794 resultados para Albertien Rift


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Das Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand in der Untersuchung der Störungsverteilung und der Störungskinematik im Zusammenhang mit der Hebung der Riftschultern des Rwenzori Gebirges.rnDas Rwenzori Gebirge befindet sich im NNE-SSWbis N-S verlaufenden Albertine Rift, des nördlichsten Segments des westlichen Armes des Ostafrikanischen Grabensystems. Das Albertine Rift besteht aus Becken unterschiedlicher Höhe, die den Lake Albert, Lake Edward, Lake George und Lake Kivu enthalten. Der Rwenzori horst trennt die Becken des Lake Albert und des Lake Edward. Es erstreckt sich 120km in N-S Richtung, sowie 40-50km in E-W Richtung, der h¨ochste Punkt befindet sich 5111 ü. NN. Diese Studie untersucht einen Abschnitt des Rifts zwischen etwa 1°N und 0°30'S Breite sowie 29°30' und 30°30' östlicher Länge ersteckt. Auch die Feldarbeit konzentrierte sich auf dieses Gebiet.rnrnHauptzweck dieser Studie bestand darin, die folgende These auf ihre Richtigkeit zu überprüfen: ’Wenn es im Verlauf der Zeit tatsächlich zu wesentlichen Änderungen in der Störungskinematik kam, dann ist die starke Hebung der Riftflanken im Bereich der Rwenzoris nicht einfach durch Bewegung entlang der Graben-Hauptst¨orungen zu erklären. Vielmehr ist sie ein Resultat des Zusammenspiels mehrerer tektonische Prozesse, die das Spannungsfeld beeinflussen und dadurch Änderungen in der Kinematik hervorrufen.’ Dadurch konzentrierte sich die Studie in erster Linie auf die Störungsanalyse.rnrnDie Kenntnis regionaler Änderungen der Extensionsrichtung ist entscheidend für das Verständnis komplexer Riftsysteme wie dem Ostafrikanischen Graben. Daher bestand der Kern der Untersuchung in der Kartierung von Störungen und der Untersuchung der Störungskinematik. Die Aufnahme strukturgeologischer Daten konzentrierte sich auf die Ugandische Seite des Rifts, und Pal¨aospannungen wurden mit Hilfe von St¨orungsdaten durch Spannungsinversion rekonstruiert.rnDie unterschiedliche Orientierung spr¨oder Strukturen im Gelände, die geometrische Analyse der geologischen Strukturen sowie die Ergebnisse von Mikrostrukturen im Dünnschliff (Kapitel 4) weisen auf verschiedene Spannungsfelder hin, die auf mögliche Änderungen der Extensionsrichtung hinweisen. Die Resultate der Spannungsinversion sprechen für Ab-, Über- und Blattverschiebungen sowie für Schrägüberschiebungen (Kapitel 5). Aus der Orientierung der Abschiebungen gehen zwei verschiedene Extensionsrichtungen hervor: im Wesentlichen NW-SE Extension in fast allen Gebieten, sowie NNE-SSW Extension im östlichen Zentralbereich.rnAus der Analyse von Blattverschiebungen ergaben sich drei unterschiedliche Spannungszustände. Zum Einen NNW-SSE bis N-S Kompression in Verbindung mit ENE-WSW bzw E-W Extension wurde für die nördlichen und die zentralen Ruwenzoris ausgemacht. Ein zweiter Spannungszustand mit WNW-ESE Kompression/NNE-SSW Extension betraf die Zentralen Rwenzoris. Ein dritter Spannungszustand mit NNW-SSE Extension betraf den östlichen Zentralteil der Rwenzoris. Schrägüberschiebungen sind durch dazu schräge Achsen charakterisiert, die für N-S bis NNW-SSE Kompression sprechen und ausschließlich im östlichen Zentralabschnitt auftreten. Überschiebungen, die