317 resultados para Amblyomma brasiliense


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Although Amblyomma brasiliense Aragão 1908 has been reported as one of the most aggressive ticks to humans in Brazil, information about the biology of this tick species is virtually inexistent. This work reports data on the life cycle of A. brasiliense fed on rabbits and pigs and maintained in an incubator at 20°C, 90% RH and 12 h of light for off-host development. Tick yield of adult females fed on pigs and rabbits was 81.2% and 58.3%, respectively. Females fed on pigs had mean engorgement weight of 862.3 mg and egg mass of 208 mg, while females fed on rabbits had mean engorgement weight of 606.1 mg and egg mass of 160 mg; these values did not differ statistically between host species. Feeding period of female ticks fed on pigs (10 days) was significantly shorter than that on rabbits (17 days). Mean preoviposition period was slightly longer (35.9 days) for ticks fed on pigs than on rabbits (30 days). The minimum incubation period of eggs of ticks from both host species was similar and over 100 days. Egg production efficiency was low for females fed on both hosts (less than 30% and 20% for ticks from pigs and rabbits, respectively). More than 55% of larvae and 79% of nymphs fed on rabbits, set free inside the feeding chambers, engorged successfully. These ticks attained an engorgement weight of 1.3 and 18.2 mg, respectively, and fed for approximately 5 days. The minimum pre-molt period was 30 days for engorged larvae and over 44 days for nymphs. Molting success was low, less than 50% in the case of larvae and less than 20% for nymphs. Further studies are required to better determine the off-host requirements of this tick species. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC


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While conducting projects on ticks from deer and on tick ecology in animal trails in an Atlantic rainforest reserve in Southeastern Brazil, researchers of our group were bitten by ticks several times. Some of these episodes were recorded. Three species of adult ticks attached to humans: Amblyomma brasiliense Aragauo, Amblyomma incisum Neumann, and Amblyomma ovale Koch. Eight nymphal attachments with engorgement on humans were recorded. From these, six molted to adults of A. incisum, one to an adult of A. brasiliense, and one had an anomalous molting, therefore the adult tick could not be properly identified. Local reactions to tick attachment varied among individual hosts from almost imperceptible to intense. Especially itching, but hyperemia and swelling as well, were prominent features of the reaction. Overall it can be affirmed that human beings can be a physiologically suitable host species for ticks in the Atlantic rainforest and that itching was an important if not the major component of the resistance to tick bite.


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The recombinant Bm86-based tick vaccines have shown their efficacy for the control of cattle ticks, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus and R. annulatus infestations. However, cattle ticks often co-exist with multi-host ticks such as Hyalomma and Amblyomma species, thus requiring the control of multiple tick infestations for cattle and other hosts. Vaccination trials using a R. microplus recombinant Bm86-based vaccine were conducted in cattle and camels against Hyalomma dromedarii and in cattle against Amblyomma cajennense immature and adult ticks. The results showed an 89% reduction in the number of H. dromedarii nymphs engorging on vaccinated cattle, and a further 32% reduction in the weight of the surviving adult ticks. In vaccinated camels, a reduction of 27% and 31% of tick engorgement and egg mass weight, respectively was shown, while egg hatching was reduced by 39%. However, cattle vaccination with Bm86 did not have an effect on A. cajennense tick infestations. These results showed that Bm86 vaccines are effective against R. microplus and other tick species but improved vaccines containing new antigens are required to control multiple tick infestations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O Codigo Brasiliense reúne as primeiras leis promulgadas em solo brasileiro, desde o ano de 1808 até 1822, abrangendo todo o Período Joanino. Essas leis fazem parte dos primeiros impressos produzidos pela Impressão Regia, possuindo, portanto, a característica de incunábulos brasileiros. Segundo pesquisa da John Carter Brown Library, existem várias versões tipograficamente diferentes, não encadernadas, impressas possivelmente em Lisboa. As diferenças podem ser detectadas, particularmente, pela capital ornamentada E, cuja variante digitalizada encontra-se no site daquela instituição. É muito raro encontrar em um mesmo acervo os 3 volumes que compõem o Código e, mais ainda, encontrar exemplares completos. É obra importantíssima para a memória brasileira.


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An opioid peptide, which shares similarity with mammalian hemorphins, has been identified from the synganglia (central nervous system) of the hard tick, Amblyomma testindiarium. Its primary sequence was established as LVVYPWTKM that contains a tetrapeptide sequence Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr of hemorphin-like opioid peptides. By hot-plate bioassay, the purified peptide and synthetic peptide displayed dose-related antinociceptive effect in mice, as observed for other hemorphin-like opioid peptides. This is the first opioid peptide identified from ticks. Ticks may utilize the opioid peptide in their strategy to escape host immuno-surveillance as well as in inhibiting responses directed against themselves. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Em meados de 2008, um dos grandes problemas e motivos para toda essa crise mundial, é que a mesma não começou agora, é oriunda de certa forma do resultado de anos de negligência na concessão do crédito, em que se deu crédito as pessoas físicas ou mesmo jurídicas, que não tinham condições de honrar com as obrigações financeiras assumidas. Com isso despontou uma inadimplência generalizada, comprometendo assim a economia de várias empresas e consequemente de inúmeros países. Por conta disso este trabalho acadêmico buscou pesquisar como é o comportamento das pessoas diante da oferta ou mesmo da necessidade das mesmas de empréstimos ou financiamentos. Foi possível por intermédio de esta pesquisa verificar os principais motivos que levam o consumidor a inadimplência e identificar qual era o estado de consciência destas pessoas quando da negociação. Tinha-se na pesquisa o objetivo de verificar como é o conhecimento e comportamento do consumidor diante da oferta do crédito. Ele faz pesquisa, compara preços e taxas, barganha, negocia? No momento de transacionar com instituições que oferecem crédito, o consumidor considera se a instituições é uma empresa responsável? Foi possível com esta pesquisa perceber que de certo modo, dentre os entrevistados existe certa negligência quanto a algumas práticas que deveriam ser tomadas por um tomador de empréstimos ou financiamentos. Como isso, este trabalho acadêmico sugere que deve haver uma atuação em conjunto e articulado pelos governos, empresas, e os próprios consumidores, objetivando uma melhoria na orientação e educação dos consumidores, que os permita evitarem um endividamento desnecessário e por consequência uma eventual insolvência financeira.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)