75 resultados para Ambulation


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week FES-ambulation program on locomotor function and quality of life after incomplete spinal cord injury. Six individuals with incomplete SCI participated in the study. Over-ground walking endurance (6MWT), speed (10MWT), independence (WISCI II) and body-weight support were assessed. Quality of life was assessed via the SF-36, WHOQOL-BREF, Perceived Stress Scale, Center of Epidemiological Studies for Depression scale, and task self-efficacy. Participants experienced significant improvements in walking endurance (223.6±141.5m to 297.3±164.5m; p=0.03), body-weight support (55.3±12.6% to 14.7±23.2%; p= 0.005) and four of the six participants showed improvements on the WISCI II scale (1-4 points). In addition, there was a significant reduction in reported bodily pain (6.5±1.2 to 5.0±1.7; p=0.04). Therefore, FES-ambulation is an effective means for enhancing over-ground locomotor function in individuals with incomplete SCI. It may also be an effective method for reducing pain in individuals with SCI.


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Objective: To examine the test – retest reliability, convergent and predictive validity and responsiveness of the modified Emory Functional Ambulation Profile (mEFAP) in assessing gait function in stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation. Subjects: Forty subacute stroke inpatients were enrolled in the validity and responsiveness study. Twenty chronic patients participated in the reliability study. Setting: Rehabilitation department of a medical centre. Design: In the validity and responsiveness study, patients were tested using the mEFAP, 10-m walking speed test, Barthel Index and Rivermead Mobility Index at admission and at discharge. For the reliability study, the patients completed the mEFAP twice one week apart. Results: The patients' performances on the mEFAP were moderately to highly correlated with results of the 10-m walking speed test and Rivermead Mobility Index (absolute correlation coefficients ≥ 0.67), indicating good convergent validity. Patients' performance on the mEFAP at admission was moderately correlated with the Barthel Index and Rivermead Mobility Index scores at discharge (Spearman's rank correlation coefficients = -0.52 and -0.78, respectively), indicating good predictive validity. The standardized response mean of the mEFAP was 1.1 (P < 0.0001), suggesting good responsiveness. The intraclass correlation coefficient ICC(3,1) for the mEFAP was 0.997, indicating excellent test – retest reliability. Conclusions: Our results provide strong evidence that the mEFAP has good reliability, validity and responsiveness for assessing stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation. The mEFAP is a useful scale for measuring walking function and recovery in stroke patients.


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The main objective of this study was to determine the external validity of a clinical prediction rule developed by the European Multicenter Study on Human Spinal Cord Injury (EM-SCI) to predict the ambulation outcomes 12 months after traumatic spinal cord injury. Data from the North American Clinical Trials Network (NACTN) data registry with approximately 500 SCI cases were used for this validity study. The predictive accuracy of the EM-SCI prognostic model was evaluated using calibration and discrimination based on 231 NACTN cases. The area under the receiver-operating-characteristics curve (ROC) curve was 0.927 (95% CI 0.894 – 0.959) for the EM-SCI model when applied to NACTN population. This is lower than the AUC of 0.956 (95% CI 0.936 – 0.976) reported for the EM-SCI population, but suggests that the EM-SCI clinical prediction rule distinguished well between those patients in the NACTN population who were able to achieve independent ambulation and those who did not achieve independent ambulation. The calibration curve suggests that higher the prediction score is, the better the probability of walking with the best prediction for AIS D patients. In conclusion, the EM-SCI clinical prediction rule was determined to be generalizable to the adult NACTN SCI population.^


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The automated sensing scheme described in this paper has the potential to automatically capture, discriminate and classify transients in gait. The mechanical simplicity of the walking platform offers advantages over standard force plates. There is less restriction on dimensions offering the opportunity for multi-contact and multiple steps. This addresses the challenge of patient targeting and the evaluation of patients in a variety of ambulatory applications. In this work the sensitivity of the distributive tactile sensing method has been investigated experimentally. Using coupled time series data from a small number of sensors, gait patterns are compared with stored templates using a pattern recognition algorithm. By using a neural network these patterns were interpreted classifying normal and affected walking events with an accuracy of just under 90%. This system has potential in gait analysis and rehabilitation as a tool for early diagnosis in walking disorders, for determining response to therapy and for identifying changes between pre and post operative gait. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.


