1000 resultados para Alcohol Sleepiness Fatigue Pupillography PST


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Alkohol und Schläfrigkeit sind die wichtigsten fahrerbezogenen Faktoren bei der Entstehung von Autounfällen. Bislang gibt es relativ wenige konkrete Erkenntnisse über die schläfrigkeitsfördernde Wirkung von Alkohol. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte erstmals eine quantitative und objektive Analyse der (Tages-)Schläfrigkeit unter Alkoholeinfluss während der gesamten Alkoholumsetzungskurve erstellt werden. Mit dem pupillographischen Schläfrigkeitstest (PST) steht ein Verfahren zur Verfügung, mit dem es möglich ist, Schläfrigkeit unter Alkoholeinfluss quantitativ zu bestimmen. Diese Methode beruht auf der Vermessung der Pupille, deren Durchmesser der efferenten sympathischen Steuerung unterliegt. Bei zunehmender Schläfrigkeit lässt der sympathische Einfluss auf die Pupillenweite nach und es kommt zu typischen Oszillationen der Pupille. Diese Oszillationen, sogenannte „Fatigue Waves“, werden in einem ruhigen, abgedunkelten Raum mittels Infrarotkamera über 11 Minuten kontinuierlich aufgezeichnet und als Pupillen-Unruhe-Index (PUI) in mm / min ausgegeben. Für diesen Wert existieren Normwerte, welche eine Einteilung der PUI-Werte in „normal“, „erhöht“ und „pathologisch“ ermöglichen. Es wurde ein standardisiertes Kollektiv von 53 Probanden zwischen 20 und 60 Jahren untersucht. Dieses bestand aus 28 Männern und 25 Frauen. Die Probanden wurden wahlweise mit Bier oder Wein stufenweise unter Blutalkohohol-konzentrationen von annähernd 0,3, 0,5 und 0,8 ‰ gesetzt, die genaue BAK wurde jeweils durch Gaschromatographie und ADH-Methode bestimmt. Während dieser Anflutungsphase wurde bei jeder der drei Stufen die Schläfrigkeit bestimmt. Dies geschah zum einen mittels objektivem PST und zum anderen durch die subjektive Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS), eine siebenstufige Skala zur Einschätzung der eigenen Schläfrigkeit. In der Eliminationsphase der Alkoholumsetzungskurve wurde wiederum bei 0,5 und 0,3 ‰ sowohl die subjektive als auch die objektive Schläfrigkeit gemessen. Eine Kontrollgruppe von 11 Probanden aus dem genannten Kollektiv wurde zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt unter gleichen Bedingungen ohne Alkoholeinfluss untersucht. Im Ergebnis zeigte die Anflutungsphase zunächst ein signifikantes Absinken des PUI um 5,9 %, gleichbedeutend mit einer höheren Vigilanz. Im weiteren Verlauf war das Maximum der Schläfrigkeit in der Eliminationsphase bei einer verhältnismäßig geringen BAK von durchschnittlich 0,54 ‰ zu beobachten. Der PUI hatte sich im Vergleich zum Ausgangswert um durchschnittlich 17,4 % erhöht und 40,4 % der Probanden wiesen erhöhte oder pathologische Schläfrigkeitswerte auf. Dieser Anteil lag um hochsignifikante 110 % höher als bei der Ausgangsmessung. Insgesamt ließ sich keine Korrelation zwischen objektiver und subjektiver Schläfrigkeit feststellen, obwohl auch die subjektive Schläfrigkeit stieg. Das Maximum der subjektiven Schläfrigkeit fiel zusammen mit dem Maximum der Alkoholisierung von 0,8 ‰. Wirkung auf das Ausmaß der Schläfrigkeit hatten die Häufigkeit des Alkoholkonsums, der Body-Mass-Index (BMI) und das Geschlecht. Je häufiger die Probanden nach eigenen Angaben Alkohol tranken und je höher der jeweilige BMI war, desto geringer war der Einfluss des Alkohols auf die Schläfrigkeit. Mit der Eigenschaft „weibliches Geschlecht“ ging eine höhere objektive Schläfrigkeit einher, allerdings auch eine höhere subjektive Einschätzung der eigenen Schläfrigkeit. Ein Einfluss der Getränkeart ließ sich hingegen nicht nachweisen. Für die Abnahme der Vigilanz spielte es keine Rolle, ob dies durch Bier oder Wein verursacht worden war. Bedenklich erschien die Tatsache, dass zum einen die Probanden das Ausmaß der eigenen Schläfrigkeit sogar unter relativ geringer Alkoholisierung nicht adäquat einschätzen konnten, und dass zum anderen das Maximum der Schläfrigkeit – und damit auch des mutmaßlichen Unfallrisikos – in der Eliminationsphase lag. Ein Zeitpunkt, zu dem sicherlich die meisten Alkoholfahrten unternommen werden.