hauptsächlich in den zentralen und den östlichen Rwenzoris auftreten, sprechen für NE-SW orientierten σ2-Achsen und NW-SE Extension.rnrnEs konnten drei unterschiedliche Spannungseinflüsse identifiziert werden: auf die kollisionsbedingte Bildung eines Überschiebungssystem folgte intra-kratonische Kompression und schließlich extensionskontrollierte Riftbildung. Der Übergang zwischen den beiden letztgenannten Spannungszuständen erfolgte Schrittweise und erzeugte vermutlich lokal begrenzte Transpression und Transtension. Gegenw¨artig wird die Störungskinematik der Region durch ein tensiles Spannungsregime in NW-SE bis N-S Richtung bestimmt.rnrnLokale Spannungsvariationen werden dabei hauptsächlich durch die Interferenzrndes regionalen Spannungsfeldes mit lokalen Hauptst¨orungen verursacht. Weitere Faktoren die zu lokalen Veränderungen des Spannungsfeldes führen können sind unterschiedliche Hebungsgeschwindigkeiten, Blockrotation oder die Interaktion von Riftsegmenten. Um den Einfluß präexistenter Strukturen und anderer Bedingungen auf die Hebung der Rwenzoris zu ermitteln, wurde der Riftprozeß mit Hilfe eines analogen ’Sandbox’-Modells rekonstruiert (Kapitel 6). Da sich die Moho-Diskontinuität im Bereich des Arbeitsgebietes in einer Tiefe von 25 km befindet, aktive Störungen aber nur bis zu einer Tiefe von etwa 20 km beobachtet werden können (Koehn et al. 2008), wurden nur die oberen 25 km im Modell nachbebildet. Untersucht und mit Geländebeobachtungen verglichen wurden sowohl die Reihenfolge, in der Riftsegmente entstehen, als auch die Muster, die sich im Verlauf der Nukleierung und des Wachstums dieser Riftsegmente ausbilden. Das Hauptaugenmerk wurde auf die Entwicklung der beiden Subsegmente gelegt auf denen sich der Lake Albert bzw. der Lake Edward und der Lake George befinden, sowie auf das dazwischenliegende Rwenzori Gebirge. Das Ziel der Untersuchung bestand darin herauszufinden, in welcher Weise das südwärts propagierende Lake Albert-Subsegment mit dem sinistral versetzten nordwärts propagierenden Lake Edward/Lake George-Subsegment interagiert.rnrnVon besonderem Interesse war es, in welcherWeise die Strukturen innerhalb und außerhalb der Rwenzoris durch die Interaktion dieser Riftsegmente beeinflußt wurden. rnrnDrei verschiedene Versuchsreihen mit unterschiedlichen Randbedingungen wurden miteinander verglichen. Abhängig vom vorherrschenden Deformationstyp der Transferzone wurden die Reihen als ’Scherungs-dominiert’, ’Extensions-dominiert’ und als ’Rotations-dominiert’ charakterisiert. Die Beobachtung der 3-dimensionalen strukturellen Entwicklung der Riftsegmente wurde durch die Kombination von Modell-Aufsichten mit Profilschnitten ermöglicht. Von den drei genannten Versuchsreihen entwickelte die ’Rotationsdominierten’ Reihe einen rautenförmiger Block im Tranferbereich der beiden Riftsegmente, der sich um 5−20° im Uhrzeigersinn drehte. DieserWinkel liegt im Bereich des vermuteten Rotationswinkel des Rwenzori-Blocks (5°). Zusammengefasst untersuchen die Sandbox-Versuche den Einfluss präexistenter Strukturen und der Überlappung bzw. Überschneidung zweier interagierender Riftsegmente auf die Entwicklung des Riftsystems. Sie befassen sich darüber hinaus mit der Frage, welchen Einfluss Blockbildung und -rotation auf das lokale Stressfeld haben.


