40 resultados para Alpinia


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Alpinia speciosa Schum or A. nutans is a plant of the Zingiberanceae family, Known popularly as "colony" (colônia) and used as a diuretic and to control hypertensión. We have determinated the concentration of Na+ and K+ found in the alcoholic extract and in the tea concoction. They contained 51.0mEq Na+, and 132 mEq K+ in the extract, and 0,0 mEq of Na+ and 26 mEq K+ in the tea. Phytochemical analysis of the leaves demonstrated the presence of catecquic tanins, phenols and alkaloids, and also some essential oils. When injected intra-peritoneally the hydroalcoholic extract, in range of 100 a 1400 mg/Kg, (or 2500-18000 mg/Kg orally) produced in mice: writhing, psychomorot excitation, hypokinesis and pruritus. The LD50 by ip was 0.760 + or - 0.126 g/Kg and 10.0 + or - 2.5 g/Kg by oral administration for the hydroalcoholic extract. Subacute toxicity made injecting daily for 30 days the LD10 in rats caused an increase in transaminases and lactate dehydrogenase, whereas other parameters such as nlood glucose, urea and creatinine were normal. A histopathological analysis of liver, spleen, gut, lung and heart showed no alterations. The drug also produced a prolongation of the sleeping time. The hydroalcoholic extract induced int he rat and in the dog a dose-dependent fall in blood pressure in doses of 10 to 30 mg/Kg. In isolated atria the extract induced a reduction of the frequnecy and in the inotropic responses. Neither the extract nor the tea had an effect on the diuresis of the rat.


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Volatiles produced by plantlets of Alpinia zerumbet were obtained by means of simultaneous distillation-extraction (SDE). The effects of indole-3-acetic acid, kinetin, thidiazuron and 6-benzylaminopurine on leaf and root volatile composition obtained by tissue cultures were investigated. A higher content of b-pinene and a lower content of sabinene were observed in leaf volatile of plantlets cultured in control, IAA and IAA+ TDZ media, as compared with those of donor plants. In vitro conditions were favorable to increase caryophyllene content. Volatile compounds from the root were characterized mainly by camphene, fenchyl-acetate and bornyl acetate; which constitute about 60% of total volatile.


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The current study aims to verify the best method for a rapid and efficient extraction of flavonoids from Alpinia zerumbet. Dried leaves were extracted using distillated water and ethanol 70% by extraction methods of shaking maceration, ultrasonic, microwave and stirring. By the application of TLC and reversed-phase HPLC techniques the rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide were detected. Ethanol 70% was more efficient for flavonoids extraction than water. No significant yielding variation was verified for ultrasonic, microwave and stirring methods using ethanol 70% (11 to 14%). The relative concentration of rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide, respectively, was higher by ultrasonic (1.5 and 5.62 mg g-1 dried leaves, respectively) and by microwave (1.0 and 6.64 mg g-1 dried leaves) methods using ethanol. Rapid and simplified extraction proceeding optimize phytochemical work and acquisition of secondary metabolites.


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The current study aims to verify the best method for a rapid and efficient extraction of flavonoids from Alpinia zerumbet. Dried leaves were extracted using distillated water and ethanol 70% by extraction methods of shaking maceration, ultrasonic, microwave and stirring. By the application of TLC and reversed-phase HPLC techniques the rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide were detected. Ethanol 70% was more efficient for flavonoids extraction than water. No significant yielding variation was verified for ultrasonic, microwave and stirring methods using ethanol 70% (11 to 14%). Relative concentration of rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide, respectively, was higher by ultrasonic (1.5 and 5.62 mg g-1 dried leaves) and by microwave (1.0 and 6.64 mg g-1 dried leaves) methods using 70% ethanol. Rapid and simplified extraction proceeding optimize phytochemical work and acquisition of secondary metabolites.


