1000 resultados para Aluminium (IV)


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Distribution patterns and petrographical and mineral chemistry data are described for the most representative basement lithologies occuring as clast in the c. 824 m thick Tertiary sedimentary sequence at the CRP-3 drillsite. These are granule to bolder grain size clasts of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Within the basement clast assemblage, granitoid pebbles are the predominant lithology. They consist of dominant grey biotic-bearing monzogranite, pink biotite-hornblende monzogranite, and biotite-bearing leucomomonzgranite. Minor lithologies include: actinolite-bearing leucotonalite, microgranite, biotite-hornblende quartz-monzonitic porphyr, and foliated biotic leucomonzogranite. Metamorphic clasts include rocks of both granitic and sedimentary derivation. They include mylonitic biotic orthogneiss, with or without garnet, muscovite-bearing quartzite, sillimanite-biotite paragneiss, biotite meta-sandstone, biotite-spotted schist, biotite-clacite-clinoamphibole meta-feldspathic arenite, biotite-calcite-clinozoisite meta-siltstone, biotite±clinoamphibole meta-marl, and graphite-bearing marble. As in previous CRP drillcores, the ubiquitous occurence of biotite±hornblende monzogranite pebbles is indicative of a local provenance, closely mirroring the dominance of these lithologies in the on-shore basement, where the Cambro-Ordovician Granite Harbour Intrusive Complex forms the most extensively exposed rock unit.


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We document the first-known Mesoproterozoic ophiolite from the southwestern part of the Amazon craton, corresponding to the Trincheira Complex of Calymmian age, and propose a tectonic model that explains many previously enigmatic features of the Precambrian history of this key craton, and discuss its role in the reconstruction of the Columbia supercontinent. The complex comprises extrusive rocks (fine-grained amphibolites derived from massive and pillowed basalts), mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks, chert, banded iron formation (BIFs), pelites, psammitic and a smaller proportion of calc-silicate rocks. This sequence was deformed, metasomatized and metamorphosed during the development of the Alto Guaporé Belt, a Mesoproterozoic accretionary orogen. The rocks were deformed by a single tectonic event, which included isoclinal folding and metamorphism of the granulite-amphibolite facies. Layered magmatic structures were preserved in areas of low strain, including amygdaloidal and cumulate structures. Metamorphism was pervasive and reached temperatures of 780-853°C in mafic granulites and 680-720°C in amphibolites under an overall pressure of 6.8 kbar. The geochemical composition of the extrusive and intrusive rocks indicates that all noncumulus mafic-ultramafic rocks are tholeiitic basalts. The mafic-ultramafic rocks display moderately to strongly fractionation of light rare earth elements (LREE), near-flat heavy rare earth elements (HREE) patterns and moderate to strong negative high field strength elements (HFSE) anomalies (especially Nb), a geochemical signature typical of subduction zones. The lowest units of mafic granulites and porphyroblastic amphibolites in the Trincheira ophiolite are similar to the modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), although they locally display small Ta, Ti and Nb negative anomalies, indicating a small subduction influence. This behavior changes to an island arc tholeiites (IAT) signature in the upper units of fine-grained amphibolites and amphibole rich-amphibolites, characterized by progressive depletion in the incompatible elements and more pronounced negative Ta and Nb anomalies, as well as common Ti and Zr negative anomalies. Tectono-magmatic variation diagrams and chondrite-normalized REE and primitive mantle normalized patterns suggest a back-arc to intra-oceanic island arc tectonic regime for the eruption of these rocks. Therefore, the Trincheira ophiolite appears to have originated in an intraoceanic supra-subduction setting composed of an arc-back-arc system. Accordingly, the Trincheira Complex is a record of oceanic crust relics obducted during the collision of the Amazon craton and the Paraguá block during the Middle Mesoproterozoic. Thus, the recognition of the Trincheira ophiolite and suture significantly changes views on the evolution of the southern margin of the Amazon craton, and how it can influence the global tectonics and the reconstruction of the continents.


