991 resultados para Allometric equation


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The amount of space provided to animals governs important elements of their behaviour and, hence, is critical for their health and welfare. We review the use of allometric principles and equations to estimate the static space requirements of animals when standing and lying, and the space required for animals to feed, drink, stand-up and lie-down. We use the research literature relating to transportation and intensive housing of sheep and cattle to assess the validity of allometric equations for estimating space allowances. We investigated these areas because transportation and intensive housing provide points along a continuum in terms of the duration of confinement, (from hours to months) and spatial requirements are likely to increase with increasing duration of confinement, as animals will need to perform a greater behavioural repertoire for long-term survival, health and welfare. We find that, although there are theoretical reasons why allometric relationships to space allowances may vary slightly for different classes of stock, space allowances that have been demonstrated to have adverse effects on animal welfare during transportation correlated well with an inability to accommodate standing animals, as estimated from allometry. For intensive housing, we were able to detect a space allowance below which there were adverse effects on welfare. For short duration transportation during which animals remain standing, a space allowance per animal described by the allometric equation: area (m^2) = 0.020W^0.66, where W = liveweight (kg), would appear to be appropriate. Where it is desirable for all animals to lie simultaneously, then a minimum space allowance per animal described by the allometric equation: area (m^2) = 0.027W^0.66 appears to permit this, given that animals in a group time-share space. However, there are insufficient data to determine whether this allowance onboard a vehicle/vessel would enable animals to move and access food and water with ease. In intensive housing systems, a minimum space allowance per animal described by the allometric equation: area (m^2) = 0.033W^0.66 appears to be the threshold below which there are adverse effects on welfare. These suggested space allowances require verification with a range of species under different thermal conditions and, for transportation, under different conditions of vehicular/vessel stability. The minimum length of trough per animal (L in m) required for feeding and drinking can be determined from L = 0.064W^0.33, with the number of animals required to feed/drink simultaneously taken into account, together with any requirement to minimise competition. This also requires verification with a range of species. We conclude that allometric relationships are an appropriate basis for the formulation of space allowances for livestock.


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We propose a new equation to describe the relation between otolith length (OL) and somatic length (fork length [FL]) of fish for the entire lifespan of the fish. The equation was developed by applying a mathematical smoothing method based on an allometric equation with a constant term for walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) —a species that shows an extended longevity (>20 years). The most appropriate equation for defining the relation between OL and FL was a four-phase allometric smoothing function with three inflection points. The inflection points correspond to the timing of settlement of walleye pollock, changes in sexual maturity, and direction of otolith growth. Allometric smoothing functions describing the relation between short otolith radius and FL, long otolith radius and FL, and FL and body weight were also developed. The proposed allometric smoothing functions cover the entire lifespan of walleye pollock. We term these equations “allometric smoothing functions for otolith and somatic growth over the lifespan of walleye pollock.”


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From data in the literature, an allometric equation is compiled for hatchling resting metabolic rate and an attempt is made to explain residual variation in terms of hatchling type, yolk and water content, embryonic and postnatal growth rate, and environmental circumstances (latitudinal distribution). The body mass exponent for resting metabolism in hatchlings was 0.86 and, thus, substantially different from the values compiled for adult birds (0.67-0.75). Relatively high hatchling metabolic rates were found for birds exhibiting high embryonic and postnatal growth rates, as well as for those species that hatched at high latitudes. A functional explanation is postulated for the correlations between hatchling metabolism and these three variables.


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The 2-wk TLm of stepwise-acclimated Thais lapillus (L.) (>20 mm long) was 14.2–16.2%. salinity (S) at 5, 10, 15, and 20°C. The same TLm occurred at 10 °C after direct transfer of snails to the final salinity but stepwise-acclimated small snails (<20 mm) tolerated a significantly lower salinity (12.7%. S). Oxygen consumption rates () fit the allometric equation . Salinity and temperature had a significant effect on , which was highest at 30%. S and depressed at 17.5%. S and at 5°C. Ammonia excretion rates fit the allometric equation . Both salinity and temperature affected . Ammonia excretion was significantly lower at 17.5 %. S than at higher salinities at 10, 15, and 20°C, but did not vary as a function of salinity at 5°C. Primary amines were lost from snails under all conditions without any obvious relationship with temperature or salinity. Primary-amine loss, expressed as a percentage of , was significantly higher at 17.5 %. S than at higher salinities. Oxygen : nitrogen ratios ranged from 4.2–15.6, indicating protein was the primary metabolic substrate, and were highest at 15 °C and lowest at 5 °C. Snails withstood 89 days starvation without mortality at 10°C. Oxygen consumption of snails declined by 28% during starvation due to a 37% decline in dry weight; consequently, weight-specific respiration rate increased by 17%. The intercept (a) for the allometric equations did not change during starvation. Ammonia excretion increased during starvation, and primary-amine loss increased until Day 21, then declined. Oxygen: nitrogen ratios declined from 14 to 8, indicating an increased catabolism of protein during starvation.


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Multivariate experiments are used to study the effects of body size, food concentration, and season on the oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion, food assimilation efficiency and filtration rate of Mytilus edulis adults. Food concentrations and season affect both the intercept and the slope of the allometric equation describing oxygen uptake as a function of body size. Multiple regression and response surface techniques are used to describe and illustrate the complex relationship between metabolic rate, ration, season and the body size of M. edulis. Filtration rate has a relatively low weight exponent Q> = 038) and the intercept for the allometric equation is not significantly affected by food concentration, season or acclimation temperatures between 5 and 20 °C. Food assimilation efficiency declines exponentially with increasing food concentration and is dependent on body size at high food levels. The rate of ammonia excretion shows a similar seasonal cycle to that of oxygen consumption. They are both minimal in the autumn/winter and reach a maximum in the spring /summer.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.