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Sleepiness is a significant contributor to car crashes and sleepiness related crashes have higher mortality and morbidity than other crashes. Young adult drivers are at particular risk for sleepiness related car crashes. It has been suggested that this is because young adults are typically sleepier than older adults because of chronic sleep loss, and more often drive at times of increased risk of acute sleepiness. This prospective study aimed to determine the relationship between predicted and perceived sleepiness while driving in 47 young-adult drivers over a 4-week period. Sleepiness levels were predicted by a model incorporating known circadian and sleep factors influencing alertness, and compared to subjective ratings of sleepiness during 25 18 driving episodes. Results suggested that young drivers frequently drive while at risk of crashing, at times of predicted sleepiness (>7% of episodes) and at times they felt themselves to be sleepy (>23% of episodes). A significant relationship was found between perceived and predicted estimates of sleepiness. However, the participants nonetheless drove at these times. The results of this study may help preventative programs to specifically target factors leading to increased sleepiness when driving (particularly time of day), and to focus interventions to stop young adults from driving when they feel sleepy. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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AIMS: Despite growing recognition of the impact of sleep on diabetes, a clear profile of people with diabetes regarding subjective sleep impairment has yet to be established. This study examines: (1) subjective sleep characteristics in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes; (2) the relationship of poor subjective sleep quality with glycaemic control, self-care and daytime functioning; (3) possible risk markers for poor sleep quality. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, Dutch adults with type 1 (n=267) or type 2 diabetes (n=361) completed an online survey, including the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), socio-demographic, clinical, self-care and psychological measures. RESULTS: Poor sleep quality (PSQI-score >5) was reported by 31% of adults with type 1 and 42% of adults with type 2 diabetes. Participants with good and poor sleep quality did not differ in self-reported HbA1c or the frequency of meeting lifestyle recommendations. Poor sleep quality was related to a higher self-care burden and higher levels of daytime sleepiness, fatigue, depressive and anxiety symptoms, and diabetes-specific distress. In multivariable logistic regression analyses examining risk markers, poor sleep quality was associated with depressive symptoms in adults with type 1 (OR=1.39, 95% CI 1.25-1.54) and type 2 diabetes (OR=1.31, 1.16-1.47), and with being female in those with type 2 diabetes (OR=2.72, 1.42-5.20). CONCLUSIONS: Poor subjective sleep quality is prevalent both in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and is related to poor daytime functioning and higher self-care burden. The temporal relation with depression and merits of therapy should be explored.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Do you know how to drive a train? If you don’t you probably believe that you have a fair idea of what it’s all about. Forget what you know, or think you know. Trains are heavy and fast but they feel and handle like driving on ice so they take a long time to stop. The braking distances for a typical piece of track are unlike anything you will have experienced before. With that in mind, imagine you were driving with a bit of dew, or grease, or millipede over the track. You would lose traction and slip everywhere. To avoid this, you would need a compensatory driving strategy. You could drive more slowly, or brake sooner, or change how you brake. Your experience and intuition would lead the way. Folks, this is why it’s called “driving by the seat of your pants”...


