952 resultados para Allergen extracts


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Background Group 1 grass pollen allergens are glycoproteins of the β-expansin family. They are a predominant component of pollen and are potent allergens with a high frequency of serum IgE reactivity in grass pollen-allergic patients. Bahia grass is distinct from temperate grasses and has a prolonged pollination period and wide distribution in warmer climates. Here we describe the purification of the group 1 pollen allergen, Pas n 1, from Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum), an important subtropical aeroallergen source. Methods Pas n 1 was purified from an aqueous Bahia grass pollen extract by ammonium sulphate precipitation, hydrophobic interaction and size exclusion chromatography, and assessed by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting and ELISA. Results Pas n 1 was purified to a single 29-kDa protein band containing two dominant isoforms detected by an allergen-specific monoclonal antibody and serum IgE of a Bahia grass pollen-allergic donor. The frequency of serum IgE reactivity with purified Pas n 1 in 51 Bahia grass pollen-allergic patients was 90.6%. Serum IgE reactivity with purified Pas n 1 was highly correlated with serum IgE reactivity with Bahia grass pollen extract and recombinant Pas n 1 (r = 0.821 and 0.913, respectively). Conclusions Pas n 1 is a major allergen reactive at high frequency with serum IgE of Bahia grass pollen-allergic patients. Purified natural Pas n 1 has utility for improved specific diagnosis and immunotherapy for Bahia grass pollen allergy.


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Exposure to water-damaged buildings and the associated health problems have evoked concern and created confusion during the past 20 years. Individuals exposed to moisture problem buildings report adverse health effects such as non-specific respiratory symptoms. Microbes, especially fungi, growing on the damp material have been considered as potential sources of the health problems encountered in these buildings. Fungi and their airborne fungal spores contain allergens and secondary metabolites which may trigger allergic as well as inflammatory types of responses in the eyes and airways. Although epidemiological studies have revealed an association between damp buildings and health problems, no direct cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Further knowledge is needed about the epidemiology and the mechanisms leading to the symptoms associated with exposure to fungi. Two different approaches have been used in this thesis in order to investigate the diverse health effects associated with exposure to moulds. In the first part, sensitization to moulds was evaluated and potential cross-reactivity studied in patients attending a hospital for suspected allergy. In the second part, one typical mould known to be found in water-damaged buildings and to produce toxic secondary metabolites was used to study the airway responses in an experimental model. Exposure studies were performed on both naive and allergen sensitized mice. The first part of the study showed that mould allergy is rare and highly dependent on the atopic status of the examined individual. The prevalence of sensitization was 2.7% to Cladosporium herbarum and 2.8% to Alternaria alternata in patients, the majority of whom were atopic subjects. Some of the patients sensitized to mould suffered from atopic eczema. Frequently the patients were observed to possess specific serum IgE antibodies to a yeast present in the normal skin flora, Pityrosporum ovale. In some of these patients, the IgE binding was partly found to be due to binding to shared glycoproteins in the mould and yeast allergen extracts. The second part of the study revealed that exposure to Stachybotrys chartarum spores induced an airway inflammation in the lungs of mice. The inflammation was characterized by an influx of inflammatory cells, mainly neutrophils and lymphocytes, into the lungs but with almost no differences in airway responses seen between the satratoxin producing and non-satratoxin producing strain. On the other hand, when mice were exposed to S. chartarum and sensitized/challenged with ovalbumin the extent of the inflammation was markedly enhanced. A synergistic increase in the numbers of inflammatory cells was seen in BAL and severe inflammation was observed in the histological lung sections. In conclusion, the results in this thesis imply that exposure to moulds in water damaged buildings may trigger health effects in susceptible individuals. The symptoms can rarely be explained by IgE mediated allergy to moulds. Other non-allergic mechanisms seem to be involved. Stachybotrys chartarum is one of the moulds potentially responsible for health problems. In this thesis, new reaction models for the airway inflammation induced by S. chartarum have been found using experimental approaches. The immunological status played an important role in the airway inflammation, enhancing the effects of mould exposure. The results imply that sensitized individuals may be more susceptible to exposure to moulds than non-sensitized individuals.


