7 resultados para Aliskiren
Aim: The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) has dual pathways to angiotensin II production; therefore, multiple blockages may be useful in heart failure. In this study, we evaluated the short-term haemodynamic effects of aliskiren, a direct renin inhibitor, in patients with decompensated severe heart failure who were also taking angiotensin-converting enzyme ( ACE) inhibitors. Materials and methods: A total of 16 patients (14 men, two women, mean age: 60.3 years) were enrolled in the study. The inclusion criteria included hospitalisation due to decompensated heart failure, ACE inhibitor use, and an ejection fraction < 40% (mean: 21.9 +/- 6.7%). The exclusion criteria were: creatinine > 2.0 mg/dl, cardiac pacemaker, serum K+ > 5.5 mEq/l, and systolic blood pressure < 70 mmHg. Patients either received 150 mg/d aliskiren for 7 days (aliskiren group, n = 10) or did not receive aliskiren (control group, n = 6). Primary end points were systemic vascular resistance and cardiac index values. Repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess variables before and after intervention. A two-sided p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Compared to pre-intervention levels, systemic vascular resistance was reduced by 20.4% in aliskiren patients, but it increased by 2.9% in control patients (p = 0.038). The cardiac index was not significantly increased by 19.0% in aliskiren patients, but decreased by 8.4% in control patients (p = 0.127). No differences in the pulmonary capillary or systolic blood pressure values were observed between the groups. Conclusion: Aliskiren use reduced systemic vascular resistance in patients with decompensated heart failure taking ACE inhibitors.
BACKGROUND: This study was undertaken to determine whether use of the direct renin inhibitor aliskiren would reduce cardiovascular and renal events in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, or both. METHODS: In a double-blind fashion, we randomly assigned 8561 patients to aliskiren (300 mg daily) or placebo as an adjunct to an angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor or an angiotensin-receptor blocker. The primary end point was a composite of the time to cardiovascular death or a first occurrence of cardiac arrest with resuscitation; nonfatal myocardial infarction; nonfatal stroke; unplanned hospitalization for heart failure; end-stage renal disease, death attributable to kidney failure, or the need for renal-replacement therapy with no dialysis or transplantation available or initiated; or doubling of the baseline serum creatinine level. RESULTS: The trial was stopped prematurely after the second interim efficacy analysis. After a median follow-up of 32.9 months, the primary end point had occurred in 783 patients (18.3%) assigned to aliskiren as compared with 732 (17.1%) assigned to placebo (hazard ratio, 1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.98 to 1.20; P=0.12). Effects on secondary renal end points were similar. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were lower with aliskiren (between-group differences, 1.3 and 0.6 mm Hg, respectively) and the mean reduction in the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio was greater (between-group difference, 14 percentage points; 95% CI, 11 to 17). The proportion of patients with hyperkalemia (serum potassium level, ≥6 mmol per liter) was significantly higher in the aliskiren group than in the placebo group (11.2% vs. 7.2%), as was the proportion with reported hypotension (12.1% vs. 8.3%) (P<0.001 for both comparisons). CONCLUSIONS: The addition of aliskiren to standard therapy with renin-angiotensin system blockade in patients with type 2 diabetes who are at high risk for cardiovascular and renal events is not supported by these data and may even be harmful. (Funded by Novartis; ALTITUDE ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00549757.).
As associações entre obesidade, doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (NAFLD) e diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) são bem estabelecidas, e o sistema renina-angiotensina (SRA) pode proporcionar uma ligação entre eles. O bloqueio do SRA em diferentes níveis pode estar relacionado a respostas na resistência à insulina, remodelagem do pâncreas e do fígado em um modelo de obesidade induzida por dieta. Camundongos C57BL/6 foram alimentados com uma dieta hiperlipídica (HF) durante oito semanas e depois tratados com alisquireno (50 mg/kg/dia), enalapril (30 mg/kg/dia) ou losartana (10 mg/kg/dia) por um período adicional de seis semanas. As drogas foram incorporadas na dieta. Avaliou-se a massa corporal (MC), pressão arterial, consumo e gasto energético (GE), metabolismo da glicose e lipídico, histopatologia pancreática e hepática, análise hormonal, imunohistoquímica, perfil gênico e/ou proteico do SRA no pâncreas, gliconeogênese hepática, sinalização da insulina, oxidação e acúmulo lipídico. Todos os inibidores do SRA reduziram significativamente o aumento da pressão arterial nos camundongos alimentados com dieta HF. O tratamento com enalapril, mas não alisquireno ou losartana, reduziu o ganho de MC e a ingestão alimentar; aumentou o GE; amenizou a intolerância à glicose e resistência à insulina; melhorou a massa de células alfa e beta; impediu a redução da adiponectina plasmática e restaurou a sensibilidade à leptina. Além disso, o tratamento com enalapril melhorou a expressão proteica nas ilhotas pancreáticas de Pdx1, GLUT2, ECA2 e do receptor Mas. O tratamento com losartana apresentou uma elevação na expressão proteica de AT2R no pâncreas. No fígado, a administração de enalapril atenuou a esteatose hepática, o acúmulo de triglicerídeos e preveniu o aumento dos níveis de PEPCK, G6Pase e do GLUT2. Do mesmo modo, o enalapril melhorou a transdução dos sinais da insulina através da via IRS-1/Akt, bem como reduziu os níveis de expressão gênica e/ou proteica de PPAR-gama, SREBP-1c e FAS. Esses resultados sugerem que a inibição da ECA com enalapril atenuou muitos efeitos deletérios provocados pelo consumo da dieta HF, incluindo: normalização da morfologia e função das ilhotas pancreáticas, proteção contra a resistência à insulina e acúmulo de lipídios no fígado. Estes efeitos protetores do enalapril podem ser atribuídos, principalmente, à redução no ganho de MC e ingestão alimentar, aumento do GE, ativação do eixo ECA2/Ang(1-7)/receptor Mas e dos níveis de adiponectina, o que promove uma melhora na ação hepática da insulina e leptina, normalização da gliconeogênese, amenizando a NAFLD.