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Zahlreiche neurologische Erkrankungen wie Morbus Parkinson oder Epilepsien sind mit nicht erholsamem Schlaf und erhöhter Tagesschläfrigkeit assoziiert. Andere Erkrankungen wie Multiple Sklerose induzieren zwar Fatigue / Müdigkeit, aber keine objektivierbar erhöhte Einschlafneigung. Aufgrund der komplexen Interaktionen von Grunderkrankung, Krankheitsfolgen und Medikationseffekten differieren subjektive Einschätzung und objektive Maße von Schläfrigkeit oft erheblich. Der pupillographische Schläfrigkeitstest (PST) ist ein effizientes und objektives Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Vigilanz bzw. Tagesschläfrigkeit, für neurologische Patienten unter naturalistischen Bedingungen liegen aber nur wenige Daten vor.


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There is consensus among community and road safety agencies that driver fatigue is a major road safety issue and it is well known that excessive fatigue is linked with an increased risk of a motor vehicle crash. Previous research has implicated a wide variety of factors involved in fatigue-related crashes and the effects of these various factors in regard to crash risk can be interpreted as causal (i.e. alcohol and/or drugs may induce fatigue states) or additive (e.g. where a lack of sleep is combined with alcohol). As such, the purpose of this investigation was to examine self-report data to determine whether there are any differences in the prevalence, crash characteristics, and travel patterns of males and females involved in a fatigue-related crash or close call event. Such research is important to understand how fatigue related incidents occur within the typical driving patterns of men and women and it provides a starting point in order to explore if males and females experience and understand the risk of diving when tired in the same way. A representative sample of (N = 1,600) residents living in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and New South Wales (NSW), Australia, were surveyed regarding their experience of fatigue and their involvement in fatigue-related crashes and close call incidents. Results revealed that over 35% of participants reported having had a close call or crash due to driving when tired in the five years prior to the study being conducted. In addition, the results obtained revealed a number of interesting characteristics that provide preliminary evidence that gender differences do exist when examining the prevalence, crash characteristics, and travel patterns of males and females involved in a fatigue-related crash or close call event. It is argued that the results obtained can provide particularly useful information for the refinement and further development of appropriate countermeasures that better target this complex issue.


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Fatigue in the postnatal period is such a common experience for most mothers that the term ‘postpartum fatigue’ (PPF) has been coined to describe it. When new mothers experience extreme fatigue, it follows that their physical health, mental health, and social-wellbeing is negatively affected. It is interesting to note that there is a distinct lack of empirical investigations focusing on the link between PPF and increased risk of injury; particularly when the links between fatigue and increased risk of road crashes are well documented. The purpose of this investigation was to undertake pilot research to develop an understanding of the duration of PPF and the performance impairments experienced by new mothers when involved in safety-sensitive activities, such as driving a motor vehicle. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with women (N = 24) at 12 weeks postpartum living in South-east Queensland, Australia. Key themes were identified; with a particular emphasis towards understanding the link between the participant’s experience of postpartum fatigue and the impact this has on their overall cognitive and physiological functioning, as well as their experience of the driving task. Further, sleep/wake data was collected and using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) the potential crash risk for this group of mothers is discussed. It is proposed that the findings of this investigation could be used to improve current knowledge among new mothers and practitioners regarding the mechanisms and consequences of fatigue and to inform interventions that lead to a decreased risk of injury associated with postpartum fatigue.


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Fatigue/sleepiness is recognised as an important contributory factor in fatal and serious injury road traffic incidents (RTIs), however, identifying fatigue/sleepiness as a causal factor remains an uncertain science. Within Australia attending police officers at a RTI report the causal factors; one option is fatigue/sleepiness. In some Australian jurisdictions police incident databases are subject to post hoc analysis using a proxy definition for fatigue/sleepiness. This secondary analysis identifies further RTIs caused by fatigue/sleepiness not initially identified by attending officers. The current study investigates the efficacy of such proxy definitions for attributing fatigue/sleepiness as a RTI causal factor. Over 1600 Australian drivers were surveyed regarding their experience and involvement in fatigue/sleep-related RTIs and near-misses during the past five years. Driving while fatigued/sleepy had been experienced by the majority of participants (66.0% of participants). Fatigue/sleep-related near misses were reported by 19.1% of participants, with 2.4% being involved in a fatigue/sleep-related RTI. Examination of the characteristics for the most recent event (either a near miss or crash) found that the largest proportion of incidents (28.0%) occurred when commuting to or from work, followed by social activities (25.1%), holiday travel (19.8%), or for work purposes (10.1%). The fatigue/sleep related RTI and near-miss experience of a representative sample of Australian drivers does not reflect the proxy definitions used for fatigue/sleepiness identification. In particular those RTIs that occur in urban areas and at slow speeds may not be identified. While important to have a strategy for identifying fatigue/sleepiness related RTIs proxy measures appear best suited to identifying specific subsets of such RTIs.