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Cross-reactivity of allergens from the pollen of the Compositae weeds, Parthenium hysterophorus (American feverfew) and Ambrosia (ragweed), in 2 groups of patients with different geographic distributions was studied. Parthenium-sensitive Indian patients, who were never exposed to ragweed, elicited positive skin reactions with ragweed pollen extracts. A significant correlation in the RAST scores of Parthenium and ragweed-specific IgE was observed with the sera of Parthenium and ragweed-sensitive Indian and US patients, respectively. RAST inhibition experiments demonstrated that the binding of IgE antibodies in the sera of ragweed-sensitive patients to short (Wl) and giant (W3) ragweed allergen discs could be inhibited by up to 94% by Parthenium pollen extracts. Similar inhibition (up to 82%) was obtained when the sera of Parthenium rhinitis patients were incubated with ragweed allergen extracts. A dose-dependent proliferation of lymphocytes from a Parthenium-sensitive rhinitis patient with elevated levels of both Parthenium and ragweed-specific IgE was observed when incubated with Parthenium and ragweed pollen extracts. A 1.6-fold higher proliferation, however, was observed with Parthenium pollen extract at a concentration of 100 µg/ml. These results suggest that shared epitopes present on Parthenium and ragweed pollen allergens are recognized by both Indian and US patients sensitized by exposure to Parthenium and ragweed pollen, respectively. The high degree of cross-reactivity between Parthenium and ragweed pollen allergens suggests that individuals sensitized to Parthenium may develop type-I hypersensitivity reactions to ragweed and vice versa when they travel to regions infested with the weed to which they had not been previously exposed.


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Die Prävalenz allergischer Erkrankungen ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten, insbesondere in den Industriestaaten, stetig angestiegen und schreitet weiterhin fort. Die einzige kausale Therapie, die eine Langzeitwirkung verspricht und der Entwicklung neuer Allergien bzw. dem Fortschreiten der Allergie vorbeugen kann, ist die spezifische Immuntherapie (SIT). Da bei der SIT mit natürlichen Allergenextrakten Nebenwirkungen auftreten können, ist es wichtig Alternativen für diese zu finden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden native Allergene mit modifizierten Allergenen hinsichtlich ihrer Allergenität und Immunogenität verglichen. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass Glutaraldehyd-modifizierte Allergoide im Vergleich zu nativen Allergenextrakten und Formaldehyd-Allergoiden eine verminderte Allergenität besitzen, was sich z.B. durch den verminderten Release der Allergiemediatoren, den Leukotrienen, durch Basophile allergischer Spender zeigte. Gleichzeitig war allerdings die Fähigkeit Glutaraldehyd-Allergoid-behandelter dendritischer Zellen (DC) autologe CD4+ T-Zellen zu stimulieren stark reduziert. Verglichen mit den nativen Allergenextrakten und den Formaldehyd-Allergoiden waren die Zytokinproduktion und die T-Zellproliferation, für letztere signifikant, vermindert. Damit übereinstimmend war die Aufnahme von Fluoreszenz-markierten Glutaraldehyd-Allergoiden in unreife DC reduziert. Daraus lässt sich schießen, dass die Modifizierung mit Glutaraldehyd, jedoch nicht mit Formaldehyd, zumindest bei den hier verwendeten Allergenpräparaten, B-Zell-Epitope zerstört und somit die Allergenität herabgesetzt wurde. Allerdings war dabei gleichzeitig die Immunogenität vermindert. Das verminderte Vorkommen der B-Zell-Epitope wäre beim Einsatz der Allergoide von Vorteil, da damit eine verminderte IgE-Bindekapazität einhergeht und unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen reduziert werden können. Jedoch sollte im günstigsten Fall bei der Allergoidisierung die T-Zell-Stimulationsfähigkeit intakt bleiben, was bei den hier verwendeten Glutaraldehyd-modifizierten Allergoiden nicht der Fall war. rnMit Einzelallergenen aus Birken- und Gräserpollen konnten keine vergleichbaren T-Zellantworten erzielt werden wie mit den Gesamtallergenextrakten. Auch hier waren Proliferation und Zytokinproduktion durch CD4+ T-Zellen nach Stimulation mit Einzelallergen-gepulsten DC bei Verwendung von Glutaraldehyd-modifizierten Allergoiden vermindert. rnEine adjuvante Wirkung von Aluminiumhydroxid (Alum) in vitro konnte in dieser Arbeit nicht eindeutig gezeigt werden. Zunächst konnte beobachtet werden, dass die eingesetzten Alum-adsorbierten Allergene und Allergoide eine toxische Wirkung auf DC hatten. Die Proliferation CD4+ T-Zellen konnte durch DC, die mit Alum-adsorbierten Allergenen behandelt wurden, nicht verstärkt werden, verglichen mit DC, die mit unadsorbiertem Allergen gepulst wurden. Es konnte lediglich eine erhöhte Produktion des Th2 Zytokins IL-4 durch Alum induziert werden. Einen Adjuvanteffekt, der in Zusammenhang mit der Induktion des pro-inflammatorischen Zytokins IL-1β stehen soll, konnte mittels ELISA in den Überständen unreifer DC nicht nachgewiesen werden. Lediglich in Monozyten, die zusätzlich mit dem TLR-Ligand LPS stimuliert wurden, war IL-1β in den Überständen detektierbar. Auf mRNA-Ebene konnte man einen leichten Effekt durch Alum hinsichtlich der IL-1β Expression erkennen. Nach zusätzlicher Gabe verschiedener Alum-Präparationen zu unreifen DC, die mit Allergen oder LPS stimuliert wurden, exprimierten diese leicht verstärkt IL-1β verglichen mit DC, die kein Alum erhielten.


