996 resultados para Aggressive children
Ao se abordar o tema da agressividade infantil no ambiente escolar é preciso considerar a participação dos envolvidos neste fenômeno: pais, crianças e professores. Tal abordagem vem sendo conduzida em projeto de pesquisa mais amplo, do qual o presente estudo representa um recorte, ao enfocar apenas o ponto de vista dos professores. O objetivo é analisar as concepções e atitudes relacionadas à expressão da agressividade infantil na escola. Realizou-se uma avaliação qualitativa, por meio de entrevistas individuais semidirigidas com 15 professores de uma escola pública da periferia de São Paulo. As atitudes mais citadas como agressivas envolvem rebeldia e agressão física entre alunos, sendo esta última a queixa que mais motiva o encaminhamento para ludoterapia. Em relação às estratégias de manejo, predominam atitudes envolvendo diálogo e compreensão. Os dados sugerem que subsiste preocupação do professor com as crianças, o que desperta nelas a esperança de obter atenção e cuidado.
Bullying is characterized by an inequality of power between perpetrator and target. Findings that bullies can be highly popular have helped redefine the old conception of the maladjusted school bully into a powerful individual exerting influence on his peers from the top of the peer status hierarchy. Study I is a conceptual paper that explores the conditions under which a skillful, socially powerful bully can use the peer group as a means of aggression and suggests that low cohesion and low quality of friendships make groups easier to manipulate. School bullies’ high popularity should be a major obstacle for antibullying efforts, as bullies are unlikely to cease negative actions that are rewarding, and their powerful position could discourage bystanders from interfering. Using data from the Finnish program KiVa, Study II supported the hypothesis that antibullying interventions are less effective with popular bullies in comparison to their unpopular counterparts. In order to design interventions that can address the positive link between popularity and aggression, it is necessary to determine in which contexts bullies achieve higher status. Using an American sample, Study III examined the effects of five classroom features on the social status that peers accord to aggressive children, including classroom status hierarchy, academic level and grade level, controlling for classroom mean levels of aggression and ethnic distribution. Aggressive children were more popular and better liked in fifth grade relative to fourth grade and in classrooms of higher status hierarchy. Surprisingly, the natural emergence of status hierarchies in children’s peer groups has long been assumed to minimize aggression. Whether status hierarchies hinder or promote bullying is a controversial question in the peer relations’ literature. Study IV aimed at clarifying this debate by testing the effects of the degree of classroom status hierarchy on bullying. Higher hierarchy was concrrently associated with bullying and predictive of higher bullying six months later. As bullies’ quest for power is increasingly acknowledged, some researchers suggest teaching bullies to attain the elevated status they yearn for through prosocial acts. Study V cautions against such solutions by reviewing evidence that prosocial behaviors enacted with the intention of controlling others can be as harmful as aggression.
In this thesis, two negatively valenced emotions are approached as reflecting children’s self-consciousness, namely guilt and shame. Despite the notable role of emotions in the psychological research, empirical research findings on the links between guilt, shame, and children’s social behavior – and particularly aggression – have been modest, inconsistent, and sometimes contradictory. This thesis contains four studies on the associations of guilt, shame, emotion regulation, and social cognitions with children’s social behavior. The longitudinal material of the thesis was collected as a survey among a relatively large amount of Finnish preadolescents. In Study I, the distinctiveness of guilt and shame in children’s social behavior were investigated. The more specific links of emotions and aggressive behavior were explored in Study II, in which emotion regulation and negative emotionality were treated as the moderators between guilt, shame, and children’s aggressive behavior. The role of emotion management was further evaluated in Study III, in which effortful control and anger were treated as the moderators between domain-specific aggressive cognitions and children’s aggressive behavior. In the light of the results from the Studies II and III, it seems that for children with poor emotion management the effects of emotions and social cognitions on aggressive behavior are straight-forward, whereas effective emotion management allows for reframing the situation. Finally, in Study IV, context effects on children’s anticipated emotions were evaluated, such that children were presented a series of hypothetical vignettes, in which the child was acting as the aggressor. Furthermore, the identity of the witnesses and victim’s reactions were systematically manipulated. Children anticipated the most shame in situations, in which all of the class was witnessing the aggressive act, whereas both guilt and shame were anticipated the most in the situations, in which the victim was reacting with sadness. Girls and low-aggressive children were more sensitive to contextual cues than boys and high-aggressive children. Overall, the results of this thesis suggest that the influences of guilt, shame, and social cognition on preadolescents’ aggressive behavior depend significantly on the nature of individual emotion regulation, as well as situational contexts. Both theoretical and practical implications of this study highlight a need to acknowledge effective emotion management as enabling the justification of one’s own immoral behavior.
