivlev index was used to evaluate diet selectivity, while the Schoener overlap index was used to compare diets, and diet diversity was characterized by the Simpson index. The diets of the three species consist of a wide variety of food organisms, nevertheless S. aurata seems to be the most specialized. No significant dietary overlap was found, with S. aurata preferentially selecting gastropods and bivalves. while S. cantharus preferentially selected a wide variety of crustaceans and D. sargus a wider array, including crustaceans, gastropods and bivalves.
Fish assemblages in seagrass and unvegetated habitats located in shallow intertidal creeks within the saltmarsh area of the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon were sampled with a Riley push net at 3 sites on a monthly basis over a 1 yr period. The objective was to test if both habitats support similar fish assemblages in terms of abundance, diversity, assemblage structure, and size distribution, and to investigate how site and season affect the assemblages. Fish assemblages associated with these habitats were significantly different in terms of diversity, abundance, and assemblage structure. Seagrass supported a larger number of species and greater diversity, while unvegetated habitat supported greater fish numbers but only of a few species. The habitats were dominated by different groups of resident species that were responsible for major differences in fish assemblage structure between habitats. Pomatoschistus microps and young-of-the-year (YOY) Atherina presbyter dominated the unvegetated habitat, while seagrass was dominated by a diverse group of species, in particular syngnathids and small labrids, revealing different habitat preferences. Site and season were determinant factors conditioning the role of habitat in structuring fish assemblages. Distance between habitats, site elevation, and the amount of marsh drained affected fish assemblages in both habitats. Seasonal fluctuations in the presence and abundance of YOY from marine migrant and resident species were responsible for comparable changes in fish assemblage structure in both habitats. Both habitats provide a distinctive nursery area for different species, while common species reveal ontogenic distributional changes between habitats, where smaller fish appear first in unvegetated creeks.
Fish communities of the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (south Portugal) were sampled on a monthly basis with a beach seine at 4 sites, during two different time periods: 1980-1986 and 2001-2002. Community indices, species ranking and multivariate analysis were used in order to identify changes in the fish community between the two time periods. A total of 153,511 fish representing 57 taxa were recorded. Although species composition was very similar for both sampling periods, multivariate analysis performed on annual species abundance in number and weight revealed differences in fish community structure between the two periods. Structural changes in fish community were related mostly to a sharp decrease in the abundance of Mugilidae from 1980-1986 to 2001-2002. These changes were probably associated to a decrease in organic matter contents and nutrients concentrations due to improvements in sewage treatment and better water circulation inside the lagoon. The changes in fish community structure are more evident in the inner areas of the lagoon than near the inlet. The association between changes in sewage patterns and changes in the ichthyofaunal community structure reinforces the importance of fish communities as a biological indicator of human induced changes in marine systems. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fish fauna were collected in two different subtidal shallow sites, seagrass and sand, using a small beam trawl in the Ria Formosa lagoon (South Portugal). Samples were taken at low and high tides, during day and night, and in each season. Fish assemblages associated with each site were significantly different, with seagrass site supporting greater fish abundance and higher number of species than sand. These site-related differences in fish assemblages were stronger than any other factor studied. Both sites showed seasonal variations in their fish assemblages, mainly because of recruitment of marine juvenile migrants during spring and summer. No significant tidal or diel changes were observed in the fish assemblages of either site, but there was a significant site-tide interaction, with higher fish abundance in seagrass at low tide. In sand, tide effect was evident only for certain species, with resident species more abundant at high tide and marine species more abundant at low tide. Within the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, ichthyofaunal composition and structure is mainly influenced by site followed by season. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Using a top-down modelling approach, a balanced trophic food web model of a water reservoir of the Ria Formosa lagoonal system was constructed. Few adjustments of input data were necessary to run the model since most of the parameters were estimated at the study site and the characteristics of the water reservoir allowed a high degree of control and precision in terms of sampling and data collection. Trophic levels of the 14 compartments included in the model varied between 1.0 for primary producers and detritus to 3.4 for carnivorous fish and the 14 groups were aggregated in a food chain with six trophic levels. The water reservoir has a detritus based food chain, with the majority of the biomass concentrated in the first two levels, the producers level and the herbivore/detritivore level (97.6%). The transfer efficiencies were low, and decreased with increasing level number, varying between 6.0 and 0.2%. The degree of "ecosystem maturity" was difficult to establish, but several parameters indicate that it could be high. The water reservoir studied, which has similar environmental and ecological characteristics as the Ria Formosa lagoon. is near its carrying capacity. (C) 2004, Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Several juvenile specimens of Sparisoma cretense, a previously unrecorded species, were caught using beach seining in Ria Formosa.The hypothesis that these occurrences are related with climatic changes is discussed.
Dissertação de mest. em Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2004
Tese de dout. em Ciências do Mar, Instituto de Investigação das Pescas e do Mar, Univ. do Algarve, 1996