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Using an in silico allergen clustering method, we have recently shown that allergen extracts are highly cross-reactive. Here we used serological data from a multi-array IgE test based on recombinant or highly purified natural allergens to evaluate whether co-reactions are true cross-reactions or co-sensitizations by allergens with the same motifs.


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Background: Recombinant allergens are preferred over natural allergen extracts in measuring antibodies. We tested the use of recombinant variants of the major mouse allergen Mus m 1 in detection of mouse-specific antibodies in sera of laboratory animal workers and children. Methods: Six recombinant major urinary proteins (MUPs) were produced and antibody-binding capacity was compared to natural Mus m 1 and to mouse urine extract. In a specific subset, cross-reactivity of MUP with Mus m 1 and between the different recombinant MUPs was determined. Results: For IgE antibodies, MUP8 showed high cross-reactivity with Mus m 1. MUP8-specific IgE was found in 55% of the mouse urine IgE-positive sera. Specific IgG and IgG4 antibodies against natural Mus m 1 correlated strongly with antibodies against recombinant MUP8 and were cross-reactive. IgG4 levels against MUP8 and mouse urine extract correlated, but detection of mouse urine-specific IgG4 in the absence of MUP-specific IgG4 was not uncommon. Cross-reactivity of IgG antibodies between MUP8 and Mus m 1 as well as between the different MUPs was high and inhibition varied between 54 and 99%. Conclusion: The mouse allergen Mus m 1 can be replaced in antibody testing by recombinant MUP8. Other MUPs, except MUP4, are interchangeable with MUP8. However, mouse urine extract showed better detection of both mouse-specific IgE and IgG4 levels. Other components in the mouse urine, like mouse albumin and other yet unidentified components, also induce IgE and IgG(4) antibodies.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular basis of human IgE-allergen interaction by screening a phage-displayed peptide library with an allergen-specific human IgE-mimicking monoclonal antibody (mAb). A mAb that reacted with major grass pollen allergens was successfully identified and shown to inhibit human IgE-allergen interaction. Biopanning of a phage-displayed random peptide library with this mAb yielded a 12 amino acid long mimotope. A synthetic peptide based on this 12-mer mimotope inhibited mAb and human IgE binding to grass pollen extracts. Our results indicate that such synthetic peptide mimotopes of allergens have potential as novel therapeutic agents. © 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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Metarhizium anisopliae is used as a biopesticide for insects that damage agricultural plantations like sugar cane and forage plants. In a previous study the sensitization to this fungus of asthmatic patients coming from sugar cane areas was showed. The aims of this work were: to compare crude extracts obtained with Tris-HCl and Coca liquid from several growth phases of M. anisopliae concerning the total content of proteins and their electrophoretic analysis profile; to evaluate in vivo allergic sensitization in Balb/c mice and allergic patients from a sugar cane area, and to characterize the allergenic fractions in the sera of patients positive for the prick test by means of Western-blotting. The extract obtained with Coca liquid on the 16(th) day was the one that presented the greatest number of proteic fractions, including all those present in the other extracts. Twelve fractions were verified in this extract with approximate molecular weights from 94 to 14 kDa. The allergenicity of the extract obtained on the 16(th) day was proven by the production of IgE antibodies in Balb/c mice, with titres of 200. Prick tests carried out with the extract of the 16(th) day in 79 atopic individuals (from sugar cane area), 35 atopic individuals (from urban area) and 11 non- atopic individuals showed respective positivity of 29%, 9% and 0%. The allergenic characterization in vitro was performed by means of Western blotting, and the fractions that reacted with the positive individuals' sera were those of approximate molecular weights of 67 kDa (95%); 20 kDa (55%); 94 kDa (36%); 34 and 36 kDa (23%); 43 and 48 kDa (14%): 16 kDa (9%) and 54kDa (5%). It was concluded that the crude allergenic extract, obtained with Coca liquid from the 16(th) day growth of Metarhizium anisopliae, contains allergenic fractions and can be used in diagnostic screening tests.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an IgE-mediated seasonal dermatitis of the horses associated with bites of Simulium (black fly) and Culicoides (midge) species. Although cross-reactivity between Simulium and Culicoides salivary gland extracts has been demonstrated, the molecular nature of the allergens responsible for the observed cross-reactivity remains to be elucidated. In this report we demonstrate for the first time in veterinary medicine that a homologous allergen, present in the salivary glands of both insects, shows extended IgE cross-reactivity in vitro and in vivo. The cDNA sequences coding for both antigen 5 like allergens termed Sim v 1 and Cul n 1 were amplified by PCR, subcloned in high level expression vectors, and produced as [His](6)-tagged proteins in Escherichia coli. The highly pure recombinant proteins were used to investigate the prevalence of sensitization in IBH-affected horses by ELISA and their cross-reactive nature by Western blot analyses, inhibition ELISA and intradermal skin tests (IDT). The prevalence of sensitization to Sim v 1 and Cul n 1 among 48 IBH-affected horses was 37% and 35%, respectively. In contrast, serum IgE levels to both allergens in 24 unaffected horses did not show any value above background. Both proteins strongly bound serum IgE from IBH-affected horses in Western blot analyses, demonstrating the allergenic nature of the recombinant proteins. Extended inhibition ELISA experiments clearly showed that Sim v 1 in fluid phase is able to strongly inhibit binding of serum IgE to solid phase coated Cul n 1 in a concentration dependent manner and vice versa. This crucial experiment shows that the allergens share common IgE-binding epitopes. IDT with Sim v 1 and Cul n 1 showed clear immediate and late phase reactions to the allergen challenges IBH-affected horses, whereas unaffected control horses do not develop relevant immediate hypersensitivity reactions. In some horses, however, mild late phase reactions were observed 4h post-challenge, a phenomenon reported to occur also in challenge experiments with Simulium and Culicoides crude extracts probably related to lipopolysaccaride contaminations which are also present in E. coli-expressed recombinant proteins. In conclusion our data demonstrate that IgE-mediated cross-reactivity to homologous allergens, a well-known clinically relevant phenomenon in human allergy, also occurs in veterinary allergy.


