978 resultados para Alpha-(bedt-ttf)(2)mhg(scn)(4)
We report detailed measurements of the interlayer magnetoresistance of the layered organic superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu(SCN)(2) for temperatures down to 0.5 K and fields up to 30 T. The upper critical field is determined from the resistive transition for a wide range of temperatures and field directions. For magnetic fields parallel to the layers, the upper critical field increases approximately linearly with decreasing temperature. The upper critical field at low temperatures is compared to the Pauli paramagnetic limit, at which singlet superconductivity should be destroyed by the Zeeman splitting of the electron spins. The measured value is comparable to a value for the paramagnetic limit calculated from thermodynamic quantities but exceeds the limit calculated from BCS theory. The angular dependence of the upper critical field shows a cusplike feature for fields close to the layers, consistent with decoupled layers.
The frequency dependence of the interlayer conductivity of a layered Fermi liquid in a magnetic field that is tilted away from the normal to the layers is considered. For both quasi-one- and quasi-two-dimensional systems resonances occur when the frequency is a harmonic of the frequency at which the magnetic field causes the electrons to oscillate on the Fermi surface within the layers. The intensity of the different harmonic resonances varies significantly with the direction of the field. The resonances occur for both coherent and weakly incoherent interlayer transport and so their observation does not imply the existence of a three-dimensional Fermi surface. [S0163-1829(99)51240-X].
The interlayer magnetoresistance of the quasi-two-dimensional metal alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)KHg(SCN)(4) is considered. In the temperature range from 0.5 to 10 K and for fields up to 10 T the magnetoresistance has a stronger temperature dependence than the zero-field resistance. Consequently Kohler's rule is not obeyed for any range of temperatures or fields. This means that the magnetoresistance cannot be described in terms of semiclassical transport on a single Fermi surface with a single scattering time. Possible explanations for the violations of Kohler's rule are considered, both within the framework of semiclassical transport theory and involving incoherent interlayer transport. The issues considered are similar to those raised by the magnetotransport of the cuprate superconductors. [S0163-1829(98)13219-8].
The interlayer magnetoresistance of layered metals in a tilted magnetic field is calculated for two distinct models for the interlayer transport. The first model involves coherent interlayer transport, and makes use of results of semiclassical or Bloch-Boltzmann transport theory. The second model involves weakly incoherent interlayer transport where the electron is scattered many times within a layer before tunneling into the next layer. The results are relevant to the interpretation of experiments on angular-dependent magnetoresistance oscillations (AMRO) in quasi-one- and quasi-two-dimensional organic metals. We find that the dependence of the magnetoresistance on the direction of the magnetic field is identical for both models except when the field is almost parallel to the layers. An important implication of this result is that a three-dimensional Fermi surface is not necessary for the observation of the Yamaji and Danner oscillations seen in quasi-two- and quasi-one-dimensional metals, respectively. A universal expression is given for the dependence of the resistance at AMRO maxima and minima on the magnetic field and scattering time (and thus the temperature). We point out three distinctive features of coherent interlayer transport: (i) a beat frequency in the magnetic oscillations of quasi-two-dimensional systems, (ii) a peak in the angular-dependent magnetoresistance when the field is sufficiently large and parallel to the layers, and (iii) a crossover from a linear to a quadratic field dependence for the magnetoresistance when the field is parallel to the layers. Properties (i) and (ii) are compared with published experimental data for a range of quasi-two-dimensional organic metals. [S0163-1829(99)02236-5].
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die temperatur- und ortsabhängige Zustandsdichte des organischen Supraleiters kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br mit Rastertunnelspektroskopie bei tiefen Temperaturen untersucht.rnZusätzlich zur bereits bekannten supraleitenden Energielücke wird dabei eine logarithmische Unterdrückung der Zustandsdichte an der Fermikante beobachtet, die auch oberhalb der kritischen Temperatur erhalten bleibt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass sich dieses Verhalten durch ein für ungeordnete elektronische Systeme entwickeltes Modell unter Berücksichtigung von Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen beschreiben lässt. Die daraus resultierenden Fluktuationen der elektronischen Struktur führen zu einer Verbreiterung der gemessenen supraleitenden Energielücke, die sich durch sehr kleine Kohärenzmaxima im entsprechenden Quasiteilchenanregungsspektrum äußert. Dieses Verhalten wurde bereits beobachtet, konnte jedoch bisher nicht erklärt werden. Die theoretische Beschreibung der logarithmischen Unterdrückung trägt somit zusätzlich zum Verständnis des supraleitenden Beitrags bei, sodass die gesamte Zustandsdichte vollständig beschrieben werden kann. Die Analyse der gemessenen supraleitenden Energielücke wurde für verschiedene Symmetrien des Ordnungsparameters durchgeführt, wobei die beste Übereinstimmung für die Annahme einer d-wellenartigen Symmetrie mit zwei unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägten Energielücken gefunden wurde. Der Paarbildungsmechanismus, der zur Bindung zweier Elektronen zu einem Cooper-Paar führt, kann mit einer $d$-wellenartigen Symmetrie nicht durch die in konventionellen Supraleitern gefundene Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung erklärt werden. Stattdessen wird in Analogie zur Hochtemperatur-Supraleitung eine durch antiferromagnetische Spin-Wechselwirkungen induzierte Kopplung der Elektronen vermutet. Dies wird zum einen durch die oberhalb der kritischen Temperatur auftretende, zweite Energielücke und zum anderen durch die zwischen 4,66 und 5,28 liegende Kopplungsstärke 2Delta/(kB Tc) unterstützt, die deutlich größer als für konventionelle Supraleiter mit Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung ist.
