996 resultados para Almost Complex Manifold


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We study spectral properties of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on two relevant almost-Riemannian manifolds, namely the Grushin structures on the cylinder and on the sphere. This operator contains first order diverging terms caused by the divergence of the volume. We get explicit descriptions of the spectrum and the eigenfunctions. In particular in both cases we get a Weyl's law with leading term Elog E. We then study the drastic effect of Aharonov-Bohm magnetic potentials on the spectral properties. Other generalised Riemannian structures including conic and anti-conic type manifolds are also studied. In this case, the Aharonov-Bohm magnetic potential may affect the self-adjointness of the Laplace-Beltrami operator.


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Марта Теофилова - Конструиран е пример на четиримерно специално комплексно многообразие с норденова метрика и постоянна холоморфна секционна кривина чрез двупара-метрично семейство от разрешими алгебри на Ли. Изследвани са кривинните свойства на полученото многообразие. Дадени са необходими и достатъчни усло-вия за разглежданото многообразие да бъде изотропно келерово.


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We are able to give a complete description of four-dimensional Lie algebras g which satisfy the tame-compatible question of Donaldson for all almost complex structures J on g are completely described. As a consequence, examples are given of (non-unimodular) four-dimensional Lie algebras with almost complex structures which are tamed but not compatible with symplectic forms.? Note that Donaldson asked his question for compact four-manifolds. In that context, the problem is still open, but it is believed that any tamed almost complex structure is in fact compatible with a symplectic form. In this presentation, I will define the basic objects involved and will give some insights on the proof. The key for the proof is translating the problem into a Linear Algebra setting. This is a joint work with Dr. Draghici.


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This paper is a survey of results obtained by the authors on the geometry of connections with totally skew-symmetric torsion on the following manifolds: almost complex manifolds with Norden metric, almost contact manifolds with B-metric and almost hypercomplex manifolds with Hermitian and anti-Hermitian metric.


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On révise les prérequis de géométrie différentielle nécessaires à une première approche de la théorie de la quantification géométrique, c'est-à-dire des notions de base en géométrie symplectique, des notions de groupes et d'algèbres de Lie, d'action d'un groupe de Lie, de G-fibré principal, de connexion, de fibré associé et de structure presque-complexe. Ceci mène à une étude plus approfondie des fibrés en droites hermitiens, dont une condition d'existence de fibré préquantique sur une variété symplectique. Avec ces outils en main, nous commençons ensuite l'étude de la quantification géométrique, étape par étape. Nous introduisons la théorie de la préquantification, i.e. la construction des opérateurs associés à des observables classiques et la construction d'un espace de Hilbert. Des problèmes majeurs font surface lors de l'application concrète de la préquantification : les opérateurs ne sont pas ceux attendus par la première quantification et l'espace de Hilbert formé est trop gros. Une première correction, la polarisation, élimine quelques problèmes, mais limite grandement l'ensemble des observables classiques que l'on peut quantifier. Ce mémoire n'est pas un survol complet de la quantification géométrique, et cela n'est pas son but. Il ne couvre ni la correction métaplectique, ni le noyau BKS. Il est un à-côté de lecture pour ceux qui s'introduisent à la quantification géométrique. D'une part, il introduit des concepts de géométrie différentielle pris pour acquis dans (Woodhouse [21]) et (Sniatycki [18]), i.e. G-fibrés principaux et fibrés associés. Enfin, il rajoute des détails à quelques preuves rapides données dans ces deux dernières références.


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∗Research supported in part by NSF grant INT-9903302.


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Certain curvature properties and scalar invariants of the mani- folds belonging to one of the main classes almost contact manifolds with Norden metric are considered. An example illustrating the obtained results is given and studied.


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Families of linear connections are constructed on almost con- tact manifolds with Norden metric. An analogous connection to the symmetric Yano connection is obtained on a normal almost contact manifold with Norden metric and closed structural 1-form. The curvature properties of this connec- tion are studied on two basic classes of normal almost contact manifolds with Norden metric.


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We prove a Theorem on homotheties between two given tangent sphere bundles SrM of a Riemannian manifold (M,g) of dim ≥ 3, assuming different variable radius functions r and weighted Sasaki metrics induced by the conformal class of g. New examples are shown of manifolds with constant positive or with constant negative scalar curvature which are not Einstein. Recalling results on the associated almost complex structure I^G and symplectic structure ω^G on the manifold TM , generalizing the well-known structure of Sasaki by admitting weights and connections with torsion, we compute the Chern and the Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes of the manifolds TM and SrM.


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By a theorem of Gromov, for an almost complex structure J on CP2 tamed by the standard symplectic structure, the J-holomorphic curves representing the positive generator of homology form a projective plane. We show that this satisfies the Theorem of Desargues if and only if J is isomorphic to the standard complex structure. This answers a question of Ghys. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Academie des sciences.