Les enfants présentant un niveau élevé d’agressivité physique sont davantage à risque de commettre des actes criminels à l’âge adulte. Ces enfants sont également plus à risque de consommer des substances psychoactives au cours de leur adolescence. Les études portant sur le lien entre la consommation de substances psychoactives et la criminalité arrivent à des conclusions différentes, dépendamment des substances à l’étude et des comportements criminels ciblés. Un lien positif a été démontré entre la consommation chronique d’alcool et la perpétration d’actes criminels contre la personne et contre la propriété, tandis que la consommation de cannabis a été associée positivement aux actes criminels contre la propriété et négativement aux crimes contre la personne. La présente étude visait à tester l’hypothèse que l’agressivité physique manifestée à l’enfance est associée à une augmentation du nombre de charges criminelles durant l’âge adulte et que cette association est spécifique au type de criminalité et modérée différemment par la consommation d’alcool et de cannabis durant l’adolescence. À cette fin, 887 participants de sexe masculin provenant de milieu défavorisé ont été suivis de 6 à 25 ans. Les analyses de régressions logistiques multinomiales indiquent que les individus cheminant sur une trajectoire modérée ou élevée d’agressivité physique durant l’enfance sont plus à risque de commettre des actes criminels. Cette association reste significative après avoir contrôlé pour l’adversité familiale et de la consommation de substances psychoactives. Les hypothèses des effets modérateurs de la consommation d’alcool et de cannabis sont infirmées. Toutefois, des effets principaux de la consommation d’alcool sur les crimes contre la personne et de la consommation de cannabis sur les crimes contre la propriété sont observés. Les implications de ces résultats sont discutées.
Cette thèse avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens longitudinaux entre les relations d’amitié et l’évolution des comportements d’agressivité physique en début de scolarisation. Guidé par les principes énoncés par les théoriciens de l’apprentissage social, de l’attachement, du développement de la personnalité et de la théorie du jugement moral, le rôle principal et modérateur de certaines dimensions spécifiques à la qualité de la relation d’amitié, ainsi que des attributs comportementaux des amis et des caractéristiques personnelles de l’enfant a été évalué. Des données provenant de l’Étude Longitudinale du Développement des Enfants du Québec (ELDEQ), de l’Étude des Jumeaux nouveau-nés du Québec (EJNQ) et de l’évaluation des effets d’un programme d’intervention dyadique ont été analysées. Les mesures utilisées dans cette thèse ont été collectées entre la maternelle et la 2e année du primaire, soit de 5 à 8 ans, directement auprès des enfants, de leurs amis, leurs pairs, leurs parents et leurs enseignants par le biais de questionnaires, d’entrevues sociométriques et de mises en situation hypothétiques. En lien avec la perspective de l’apprentissage social, les résultats ont montré que l’association à des amis agressifs en maternelle est liée à une augmentation des comportements d’agressivité physique chez l’enfant. Cependant, en lien avec les théories du développement de la personnalité et la perspective de l’attachement, le fait d’établir une relation d’amitié de bonne qualité est reliée à une diminution des comportements agressifs à travers le temps. De plus, une interaction entre la qualité de la relation et les attributs comportementaux des amis a indiqué que le risque lié à l’association à des amis agressifs est atténué dans le contexte d’une relation d’amitié de bonne qualité. Les résultats indiquent également que chez les garçons, la présence de conflits entre amis à la maternelle est associée de façon linéaire à de plus hauts niveaux de comportements agressifs, indépendamment du risque génétique de l’enfant face à cette problématique. Une interaction triple a par ailleurs révélé que le conflit n’était pas lié à une augmentation de l’agressivité physique dans le contexte d’une relation d’amitié caractérisée par l’affect positif et une bonne capacité à régler les conflits. Enfin, les résultats ont montré un effet indirect d’une intervention dyadique sur la diminution des comportements d’agressivité physique, qui opère à travers l’amélioration de la capacité des amis à régler leurs conflits. Ces résultats appuient le rôle bénéfique de la qualité de la relation d’amitié sur l’évolution des manifestations de comportements d’agressivité physique et suggèrent que cet aspect relationnel soit pris en compte dans les programmes de prévention des conduites agressives. En somme, la mise en évidence d’associations et d’interactions significatives entre la qualité des relations d’amitié, les attributs comportementaux des amis et les manifestations de comportements d’agressivité physique en début de scolarisation suggère que certains aspects et dimensions relationnelles positives peuvent être bénéfiques au développement des enfants agressifs. La prévention du maintien et de l’aggravation des conduites agressives par l’entremise de l’amélioration de la qualité des relations d’amitié représente une avenue prometteuse.