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Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is a common condition in stabled horses characterized by small airway inflammation, airway neutrophilia and obstruction following exposure of susceptible horses to mouldy hay and straw and is thus regarded as a hypersensitivity reaction to mould spores. However, the role of immunoglobulin E antibodies (IgE) in the pathogenesis of RAO is unclear. We hypothesized that the number of cells with receptor-bound IgE in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and IgE levels in serum would be higher in RAO-affected than in healthy horses living in the same environment. Therefore, IgE-positive (+) cells were identified by immunocytochemistry on cytospins from BALF and counted. IgE levels against the mould extracts Aspergillus fumigatus (Asp. f.) and Alternaria alternata (Alt. a.) and the recombinant mould allergen Aspergillus fumigatus 8 (rAsp f 8) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in the sera of seven RAO-affected and 22 clinically healthy mature horses housed in the same conventional stable environment. After correcting for the number of neutrophils, there were no significant differences in IgE+ cells on cytospins from BALF between both groups of horses (5% versus 7%, P > 0.1). Serum IgE levels against the mould extracts were significantly higher in RAO-affected than in clinically healthy horses [median = 119 versus 66 relative ELISA units (REU), P < 0.05]. Furthermore, significantly more RAO-affected than healthy horses had detectable serum IgE against the recombinant allergen rAsp f 8 (4/7 and 3/22, respectively, P < 0.05). Age had no significant effect on BALF cell ratios or on specific serum IgE levels. These results show that high IgE levels against mould antigens are associated with RAO under controlled environmental conditions but ranges of mould-specific serum IgE levels overlapped too much between diseased and clinically healthy animals to be of any diagnostic value. Further studies are needed to assess whether IgE-mediated reactions contribute to the pathogenesis of RAO.


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The incidence of Amaranthaceae pollen allergy has increased due to the desertification occurring in many countries. In some regions of Spain, Salsola kali is the main cause of pollinosis, at almost the same level as olive and grass pollen. Sal k 1 - the sensitization marker of S. kali pollinosis - is used in clinical diagnosis, but is purified at a low yield from pollen. We aimed to produce a recombinant (r)Sal k 1 able to span the structural and immunological properties of the natural isoforms from pollen, and validate its potential use for diagnosis. METHODS: Specific cDNA was amplified by PCR, cloned into the pET41b vector and used to transform BL21 (DE3) Escherichia coli cells. Immunoblotting, ELISA, basophil activation and skin-prick tests were used to validate the recombinant protein against Sal k 1 isolated from pollen. Sera and blood cells from S. kali pollen-sensitized patients and specific monoclonal and polyclonal antisera were used. RESULTS: rSal k 1 was produced in bacteria with a yield of 7.5 mg/l of cell culture. The protein was purified to homogeneity and structural and immunologically validated against the natural form. rSal k 1 exhibited a higher IgE cross-reactivity with plant-derived food extracts such as peanut, almond or tomato than with pollen sources such as Platanus acerifolia and Oleaceae members. CONCLUSIONS: rSal k 1 expressed in bacteria retains intact structural and immunological properties in comparison to the pollen-derived allergen. It spans the immunological properties of most of the isoforms found in pollen, and it might substitute natural Sal k 1 in clinical diagnosis.