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This work presents a study of selected outcrops from the Pedra das Torrinhas Formation of the Guaritas Group (Cambrian, Camaquã Basin), near the basin bordering Encantadas Fault Zone. The studied succession includes alluvial fan deposits that pass laterally into eolian deposits. Sedimentary facies and architectural element analysis were performed, followed by sedimentary petrography and microscopic porosity analysis, aiming to characterize the porosity of the deposits and its spatial distribution. The main objective was to contribute to a better understanding of the porosity spatial distribution in depositional systems characterized by the interaction between alluvial and eolian processes, with special reference to deposits formed prior to the development of terrestrial plants. Porosity values are related to depositional processes, with higher porosities associated to eolian dune deposits (mean of 8.4%), and lower porosity related to interdunes (mean of 3.4%) and alluvial fans (mean of 4.3%). Architectural elements analysis revealed the spatial relationships of these deposits, a response to the interplay of the eolian and alluvial processes. The integration of porosity data reveals that the interaction of alluvial and eolian processes results in heterogeneous distribution of porosity at the facies association scale. Eolian reworking of alluvial facies increases porosity whereas sheet-flood and other alluvial processes in the interdune areas reduce porosity.


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Seismic ambient noise tomography is applied to central and southern Mozambique, located in the tip of the East African Rift (EAR). The deployment of MOZART seismic network, with a total of 30 broad-band stations continuously recording for 26 months, allowed us to carry out the first tomographic study of the crust under this region, which until now remained largely unexplored at this scale. From cross-correlations extracted from coherent noise we obtained Rayleigh wave group velocity dispersion curves for the period range 5–40 s. These dispersion relations were inverted to produce group velocity maps, and 1-D shear wave velocity profiles at selected points. High group velocities are observed at all periods on the eastern edge of the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons, in agreement with the findings of previous studies. Further east, a pronounced slow anomaly is observed in central and southern Mozambique, where the rifting between southern Africa and Antarctica created a passive margin in the Mesozoic, and further rifting is currently happening as a result of the southward propagation of the EAR. In this study, we also addressed the question concerning the nature of the crust (continental versus oceanic) in the Mozambique Coastal Plains (MCP), still in debate. Our data do not support previous suggestions that the MCP are floored by oceanic crust since a shallow Moho could not be detected, and we discuss an alternative explanation for its ocean-like magnetic signature. Our velocity maps suggest that the crystalline basement of the Zimbabwe craton may extend further east well into Mozambique underneath the sediment cover, contrary to what is usually assumed, while further south the Kaapval craton passes into slow rifted crust at the Lebombo monocline as expected. The sharp passage from fast crust to slow crust on the northern part of the study area coincides with the seismically active NNE-SSW Urema rift, while further south the Mazenga graben adopts an N-S direction parallel to the eastern limit of the Kaapvaal craton. We conclude that these two extensional structures herald the southward continuation of the EAR, and infer a structural control of the transition between the two types of crust on the ongoing deformation.


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A geogenic origin has been proposed in the aetiology of non-filarial elephantiasis of the feet and legs, recently renamed podoconiosis. Soil collected in an area of the Ethiopian Rift Valley, the borough of Ocholo, known for its high prevalence of podoconiosis (5.06%), has been submitted to mineral analysis. High values of sulphur (S), cerium (Ce), lanthanum (La) and neodymium (Nd), typical for basaltic bedrocks, were found. Of special interest were the values for zirconium (Zr) and beryllium (Be), 618 +/- 87 ppm and 4.6 +/- 0.5 ppm respectively, twice as high as those recorded for soils sampled in neighbouring areas where the prevalence of podoconiosis is low. To be noted also, a high content in vanadium, above 250 ppm, in half of the soil samples collected in this region. Year-long exposure of unprotected feet to Zr and Be, known for their ability to induce granuloma formation in the lymphoid tissue of man, and present in a clay rich in colloidal silica particle, highly abrasive to skin, is doubtlessly a factor involved in the development of lymph node sclerosis leading to elephantiasis.


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Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a mosquito-borne viral disease which manifested itself during recent epidemics and revealed its significant potential of emergence. Studies on molecular epidemiology undertaken to better understand the factors leading to RVF emergence, have confirmed the mode of circulation of the virus and highlithted probable risks and obstacles for prevention and control. As for several other viral agents, molecular epidemiology is becoming a useful tool in the study of the emergence of RVF as a serious infectious disease.


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P>To put constraints on the Mesozoic to recent growth of the Anti-Atlas system, we investigated the temperature-time history of rocks by applying extensive low-temperature thermochronological analysis to three Precambrian inliers along the coast and 250 km into the interior. Bedrocks yield old U-Th/He ages on zircon (248-193 Ma) and apatite (150-50 Ma) and also fission-track ages of 173-121 Ma on apatite. These datasets are interpreted as recording passive margin upward movements from central Atlantic rifting until the Early Cretaceous. A phase of sedimentary burial was evidenced for the Cretaceous-Eocene. The extension of this thin (1.5 km) basin is loosely constrained but can be extended to the western regions of northern Africa. Effects of the existing thermal perturbation of lithospheric origin 100 km below the Atlas show that the 120-60 degrees C isotherms are not much deflected. Large-scale uplift has possibly occurred in the western Anti-Atlas since c. 30 Ma and is associated with a mean denudation rate of 0.08 km Ma-1.