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Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K. Schum, common name red ginger belongs to Zingiberaceae family, and is a perennial, with nice inflorescences composed of layers of bracts arranged in spirals. The utilization of keeping-quality solutions seeks to prolong vase-life and to maintain the quality of cut flowers. This research was performed to evaluate the effect of seven pulsing solutions (during 24 hours) on water relations, quality (turgor, browning and curvature) and the longevity of cut red ginger. The experiment followed complete randomized design, in factorial arrangement. The following treatments were studied: 1) distilled water (control), 2) sucrose 2% + 8-hidroxyquinoline citrate 200 ppm, 3) sucrose 2%, 4) sucrose 2% + citric acid, 5) benzyladenine 10 μM, 6) benzyladenine 10 μmol + sucrose 2%, 7) quaternary ammonia 0,5 mL/L. There was no significant (P>0.05) reduction of the relative water content (RWC) of the inflorescence bracts, among solutions, in the first period (7 days) and in the second period (14 days) and, between the two periods for all treatments. Significant differences among RWC of some treatments were recorded after 16 days of vase life. The utilization of benzyladenine, benzyladenine plus sucrose and sucrose plus citric acid, in the pulsing solution, allowed to keep the flowers quality for longer periods than the other treatments.


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The fossil floras described by Dieter MAI and Harald WALTHER are invaluable for understanding the past plant diversity in Europe, and provide important information on the occurrence of taxa in the fossil record that is critical for evolutionary studies. Among the taxa they recognized were seeds assigned to the extant genus Alpinia ROXB. (Zingiberaceae, Zingiberales). We reinvestigated 28 specimens that were assigned to Alpinia arnensis (CHANDLER) MAI, Alpinia cf. arnensis, and Alpinia bivascularis MAI from the Ypresian (lower Eocene) of the UK, upper Eocene of Germany, and lower Miocene of Germany using non-destructive synchrotron-based X-ray tomography to reveal internal anatomy. None of the samples studied show an anatomy consistent with extant Alpinia or even Zingiberales. The fossils lack the globose shape, often striate external surface, seed coat structure, operculum, and micropylar collar seen in all Alpinia, and lack the chalazal chamber seen in many Alpinia species. Two specimens from the lower Miocene of Germany showed the structure of fruits of Caricoidea CHANDLER (Cyperaceae) with a single-layered exocarp, thick mesocarp, and sclerified endocarp. The other specimens are recognized as Carpolithes albolutum nom. nov. (incertae sedis) from the Ypresian of the UK, C. phoenixnordensis sp. nov. (incertae sedis) from the upper Eocene of Germany, C. bivascularis comb. nov. (incertae sedis) from the lower Miocene of Germany as well as indeterminate tegmens from the lower Miocene of Germany. This reinvestigation demonstrates that there is, as yet, no confirmed fossil record for the extant genus Alpinia. Furthermore, at least four different taxa are recognized from what had been two extinct species, enhancing our understanding of these important European Cenozoic carpofloras.


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A influência de diferentes adubos e disponibilidade de água no solo foi avaliada em relação ao teor e à composição química de óleos essenciais em folhas de alpínia. O experimento foi realizado em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas. As parcelas corresponderam a dois limites de disponibilidade de água no solo [LDA1 - redução de 75% da capacidade total de retenção de água (CTA) - e LDA2 - redução de 50% da CTA], e as subparcelas, aos adubos: esterco bovino, cama-de-galinha, torta-de-filtro, químico e o controle não-adubado. A disponibilidade de água no solo, assim como a adubação, não influenciou no teor e na composição química de óleos essenciais aos 12 meses após o plantio. Os principais constituintes químicos (teores) dos óleos essenciais em folhas de alpínia foram: α-thujeno (6,11%), α-pineno (2,69%), sabineno (16,69%), β-pineno (4,64%), β-mirceno (1,76%), 1,8-cineol (19,41%) e 1-terpinen-4-ol (14,32%).