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The consequences of falls are often dreadful for individuals with lower limb amputation using bone-anchored prosthesis.[1-5] Typically, the impact on the fixation is responsible for bending the intercutaneous piece that could lead to a complete breakage over time. .[3, 5-8] The surgical replacement of this piece is possible but complex and expensive. Clearly, there is a need for solid data enabling an evidence-based design of protective devices limiting impact forces and torsion applied during a fall. The impact on the fixation during an actual fall is obviously difficult to record during a scientific experiment.[6, 8-13] Consequently, Schwartze and colleagues opted for one of the next best options science has to offer: simulation with an able-bodied participant. They recorded body movements and knee impacts on the floor while mimicking several plausible falling scenarios. Then, they calculated the forces and moments that would be applied at four levels along the femur corresponding to amputation heights.[6, 8-11, 14-25] The overall forces applied during the falls were similar regardless of the amputation height indicating that the impact forces were simply translated along the femur. As expected, they showed that overall moments generally increased with amputation height due to changes in lever arm. This work demonstrates that devices preventing only against force overload do not require considering amputation height while those protecting against bending moments should. Another significant contribution is to provide, for the time, the magnitude of the impact load during different falls. This loading range is crucial to the overall design and, more precisely, the triggering threshold of protective devices. Unfortunately, the analysis of only a single able-bodied participant replicating falls limits greatly the generalisation of the findings. Nonetheless, this case study is an important milestone contributing to a better understanding of load impact during a fall. This new knowledge will improve the treatment, the safe ambulation and, ultimately, the quality of life of individuals fitted with bone-anchored prosthesis.


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Background Over the last two decades, Transcutaneous Bone-Anchored Prosthesis (TCBAP) has proven to be an effective alternative for prosthetic attachment for amputees, particularly for individuals unable to wear a socket. [1-17] However, the load transmitted through a typical TCBAP to the residual tibia and knee joint can be unbearable for transtibial amputees with knee arthritis. Aim A. To describe the surgical procedure combining TKR with TCBAP for the first time; and B. To present preliminary data on potential risks and benefits with assessment of clinical and functional outcomes at follow up Method We used a TCBAP connected to the tibial base plate of a Total Knee Replacement (TKR) prosthesis enabling the tibial residuum and the knee joint to act as weight sharing structures by transferring the load directly to the femur. We performed a standard hinged TKR connected to a custom made TCBAP at the first stage followed by creating a skin implant interface as a second stage. We retrospectively reviewed four cases of trans-tibial amputations presenting with knee joint arthritis. Patients were assessed clinically and functionally including standard measures of health-related quality of life, amputee mobility predictor tool, ambulation tests and actual activity level. Progress was monitored for 6-24 months. Results Clinical outcomes including adverse events show no major complications but one case of superficial infection. Functional outcomes improved for all participants as early as 6 months follow up. Discussion & Conclusion TKR and TCBAP were combined for the first time in this proof-of-concept case series. The preliminary outcomes indicated that this procedure is potentially a safe and effective alternative for this patient group despite the theoretical increase in risk of ascending infection through the skin-implant interface to the external environment. We suggest larger comparative series to further validate these results.


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Background Over the last two decades, Transcutaneous Bone-Anchored Prosthesis (TCBAP) has proven to be an effective alternative for prosthetic attachment for above knee amputees, particularly for individuals suffering from socket interface related complications. [1-17] Amputees with a very short femoral residuum (<15 cm) are at a considerable higher risk for these complications as well as high risk of implant failure, if they underwent a typical TCBAP due to the relatively small bony-implant contact leading to a need of a novel technique. Aim A. To describe the surgical procedure combining THR with TCBAP for the first time; and B. To present preliminary data on potential risks and benefits with assessment of clinical and functional outcomes at follow up Method We used a TCBAP connected to the stem of a Total Hip Replacement (THR) prosthesis enabling the femoral residuum and the hip joint to act as weight sharing structures by transferring the load directly to the pelvis. We performed a tri-polar THR connected to a custom made TCBAP at the first stage followed by creating a skin implant interface as a second stage. We retrospectively reviewed three cases of transfemoral amputations presenting with extremely short femoral residuum. Patients were assessed clinically and functionally including standard measures of health-related quality of life, amputee mobility predictor tool, ambulation tests and actual activity level. Progress was monitored for 6-24 months. Results Clinical outcomes including adverse events show no major complications. Functional outcomes improved for all participants as early as 6 months follow up. All cases were wheelchair bound preoperatively (K0 – AMPRO) improved to walking with One stick (K3 – AMPRO) at 3 months follow up. Discussion & Conclusion THR and TCBAP were combined for the first time in this proof-of-concept case series. The preliminary outcomes indicated that this procedure is potentially a safe and effective alternative despite the theoretical increase in risk of ascending infection through the skin-implant interface to the external environment for this patient group. We suggest larger comparative series to further validate these results.