During the last decade interest in bully/victim problems has grown tremendously and still, studies addressing this issue in the years preceding elementary school areextremely rare. Despite obvious methodological challenges, the study of bullying and victimization in settings such as kindergarten opens up unique opportunities to understand early processes in the pathways to victimization, and to investigate different social and individual risk factors and their interactions in the very beginnings of bullying patterns. In this presentation, key findings that shed light on early vulnerability factors for victimization and factors that may maintain bullying patterns will be addressed. First, results from our and others’ studies in kindergarten are generally consistent with results in school. Second, our studies show that patterns of reactions when children witness victimization are already present in kindergarten settings. Third, all findings confirm that bully-victims must be regarded as being distinct from passive victims and other aggressive children (i.e. bullies) already at kindergarten age. Our studies indicate that bully-victims have significantly more problems associated with ADHD or with a lack of behavioral regulation than all their peers and that they clearly differ from bullies in terms of the type of aggression they display. Furthermore, our longitudinal data show different pathways to victimization for victims and bully-victims. This knowledge of early risk factors and pathways mustbe taken into consideration in future research and may contribute to the improvement of prevention programs.
The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of isolation of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in 100 patients with chronic periodontitis, 14 patients with aggressive periodontitis, 142 pre-school children with gingivitis and 134 periodontally healthy subjects. Samples of subgingival plaque were taken using sterilized paper points introduced into periodontal pockets or gingival crevice for 60 seconds and inoculated on TSBV agar, which was incubated under anaerobiosis at 37°C, for 4 days. Microbial identification was performed through biochemical methods and morphocellular and morphocolonial analysis. Aa was detected in 40.3% of healthy subjects, 68% of patients with chronic periodontitis, 92.86% of patients with aggressive periodontitis and 40.14% of children with gingivitis. The rate of recovery of Aa in the tested human groups proved to be higher than previously reported and in agreement with participation of this facultative anaerobe as a member of native microbiota of the periodontium and its relation with aggressive and chronic periodontitis in Brazil.
The Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) was developed in 2011 as analternative to the previous Comprehensive System. The goal was to improve the psychometrics,and particularly the validity, of this assessment method. The norms for children werequestionable in the Comprehensive system (e.g., outdated, low numbers of subjects) and validitystudies for children were sparse. One of the indicators included in the R-PAS system, theaggressive content indicator (AgC), is intended to reflect aggressive behavior, but few studieshave examined the validity of this indicator. This study examined the validity of AgC in asample of 32 children and adolescents receiving services at a residential treatment center.Subjects' AgC scores were analyzed in relation to demographics and diagnosis, as well as ratingsof aggression and conduct problems from the Behavioral Assessment System for Children-2(BASC-2) Parent and Teacher Reports. Correlations between the AgC score and BASC-2aggression and conduct problems scores were not statistically significant. None of thecorrelations between AgC score and a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder, Oppositional DefiantDisorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or Mood Disorders were significant either. Given thesmall sample size, null results may be a result of power concerns. The lack of significantcorrelations may however, indicate that operational definitions of aggression used in variousforms of measurement reflect different constructs.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Objective: To review the literature about the use of atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of pathological aggression in children and adolescents. Method: The databases MEDLINE, SciELO, and LILACS were searched for publications in Portuguese or English from 1992 to August 2011 using the following keywords: mental disease, child, adolescent, treatment, atypical antipsychotic, aggressive behavior, aggression, and violent behavior. Results: Sixty-seven studies of good methodological quality and clinical interest and relevance were identified. Studies including children and adolescents were relatively limited, because few atypical antipsychotics have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). All the medications included in this review (risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine, ziprasidone, aripiprazole and clozapine) have some effectiveness in treating aggression in children and adolescents, and choices should be based on clinical indications and side effects. Conclusions: There are few studies about the effectiveness and safety of atypical antipsychotics for the pediatric population, and further randomized controlled studies with larger groups of patients and more diagnostic categories, such as severe conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder, should be conducted to confirm the results reported up to date and to evaluate the impact of long-term use.
