949 resultados para Aggregate Programming Spatial Computing Scafi Alchemist


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La tesi è calata nell'ambito dell'Aggregate Programming e costituita da una prima parte introduttiva su questo ambito, per poi concentrarsi sulla descrizione degli elaborati prodotti e infine qualche nota conclusiva unitamente a qualche possibile sviluppo futuro. La parte progettuale consiste nell'integrazione del framework Scafi con il simulatore Alchemist e con una piattaforma di creazione e di esecuzione di sistemi in ambito Spatial Computin, con lo scopo di potenziare la toolchain esistente per Aggregate Programming. Inoltre si riporta anche un breve capitolo per l'esecuzione del framework scafi sviluppato in scala sulla piattaforma Android.


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Magic Carpet, nato come un middleware orientato a una dimostrazione sullo spatial computing, che inizialmente coinvolgeva solo smart devices ed un tappeto di tag NFC, è il punto di partenza per uno studio sulle tecnologie abilitanti in tale campo. Il prodotto finale è una toolchain per lo sviluppo e la distribuzione, su dispositivi connessi, di applicazioni di spatial computing. Essa comprende un interprete per un DSL basato su un core calculus formalizzato, Field Calculus, e un middleware che supporta l'astrazione curando, a basso livello, le comunicazioni con il vicinato e le percezioni ambientali.


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Questa tesi si focalizza sulle possibili tecnologie per realizzare comunicazioni opportunistiche fra dispositivi mobile ed embedded, con l'obiettivo di integrarle nel contesto di sistemi a larga scala situati, e con particolare riferimento al prototipo denominato "Magic Carpet". Vengono considerate in particolare le tecnologie WiFi ad-hoc e Bluetooth Low Energy su Android e Raspberry Pi.


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La programmazione aggregata è un paradigma che supporta la programmazione di sistemi di dispositivi, adattativi ed eventualmente a larga scala, nel loro insieme -- come aggregati. L'approccio prevalente in questo contesto è basato sul field calculus, un calcolo formale che consente di definire programmi aggregati attraverso la composizione funzionale di campi computazionali, creando i presupposti per la specifica di pattern di auto-organizzazione robusti. La programmazione aggregata è attualmente supportata, in modo più o meno parziale e principalmente per la simulazione, da DSL dedicati (cf., Protelis), ma non esistono framework per linguaggi mainstream finalizzati allo sviluppo di applicazioni. Eppure, un simile supporto sarebbe auspicabile per ridurre tempi e sforzi d'adozione e per semplificare l'accesso al paradigma nella costruzione di sistemi reali, nonché per favorire la ricerca stessa nel campo. Il presente lavoro consiste nello sviluppo, a partire da un prototipo della semantica operazionale del field calculus, di un framework per la programmazione aggregata in Scala. La scelta di Scala come linguaggio host nasce da motivi tecnici e pratici. Scala è un linguaggio moderno, interoperabile con Java, che ben integra i paradigmi ad oggetti e funzionale, ha un sistema di tipi espressivo, e fornisce funzionalità avanzate per lo sviluppo di librerie e DSL. Inoltre, la possibilità di appoggiarsi, su Scala, ad un framework ad attori solido come Akka, costituisce un altro fattore trainante, data la necessità di colmare l'abstraction gap inerente allo sviluppo di un middleware distribuito. Nell'elaborato di tesi si presenta un framework che raggiunge il triplice obiettivo: la costruzione di una libreria Scala che realizza la semantica del field calculus in modo corretto e completo, la realizzazione di una piattaforma distribuita Akka-based su cui sviluppare applicazioni, e l'esposizione di un'API generale e flessibile in grado di supportare diversi scenari.


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Self-organising pervasive ecosystems of devices are set to become a major vehicle for delivering infrastructure and end-user services. The inherent complexity of such systems poses new challenges to those who want to dominate it by applying the principles of engineering. The recent growth in number and distribution of devices with decent computational and communicational abilities, that suddenly accelerated with the massive diffusion of smartphones and tablets, is delivering a world with a much higher density of devices in space. Also, communication technologies seem to be focussing on short-range device-to-device (P2P) interactions, with technologies such as Bluetooth and Near-Field Communication gaining greater adoption. Locality and situatedness become key to providing the best possible experience to users, and the classic model of a centralised, enormously powerful server gathering and processing data becomes less and less efficient with device density. Accomplishing complex global tasks without a centralised controller responsible of aggregating data, however, is a challenging task. In particular, there is a local-to-global issue that makes the application of engineering principles challenging at least: designing device-local programs that, through interaction, guarantee a certain global service level. In this thesis, we first analyse the state of the art in coordination systems, then motivate the work by describing the main issues of pre-existing tools and practices and identifying the improvements that would benefit the design of such complex software ecosystems. The contribution can be divided in three main branches. First, we introduce a novel simulation toolchain for pervasive ecosystems, designed for allowing good expressiveness still retaining high performance. Second, we leverage existing coordination models and patterns in order to create new spatial structures. Third, we introduce a novel language, based on the existing ``Field Calculus'' and integrated with the aforementioned toolchain, designed to be usable for practical aggregate programming.