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L'éclatement est une transformation jouant un rôle important en géométrie, car il permet de résoudre des singularités, de relier des variétés birationnellement équivalentes, et de construire des variétés possédant des propriétés inédites. Ce mémoire présente d'abord l'éclatement tel que développé en géométrie algébrique classique. Nous l'étudierons pour le cas des variétés affines et (quasi-)projectives, en un point, et le long d'un idéal et d'une sous-variété. Nous poursuivrons en étudiant l'extension de cette construction à la catégorie différentiable, sur les corps réels et complexes, en un point et le long d'une sous-variété. Nous conclurons cette section en explorant un exemple de résolution de singularité. Ensuite nous passerons à la catégorie symplectique, où nous ferons la même chose que pour le cas différentiable complexe, en portant une attention particulière à la forme symplectique définie sur la variété. Nous terminerons en étudiant un théorème dû à François Lalonde, où l'éclatement joue un rôle clé dans la démonstration. Ce théorème affirme que toute 4-variété fibrée par des 2-sphères sur une surface de Riemann, et différente du produit cartésien de deux 2-sphères, peut être équipée d'une 2-forme qui lui confère une structure symplectique réglée par des courbes holomorphes par rapport à sa structure presque complexe, et telle que l'aire symplectique de la base est inférieure à la capacité de la variété. La preuve repose sur l'utilisation de l'éclatement symplectique. En effet, en éclatant symplectiquement une boule contenue dans la 4-variété, il est possible d'obtenir une fibration contenant deux sphères d'auto-intersection -1 distinctes: la pré-image du point où est fait l'éclatement complexe usuel, et la transformation propre de la fibre. Ces dernières sont dites exceptionnelles, et donc il est possible de procéder à l'inverse de l'éclatement - la contraction - sur chacune d'elles. En l'accomplissant sur la deuxième, nous obtenons une variété minimale, et en combinant les informations sur les aires symplectiques de ses classes d'homologies et de celles de la variété originale nous obtenons le résultat.


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The purpose of this work is to establish a link between the theory of Chern classes for singular varieties and the geometry of the varieties in question. Namely, we show that if Z is a hypersurface in a compact complex manifold, defined by the complex analytic space of zeroes of a reduced non-zero holomorphic section of a very ample line bundle, then its Milnor classes, regarded as elements in the Chow group of Z, determine the global Lê cycles of Z; and vice versa: The Lê cycles determine the Milnor classes. Morally this implies, among other things, that the Milnor classes determine the topology of the local Milnor fibres at each point of Z, and the geometry of the local Milnor fibres determines the corresponding Milnor classes. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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We determine the relation amongst the global Lê cycles and the Milnor classes of analytic hypersurfaces defined by a section of a very ample line bundle over a compact complex manifold. The key point is finding appropriate expressions for the global Lê cycles and for the Milnor classes in terms of polar varieties. Our starting points are an interpretation of the Lê cycles given by T. Gaffney and R. Gassler, a formula by A. Parusinski and P. Pragacz for the Milnor classes via McPherson’s functor, and a conjecture of J.-P. Brasselet, that we prove, stating that Milnor classes can be expressed in terms of polar varieties. We then use the work by R. Piegne for Mather classes, by J. Schürmann and M. Tibăr for MacPherson’s classes for constructible functions, and by D. Massey for an extension of the local Lê cycles for constructible sheaves.


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Given n is an element of Z(+) and epsilon > 0, we prove that there exists delta = delta(epsilon, n) > 0 such that the following holds: If (M(n),g) is a compact Kahler n-manifold whose sectional curvatures K satisfy -1 -delta <= K <= -1/4 and c(I)(M), c(J)(M) are any two Chern numbers of M, then |c(I)(M)/c(J)(M) - c(I)(0)/c(J)(0)| < epsilon, where c(I)(0), c(J)(0) are the corresponding characteristic numbers of a complex hyperbolic space form. It follows that the Mostow-Siu surfaces and the threefolds of Deraux do not admit Kahler metrics with pinching close to 1/4.


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Let G be a Kahler group admitting a short exact sequence 1 -> N -> G -> Q -> 1 where N is finitely generated. (i) Then Q cannot be non-nilpotent solvable. (ii) Suppose in addition that Q satisfies one of the following: (a) Q admits a discrete faithful non-elementary action on H-n for some n >= 2. (b) Q admits a discrete faithful non-elementary minimal action on a simplicial tree with more than two ends. (c) Q admits a (strong-stable) cut R such that the intersection of all conjugates of R is trivial. Then G is virtually a surface group. It follows that if Q is infinite, not virtually cyclic, and is the fundamental group of some closed 3-manifold, then Q contains as a finite index subgroup either a finite index subgroup of the three-dimensional Heisenberg group or the fundamental group of the Cartesian product of a closed oriented surface of positive genus and the circle. As a corollary, we obtain a new proof of a theorem of Dimca and Suciu in Which 3-manifold groups are Kahler groups? J. Eur. Math. Soc. 11 (2009) 521-528] by taking N to be the trivial group. If instead, G is the fundamental group of a compact complex surface, and N is finitely presented, then we show that Q must contain the fundamental group of a Seifert-fibered 3-manifold as a finite index subgroup, and G contains as a finite index subgroup the fundamental group of an elliptic fibration. We also give an example showing that the relation of quasi-isometry does not preserve Kahler groups. This gives a negative answer to a question of Gromov which asks whether Kahler groups can be characterized by their asymptotic geometry.