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An example of cordierite-bearing gneiss that is part of a high-grade gneiss-migmatite sequence is described from the Hatch Plain in the Read Mountains of the Shackleton Range, Antarctica, for the first time. The cordierite-bearing rocks constitute the more melanosomic portions of the metatectic and migmatitic rocks that are associated with relict granulite facies rocks such as enderbitic granulite and enderbitic garnet granulite. The predominant mineral assemblage in the cordierite-bearing rocks is chemically homogeneous cordierite (XMg 0.61) and biotite (XMg 0.47), strongly zoned garnet (XMg 0.18-0.11), sillimanite, K-feldspar (Or81-94Ab5-18An0.6), plagioclase (An28), and quartz. Inclusions of sillimanite and biotite relics in both garnet and cordierite indicate that garnet and cordierite were produced by the coupled, discontinuous reaction biotite + sillimanite + quartz = cordierite + garnet + K-feldspar + H2O. Various garnet-biotite and garnet-cordierite geothermometers and sillimanite-quartz-plagioclase-garnet-cordierite geobarometers yield a continuous clockwise path in the P-T diagram. The P-T conditions for equilibrium between garnet core and cordierite and between garnet core and biotite during peak metamorphism and migmatization were estimated to be 690 °C at 5-6 kb. This was followed by cooling and unloading with continuously changing conditions down to 515 °C at 2-3 kb. This low-pressure re-equilibration correlates with the pressure conditions evaluated by SCHULZE (1989) for the widespread granitic gneisses of the Read Group in the Shackleton Range. The associated relict enderbitic granulites representing low-pressure type granulite (8 kb; 790 °C) are comparable to similar low-pressure granulites from the East Antarctic craton. They were either formed by under-accretion processes after collision (WELLS 1979, p. 217) or they are a product of remetamorphism at P-T conditions intermediate between granulite and amphibolite facies. A model of a multiple imbrication zone with crustal thickening (CUTHBERT et al. 1983) is discussed for the formation of the relict granulites of the central and eastern Read Mountains which show higher pressure conditions (8-12 kb, SCHULZE & OLESCH 1990), indicating a Proterozoic crustal thickness of at least 40 km.


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The late Carboniferous to Permian is a critical period for final amalgamation of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), which is characterized by voluminous igneous rocks, particularly granitoids. The Kekesai composite granitoid porphyry intrusion, situated in the Chinese western Tianshan (southwest part of CAOB) includes two intrusive phases, a monzogranite phase, intruded by a granodiorite phase. LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon analyses suggest that the monzogranitic rocks formed at 305.5±1.1 Ma, with a wide age range of inherited zircons (358-488 Ma and 1208-1391 Ma), whereas the granodioritic rocks formed at 288.7±1.5 Ma. The monzogranitic and granodioritic phases have similar geochemical features and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions. They exhibit high and variable SiO2 (66-71 wt.%) and MgO (0.41-2.14 wt.%) contents with some arc-like geochemical characteristics (e.g., enrichment of large ion lithophile elements and negative anomalies of Nb, Ta and Ti) and relatively high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (ISr=0.7055-0.7059), low positive eNd(t) (+0.84 to +1.03) as well as a large variation in Hf isotopic compositions with eHf(t) between +3.43 to +14.8, implying both of them were derived from similar source materials. These geochemical characteristics suggest that they might be mainly derived from the partial melting of arc-derived Mesoproterozoic mafic lower crust with involvement of a mantle-derived component in variable proportions by mantle-derived magma underplating. The presence of late-Ordovician to earliest early Carboniferous inherited zircons and the Hf isotopic compositions in the monzogranitic sample, similar to that of the widespread juvenile arc rocks, indicates some crust contamination during magma emplacement. Our new data, combined with previous studies, imply that extensive post-collisional magmatism due to underplating of mantle-derived magma, could plausibly be explained by slab break-off regime.