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar, mediante o cálculo do valor presente líquido (VPL), da taxa interna de retorno (TIR) e do Payback Econômico (PBE), a viabilidade econômica da produção de Alpinia purpurata, Etlingera elatior e Anthurium andraeanum, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, bem como identificar e verificar, por meio da análise de sensibilidade, a influência de alguns fatores do sistema produtivo sobre a rentabilidade da atividade nas principais regiões produtoras. Os resultados mostram que a produção das espécies tropicais consideradas é uma atividade lucrativa e promissora para os agricultores no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Porém, trata-se de um mercado em construção, cujos itens de maior impacto sobre a rentabilidade e o tempo de retorno do investimento (PBE) são o preço de venda do produto e o percentual de perdas da produção. Assim, a agregação de valor e o planejamento estratégico da produção são importantes medidas mercadológicas para a consolidação deste setor.


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RESUMOO presente trabalho propõe a identificação de atividade antimicrobiana em óleos essenciais de plantas odoríferas da região amazônica. As plantas que foram selecionadas, quatorze ao todo, são usadas em banhos aromáticos e como desinfetantes de roupas e armários. Entre nove bactérias patogênicas utilizadas para os ensaios, os óleos de Piper hispidinervium, Abina rosaeodora e Alpinia speciosa apresentaram atividade antibacteriana contra cinco destas bactérias, pelo menos. Separação e purificação dos componentes voláteis de P. hispidinervium e A. rosaeodora levaram a identificação de safrol e linalol, respectivamente, como sendo os responsáveis por esta atividade antimicrobiana. Quanto ao óleo de A. speciosa, face a multiplicidade de constituintes na mistura, mesmo tendo-se conhecimento de sua composição química, não foi possível relacioná-los à atividade antibacteriana observada.


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In order to evaluate the potential diuretic effect of two natural products, Elephantopus scaber and Alpinia speciosa, a trial administration was carried out in ten healthy volunteers and the effects compared to the those of a placebo. The substances were given on different days, with a seven day interval between doses. The amount of substance administered to the subjects was five times the usual dose i.e. 7.5 g/100 ml and 0.8 g/100 ml respectively. The following parameters parameteres were measured: urinary and plasma sodium, potassium, uric acid, calcium, phosphate, urea, creatinine. The subjects were also examined clinically and total urinary volume was assessed. The only significant finding (p < 0.05) was a slight diuresis with Alpinia speciosa, which also lowered the diastolic (p < 0.05) and systolic (p < 0.01) blood pressures. No effect on electrolytes or renal function parameters was observed, and this probably excludes any renal tubular or glomerular effect from these substances.


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As condições de cultivo das plantas ornamentais tropicais, relacionadas aos fatores precipitação, umidade, temperatura e densidade de plantio, favorecem a ocorrência de doenças que limitam a produção e reduzem a qualidade das flores. Destacaram-se as doenças causadas por fungos e nematóides, sendo assinaladas a antracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) em Heliconia spp., Etlingera elatior, Tapeinochilos ananassae, causando lesões em folhas e inflorescências; manchas foliares (Bipolaris spp., Cercospora sp., Curvularia lunata, Glomerella cingulata, Guignardia sp. e Deigthoniella torulosa) em Heliconia spp., Calathea burle marx e Musa coccinea; podridão de rizomas e raízes (Rhizoctonia solani e Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense) em E. elatior e Heliconia chartacea cv. Sex Pink. As fitonematoses, causadas por espécies dos gêneros Meloidogyne, Radopholus e Helicotylenchus, constituem um dos principais problemas sanitários em ornamentais tropicais em Pernambuco, ocorrendo comumente em Alpinia purpurata, E. elatior, Zingiber espectabiles, Heliconia spp. e Musa spp. A espécie A. purpurata foi a mais suscetível a M. incognita. Em função dos trabalhos de erradicação pelos produtores, a murcha bacteriana (Ralstonia solanacearum raça 2) foi assinalada com baixa incidência nas áreas de cultivo de flores tropicais.


