999 resultados para Alps (França) -- Arqueologia
Des programmes de recherche pluridisciplinaires sur l’occupation du sol et le pastoralisme de la Préhistoire au Moyen Âge dans le sud du massif alpin sont menés, depuis 1998, sur les massifs du Haut Champsaur, de Freissinières et de l’Argentièrois (Hautes-Alpes). Des dix phases d’occupation et d'activité agropastorale mises en évidence (prospections pédestres et fouilles), entre 1600 et 2700 m d’altitude, trois se distinguent: la fin du Néolithique, l’âge du Bronze et la période médiévale. Au travers des premières données archéologiques et environnementales, cet article présente, depuis le milieu du IIIe millénaire au début du Ier millénaire, les grandes caractéristiques de l’occupation du sol mais aussi l’originalité et l’importance de l’activité humaine dans cette zone alpine. La fin du Néolithique et l’âge du Bronze correspondent à une multiplication des gisements archéologiques marquant de façon évidente une rupture dans la gestion de l'espace montagnard. Les paysages sont largement façonnés par les activités humaines et l’entretien des terres cultivées, des prairies et des alpages, paraît continu. À la lumière des données de terrain, l’une des évolutions qui apparaît sur les sites d’altitude durant cette période concerne l’apparition de structures pastorales bâties entre 2 067 et 2 303 m d’altitude (datation 14C).
Les recherches menées ces dernières années sur le site de Lattes ont livré une documentation abondante sur l’architecture et l’organisation de l’espace domestique du ve s. et surtout du ive s. av. J.-C. C’est en effet durant cette période qu’a eu lieu la mise en place de la trame urbaine de la ville qui, dans ses grandes lignes, perdurera jusqu’à la fin de l’occupation protohistorique du site ; de même, c’est à ce moment qu’apparaissent des techniques de construction dont certaines sont exclusives de ces périodes, mais qui pour d’autres resteront en vigueur jusqu’à la Protohistoire récente. Cet article présente une synthèse de nos connaissances sur cette phase ancienne, en insistant sur les permanences, les modifications ou les évolutions dans l’architecture, la typologie des maisons et les pratiques domestiques au cours de ces étapes et par rapport aux étapes postérieures.
Aquest treball de final de grau és una explicació sobre la historiografia del Principat d’Andorra, un petit país dels Pirineus Centrals, entre Espanya i França. La història, l’arqueologia i els reculls documentals que daten d’època medieval, seran l’objecte d’estudi. En aquesta època es posen els fonaments essencials per desenvolupar-se, en un futur com a un Estat. Tot ve configurat per uns pactes del 1278 i del 1288 entre els 2 cosenyors que desenvolupa la seva jurisprudència, la seva activitat econòmica, social i política, converteix els costums i la tradició en els seus valors elementals i es desenvolupa la seva vida quotidiana. I sobre aquestes disciplines s’han fet moltes interpretacions en els últims 30 anys. Saber quin és el seu objectiu, ja sigui per arribar al fet que tots els Andorrans coneguin la seva pròpia historia ,amb la iniciativa de l’Escola Andorrana en els anys 80; o per cercar una base històrica a la naturalesa jurídica i política de les Valls. També explicarem quines són les carències i quines són les recerques més abundants o predominants.
This retrospective paper will shed light on the relations between Linguistics and Archaeology by drawing special attention to the history of Archaeology and the influence of Linguistic models for the development of archaeological interpretive frameworks. Reference will be made to culture history theoreticians, like Gordon Childe, to processual archaeologists influenced by Structuralism and to post-processual discourse analysis. The paper will conclude stressing the importance of Linguistics to archaeological thought.
A França passou por conflitos urbanos em seus bairros populares. Incidentes com a polícia marcados pela morte de um morador, geralmente jovem ou adolescente, são seguidos por manifestações violentas: quebra-quebras, incêndios de carros e/ou estabelecimentos públicos e privados, enfrentamentos com a polícia. Nos conflitos da "banlieue" francesa podem ser percebidos elementos comuns a eventos ingleses e/ou americanos de outras décadas.OBJETIVO: consiste em identificar a percepção e as representações de moradores sobre suas condições de vida e saúde na França.MÉTODO: pesquisa qualitativa realizada em Les Aubiers, bairro popular de Bordeaux, nos anos de 2002 e 2005. A população de moradores desse bairro e é composta principalmente por imigrantes ou fanceses de origem estrangeira, provenientes de diferentes locais: África do Norte, África Sub-Sahariana, Turquia, Portugal , Ilha de Reunião. Os indicadores sociais e econômicos apresentam níveis significativamente mais baixos do que os de outros bairros de Bordeaux, acompanhando as tendências encontradas nas outras "banlieues". Entre esses indicadores, a taxa de desemprego, principalmente entre jovens, é alarmante (40 por cento).RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: as políticas sociais deveriam ser mais voltadas para os indivíduos do que para o território, pois este só poderá ser transformado pelos primeiros e não o contrário. Um bairro e uma população estigmatizados, estão contemplados por uma ampla política social. Ainda que passível de crítica, não se pode ignorar a existência de esforços sistematicos de integração, nem a existência de políticas sociais. Se elas são inadequadas, trata-se de ampliar o espaço de discusão para sua reforma. Trata-se de saber qual a disposição das sociedades contemporâneas, como um todo, para lutar contra as inequidades e segregações
The paper studies the archeology of editorial practices of the journal Movimento regarding the processes of editing, diffusion, circulation and adaptation to the index agencies. It reveals the phases of the printed material emphasizing the choices of the editors with reference to the graphical project of the periodic that puts in circulation different devices of regulation of the appropriations, at the same time when it aims at creating an identity that qualifies the periodic as an authorized gadget able to show the readers what Physical Education is in Brazil.