We solve the Sp(N) Heisenberg and SU(N) Hubbard-Heisenberg models on the anisotropic triangular lattice in the large-N limit. These two models may describe respectively the magnetic and electronic properties of the family of layered organic materials K-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X, The Heisenberg model is also relevant to the frustrated antiferromagnet, Cs2CuCl4. We find rich phase diagrams for each model. The Sp(N) :antiferromagnet is shown to have five different phases as a function of the size of the spin and the degree of anisotropy of the triangular lattice. The effects of fluctuations at finite N are also discussed. For parameters relevant to Cs2CuCl4 the ground state either exhibits incommensurate spin order, or is in a quantum disordered phase with deconfined spin-1/2 excitations and topological order. The SU(N) Hubbard-Heisenberg model exhibits an insulating dimer phase, an insulating box phase, a semi-metallic staggered flux phase (SFP), and a metallic uniform phase. The uniform and SFP phases exhibit a pseudogap, A metal-insulator transition occurs at intermediate values of the interaction strength.
Incommensurate lattice fluctuations are present in the beta(L) phase (T-c similar to 1.5 K) of ET2I3 (where ET is BEDT-TTF - bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene) but are absent in the beta(H) phase (T-c similar to 7 K). We propose that the disorder in the conformational degrees of freedom of the terminal ethylene groups of the ET molecules, which is required to stabilise the lattice fluctuations, increases the quasiparticle scattering rate and that this leads to the observed difference in the Superconducting critical temperatures, T-c, of the two phases. We calculate the dependence of T-c on the interlayer residual resistivity. Our theory has no free parameters. Our predictions are shown to be consistent with experiment. We describe experiments to conclusively test our hypothesis.
A simple protocol for the Pd(OAc)(2)-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of 1-benzoyl-(2S)-isopropyl-5-iodo-2,3-dihydro-4(H)-pyrimidin-4-ones with potassium aryltrifluoroborates was developed. The reaction is performed at 110 degrees C with a ligand-free catalyst. In all cases, complete conversion of the 1-benzoyl-(2S)-isopropyl-5-iodo-2,3-dihydro-4(H)-pyrimidin-4-ones and aryltrifluoroborates into the C-C coupling products was observed within 30-360 min. It is noteworthy that a large variety of groups present in the potassium aryltrifluoroborates (-CF(3), -OMe, -SEt, -CN, -CHO, -Cl, -Cbz, -NCbz, -OH, -CO(2)H) could be tolerated. Hydrogenation of the endocyclic double bonds in the Suzuki-Miyaura products followed by acid hydrolysis afforded highly enantioenriched alpha-aryl-substituted beta-amino acids.
A one-pot reaction of [Co(NO3)(2)center dot 6H(2)O and piperazine] with NH4SCN/NaSCN in water-methanol (1:1) solvent leads to two polymorphs of [Co(SCN)(4)(ppz-H)(2)] (ppz, piperazine) (I and II). X-ray crystal structure reveals both have same space group but the differences in the alignment of pendant SCN- leads to two polymorphs. In I, trifurcated N-H...S hydrogen bonding plays a prominent role in crystal packing leading to S...S interactions between SCN fragments but in II, no such trifurcation arises and thereby the crystal packing occurs through hydrogen bonding interactions only leading to a distinctly different network topology. TG/DSC and FT-IR study reveal they are enantiotropically related. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A stochastic variational method is applied to calculate the binding energies and root-mean-square radii of 2, 3 and 4 alpha particles using an S-wave Ali-Bodmer potential. The results agree with other calculations. We discuss the application of the present method to study the universality in weakly-bound three and four-body systems in the context of ultracold atomic traps.
We investigate the effect that the temperature dependence of the crystal structure of a two-dimensional organic charge-transfer salt has on the low-energy Hamiltonian representation of the electronic structure. For that, we determine the crystal structure of κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2Cu 2(CN) 3 for a series of temperatures between T=5 and 300 K by single crystal X-ray diffraction and analyze the evolution of the electronic structure with temperature by using density functional theory and tight binding methods. We find a considerable temperature dependence of the corresponding triangular lattice Hubbard Hamiltonian parameters. We conclude that even in the absence of a change of symmetry, the temperature dependence of quantities like frustration and interaction strength can be significant and should be taken into account. © 2012 American Physical Society.
Measurements of the coefficient of thermal expansion on the spin-liquid candidate κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2Cu 2(CN) 3 have revealed distinct and strongly anisotropic lattice effects around 6 K - a possible spin liquid instability. In order to study the effects of a magnetic field on the low-temperature spin-liquid state, dilatometric measurements have been conducted both as a function of temperature at B = const. and as a function of field at T = const. While the 6 K anomaly is found to be insensitive to magnetic fields B ≤ 10 T, the maximum field applied, surprisingly strong B -induced effects are observed for magnetic fields applied along the in-plane b-axis. Above a threshold field of 0.5 T < B c ≤ 1 T, a jump-like anomaly is observed in the b-axis lattice parameter. This anomaly, which is located at 8.7 K at B = 1 T, grows in size and shifts to lower temperatures with increasing the magnetic field. Although the anomaly bears resemblance to a first-order phase transition, the lack of hysteresis suggests otherwise. © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
The two crystalline donor-acceptor complexes showing hydrogen-bondings between bis(ethylenedithio) tetrathiofulvalene (BEDT-TTF) derivatives containing pyridine and pyrazine groups and 2,5-dichloro-3,6-dihydroxyl-1,4-benzoquinone (chloranilic acid) were prepared. X-ray structure analyses revealed that functional groups play an important role in constructing the unique crystal structures.