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The transition from magmatic crystallization to high-temperature metamorphism in deep magma chambers (or lenses) beneath spreading ridges has not been fully described. High-temperature microscopic veins found in olivine gabbros, recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B on the Southwest Indian Ridge during Leg 176, yield information on the magmatic-hydrothermal transition beneath spreading ridges. The microscopic veins are composed of high-temperature minerals, (i.e., clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, brown amphibole, and plagioclase). An important feature of these veins is the 'along-vein variation' in mineralogy, which is correlated with the magmatic minerals that they penetrate. Within grains of magmatic plagioclase, the veins are composed of less calcic plagioclase. In grains of olivine, the veins are composed of orthopyroxene + brown amphibole + plagioclase. In clinopyroxene grains, the veins consist of plagioclase + brown amphibole and are accompanied by an intergrowth of brown amphibole + orthopyroxene. The mode of occurrence of the veins cannot be explained if these veins were crystallized from silicate melts. Consequently, these veins and nearby intergrowths were most likely formed by the reaction of magmatic minerals with fluid phases under the conditions of low fluid/rock ratios. Very similar intergrowths of brown amphibole + orthopyroxene are observed in clinopyroxene grains with 'interfingering' textures. It is believed, in general, that the penetration of seawater does not predate the ductile deformation within Layer 3 gabbros of the slow-spreading ridges. If this is the case, the fluid responsible for the veins did not originate from seawater because the formation of the veins and the interfingering textures preceded ductile deformation and, perhaps, complete solidification of the gabbroic crystal mush. It has been proposed, based on fluid inclusion data, that the exsolution of fluid from the latest-stage magma took place at temperatures >700°C in the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the Kane Fracture Zone (MARK) area. No obvious mineralogical evidence, however, has been found for these magmatic fluids. The calculated temperatures for the veins and nearby intergrowths found in Hole 735B gabbros are up to 1000°C, and these veins are the most plausible candidate for the mineralogical expression of the migrating magmatic fluids.


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Prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism is described in the oceanic-arc basement rocks of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126, Site 791 in the Sumisu Rift, western Pacific. Chemical variations of pumpellyite, epidote, chlorite, and prehnite are examined and paragenetic relations discussed. The metamorphism took place during the pre-rifting stage of an intraoceanic arc. During the backarc rifting stage, the geothermal gradient of the area was not as high as that of a spreading mid-oceanic ridge.


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We present results of a microprobe investigation of fresh and least-deformed and metamorphosed gabbroic rocks from Leg 118, Hole 735B, drilled on the east side of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone, Southwest Indian Ridge. This rock collection comprises cumulates ranging from troctolites to olivine-gabbro and olivine-gabbronorite to ilmenite-rich ferrogabbros and ferrogabbronorites. As expected, the mineral chemistry is variable and considerably expands the usual oceanic reference spectrum. Olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene are present in all the studied samples. Orthopyroxene and ilmenite, although not rare, are not ubiquitous. Olivine compositions range from Fo85 to Fo30, while plagioclase compositions vary from An70 to An27. Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) of clinopyroxene (mostly diopside to augite) varies from 0.88 to 0.54. Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) of orthopyroxene varies from 0.84 to 0.50. These minerals are not significantly zoned. All mineralogical data indicate that fractional crystallization is an important factor for the formation of cumulates. However, sharp contacts, interpreted as layering boundaries or intrusion margins, suggest polycyclic fractionation of several magma batches of limited volumes. Calculated compositions of magmas in equilibrium with the most magnesian mineral samples at the bottom of the hole represent fractionated liquids through separation of olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene at moderate to low pressures (less than 9 kb). Crystallization of orthopyroxene and ilmenite occurs in the most differentiated liquids. Mixing of magmas having various compositions before entering the cumulate zone is another mechanism necessary to explain extremely differentiated iron-rich gabbros formed in this slow-spreading ridge environment.