826 resultados para Alana Valentine


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“There are always stories in the wearing” of the iconic beanie just as there are head and heart-warming stories in the making of Alana Valentine’s beautifully crafted Head Full of Love. Nessa and Tilly’s lives entangle at the annual Alice Springs Beanie Festival. The tourist gazes, the craftswoman crochets. Both women have broken pieces of their past that relationship can heal. Collete Mann and Roxanne McDonald capture the rhythm and nuance of difficult relationships perfectly. The humour, pathos and unsentimental depiction of black/white relations in Wesley Enoch’s production promise more than a story, they are a community conversation.


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The purpose of this paper is to determine the prevalence of the toxic shock toxin gene (tst) and to enumerate the circulating strains of methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) in Australian isolates collected over two decades. The aim was to subtype these strains using the binary genes pvl, cna, sdrE, pUB110 and pT181. Isolates were assayed using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for mecA, nuc, 16 S rRNA, eight single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and for five binary genes. Two realtime PCR assays were developed for tst. The 90 MRSA isolates belonged to CC239 (39 in 1989, 38 in 1996 and ten in 2003), CC1 (two in 2003) and CC22 (one in 2003). The majority of the 210 MSSA isolates belonged to CC1 (26), CC5 (24) and CC78 (23). Only 18 isolates were tst-positive and only 15 were pvl-positive. Nine MSSA isolates belonged to five binary types of ST93, including two pvlpositive types. The proportion of tst-positive and pvl-positive isolates was low and no significant increase was demonstrated. Dominant MSSA clonal complexes were similar to those seen elsewhere, with the exception of CC78. CC239 MRSA (AUS-2/3) was the predominant MRSA but decreased significantly in prevalence, while CC22 (EMRSA-15) and CC1 (WA-1) emerged. Genetically diverse ST93 MSSA predated the emergence of ST93- MRSA (the Queensland clone).


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Imagine it’s Valentine’s Day and you’re sitting in a restaurant across the table from your significant other, about to start a romantic dinner. As you gaze into each other’s eyes, you wonder how it can possibly be true that as well as not eating, your sweetheart does not – cannot – love you. Impossible, you think, as you squeeze its synthetic hand...


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Valentine card (unsigned) in an envelope addressed to William K. Cleavland, n.d.


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Résumé Ce mémoire consiste en une étude de la transgression en ce qui a trait au lieu, au personnage et aux sacrifices dans La Comtesse sanglante (1962) de Valentine Penrose, une auteure et artiste qui a fait partie du mouvement surréaliste dès 1926. À partir de l’idée directrice du sacrifice et du sacré, nous exposons, dans un premier temps, l’état transgressif de la criminelle historique Erzsébet Báthory, présentée dans le récit comme une beauté fixe masquant une âme monstrueuse. Dans un deuxième temps, nous examinons la cruauté et la théâtralité des sacrifices pulsionnels qui servent la propre déification de la protagoniste. Partant de la théorie de la transgression de Foucault de laquelle nous dégageons l’idée du seuil, le premier chapitre présente la marginalité de l’univers de la meurtrière présenté comme une extension de son corps, du château en tant que structure froide et vide à l’intérieur. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous mettons en corrélation la violence et le sacré en rapport, d’une part, aux mises en scène sacrificielles et au rôle de chaque femme participant aux sacrifices, et d’autre part, à la progression de la cruauté dans le récit. Dans le troisième chapitre sont explorés le phénomène de la rumeur et la filiation mythique du personnage par la réécriture de deux figures monstrueuses : la Méduse et Lilith. Par ces analyses, ce mémoire a pour but de faire connaître davantage l’auteure et de dégager la singularité de la comtesse Báthory dépeinte par Penrose comme l’archétype de la transgression au féminin.


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Estos proyectos van dirigidos a alumnos de primer y segundo curso del primer ciclo de secundaria obligatoria. Sus objetivos intentan que el alumno ponga en práctica las cuatro destrezas básicas (entender, hablar, leer y escribir) y, sobre todo, que comunique y se comunique aunque sea con pobreza lingüística. Se persigue también que el alumno reflexione sobre las similitudes y diferencias entre su propia cultura y la lengua objeto de su aprendizaje y profundice en ambas. Como material complementario estos proyectos pueden ser utilizados por profesores que usan libro de texto. La duración de cada proyecto es de una media de 7 sesiones, dejando la ampliación o reducción de los mismos a los criterios de necesidad de cada profesor y grupo de trabajo.


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This study investigates motives for gift giving by young males on Valentine's Day and advances previous research on this ritual by controlling for the giving context (occasion and relationship). The study is consistent with previous work by Goodwin et al. (1990) which found that motivations based on obligation, self-interest and altruism do indeed exist. More significantly, however, this study points to the finding that individual motivations for the gift-giving ritual on Valentine's Day may be more intricately intertwined and have deeper manifestations in the perceived social power relationship between the genders. The study recommends that marketers delve beyond the immediate horizon of individual motivations and become even more acutely aware of the 'intrinsic social power messages' that arise from the conjoint influences of motivations. This would have great potential for marketing even more meaningful gift products to both givers and receivers.


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Uma coleção de 57 amostras de Staphylococcus aureus e 30 de estafilococos coagulasenegativa isoladas de recém-nascidos (RN) foram estudadas em relação à presença dos genes pvl, mecA e ica. Das 57 amostras de S. aureus, 31,6% apresentaram o gene mecA e 17,5% os genes pvl, sendo que dentre estas somente uma amostra foi mecA e pvl positiva. Os ECN apresentaram 36,7% de amostras mecA positivas, 93,3% ica positivas e nenhuma amostra pvl. Foi observada uma queda no número de amostras resistentes à meticilina no período de 1991-2005 para os S. aureus e também no período de 1990- 1996 para os ECN, porém a diferença não foi significativa. Também foram estudadas dez amostras de S. aureus isoladas de fossa nasal e nenhuma apresentou o gene mecA ou pvl. Já entre as dez amostras de ECN isoladas de fossa nasal, todas apresentaram o gene 11 ica, porém nenhuma foi resistente à meticilina. A análise dos dados clínicos dos RN revelou que o uso de cateter e outros corpos estranhos aumentam o risco de infecção por S. aureus e ECN. Assim, a produção de biofilme por ECN foi um importante fator de virulência presente em mais de 90% das amostras, confirmando a importância deste na ocorrência de infecções relacionadas com cateteres, e, apesar dos genes mecA e pvl estarem presentes concomitantemente em apenas uma amostra de S. aureus, esta revelou ter importância significativa


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/G10190