991 resultados para Alumina Catalyst


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The limit of electron transfer in electron affinity from the oxide surface to the electron acceptor (EA) are reported from the adsorption of EA on DY203, mixed oxides of DY203 with alumina and mixed oxides of Y203 with y-alumina. The extent of electron transfer is understood from magnetic measurements.


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Titanium oxide is a good candidate as new support for hydrotreating (HDT) catalysts, but has the inconvenience of presenting small surface area and poor thermal stability. To overcome these handicaps TiO2-Al2O3 mixed oxides were proposed as catalyst support. Here, the results concerning the preparation, characterization and testing of molybdenum catalyst supported on titania-alumina are presented. The support was prepared by sol-gel route using titanium and aluminum isopropoxides, chelated with acetylacetone (acac) to promote similar hydrolysis ratio for both the alcoxides. The effect of nominal complexing ratios [acac]/[Ti] and of sol aging temperature on the structural features of nanometric particles was analyzed by quasi-elastic light scattering (QELS) and N-2 adsorption isotherm measurements. These characterizations have shown that the addition of acac and the increase of aging temperature favor the full dispersion of primary nanoparticles in mother acid solution. The dried powder presents a monomodal distribution of slit-shaped micropores, formed by irregular packing of platelet primary particles, surface area superior to 200 m(2) g(-1) and mean pore size of about 1 nm. These characteristics of porous texture are preserved after firing at 673 K. The diffraction patterns of sample fired above 973 K show only the presence of anatase crystalline phase. The crystalline structure of the support remained unaltered after molybdenum adsorption, but the surface area and the micropore volume were drastically reduced. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Titanium oxide (TiO2) is a good candidate for support of hydrotreating catalysts but has the disadvantage of presenting a low surface area and a poor thermal stability when compared with Al2O3. A mixed TiO2-Al2O3 support was proposed as an alternative that is expected to be free from these drawbacks. The variation during firing of the nanoporous texture of supports composed of TiO2-Al2O3, TiO2 and Al2O3 was studied by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The supports were prepared by the sol-gel route using Ti and Al isopropoxides. We have particularly analyzed the effects of acid and basic hydrolysis on the nanostructural features of catalyst supports fired at different temperatures. The nanopore radius distribution functions were determined from SAXS results assuming a simple model of spherical nanopores embedded in a homogeneous solid matrix. The modal pore radius in both pure TiO2 and pure Al2O3 supports grows from 1.3 to 2.2 nm as the firing temperature increases from 673 to 973 K. on the other hand, the modal pore radius in the mixed TiO2-Al2O3 support remains below 1.2 nm over the same range of firing temperatures. These results demonstrate the good thermal stability of the nanoporous texture of mixed TiO2-Al2O3 supports.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Two series of sulfided Ni or Co promoted Mo/alumina catalysts, having different Ni or Co loadings, were characterized by their activities for the transformation of cyclopentanone into cyclopentanethiol (flow reactor, 220 degrees C, atmospheric pressure) and for the hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene (flow reactor, 340 degrees C, 3 MPa hydrogen pressure). The addition of the promoter increased significantly the activity of the Mo/alumina catalyst for both reactions, up to a maximum obtained with the catalysts having a (promoter)/(promoter+Mo) molar ratio equal to 0.3-0.4. This increase in activity was due in part to an increase in the hydrogenating properties of the Mo/alumina catalyst. However, an additional modification of the catalyst (basic and nucleophilic properties) must be considered to account for the spectacular effect of the promoter on the rate of the dibenzothiophene direct desulfurization reaction. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The surface modification of a mechanochemically prepared Ag/Al O catalyst compared with catalysts prepared by standard wet impregnated methods has been probed using two-dimensional T -T NMR correlations, HO temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and DRIFTS. The catalysts were examined for the selective catalytic reduction of NO using n-octane in the presence and absence of H. Higher activities were observed for the ball milled catalysts irrespective of whether H was added. This higher activity is thought to be related to the increased affinity of the catalyst surface towards the hydrocarbon relative to water, following mechanochemical preparation, resulting in higher concentrations of the hydrocarbon and lower concentrations of water at the surface. DRIFTS experiments demonstrated that surface isocyanate was formed significantly quicker and had a higher surface concentration in the case of the ball milled catalyst which has been correlated with the stronger interaction of the n-octane with the surface. This increased interaction may also be the cause of the reduced activation barrier measured for this catalyst compared with the wet impregnated system. The decreased interaction of water with the surface on ball milling is thought to reduce the effect of site blocking whilst still providing a sufficiently high surface concentration of water to enable effective hydrolysis of the isocyanate to form ammonia and, thereafter, N. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Five samples including a composite refuse derived fuel (RDF) and four combustible components of municipal solid wastes (MSW) have been reacted under supercritical water conditions in a batch reactor. The reactions have been carried out at 450 °C for 60 min reaction time, with or without 20 wt% RuO2/gamma-alumina catalyst. The reactivities of the samples depended on their compositions; with the plastic-rich samples, RDF and mixed waste plastics (MWP), giving similar product yields and compositions, while the biogenic samples including mixed waste wood (MWW) and textile waste (TXT) also gave similar reaction products. The use of the heterogeneous ruthenium-based catalyst gave carbon gasification efficiencies (CGE) of up to 99 wt%, which was up by at least 83% compared to the non-catalytic tests. In the presence of RuO2 catalyst, methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide became the dominant gas products for all five samples. The higher heating values (HHV) of the gas products increased at least two-fold in the presence of the catalyst compared to non-catalytic tests. Results show that the ruthenium-based catalyst was active in feedstock steam reforming, methanation and possible direct hydrogenolysis of C-C bonds. This work provides new insights into the catalytic mechanisms of RuO2 during SCWG of carbonaceous materials, along with the possibility of producing high yields of methane from MSW fractions.