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Considerando a importância do cultivo de flores tropicais no contexto nacional e internacional, buscou-se realizar um levantamento da ocorrência de fungos e nematóides associados às mesmas, em áreas de cultivos de flores tropicais em São Luís - MA. Foram realizadas visitas periódicas, em intervalos bimestrais, nos locais onde a principal atividade era o cultivo de flores tropicais, para o monitoramento e coleta de plantas ou partes de plantas das espécies: Heliconia spp., Alpinia purpurata e Etlingera elatior com sintomatologia típica de doenças. Realizou-se, ainda, o teste de patogenicidade dos principais fungos detectados como agentes causais das manchas foliares. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram a existência de fungos associados aos cultivos de flores tropicais em São Luís, com destaque para Curvularia eragrostides (78 %), Pestalotiopsis sp. (68 %) e Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (47 %) como agentes causais de manchas foliares em espécies da família Heliconiaceae, e Curvularia eragrostides (75 %), Pestalotiopsis sp. (37 %) em espécies da família Zingiberaceae. Foram registrados oito gêneros de nematóides, tanto na família Heliconiaceae, quanto na Zingiberaceae, destacando-se o gênero Meloidogyne.


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Terpineol, a volatile terpenoid alcohol of low toxicity, is widely used in the perfumery industry. It is an important chemical constituent of the essential oil of many plants with widespread applications in folk medicine and in aromatherapy. The effects of terpineol on the compound action potential (CAP) of rat sciatic nerve were studied. Terpineol induced a dose-dependent blockade of the CAP. At 100 µM, terpineol had no demonstrable effect. At 300 µM terpineol, peak-to-peak amplitude and conduction velocity of CAP were significantly reduced at the end of 180-min exposure of the nerve to the drug, from 3.28 ± 0.22 mV and 33.5 ± 7.05 m/s, respectively, to 1.91 ± 0.51 mV and 26.2 ± 4.55 m/s. At 600 µM, terpineol significantly reduced peak-to-peak amplitude and conduction velocity from 2.97 ± 0.55 mV and 32.8 ± 3.91 m/s to 0.24 ± 0.23 mV and 2.72 ± 2.72 m/s, respectively (N = 5). All these effects developed slowly and were reversible upon 180-min washout.


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We determined the neutralizing activity of 12 ethanolic extracts of plants against the edema-forming, defibrinating and coagulant effects of Bothrops asper venom in Swiss Webster mice. The material used consisted of the leaves and branches of Bixa orellana (Bixaceae), Ficus nymphaeifolia (Moraceae), Struthanthus orbicularis (Loranthaceae) and Gonzalagunia panamensis (Rubiaceae); the stem barks of Brownea rosademonte (Caesalpiniaceae) and Tabebuia rosea (Bignoniaceae); the whole plant of Pleopeltis percussa (Polypodiaceae) and Trichomanes elegans (Hymenophyllaceae); rhizomes of Renealmia alpinia (Zingiberaceae), Heliconia curtispatha (Heliconiaceae) and Dracontium croatii (Araceae), and the ripe fruit of Citrus limon (Rutaceae). After preincubation of varying amounts of each extract with either 1.0 µg venom for the edema-forming effect or 2.0 µg venom for the defibrinating effect, the mixture was injected subcutaneously (sc) into the right foot pad or intravenously into the tail, respectively, to groups of four mice (18-20 g). All extracts (6.2-200 µg/mouse) partially neutralized the edema-forming activity of venom in a dose-dependent manner (58-76% inhibition), with B. orellana, S. orbicularis, G. panamensis, B. rosademonte, and D. croatii showing the highest effect. Ten extracts (3.9-2000 µg/mouse) also showed 100% neutralizing ability against the defibrinating effect of venom, and nine prolonged the coagulation time induced by the venom. When the extracts were administered either before or after venom injection, the neutralization of the edema-forming effect was lower than 40% for all extracts, and none of them neutralized the defibrinating effect of venom. When they were administered in situ (sc at the same site 5 min after venom injection), the neutralization of edema increased for six extracts, reaching levels up to 64% for C. limon.