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The Austroalpine nappe systems in SE-Switzerland and N-Italy preserve remnants of the Adriatic rifted margin. Based on new maps and cross-sections, we suggest that the complex structure of the Campo, Grosina/Languard, and Bernina nappes is inherited largely from Jurassic rifting. We propose a classification of the Austroalpine domain into Upper, Middle and Lower Austroalpine nappes that is new because it is based primarily on the rift-related Jurassic structure and paleogeography of these nappes. Based on the Alpine structures and pre-Alpine, rift-related geometry of the Lower (Bernina) and Middle (Campo, Grosina/Languard) Austroalpine nappes, we restore these nappes to their original positions along the former margin, as a means of understanding the formation and emplacement of the nappes during initial reactivation of the Alpine Tethyan margin. The Campo and Grosina/Languard nappes can be interpreted as remnants of a former necking zone that comprised pre-rift upper and middle crust. These nappes were juxtaposed with the Mesozoic cover of the Bernina nappe during Jurassic rifting. We find evidence for low-angle detachment faults and extensional allochthons in the Bernina nappe similar to those previously described in the Err nappe and explain their role during subsequent reactivation. Our observations reveal a strong control of rift-related structures during the subsequent Alpine reactivation on all scales of the former distal margin. Two zones of intense deformation, referred to as the Albula-Zebru and Lunghin-Mortirolo movement zones, have been reactivated during Alpine deformation and cannot be described as simple monophase faults or shear zones. We propose a tectonic model for the Austroalpine nappe systems that link inherited, rift-related structures with present-day Alpine structures. In conclusion, we believe that apart from the direct regional implications, the results of this paper are of general interest in understanding the control of rift structures during reactivation of distal-rifted margins.


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Programa emitido el 18 de abril de 1996


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Using the record of 30 flank eruptions over the last 110 years at Nyamuragira, we have tested the relationship between the eruption dynamics and the local stress field. There are two groups of eruptions based on their duration (< 80days >) that are also clustered in space and time. We find that the eruptions fed by dykes parallel to the East African Rift Valley have longer durations (and larger volumes) than those eruptions fed by dykes with other orientations. This is compatible with a model for compressible magma transported through an elastic-walled dyke in a differential stress field from an over-pressured reservoir (Woods et al., 2006). The observed pattern of eruptive fissures is consistent with a local stress field modified by a northwest-trending, right lateral slip fault that is part of the northern transfer zone of the Kivu Basin rift segment. We have also re-tested with new data the stochastic eruption models for Nyamuragira of Burt et al. (1994). The time-predictable, pressure-threshold model remains the best fit and is consistent with the typically observed declining rate of sulphur dioxide emission during the first few days of eruption with lava emission from a depressurising, closed, crustal reservoir. The 2.4-fold increase in long-term eruption rate that occurred after 1977 is confirmed in the new analysis. Since that change, the record has been dominated by short-duration eruptions fed by dykes perpendicular to the Rift. We suggest that the intrusion of a major dyke during the 1977 volcano-tectonic event at neighbouring Nyiragongo volcano inhibited subsequent dyke formation on the southern flanks of Nyamuragira and this may also have resulted in more dykes reaching the surface elsewhere. Thus that sudden change in output was a result of a changed stress field that forced more of the deep magma supply to the surface. Another volcano-tectonic event in 2002 may also have changed the magma output rate at Nyamuragira.


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Virtual Reality (VR) can provide visual stimuli for EEG studies that can be altered in real time and can produce effects that are difficult or impossible to reproduce in a non-virtual experimental platform. As part of this experiment the Oculus Rift, a commercial-grade, low-cost, Head Mounted Display (HMD) was assessed as a visual stimuli platform for experiments recording EEG. Following, the device was used to investigate the effect of congruent visual stimuli on Event Related Desynchronisation (ERD) due to motion imagery.