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The majority of individuals appear to have insight into their own sleepiness, but there is some evidence that this does not hold true for all, for example treated patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Identification of sleep-related symptoms may help drivers determine their sleepiness, eye symptoms in particular show promise. Sixteen participants completed four motorway drives on two separate occasions. Drives were completed during daytime and night-time in both a driving simulator and on the real road. Ten eye symptoms were rated at the end of each drive, and compared with driving performance and subjective and objective sleep metrics recorded during driving. ‘Eye strain’, ‘difficulty focusing’, ‘heavy eyelids’ and ‘difficulty keeping the eyes open’ were identified as the four key sleep-related eye symptoms. Drives resulting in these eye symptoms were more likely to have high subjective sleepiness and more line crossings than drives where similar eye discomfort was not reported. Furthermore, drivers having unintentional line crossings were likely to have ‘heavy eyelids’ and ‘difficulty keeping the eyes open’. Results suggest that drivers struggling to identify sleepiness could be assisted with the advice ‘stop driving if you feel sleepy and/or have heavy eyelids or difficulty keeping your eyes open’.


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Sleep disruption strongly influences daytime functioning; resultant sleepiness is recognised as a contributing risk-factor for individuals performing critical and dangerous tasks. While the relationship between sleep and sleepiness has been heavily investigated in the vulnerable sub-populations of shift workers and patients with sleep disorders, postpartum women have been comparatively overlooked. Thirty-three healthy, postpartum women recorded every episode of sleep and wake each day during postpartum weeks 6, 12 and 18. Although repeated measures analysis revealed there was no significant difference in the amount of nocturnal sleep and frequency of night-time wakings, there was a significant reduction in sleep disruption, due to fewer minutes of wake after sleep onset. Subjective sleepiness was measured each day using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale; at the two earlier time points this was significantly correlated with sleep quality but not to sleep quantity. Epworth Sleepiness Scores significantly reduced over time; however, during week 18 over 50% of participants were still experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Score ≥12). Results have implications for health care providers and policy makers. Health care providers designing interventions to address sleepiness in new mothers should take into account the dynamic changes to sleep and sleepiness during this initial postpartum period. Policy makers developing regulations for parental leave entitlements should take into consideration the high prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness experienced by new mothers, ensuring enough opportunity for daytime sleepiness to diminish to a manageable level prior to reengagement in the workforce.


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This paper reports on a prospective study investigating the prevalence of maternal postpartum fatigue and sleepiness and highlights the potential increased crash risk faced by mothers when driving in the postpartum period. Twenty-four mothers from across Australia completed a sleep and driving diary for seven consecutive days at three time points; when their baby was 6, 12 and 18 weeks old. The results showed that the mothers’ sleep varied within the sample, however on average sleep disruption and lack of sleep consolidation was experienced. A high proportion of the mothers reported fatigue and sleepiness impacting their functioning early in the postpartum period, with sleepiness being more enduring throughout the period. Of concern, a high proportion of driving journeys undertaken by the mothers were during high levels of sleepiness, particularly early in the postpartum period and during late night and early hours of the day. These findings have highlighted the need to educate mothers about the potential increased safety risk of driving during the postpartum period and identified key information that should be conveyed.


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Background: Driver fatigue contributes to 15-30% of crashes, however it is difficult to objectively measure. Fatigue mitigation relies on driver self-moderation, placing great importance on the necessity for road safety campaigns to engage with their audience. Popular self-archiving website YouTube.com is a relatively unused source of public perceptions. Method: A systematic YouTube.com search (videos uploaded 2/12/09 - 2/12/14) was conducted using driver fatigue related search terms. 442 relevant videos were identified. In-vehicle footage was separated for further analysis. Video reception was quantified in terms of number of views, likes, comments, dislikes and times duplicated. Qualitative analysis of comments was undertaken to identify key themes. Results: 4.2% (n=107) of relevant uploaded videos contained in-vehicle footage. Three types of videos were identified: (1) dashcam footage (n=82); (2) speaking directly to the camera - vlogs (n=16); (3) passengers filming drivers (n=9). Two distinct types of comments emerged, those directly relating to driver fatigue and those more broadly about the video or its uploader. Driver fatigue comments included: attribution of behaviour cause, emotion experienced when watching the video and personal advice on staying awake while driving. Discussion: In-vehicle footage related to driver fatigue is prevalent on YouTube.com and is actively engaged with by viewers. Comments were mixed in terms of criticism and sympathy for drivers. Willingness to share advice on staying awake suggests driver fatigue may be seen as a common yet controllable occurrence. This project provides new insight into driver fatigue perception, which may be considered by safety authorities when designing education campaigns.