999 resultados para Ahl-Waris, Eva
In repair works of reinforced concrete, patch repairs tend to crack in the interfacial zone between the mortar and the old concrete. This occurs basically due to the high degree of restriction that acts on a patch repair. For this reason, the technology of patch repair needs to be the subject of a discussion involving professionals who work with projects, construction maintenance and mix proportioning of repair mortars. In the present work, a study is presented on the benefits that the ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) and acrylate polymers can provide in the mix proportioning of a repair mortar with respect to compressive, tensile and direct-shear bond strength. The results indicated that the increase in bond strength and the reduction in the influence of the deficiency in Curing conditioning are the main contributions offered by the polymers studied here. (C) 2009 Elsevier, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ethylene/vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer. as latex or redispersable powder, is added to mortars and concrete to improve the fracture toughness, impermeability and bond strength to various substrates. The physical and chemical interactions were already proved after one day of hydration but during the first hour just the physical interaction was identified and some evidences of a chemical interaction. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the chemical interaction between EVA and Portland cement during the first hours of hydration in the thermogravimetric analysis. The results confirmed that the EVA hydrolyses in pH alkaline and consumes calcium ions from the solution, forming an organic salt (calcium acetate). reducing the calcium hydroxide content. And, its interaction occurred in the first 15 min of hydration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A major consideration in the performance of mouthguards is their ability to absorb energy and reduce transmitted forces when impacted. This is especially important to participants in contact sports such as hockey or football. The thickness of mouthguard materials is directly related to energy absorption and inversely related to transmitted forces when impacted. However, wearer comfort is also an important factor in their use. Thicker mouthguards are not user-friendly. While thickness of material over incisal edges and cusps of teeth is critical, just how thick should a mouthguard be and especially in these two areas? Transmitted forces through different thicknesses of the most commonly used mouthguard material, ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) (Shore A Hardness of 80) were compared when impacted with identical forces which were capable of damaging the oro-facial complex. The constant impact force used in the tests was produced by a pendulum and had an energy of 4.4 joules and a velocity of 3 meters per second. Improvements in energy absorption and reductions in transmitted forces were observed with increasing thickness. However, these improvements lessened when the mouthguard material thickness was greater than 4 mm. The results show that the optimal thickness for EVA mouthguard material with a Shore A Hardness of 80 is around 4 mm. Increased thickness, while improving performance marginally, results in less wearer comfort and acceptance.
Objective: To investigate the impact characteristics of an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) mouthguard material with regulated air inclusions, which included various air cell volumes and wall thickness between air cells. In particular, the aim was to identify the magnitude and direction of forces within the impacts. Method: EVA mouthguard material, A mm thick and with and without air inclusions, was impacted with a constant force impact pendulum with an energy of 4.4 J and a velocity of 3 m/s. Transmitted forces through the EVA material were measured using an accelerometer, which also allowed the determination of force direction and magnitude within the impacts. Results: Statistically significant reductions in the transmitted forces were observed with all the air inclusion materials when compared with EVA without air inclusions. Maximum transmitted force through one air inclusion material was reduced by 32%. Force rebound was eliminated in one material, and reduced second force impulses were observed in all the air inclusion materials. Conclusion: The regulated air inclusions improved the impact characteristics of the EVA mouthguard material, the material most commonly used in mouthguards world wide.
Effect of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) closed cell foam on transmitted forces in mouthguard material
Objectives: To compare transmitted forces through ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) mouthguard material and the same EVA material with gas inclusions in the form of a closed cell foam. Method: EVA mouthguard materials with and without foam gas inclusions and 4 mm thick were impacted with a constant force from an impact pendulum. Various porosity levels in the foam materials were produced by 1%, 5%, and 10% by weight foaming agent. The forces transmitted through the EVA after energy absorption by the test materials were measured with a force sensor and compared. Results: Only minor non-significant differences in transmitted forces through the EVA with and without foam were shown. Conclusions: The inclusion of gas in the form of a closed cell foam in 4 mm thick EVA mouthguard materials did not improve the impact performance of the EVA mouthguard material.
Este artigo mensura os custos econômicos ao longo do período compreendido entre 2004 e 2008, através de uma abordagem exploratória com a utilização do Economic Value Added - EVA®, aplicando os procedimentos de Nam e colaboradores (2009) ao caso da Comgás. Os resultados oferecem indícios de que a companhia está em uma situação de deseconomia de escala, o que ressalta a importância de o órgão regulador avaliar se os investimentos realizados pela companhia e o custo de capital estarão alinhados à obtenção de economias de escala, cujos benefícios possam ser transmitidos aos consumidores no próximo ciclo tarifário.
