999 resultados para Algoritmo genético, Algoritmo memético e vocabulary Building
Telecommunications play a key role in contemporary society. However, as new technologies are put into the market, it also grows the demanding for new products and services that depend on the offered infrastructure, making the problems of planning telecommunications networks, despite the advances in technology, increasingly larger and complex. However, many of these problems can be formulated as models of combinatorial optimization, and the use of heuristic algorithms can help solving these issues in the planning phase. In this project it was developed two pure metaheuristic implementations Genetic algorithm (GA) and Memetic Algorithm (MA) plus a third hybrid implementation Memetic Algorithm with Vocabulary Building (MA+VB) for a problem in telecommunications that is known in the literature as Problem SONET Ring Assignment Problem or SRAP. The SRAP arises during the planning stage of the physical network and it consists in the selection of connections between a number of locations (customers) in order to meet a series of restrictions on the lowest possible cost. This problem is NP-hard, so efficient exact algorithms (in polynomial complexity ) are not known and may, indeed, even exist
The present essay shows strategies of improvement in a well succeded evolutionary metaheuristic to solve the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem. Such steps consist in a Memetic Algorithm projected mainly to this problem. Basically this improvement applied optimizing techniques known as Path-Relinking and Vocabulary Building. Furthermore, this last one has being used in two different ways, in order to evaluate the effects of the improvement on the evolutionary metaheuristic. These methods were implemented in C++ code and the experiments were done under instances at TSPLIB library, being possible to observe that the procedures purposed reached success on the tests done
The Combinatorial Optimization is a basic area to companies who look for competitive advantages in the diverse productive sectors and the Assimetric Travelling Salesman Problem, which one classifies as one of the most important problems of this area, for being a problem of the NP-hard class and for possessing diverse practical applications, has increased interest of researchers in the development of metaheuristics each more efficient to assist in its resolution, as it is the case of Memetic Algorithms, which is a evolutionary algorithms that it is used of the genetic operation in combination with a local search procedure. This work explores the technique of Viral Infection in one Memetic Algorithms where the infection substitutes the mutation operator for obtaining a fast evolution or extinguishing of species (KANOH et al, 1996) providing a form of acceleration and improvement of the solution . For this it developed four variants of Viral Infection applied in the Memetic Algorithms for resolution of the Assimetric Travelling Salesman Problem where the agent and the virus pass for a symbiosis process which favored the attainment of a hybrid evolutionary algorithms and computational viable
In this action research study of my 5th grade mathematics class, I investigated how students’ understanding of math vocabulary impacts their understanding of the curriculum. I discovered math vocabulary plays an important role in a student’s ability to understand daily lessons, complete homework, discuss ideas in groups, take tests and be successful on achievement tests. A student’s ability to understand the words around him (or her) in math class seem very related to his or her ability to solve word problems. Word problems are what our national assessments are all about. I also discovered that direct instruction and support of math vocabulary increased test scores and confidence in students as test takers. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to find ways to emphasize the vocabulary used in our current math curriculum. This process will start at the beginning of the year. I will continue to look for strategies that promote math vocabulary retention in my students. And finally, I will share my findings with my colleagues, so my research can be used as part of our School Improvement Goals.
This paper aims to propose a hybrid meta-heuristics for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem (HVRP), which is a combinatorial optimization problem NP-hard, and is characterized by the use of a limited fleet consists of different vehicles with different capacities. The hybrid method developed makes use of a memetic algorithm associated with the component optimizer Vocabulary Building. The resulting hybrid meta-heuristic was implemented in the programming language C + + and computational experiments generated good results in relation to meta-heuristic applied in isolation, proving the efficiency of the proposed method.
Algoritmo evolutivo paralelo para o problema de atribuição de localidades a anéis em redes sonet/sdh
The telecommunications play a fundamental role in the contemporary society, having as one of its main roles to give people the possibility to connect them and integrate them into society in which they operate and, therewith, accelerate development through knowledge. But as new technologies are introduced on the market, increases the demand for new products and services that depend on the infrastructure offered, making the problems of planning of telecommunication networks become increasingly large and complex. Many of these problems, however, can be formulated as combinatorial optimization models, and the use of heuristic algorithms can help solve these issues in the planning phase. This paper proposes the development of a Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm to be applied to telecommunications problem known in the literature as SONET Ring Assignment Problem SRAP. This problem is the class NP-hard and arises during the physical planning of a telecommunication network and consists of determining the connections between locations (customers), satisfying a series of constrains of the lowest possible cost. Experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the Evolutionary Algorithm parallel, over other methods, to obtain solutions that are either optimal or very close to it
Em muitos problemas de otimização há dificuldades em alcançar um resultado ótimo ou mesmo um resultado próximo ao valor ótimo em um tempo viável, principalmente quando se trabalha em grande escala. Por isso muitos desses problemas são abordados por heurísticas ou metaheurísticas que executam buscas por melhores soluções dentro do espaço de busca definido. Dentro da computação natural estão os Algoritmos Culturais e os Algoritmos Genéticos, que são considerados metaheurísticas evolutivas que se complementam devido ao mecanismo dual de herança cultura/genética. A proposta do presente trabalho é estudar e utilizar tais mecanismos acrescentando tanto heurísticas de busca local como multipopulações aplicados em problemas de otimização combinatória (caixeiro viajante e mochila), funções multimodais e em problemas restritos. Serão executados alguns experimentos para efetuar uma avaliação em relação ao desempenho desses mecanismos híbridos e multipopulacionais com outros mecanismos dispostos na literatura de acordo com cada problema de otimização aqui abordado.