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A detailed study on the removal of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from the exhaust of a stationary diesel engine was carried out using nonthermal-plasma (pulsed electrical-discharge plasma)-promoted catalytic process. In this paper, the filtered exhaust from the diesel engine is made to pass through a combination of nonthermal plasma reactor and a catalytic reactor connected in series. This combination is referred to as cascade. Two types of cascaded systems were studied. In one type, the plasma treating filtered exhaust was cascaded with a reduction catalyst V2O5/TiO2 using ammonia as reducing agent, and in the other type, the plasma treating filtered exhaust was cascaded with activated-alumina catalyst without any additive. Improved NOx-removal performance of both the cascaded processes and the role of nonthermal plasma in promoting catalysis are explained. Along with the NOx, total hydrocarbon and aldehydes were also removed. Furthermore, experiments were conducted at different temperatures and engine-loading conditions.


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A detailed study on the removal of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from the filtered/unfiltered exhaust of a stationary diesel engine was carried out using non-thermal plasma (pulsed electrical discharge plasma) process and cascaded processes namely plasma- adsorbent and plasma-catalyst processes. The superior performance of discharge plasma with regard to NOx removal, energy consumption and formation of by-products in unfiltered exhaust environment is identified. In the cascaded plasma-adsorbent process, the plasma was cascaded with adsorbents (MS13X/Activated alumina/Activated charcoal). The cascaded process treating unfiltered exhaust exhibits a very high NOx removal compared to the individual processes and further, the cascaded process gives almost the same NOx removal efficiency irrespective of type of adsorbent used. In the cascaded plasma- catalyst process, the plasma was cascaded with activated alumina catalyst at high temperature. The synergy effect and improved performance of the cascaded process are explained. Further, experiments were conducted at room temperature as well as at higher temperatures.


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Monolithic catalysts are widely used as structured catalysts, especially in the abatement of pollutants. Probing what happens inside these monoliths during operation is, therefore, vital for modelling and prediction of the catalyst behavior. SpaciMS is a spatially resolved capillary-inlet mass spectroscopy system allowing for the generation of spatially resolved maps of the reactions within monoliths. In this study SpaciMS results combined with 3D CFD modelling demonstrate that SpaciMS is a highly sensitive and minimally invasive technique that can provide reaction maps as well as catalytic temporal behavior. Herein we illustrate this by examining kinetic oscillations during a CO oxidation reaction over a Pt/Rh on alumina catalyst supported on a cordierite monolith. These oscillations were only observed within the monolith by SpaciMS between 30 and 90% CO conversion. Equivalent experiments performed in a plug-flow reactor using this catalyst in a crushed form over a similar range of reaction conditions did not display any oscillations demonstrating the importance of intra monolith analysis. This work demonstrates that the SpaciMS offers an accurate and comprehensive picture of structured catalysts under operation.


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For the first time, the hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis of a range of disulfides has been achieved over a supported palladium catalyst using hydrogen under relatively benign conditions. These unexpected results demonstrate that it is possible to avoid the poisoning of the catalyst by either the nitrogen-containing groups or the sulfur species, allowing both efficient reaction and recycling of the catalyst under the proper conditions (e.g., at low temperatures). A slight loss in activity was found on recycling; however, the catalyst activity can be recovered using hydrogen pretreatment. The reaction mechanism for the hydrogenolysis and hydrogenation of ortho-, meta-, and para-dinitrodiphenyldisulfide to the corresponding aminothiophenol has been elucidated. Density functional theory calculations were used to investigate the adsorption mode of the dinitrodiphenyldisulfides; a clear dependence on adsorption geometry was found regarding whether the molecule is cleaved at the S-S bond before the reduction of the nitro group or vice versa. This study demonstrates the versatility of these catalysts for the hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis of sulfur-containing molecules, which normally are considered poisons, and will extend their use to a new family of substrates. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The H-2-assisted hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction (HC-SCR) of NO, was investigated using fast transient kinetic analysis coupled with isotopically labelled (NO)-N-15. This allowed monitoring of the evolution of products and reactants during switches of H-2 in and out of the SCR reaction mix. The results obtained with a time resolution of less than 1 s showed that the effect on the reaction of the removal or addition of H-2 was essentially instantaneous. This is consistent with the view that H-2 has a direct chemical effect on the reaction mechanism rather than a secondary one through the formation of "active" Ag clusters. The effect of H-2 partial pressure was investigated at 245 degrees C, it was found that increasing partial pressure of H-2 resulted in increasing conversion of NO and octane. It was also found that the addition of H-2 at 245 degrees C had different effects on the product distribution depending on its partial pressure. The change of the nitrogen balance over time during switches in and out of hydrogen showed that significant quantities of N-containing species were stored when hydrogen was introduced to the system. The positive nitrogen balance on removal of H-2 from the gas phase showed that these stored species continued to react after removal of hydrogen to form N-2. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.