Despite extensive research in the last 150 years, the regional tectonic reconstruction of the Western Alps has remained controversial. The curved orogenic belt consists of several ribbon-like continental terranes (Sesia/Austroalpine, Internal Crystalline Massifs, Brianconnais), which are separated by two or more ophiolitic sutures (Piemonte, Valais, Antrona?, Lanzo/ Canavese?). High-pressure (HP) metamorphism of each terrane occurred during distinct orogenic episodes: at similar to65 Ma in the Sesia/Austroalpine, at similar to45 Ma in the Piemonte zone and at similar to35 Ma in the Internal Crystalline Massifs. It is suggested that these events reflect individual accretionary episodes, which together with kinematic indicators and the speed and direction of plate motions, provide constraints for the discussed reconstruction model. The model involves a prolonged orogenic history that took place during relative convergence of Europe and Adria (here considered as a promontory of the African plate). The first accretionary event involved the Sesia/Austroalpine terrane. Final closure of the Piemonte Ocean occurred during the Eocene (similar to45 Ma) and involved ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphism of the Piemonte oceanic crust. Incorporation of the Brianconnais terrane in the accretionary wedge occurred thereafter, possibly during or after subduction of the Valais Ocean in the late Eocene (45-35 Ma). This subduction was terminated at ca. 35 Ma, when the Internal Crystalline Massifs (i.e. the assumed internal parts of the Brianconnais terrane) were buried into great depths and underwent HP and UHP metamorphism. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Local scale windfield and air mass characteristics during the onset of two foehn wind events in an alpine hydro-catchment are presented. Grounding of the topographically modified foehn was found to be dependent on daytime surface heating and topographic channelling of flow. The foehn front was observed to advance down-valley until the valley widened significantly. The foehn wind appeared to decouple from the surface downstream of the accelerated flow associated with the valley constriction. and to be lifted above local thermally generated circulations including a lake breeze. Towards evening. the foehn front retreated up valley in response to reduced surface heating and the intrusion into the study area of a deep and cool air mass associated with a regional scale mountain-plain circulation. Differences in the local windfield observed during both case study events reflect the importance of different thermal and dynamic forcings on airflow in complex terrain. These are the result of variation in surface energy exchanges, channelling and blocking of airflow. Observations presented here have both theoretical and applied implications with regard to forecasting foehn onset, wind hazard management, recreational activities and air quality management in alpine settings.
The hanging wall of the Alpine Fault near Franz Josef Glacier has been exhumed during the past similar to2-3 m.y. providing a sample of the ductilely deformed middle crust of a modem obliquely convergent orogen. Presently exposed rocks of the Pacific Plate are inferred to have undergone several phases of ductile deformation as they moved westward above a mid-crustal detachment. Initially they were transpressed across the outboard part of the orogen, resulting in oblate fabrics with a down-dip stretch. Later, they encountered the Alpine Fault, experiencing an oblique-slip backshearing on vertical planes. This escalator-like deformation tilted and thinned the incoming crust onto that crustal-scale oblique ramp. This style of hanging wall deformation may affect only the most rapidly uplifting, central part of the Southern Alps because of the low flexural rigidity of the crust in that region and its displacement over a relatively sharp ramp-angle at depth. A 3D transpressive flow affected mylonites locally near the fault, but their shear direction remained parallel to plate motion, ruling out ductile 'extrusion' as an important process in this orogen. Outside the mylonite zone, late Cenozoic shortening is inferred to be modest (30-40%), as measured from deformation of younger biotite grains. Oblique collision is dominated by translation on the Alpine Fault, and rocks migrate rapidly through the deforming zone, preventing the accumulation of large finite strains. Transpression may play a minor role in oblique collision. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
O artigo se propõe a analisar as relações entre o Brasil e a França desde o final da Segunda Guerra Mundial até o presente. Para isso, o autor divide a história da relação entre os dois países em três blocos assim denominados: 1) a parceria bloqueada (1945 - 64); 2) a negligência cordial (1963 - 95); e 3) a parceria possível (1990 - 2000).
A partir de um estudo de caso sobre a iniciativa da França de criação de uma União do Mediterrâneo, o artigo testa a hipótese de que de que os "grandes" Estados da União Europeia, embora concentrando importantes recursos de poder negocial, comprometem significativamente os seus objetivos negociais se sobre-estenderem esses poderes.