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Introduction & aims The demand for evidence of efficacy of treatments in general and orthopaedic surgical procedures in particular is ever increasing in Australia and worldwide. The aim of this study is to share the key elements of an evaluation framework recently implemented in Australia to determine the efficacy of bone-anchored prostheses. Method The proposed evaluation framework to determine the benefit and harms of bone-anchored prostheses for individuals with limb loss was extracted from a systematic review of the literature including seminal studies focusing on clinical benefits and safety of procedures involving screw-type implant (e.g., OPRA) and press-fit fixations (e.g., EEFT, ILP, OPL). [1-64] Results The literature review highlighted that a standard and replicable evaluation framework should focus on: • The clinical benefits with a systematic recording of health-related quality of life (e.g., SF-26, Q-TFA), mobility predictor (e.g., AMPRO), ambulation abilities (e.g., TUG, 6MWT), walking abilities (e.g., characteristic spatio-temporal) and actual activity level at baseline and follow-up post Stage 2 surgery, • The potential harms with systematic recording of residuum care, infection, implant stability, implant integrity, injuries (e.g., falls) after Stage 1 surgery. There was a general consensus around the instruments to monitor most of the benefits and harms. The benefits could be assessed using a wide spectrum of complementary assessments ranging from subjective patient self-reporting to objective measurements of physical activity. However, this latter was assessed using a broad range of measurements (e.g., pedometer, load cell, energy consumption). More importantly, the lack of consistent grading of infections was sufficiently noticeable to impede cross-fixation comparisons. Clearly, a more universal grading system is needed. Conclusions Investigators are encouraged to implement an evaluation framework featuring the domains and instruments proposed above using a single database to facilitate robust prospective studies about potential benefits and harms of their procedure. This work is also a milestone in the development of national and international clinical outcome registries.


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Background and purpose — Osseointegrated implants are an alternative for prosthetic attachment in individuals with amputation who are unable to wear a socket. However, the load transmitted through the osseointegrated fixation to the residual tibia and knee joint can be unbearable for those with transtibial amputation and knee arthritis. We report on the feasibility of combining total knee replacement (TKR) with an osseointegrated implant for prosthetic attachment. Patients and methods — We retrospectively reviewed all 4 cases (aged 38–77 years) of transtibial amputations managed with osseointegration and TKR in 2012–2014. The below-the-knee prosthesis was connected to the tibial base plate of a TKR, enabling the tibial residuum and knee joint to act as weight-sharing structures. A 2-stage procedure involved connecting a standard hinged TKR to custom-made implants and creation of a skin-implant interface. Clinical outcomes were assessed at baseline and after 1–3 years of follow-up using standard measures of health-related quality of life, ambulation, and activity level including the questionnaire for transfemoral amputees (Q-TFA) and the 6-minute walk test. Results — There were no major complications, and there was 1 case of superficial infection. All patients showed improved clinical outcomes, with a Q-TFA improvement range of 29–52 and a 6-minute walk test improvement range of 37–84 meters. Interpretation — It is possible to combine TKR with osseointegrated implants.


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Evidências sugerem que a lateralização cerebral é uma característica fundamental dos vertebrados. Nos seres humanos, tem sido sugerido que o hemisfério direito é especializado no processamento de informação emocional negativa e o hemisfério esquerdo no controle da função motora. Em roedores, evidências de lateralização hemisférica são escassas. Diante disso, utilizamos a hemisferectomia para avaliar a importância relativa de cada hemisfério no controle emocional e na atividade motora espontânea em camundongos. Machos adultos foram submetidos à hemisferectomia direita (HD), hemisferectomia esquerda (HE) ou a simulação da cirurgia (SHAM). Para ajudar na interpretação dos resultados, uma amostra adicional de camundongos foi submetida à aspiração unilateral da área frontoparietal esquerda (FPE), da área frontoparietal direito (FPD) ou a simulação da cirurgia (CONT). Quinze dias após a cirurgia, a reatividade emocional e a ambulação foram avaliadas no teste de campo aberto durante 10 minutos (dividido em intervalos de 1 min). A arena de campo aberto consistiu em uma caixa de polipropileno, cujo fundo foi dividido em 16 retângulos do mesmo tamanho. O número total de retângulos cruzados pelo animal foi utilizado como a medida da atividade locomotora espontânea. Considerando-se que os camundongos evitam áreas abertas, a locomoção no centro e o tempo despendido nos retângulos centrais foram utilizados para avaliar a reatividade emocional. Em relação à atividade locomotora as duas técnicas cirúrgicas revelaram assimetrias na direção oposta. A atividade locomotora do grupo HE aumentou ao longo do período de teste e foi maior do que a dos grupos HD e SHAM. Em contraste, a atividade locomotora do grupo FPD diminuiu ao longo do período de teste e foi superior a ambos os grupos, FPE e CONT. Em relação à reatividade emocional, o grupo HE passou menos tempo na área central que os grupos HD e CONT. Não foram observadas diferenças entre FPD, FPE e o grupo CONT. Os nossos resultados sugerem que os dois hemisférios contribuem de forma assimétrica para controlar de reatividade emocional e para controlar de atividade motora em camundongos. De forma semelhante ao que é observado em humanos, o hemisfério direito dos camundongos foi mais associado com o processamento de informação emocional negativa. Em relação aos dados de hiperatividade, as diferenças observadas entre os animais hemisferectomizados e com lesão frontoparietal sugerem que mais de um circuito (ou sistema) lateralizado pode mediar a atividade locomotora espontânea.