1000 resultados para Albert J. Gomes
In his dialogue entitled - A Look Back to Look Forward: New Patterns In The Supply/Demand Equation In The Lodging Industry - by Albert J. Gomes, Senior Principal, Pannell Kerr Forster, Washington, D.C. What the author intends for you to know is the following: “Factors which influence the lodging industry in the United States are changing that industry as far as where hotels are being located, what clientele is being served, and what services are being provided at different facilities. The author charts these changes and makes predictions for the future.” Gomes initially alludes to the evolution of transportation – the human, animal, mechanical progression - and how those changes, in the last 100 years or so, have had a significant impact on the hotel industry. “A look back to look forward treats the past as prologue. American hoteliers are in for some startling changes in their business,” Gomes says. “The man who said that the three most important determinants for the success of a hotel were “location, location, location” did a lot of good only in the short run.” Gomes wants to make you aware of the existence of what he calls, “locational obsolescence.” “Locational obsolescence is a fact of life, and at least in the United States bears a direct correlation to evolutionary changes in transportation technology,” he says. “…the primary business of the hospitality industry is to serve travelers or people who are being transported,” Gomes expands the point. Tied to the transportation element, the author also points out an interesting distinction between hotels and motels. In addressing, “…what clientele is being served, and what services are being provided at different facilities,” Gomes suggests that the transportation factor influences these constituents as well. Also coupled with this discussion are oil prices and shifts in transportation habits, with reference to airline travel being an ever increasing method of travel; capturing much of the inter-city travel market. Gomes refers to airline deregulation as an impetus. The point being, it’s a fluid market rather than a static one, and [successful] hospitality properties need to be cognizant of market dynamics and be able to adjust to the variables in their marketplace. Gomes provides many facts and figures to bolster his assertions. Interestingly and perceptively, at the time of this writing, Gomes alludes to America’s deteriorating road and bridge network. As of right now, in 2009, this is a major issue. Gomes rounds out this study by comparing European hospitality trends to those in the U.S.
The aim of this text is to consider the notions of life and art, revealed in Camus’s texts, mainly The Myth of Sisyphus (published in French in 1942) and The Rebel (1951), and extrapolate them to the present state of contemporary art by analysing a few artworks by Damien Hirst, the richest living artist, a modern Sisyphus in the self-awareness he manifests towards the incongruity of his work. Always looking on the absurd side of life dwells on the inevitability of life and art, accepting the fact, according to Camus’s words, that: the impossible remains impossible. Instead of denying the meaningless and finding some form of redemption, both French writer and British artist have embraced this potential and have used the absurd as a form of conveying meaning to their art. Hirst’s artworks that will be referred in this text include the series: The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (1991); Mother and Child Divided (1993); For the Love of God (2007) and For Heaven’s Sake (2008).
De La Mort heureuse à Le Premier homme, Camus est l’homme de lettres français dont l’œuvre n’a cessé, d’un siècle à l’autre, d’interpeller et de séduire ses lecteurs dans le monde entier. Cette universalité est due, n’en doutons pas, à une perception acérée de la condition humaine née de l’expérience de la vie, tant de ses joies que de ses misères ; expérience qui se reflète dans un art qui, s’adressant à notre conscience individuelle et collective, nous invite à réfléchir au simple fait d’exister et à nous interroger sur notre place dans l’univers. Aujourd’hui, cent ans après sa naissance, quelle place occupe l’œuvre littéraire de Camus dans la littérature d’expression française et étrangère ? Quel est le bilan littéraire de l’œuvre de Camus ? Quelle est la pertinence et l’actualité de sa pensée en ce début de XXIe siècle ? Simples questions autour desquelles se sont réunis, en novembre 2013, à l’Université d’Évora (Portugal), des chercheurs intéressés par les études camusiennes, lors du Congrès International – Centenaire Albert Camus – Lectures interdisciplinaires ; congrès qui est à l’origine de ce volume. Le centenaire de la naissance d’Albert Camus a donné lieu à de nombreuses manifestations – expositions, débats, colloques, publications – qui toutes témoignent de l’actualité de l’œuvre et de la pensée d’un écrivain, philosophe, homme de théâtre et journaliste qui ont indéniablement marqué le paysage intellectuel mondial de l’après-guerre. Admiré par les uns, critiqué voire même répudié par d’autres – tant de son vivant qu’après sa mort – de par ses idées politiques et ses manifestations de solidarité envers les Français d’Algérie, et plus timidement, envers la population autochtone – Albert Camus est, de fait, l’homme politique que l’on réfère naturellement lorsqu’on aborde la situation politique actuelle en Algérie, mais aussi mondiale, notamment quand il s’agit de radicalismes politico-religieux, sources d’attentats et de nombreuses victimes civiles.
Using the superfield formalism, we study the dynamical breaking of gauge symmetry and super-conformal invariance in the N = 1 three-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons model, coupled to a complex scalar superfield with a quartic self-coupling. This is an analogue of the conformally invariant Coleman-Weinberg model in four spacetime dimensions. We show that a mass for the gauge and matter superfields are dynamically generated after two-loop corrections to the effective superpotential. We also discuss the N = 2 extension of our work, showing that the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism in such model is not feasible, because it is incompatible with perturbation theory.
We study the one-loop low-energy effective action for the higher-derivative superfield gauge theory coupled to chiral matter.
In this paper we study the one-and two-loop contribution to the free energy in QED with Lorentz symmetry breaking introduced via constant CPT-even Lorentz-breaking parameters at the high temperature limit. We find the impact of the Lorentz-violating term for the free energy and carry out a numerical estimation for the Lorentz-breaking parameter.
We show that CPT-even aetherlike Lorentz-breaking actions, for the scalar and electromagnetic fields, are generated via their appropriate Lorentz-breaking coupling to spinor fields, in three, four, and five space-time dimensions. Besides, we also show that aetherlike terms for the spinor field can be generated as a consequence of the same couplings. We discuss the dispersion relations in the theories with aetherlike Lorentz-breaking terms and find the tree-level effective (Breit) potential for fermion scattering and the one-loop effective potential corresponding to the action of the scalar field.
We investigate the occurrence of ambiguities for the Lorentz-violating gravitational Chern-Simons term. It turns out that this term is accompanied by a coefficient depending on an undetermined parameter, due to an arbitrariness in the choice of the conserved current.
Within the superfield formalism, we study the ultraviolet properties of the three-dimensional super-symmetric quantum electrodynamics. The theory is shown to be finite at all loop orders in a particular gauge.
Within the superfield approach, we prove the absence of UV/IR mixing in the three-dimensional noncommutative supersymmetric Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory at any loop order and demonstrate its finiteness in one, three, and higher loop orders.
In this report, the authors describe the clinical case of a woman seeking care at this dermatology outpatient clinic with a verrucous plaque on her left elbow.