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Most existing models for the evolution of rift basins predict the development of deep-water depositional systems during the stage of greatest tectonic subsidence, when accommodation generation potentially outpaces sedimentation. Despite this, some rift basins do not present deep-water systems, instead being dominated by subaerial deposits. This paper focuses on one of these particular rift basins, the Cambrian Guaritas Rift, Southern Brazil, characterized by more than 1500 m of alluvial and aeolian strata deposited in a 50-km-wide basin. The deposits of the Guaritas Rift can be ascribed to four depositional systems: basin-border alluvial fans, bedload-dominated ephemeral rivers, mixed-load ephemeral rivers and aeolian dune fields. These four systems are in part coeval and in part succeed each other, forming three stages of basin evolution: (i) Rift Initiation to Early Rift Climax stage, (ii) Mid to Late Rift Climax stage, and (iii) Early Post-Rift stage. The first stage comprises most of the Guaritas Group and is characterized by homogeneous bed-load-dominated river deposits, which do not clearly record the evolution of subsidence rates. The onset of sedimentation of finer-grained deposits occurred as a consequence of a reactivation event that changed the outline of the basin and the distribution of the nearby highlands. This strongly suggests that the capture of the main river system to another depression decreased the sediment supply to the basin. The study of the Guaritas Rift indicates that rift basins in which the sediment supply exceeds the accommodation generation occur as a consequence of moderate subsidence combined with the capture of a major river system to the basin during the initial stages of basin evolution. In these basins, changes in the average discharge of the river system or tectonic modification of the drainage network may be the major control on the stratigraphic architecture. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A seção rift das bacias brasileiras representa o registro associado à quebra do Gondwana e conseqüente separação entre o Brasil e a África, gerando os mais importantes sistemas petrolíferos do país. Porém, a seção rift nas bacias marginais brasileiras não é adequadamente conhecida em termos estratigráficos, e isto se deve claramente a carência de modelos conceituais cientificamente estabilizados acerca da evolução estratigráfica de bacias rift. A maioria dos estudos estratigráficos ainda aborda as seções rift sob o enfoque puramente litoestratigráfico, raros trabalhos desenvolveram uma análise estratigráfica sob uma óptica genética, utilizando a estratigrafia de seqüências. Isto acontece em parte porque os conceitos da estratigrafia de seqüências clássica são baseados em um controle eustático, em bacias do tipo margem passiva; esta abordagem não funciona se aplicada em bacias rift, pois estas possuem uma geometria muito diferente das bacias de margem passiva e, principalmente, bacias rift são controladas pela tectônica e possuem uma geometria bem diferente das bacias de margem passiva. Assim, com a integração dos conceitos e teorias evolutivas de bacias rift apresentados na literatura, foi desenvolvido um modelo evolutivo conceitual onde um pulso tectônico, relativamente rápido no tempo geológico, gera no sistema geométrico básico de uma bacia rift, o sistema de meiograben, um soerguimento e uma subsidência contemporâneos, resultando assim, em eventos erosivos correlatos a pacotes sedimentares. Em termos de padrões de sedimentação, observou-se também, que existe um atraso na chegada do pulso sedimentar em resposta ao pulso tectônico gerador, fazendo com que os eventos tectonicamente mais ativos do rift sejam caracterizados pela deposição de folhelhos, e sucedidos por sedimentos grossos. A aplicação destes conceitos na Bacia de Camamu-Almada (costa central da Bahia, margem leste brasileira), que possui as fases pré-rift, sin-rift e pós-rift preservadas, possibilitou uma maior compreensão da evolução estratigráfica da fase rift. Foram caracterizadas fácies, determinados os sistemas deposicionais, identificados padrões de empilhamento e delimitadas seqüências deposicionais e suas discordâncias limitantes. Assim, foi possível estabelecer modelos evolutivos sedimentológicos e paleogeográficos, que são fundamentais para a localização espacial (e temporal) dos possíveis folhelhos geradores e dos potenciais arenitos reservatórios. Por fim, pioneiramente, foi aplicado o modelo de Tratos Tectônicos, onde os tratos geométricos são identificados e relacionados a determinadas fases tectônicas da evolução da bacia rift, fornecendo assim, na obra completa, importantes avanços e fundamentais informações para o sistema petrolífero e geologia do petróleo da Bacia de Camamu-Almada, os quais também podem ser utilizados como base para avanços tecnológicos e científicos em outras bacias do tipo rift.