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We revisit the well-known problem of sorting under partial information: sort a finite set given the outcomes of comparisons between some pairs of elements. The input is a partially ordered set P, and solving the problem amounts to discovering an unknown linear extension of P, using pairwise comparisons. The information-theoretic lower bound on the number of comparisons needed in the worst case is log e(P), the binary logarithm of the number of linear extensions of P. In a breakthrough paper, Jeff Kahn and Jeong Han Kim (STOC 1992) showed that there exists a polynomial-time algorithm for the problem achieving this bound up to a constant factor. Their algorithm invokes the ellipsoid algorithm at each iteration for determining the next comparison, making it impractical. We develop efficient algorithms for sorting under partial information. Like Kahn and Kim, our approach relies on graph entropy. However, our algorithms differ in essential ways from theirs. Rather than resorting to convex programming for computing the entropy, we approximate the entropy, or make sure it is computed only once in a restricted class of graphs, permitting the use of a simpler algorithm. Specifically, we present: an O(n2) algorithm performing O(log n·log e(P)) comparisons; an O(n2.5) algorithm performing at most (1+ε) log e(P) + Oε(n) comparisons; an O(n2.5) algorithm performing O(log e(P)) comparisons. All our algorithms are simple to implement. © 2010 ACM.


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L'obiettivo della tesi è esplorare i più avanzati dispositivi, sensori e processori per la computazione spaziale, correlarli con i modelli di spatial computing, e derivarne un'architettura concettuale di middleware distribuito che possa supportare le più avanzate applicazioni in mobilità.


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La tesi consiste nel realizzare una infrastruttura che mantenga il modello tipico dello Spatial Computing e coniughi al meglio le tecnologie location-based come GPS, NFC e BLE, per permettere ai moderni smart-devices Android di cooperare e auto-organizzarsi al fine di compiere un certo task definito a livello applicativo.


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We present a computing model based on the DNA strand displacement technique which performs Bayesian inference. The model will take single stranded DNA as input data, representing the presence or absence of a specific molecular signal (evidence). The program logic encodes the prior probability of a disease and the conditional probability of a signal given the disease playing with a set of different DNA complexes and their ratios. When the input and program molecules interact, they release a different pair of single stranded DNA species whose relative proportion represents the application of Bayes? Law: the conditional probability of the disease given the signal. The models presented in this paper can empower the application of probabilistic reasoning in genetic diagnosis in vitro.


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This special issue of the Journal of Urban Technology brings together five articles that are based on presentations given at the Street Computing workshop held on 24 November 2009 in Melbourne in conjunction with the Australian Computer-Human Interaction conference (OZCHI 2009). Our own article introduces the Street Computing vision and explores the potential, challenges and foundations of this research vision. In order to do so, we first look at the currently available sources of information and discuss their link to existing research efforts. Section 2 then introduces the notion of Street Computing and our research approach in more detail. Section 3 looks beyond the core concept itself and summarises related work in this field of interest.


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This special issue of the Journal of Urban Technology brings together five articles that are based on presentations given at the Street Computing Workshop held on 24 November 2009 in Melbourne in conjunction with the Australian Computer- Human Interaction conference (OZCHI 2009). Our own article introduces the Street Computing vision and explores the potential, challenges, and foundations of this research trajectory. In order to do so, we first look at the currently available sources of information and discuss their link to existing research efforts. Section 2 then introduces the notion of Street Computing and our research approach in more detail. Section 3 looks beyond the core concept itself and summarizes related work in this field of interest. We conclude by introducing the papers that have been contributed to this special issue.


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This paper discusses an approach for river mapping and flood evaluation to aid multi-temporal time series analysis of satellite images utilizing pixel spectral information for image classification and region-based segmentation to extract water covered region. Analysis of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite images is applied in two stages: before flood and during flood. For these images the extraction of water region utilizes spectral information for image classification and spatial information for image segmentation. Multi-temporal MODIS images from ``normal'' (non-flood) and flood time-periods are processed in two steps. In the first step, image classifiers such as artificial neural networks and gene expression programming to separate the image pixels into water and non-water groups based on their spectral features. The classified image is then segmented using spatial features of the water pixels to remove the misclassified water region. From the results obtained, we evaluate the performance of the method and conclude that the use of image classification and region-based segmentation is an accurate and reliable for the extraction of water-covered region.


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Approximate execution is a viable technique for energy-con\-strained environments, provided that applications have the mechanisms to produce outputs of the highest possible quality within the given energy budget.
We introduce a framework for energy-constrained execution with controlled and graceful quality loss. A simple programming model allows users to express the relative importance of computations for the quality of the end result, as well as minimum quality requirements. The significance-aware runtime system uses an application-specific analytical energy model to identify the degree of concurrency and approximation that maximizes quality while meeting user-specified energy constraints. Evaluation on a dual-socket 8-core server shows that the proposed
framework predicts the optimal configuration with high accuracy, enabling energy-constrained executions that result in significantly higher quality compared to loop perforation, a compiler approximation technique.