Este trabalho de investigação, intitulado O JULGAMENTO DE EVA: Estereótipos de gênero em discursos da contemporaneidade, analisa a representação feminina nos discursos das camisetas comercializadas no turismo da cidade de Porto Seguro, Bahia – Brasil, bem como as representações de gênero dos adolescentes e sua visão acerca dos implícitos nas camisetas supracitadas. O trabalho se desenvolveu com o objetivo de entender as relações sobre o gênero na atualidade e verificar se ainda persiste o androcentrismo nos discursos referentes à mulher e aos papéis que esta desenvolve na sociedade. Como metodologia, optamos por uma pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando como instrumentos o diário de campo e a entrevista semi-estruturada. O trabalho evidencia a relevância das discussões de gênero em nossa sociedade, uma vez que, apesar das grandes mudanças conquistadas pela luta feminina, ainda se fazem presentes representações sociais caracterizadas pelo misogenismo e discriminação em relação ao feminino.
O artigo analisa a construção da memória da primeira-dama argentina Eva Perón (1919-1952). Destacamos que, na Argentina contemporânea, sua memória tem sido reivindicada positivamente por diferentes grupos político-sociais e não apenas pelos peronistas. Contudo, ressaltamos a necessidade de se diferenciar a memória da história de Eva Perón, marcada por tensões inclusive com a base social do peronismo.
Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras
Foram caracterizados/identificados por eletroforese de isoenzimas 23 isolados de Leishmania sp de pacientes dos municípios de Rio Preto da Eva e Manaus, analisando-se o grau de similaridade entre os organismos. Os resultados indicaram ocorrência de Leishmania guyanensis e Leishmania naiffi nestes dois ambientes e a heterogeneidade das amostras de Leishmania naiffi.
Lesmas do gênero Omalonyx d'Orbigny, 1837 são hermafroditas, herbívoras, de distribuição neotropical e vivem em plantas aquáticas, nas demais vegetações adjacentes e em solo úmido próximo a ambientes de água doce. No presente trabalho reporta-se a ocorrência atípica de O. pattersonae Tillier, 1981 e de Omalonyx sp. em área de terra firme, distante de ambiente aquático. Estas espécies aqui reportadas são simpátricas e devido à alta densidade populacional e prejuízos causados às folhas do capim-elefante Pennisetum purpureum Schumach, são caracterizadas como pragas agrícolas. No período da noite as lesmas se alimentavam das folhas do capim elefante e durante o dia permaneciam escondidas na base do caule, próximo a superfície úmida do solo. A aplicação de cal hidratada sobre agregados de indivíduos de Omalonyx spp foi um método efetivo para o controle das populações. As alterações ambientais dos ecossistemas amazônicos para uso agrícola e/ou urbanização tem promovido o aumento populacional de espécies que se adaptam a novos habitats e geralmente se tornam pragas de difícil controle.
Large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) coupled with Fourier transform rheology (FTR) was used for the first time to characterize the large deformation behavior of selected bituminous binders at 20 C. Two polymer modified bitumens (PMB) containing recycled EVA and HDPE and two unmodified bitumens were tested with LAOS-FTR. The LAOS-FTR response of all binders was compared at same frequency, at same Deborah number (by tuning the frequency to the relaxation time of each binder) and at same phase shift angle d (by tuning the frequency to the one corresponding to d = 50 in the SAOS response of each sample). In all the approaches, LAOS-FTR results allowed to differentiate between all the nonlinear mechanical characteristics of the tested binders. All binders show LAOS-FTR patterns reminiscent from colloidal dispersions and emulsions. EVA PMB was less prone to strain-induced microstructural changes when compared to HDPE PMB which showed larger values of nonlinear FTR parameters for the range of shear strains tested in LAOS.
Neste trabalho estuda-se, comparativamente, a percentagem de eclosão, pêso do pinto ao nascer e criabilidade das aves nascidas de ovos tipo E, A e B, provenientes de galinhas da raça New-Hampshire. O estudo abrange um total de 12 incubações, reunindo 300 ovos em cada uma delas, sendo 100 de cada tipo. Os pintos nascidos das duas últimas incubações foram criados até a idade de 8 semanas. A interpretação dos resultados mostrou: 1 - não haver diferença entre a percentagem de eclosão dos diferentes tipos de ovos estudados; 2 - uma relação definida entre o pêso do ôvo e o peso do pinto, na época da eclosão; 3 - os pintos provenientes dos ovos maiores apresentaram melhor desenvolvimento, maior ganho de pêso e menor índice de mortalidade.