The Car Rental Salesman Problem (CaRS) is a variant of the classical Traveling Salesman Problem which was not described in the literature where a tour of visits can be decomposed into contiguous paths that may be performed in different rental cars. The aim is to determine the Hamiltonian cycle that results in a final minimum cost, considering the cost of the route added to the cost of an expected penalty paid for each exchange of vehicles on the route. This penalty is due to the return of the car dropped to the base. This paper introduces the general problem and illustrates some examples, also featuring some of its associated variants. An overview of the complexity of this combinatorial problem is also outlined, to justify their classification in the NPhard class. A database of instances for the problem is presented, describing the methodology of its constitution. The presented problem is also the subject of a study based on experimental algorithmic implementation of six metaheuristic solutions, representing adaptations of the best of state-of-the-art heuristic programming. New neighborhoods, construction procedures, search operators, evolutionary agents, cooperation by multi-pheromone are created for this problem. Furtermore, computational experiments and comparative performance tests are conducted on a sample of 60 instances of the created database, aiming to offer a algorithm with an efficient solution for this problem. These results will illustrate the best performance reached by the transgenetic algorithm in all instances of the dataset
Due to great difficulty of accurate solution of Combinatorial Optimization Problems, some heuristic methods have been developed and during many years, the analysis of performance of these approaches was not carried through in a systematic way. The proposal of this work is to make a statistical analysis of heuristic approaches to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The focus of the analysis is to evaluate the performance of each approach in relation to the necessary computational time until the attainment of the optimal solution for one determined instance of the TSP. Survival Analysis, assisted by methods for the hypothesis test of the equality between survival functions was used. The evaluated approaches were divided in three classes: Lin-Kernighan Algorithms, Evolutionary Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization. Beyond those approaches, it was enclosed in the analysis, a memetic algorithm (for symmetric and asymmetric TSP instances) that utilizes the Lin-Kernighan heuristics as its local search procedure
This work approaches the Scheduling Workover Rigs Problem (SWRP) to maintain the wells of an oil field, although difficult to resolve, is extremely important economical, technical and environmental. A mathematical formulation of this problem is presented, where an algorithmic approach was developed. The problem can be considered to find the best scheduling service to the wells by the workover rigs, taking into account the minimization of the composition related to the costs of the workover rigs and the total loss of oil suffered by the wells. This problem is similar to the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), which is classified as belonging to the NP-hard class. The goal of this research is to develop an algorithmic approach to solve the SWRP, using the fundamentals of metaheuristics like Memetic Algorithm and GRASP. Instances are generated for the tests to analyze the computational performance of the approaches mentioned above, using data that are close to reality. Thereafter, is performed a comparison of performance and quality of the results obtained by each one of techniques used
This paper introduces a new variant of the Traveling Car Renter Problem, named Prizecollecting Traveling Car Renter Problem. In this problem, a set of vertices, each associated with a bonus, and a set of vehicles are given. The objective is to determine a cycle that visits some vertices collecting, at least, a pre-defined bonus, and minimizing the cost of the tour that can be traveled with different vehicles. A mathematical formulation is presented and implemented in a solver to produce results for sixty-two instances. The proposed problem is also subject of an experimental study based on the algorithmic application of four metaheuristics representing the best adaptations of the state of the art of the heuristic programming.We also provide new local search operators which exploit the neighborhoods of the problem, construction procedures and adjustments, created specifically for the addressed problem. Comparative computational experiments and performance tests are performed on a sample of 80 instances, aiming to offer a competitive algorithm to the problem. We conclude that memetic algorithms, computational transgenetic and a hybrid evolutive algorithm are competitive in tests performed
The SONET/SDH Ring Assignment Problem (PALAS) treats to group localities in form of some rings, being respected the traffic's limitations of the equipment. Each ring uses a DXC (Digital Cross Connect) to make the communication with the others, being the DXC the equipment most expensive of the net, minimizing the number total of rings, will minimize the total net cost, problem's objective . This topology in rings provides a bigger capacity of regeneration. The PALAS is a problem in Combinatorial Optimization of NP-hard Class. It can be solved through Heuristics and Metaheuristics. In this text, we use Taboo Search while we keep a set of elite solutions to be used in the formation of a part of the collection of vocabulary's parts that in turn will be used in the Vocabulary Building. The Vocabulary Building will be started case Taboo Search does not reach the best solution for the instance. Three approaches had been implemented: one that only uses vocabulary's parts deriving of Taboo Search, one that it only uses vocabulary's parts randomly generated and a last one that it uses half come of the elite and half randomly generated
This paper presents metaheuristic strategies based on the framework of evolutionary algorithms (Genetic and Memetic) with the addition of Technical Vocabulary Building for solving the Problem of Optimizing the Use of Multiple Mobile Units Recovery of Oil (MRO units). Because it is an NP-hard problem, a mathematical model is formulated for the problem, allowing the construction of test instances that are used to validate the evolutionary metaheuristics developed