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Objective Activation of the renal renin-angiotensin system in patients with diabetes mellitus appears to contribute to the risk of nephropathy. Recently, it has been recognized than an elevation of prorenin in plasma also provides a strong indication of risk of nephropathy. This study was designed to examine renin-angiotensin system control mechanisms in the patient with diabetes mellitus.Methods We enrolled 43 individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. All individuals were on a high-salt diet to minimize the contribution of the systemic renin-angiotensin system. After an acute exposure to captopril (25 mg), they were randomized to treatment with either irbesartan (300 mg) or aliskiren (300 mg) for 2 weeks.Results All agents acutely lowered blood pressure and plasma aldosterone, and increased renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate. Yet, only captopril and aliskiren acutely increased plasma renin and decreased plasma angiotensin II, whereas irbesartan acutely affected neither renin nor angiotensin II. Plasma renin and angiotensin II subsequently did increase upon chronic irbesartan treatment. When given on day 14, irbesartan and aliskiren again induced the above hemodynamic, renal and adrenal effects, yet without significantly changing plasma renin. Irbesartan at that time did not affect plasma angiotensin II, whereas aliskiren lowered it to almost zero.Conclusion The relative resistance of the renal renin response to acute (irbesartan) and chronic (irbesartan and aliskiren) renin-angiotensin system blockade supports the concept of an activated renal renin-angiotensin system in diabetes, particularly at the level of the juxtaglomerular cell, and implies that diabetic patients might require higher doses of renin-angiotensin system blockers to fully suppress the renal renin-angiotensin system. J Hypertens 29: 2454-2461 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Une nouvelle approche pour la synthèse de l’aliskiren, un puissant inhibiteur de la rénine pour le traitement de l’hypertension chez l’homme, a été développée. De cette approche, des étapes clés tels qu’une allylation avec un des catalyseurs de MacMillan, une cyclisation par métathèse (RCM) pour la préparation d’une lactone à neuf membres et une séquence de réactions d’aziridination diastéréosélective/réarrangement de cycle par une catalyse acide donnant un produit aminohydroxylé ont permis de compléter la synthèse de l’aliskiren en 11 étapes. Durant l’élaboration de la séquence de réactions pour la préparation de l’aliksiren, il a été noté que la lactone à neuf membres avait une facilité à se réarranger via des intermédiaires quinonoïdaux et les produits issus de cette tendance ont été analysés. De plus, une étude sur la réaction de RCM, donnant la lactone à neuf membres, a montré une dépendance envers la nature diastéréomérique du substrat de départ. Une méthodologie d’alpha-allylation asymétrique de cétones catalysée au palladium, tirant avantage d’un ligand chiral PHOX, a été explorée et utilisée en vue de la synthèse de l’aliskiren. De cette méthode, une étude pour la synthèse de produits alpha-allylcétones acycliques a été démontrée et un effet d’additif sur la sélectivité et la vitesse de réaction a été découvert. De plus, la production d’un intermédiaire avancé d’un produit d’intérêts a été accomplie et la nature de la contribution de l’additif a été investiguée. Les produits obtenus depuis la méthodologie d’allylation catalysée au palladium et la formation d’intermédiaire cationique des certains dérivés de la synthèse de l’aliskiren ont inspirés une nouvelle approche faisant appel à des techniques d’alkylation en catalyse acide pour la formation de produits diaryliques. Il a été trouvé que le catalyseur de chlorure d’or(III) et de triflate de bismuth(III) étaient particulièrement efficaces, démontrant une différence de cinétique pour la réactivité d’un mélange diastéréoisomériques d’alcools alpha-substitués de départ.
Resistant hypertension (RH) is characterized by blood pressure above 140 × 90 mm Hg, despite the use, in appropriate doses, of three antihypertensive drug classes, including a diuretic, or the need of four classes to control blood pressure. Resistant hypertension patients are under a greater risk of presenting secondary causes of hypertension and may be benefited by therapeutical approach for this diagnosis. However, the RH is currently little studied, and more knowledge of this clinical condition is necessary. In addition, few studies had evaluated this issue in emergent countries. Therefore, we proposed the analysis of specific causes of RH by using a standardized protocol in Brazilian patients diagnosed in a center for the evaluation and treatment of hypertension. The management of these patients was conducted with the application of a preformulated protocol which aimed at the identification of the causes of resistant hypertension in each patient through management standardization. The data obtained suggest that among patients with resistant hypertension there is a higher prevalence of secondary hypertension, than that observed in general hypertensive ones and a higher prevalence of sleep apnea as well. But there are a predominance of obesity, noncompliance with diet, and frequent use of hypertensive drugs. These latter factors are likely approachable at primary level health care, since that detailed anamneses directed to the causes of resistant hypertension are applied. © 2012 Livia Beatriz Santos Limonta et al.