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Objetivando avaliar o desenvolvimento relativo dos componentes do peso vivo (PV), dos cortes comerciais e dos tecidos da carcaça, utilizaram-se 40 cabritos Saanen. Os animais foram abatidos ao atingir 5,0; 12,5; 20,0; 27,5 e 35,0 kg de PV e a carcaça foi seccionada em paleta, pescoço, 1ª a 5ª costelas, 6ª a 13ª costelas, peito/fralda, lombo e perna. A perna foi dissecada em ossos, músculos e gordura. Utilizou-se a equação alométrica Y=aXb para estimar o desenvolvimento relativo. O crescimento do tecido ósseo foi precoce, o do tecido muscular intermediário e o da gordura crescimento tardio, uma vez que a gordura subcutânea é depositada mais tardiamente. Os cortes comerciais apresentaram coeficiente de alometria isogônico, com exceção do corte da 6ª a 13ª costelas e do peito/fralda. O desenvolvimento da carcaça e dos não-componentes da carcaça acompanhou o peso de corpo vazio. Cabritos com 35 kg de PV possuem proporção de músculos e relação músculo:osso adequadas, mas apresentam proporção de gordura maior que a observada nos animais abatidos com 20 kg de PV.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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1. The oxygen consumption of the tropical millipede, Pseudonannolene tricolor (Spirostreptida, Pseudonannolenidae) was studied in both male and female animals (body mass varying from 0.242 to 2.802 g) using a Warburg microrespirometer at 25-degrees-C.2. The allometric equation M = a W(b) was used in order to check the metabolic increases with increasing body mass. The b exponents were, respectively, 0.68 for males and 0.60 for females.3. Results are discussed in terms of the meaning of the b values in Diplopoda and animals in general.4. A relationship between volume and body mass in P. tricolor is also reported.


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Current estimates of the total biomass in tropical rainforests vary considerably; this is due in large part to the different approaches that are used to calculate biomass. In this study we have used a canopy crane to measure the tree architectures in a 1 ha plot of complex mesophyll vine forest at Cape Tribulation, Australia. Methods were developed to measure and calculate the crown and stem biomass of six major species of tree and palm (Alstonia scholaris (Apocynaceae), Cleistanthus myrianthus (Euphorbiaceae), Endiandra microneura (Lauraceae), Myristica insipida (Myristicaceae), Acmena graveolens (Myrtaceae), Normanbya normanbyi (Arecaceae)) using the unique access provided by the crane. This has allowed the first non-destructive biomass estimate to be carried out for a forest of this type. Allometric equations which relate tree biomass to the measured variable 'diameter at breast height' were developed for the six species, and a general equation was also developed for trees on the plot. The general equation was similar in form to equations developed for tropical rainforests in Brazil and New Guinea. The species equations were applied at the level of families, the generalized equation was applied to the remaining species which allowed the biomass of a total of 680 trees to be calculated. This has provided a current estimate of 270 t ha-1 above-ground biomass at the Australian Canopy Crane site; a value comparable to lowland rainforests in Panama and French Guiana. Using the same tree database seven alternative allometric equations (literature equations for tropical rainforests) were used to calculate the site biomass, the range was large (252-446 t ha-1) with only three equations providing estimates within 34 t ha-1 (12.5%) of the site value. Our use of multiple species-specific allometric equations has provided a site estimate only slightly larger (1%) than that obtained using allometric equations developed specifically for tropical wet rainforests. We have demonstrated that it is possible to non-destructively measure the biomass in a complex forest using an on-site canopy crane. In conjunction the development of crown maps and a detailed tree architecture database allows changes in forest structure to be followed quantitatively. © 2007 Ecological Society of Australia.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of the present study was to determine the size at sexual maturity in the freshwater crab Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861, from a population located in Mendonça, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The crabs were sampled monthly (July 2005 to June 2007), at Barra Mansa reservoir. The specimens were captured manually or in sieves passed through the aquatic vegetation. The crabs were captured and separated by sex based on morphology of the pleon and on the number of pleopods. The following dimensions were measured: carapace width (CW); carapace length (CL); propodus length (PL); and abdomen width (AW). The morphological analysis of the gonads was used to identify and categorize individuals according to their stage of development. The morphological maturity was estimated based on the analysis of relative growth based on the allometric equation y = ax b. The gonadal maturity was based on the morphology of the gonads by the method CW50 which indicates the size at which 50% of the individuals in the population showed gonads morphologically mature to reproduction. The biometric relationships that best demonstrated the different patterns of growth for the juvenile and adult stages were CW vs. PL for males and CW vs. AW for females (p<0.001). Based on these relationships, the estimated value to morphological sexual maturity was 21.5 mm (CW) in males and 19.7 mm (CW) in females. The determination of the size at sexual maturity and the adjustment of the data based on the logistic curve (CW50) resulted in a size of 38.2 mm for males and 39.4 mm for females (CW). Based on the data obtained for sexual maturity for D. pagei, we can estimate a minimum size for capture of 40 mm (CW). This minimum size allows at least half of the population to reproduce and retains the juveniles and a portion of the adults in the population.