Prevalence and comorbidity of behavioral problems of children aged three to six: Results of the Braunschweiger Kindergartenstudie Objectives: To analyze the frequency of behavioral and emotional problems and comorbidity of kindergarten children in Braunschweig as rated by their parents. Method: The analysis is part of the Braunschweiger Kindergartenstudie. In a sample of N = 809 children aged three to six the parents rated their children using a modified version of the Child Behavior Checklist/CBCL 4-18. Results: The prevalence rates range from 0.5% to 5.0%. The most frequent behavioral problems in kindergarten children were aggressive behavior and attention problems, followed by social problems. The study also provides bidirectional comorbidity rates. Conclusion: Finally the prevalence rates and the implications of the findings for prevention of behavioral problems in children are discussed.
Introduction. We describe a series of 10 children with intracranial hypertension complicating fulminant hepatic failure submitted to intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring for intensive care an transplantation management. Patients and methods. Information from pediatrics patients acute liver failure admitted to our hospital was collected in a standard protocol form. We analyzed data from 10 patients, medium age 5.2 years old. In this period we studied aspects as ICP transducer used, number of days with ICP monitoring and complications of ICP monitoring. Results. Hepatitis A was diagnosed in five patients and hepatitis B in two cases. The initial ICP were 2 to 24 mmHg in transducer Seven patients died, four due to intracranial hypertension, included the patient operated for subdural hematoma, and three with transplantation failure. Only, a case of hematoma was verified. Conclusions. The application of ICP monitoring allows intensive care for aggressive ICP management. It can be used in children without adaptations. [REV NEUROL 2009: 48: 134-6]
Two studies tested the hypothesis that preschool children's theory of mind ability is related to their levels of peer acceptance. In Study 1, 78 children between the ages of 4 and 6 provided peer nominations that allowed determination of social preference and social impact scores, and classification in one of five peer status groups (following Coie & Dodge, 1983). Children were also tested on five different theory of mind tasks. The results showed that theory of mind scores were significantly related to social preference scores in a subsample of children who were over 5 years old. Further, popular children were found to score higher on theory of mind tasks than children classified as rejected. Study 2 replicated and extended the first study with a new sample of 87 4- to 6-year-old children. Study 2 included measures of peer acceptance, theory of mind ability and verbal intelligence, as well as teacher ratings of prosocial and aggressive behaviours. The results of Study 2 showed that for the total group of children, prosocial behaviour was the best predictor of social preference scores. When the Study 2 sample was split into older and younger children, theory of mind ability was found to be the best predictor of social preference scores for the older children (over age 5), while aggressive and prosocial behaviours were the best predictors of peer acceptance in the younger children. Overall, the pattern of results suggests that the impact of theory of mind ability on peer acceptance is modest but increases with children's age.
The rapid nutrition transition occurring in Latin America has resulted in a sharp increase of childhood overweight and obesity. Recent evidence has shown that food and beverage advertising has a great influence on children’s eating behavior. This population has become a key target market for the ultra-processed foods and beverages industry, which is marketing products in an aggressive way. Evidence shows that Latin American countries have poor regulation of ultra-processed foods and beverages advertising, where the discourse of self-regulation still prevails over statutory regulations. The following commentary explores how advertising might play an important role in developing unhealthy dietary patterns and obesity in Latin American children, as well as the urgent need for government action and the involvement of civil society to tackle this public health issue.