998 resultados para Agent Tree


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In the following paper a new class of executive information system is suggested. It is based on a selforganization in management and on a module modeling. The system is multifunctional and multidisciplinary. The structure elements of the system and the common features of the modules are discussed.


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Phlebiopsis gigantea has been for a long time known as a strong competitor against Heterobasidion annosum and intensively applied as a biological control agent on stump surfaces of Picea abies in Fennoscandia. However, the mechanism underlying its antagonistic activity is still unknown. A primary concern is the possible impact of P. gigantea treatment on resident non-target microbial biota of conifer stumps. Additional risk factor is the potential of P. gigantea to acquire a necrotrophic habit through adaptation to living wood tissues. This study focused on the differential screening of several P. gigantea isolates from diverse geographical sources as well as the use of breeding approach to enhance the biocontrol efficacy against H. annosum infection. The results showed a significant positive correlation between growth rate in wood and high biocontrol efficacy. Furthermore, with aid of breeding approach, several progeny strains were obtained that had better growth rate and control efficacy than parental isolates. To address the issue of the potential of P. gigantea to acquire necrotrophic capability, a combination of histochemical, molecular and transcript profiling (454 sequencing) were used to investigate the interactions between these two fungi and ten year old P. sylvestris seedlings. The results revealed that both P. gigantea and H. annosum provoked strong necrotic lesions, but after prolonged incubation, P. gigantea lesions shrank and ceased to expand further. Tree seedlings pre-treated with P. gigantea further restricted H. annosum-induced necrosis and had elevated transcript levels of genes important for lignification, cell death regulation and jasmonic acid signalling. These suggest that induced localized resistance is a contributory factor for the biocontrol efficacy of P.gigantea, and it has a comparatively limited necrotrophic capability than H. annosum. Finally, to investigate the potential impact of P. gigantea on the stump bacterial biota, 16S rDNA isolated from tissue samples from stumps of P. abies after 1-, 6- and 13-year post treatment was sequenced using bar-coded 454 Titanium pyrosequencing. Proteobacteria were found to be the most abundant at the initial stages of stump decay but were selectively replaced by Acidobacteria at advanced stages of the decay. Moreover, P. gigantea treatment significantly decreased the bacterial richness at initial decay stage in the stumps. Over time, the bacterial community in the stumps gradually recovered and the negative effects of P. gigantea was attenuated.


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Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a heuristic to search in large trees. We apply it to argumentative puzzles where MCTS pursues the best argumentation with respect to a set of arguments to be argued. To make our ideas as widely applicable as possible, we integrate MCTS to an abstract setting for argumentation where the content of arguments is left unspecified. Experimental results show the pertinence of this integration for learning argumentations by comparing it with a basic reinforcement learning.


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Queensland's hardwood plantation industry is producing increasing volumes of sawlog, veneer and poles. Wood quality can sometimes be impaired in some plantation hardwoods when the growing trees are attacked by insect borers. Susceptibility to borer damage varies with the species as well as site conditions or location. The risk model developed from this project will enable the plantation industry to match tree species with appropriate growing conditions in Queensland.


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. Management of the invasive Vachellia nilotica indica infesting tropical grasslands of Northern Australia has remained unsuccessful to date. Presently Anomalococcus indicus is considered a potential agent in the biological management of V. n. indica. Whereas generic biological details of A. indicus have been known, their feeding activity and details of their mouthparts and the sensory structures that are associated with their feeding action are not known. This paper provides details of those gaps. Nymphal instars I and II feed on cortical-parenchyma cells of young stems of V. n. indica, whereas nymphal instars III and adult females feed on phloem elements of older shoots. Nymphal instars and adults (females) trigger stress symptoms in the feeding tissue with cells bearing enlarged and disfigured nuclei, cytoplasmic shrinkage, cytoplasmic trabeculae, abnormal protuberances and uneven cell wall thickening, unusual cell membrane proliferation, and exhausted and necrosed cells. Continuous nutrient extraction by A. indicus can cause stem death. We provide evidence that A. indicus, by virtue of its continuous feeding activity and intense population build up, can be an effective biological-management agent to regulate populations of V. n. indica in infested areas. © 2014 © 2014 Société entomologique de France.


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Vachellia nilotica ssp. indica (hereafter, V. n. indica) is an important tree weed in Australia. Its dense populations induce undesirable changes in the vast areas of northern Australia. Because chemical and mechanical management options appear unviable for various reasons, biological management of this tree is considered a better option. Among the many trialled arthropods in Australian context, Anomalococcus indicus, a lecanodiaspid native to India, has been identified as a potent-candidate, since in India, its native terrain, it is the most widespread and occurs throughout the year. Severe infestations of A. indicus cause defoliation, wilting and death of branches, and occasionally the tree. Populations of A. indicus have been brought into Australia and are being tested for its host specificity under quarantine conditions. This article reports the physiological damage and stress it inflicts in the shoots of V. n. indica. Younger-nymphal instars of A. indicus feed on cortical-parenchyma cells of young stems, whereas the older instars and adults feed from the phloem of old stems. Two conspicuous responses of V. n. indica arising in response to the feeding action of A. indicus are changes in the cell-wall dynamics and irregular cell divisions. The feeding action of A. indicus elicits a sequence of reactions in the stem tissues of V. n. indica such as differentiation of thick-walled elements in the outer cortical parenchyma, differential thickening of cells with supernumerary layers of either suberin or lignin, proliferations of parenchyma and phloem, wall thickening and obliteration of inner lumen of phloem cells, and the sieve plates plugged with callosic deposits. The responses are the culminations of interaction between the virulence factor (one or more of the salivary proteins?) from A. indicus and the resistance factor in V. n. indica. We have analysed structural changes in the context of their functions, by comparing the feeding action of A. indicus with that of other hemipteroids. From the level of stress it induces, this study confirms that A. indicus has the potential to be an effective biological management of V. n. indica in Australia. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis and Aboricultural Association.


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Prickly acacia (Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica), a native multipurpose tree in India, is a weed of National significance, and a target for biological control in Australia. Based on plant genetic and climatic similarities, native range surveys for identifying potential biological control agents for prickly acacia were conducted in India during 2008-2011. In the survey leaf-feeding geometrid, Isturgia disputaria Guenee (syn. Tephrina pulinda), widespread in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka States, was prioritized as a potential biological control agent based on field host range, damage potential and no choice test on non target plant species. Though the field host range study exhibited that V. nilotica ssp. indica and V. nilotica ssp. tomentosa were the primary hosts for successful development of the insect, I. disputaria, replicated no - choice larval feeding and development tests conducted on cut foliage and live plants of nine non-target acacia test plant species in India revealed the larval feeding and development on three of the nine non-target acacia species, V. tortilis, V. planiferons and V. leucophloea in addition to the V. nilotica ssp. indica and V. nilotica ssp. tomentosa. However, the proportion of larvae developing into adults was higher on V. nilotica subsp. indica and V. nilotica subsp. tomentosa, with 90% and 80% of the larvae completing development, respectively. In contrast, the larval mortality was higher on V. tortilis (70%), V. leucophloea (90%) and V. planiferons (70%). The no-choice test results support the earlier host specificity test results of I. disputaria from Pakistan, Kenya and under quarantine in Australia. Contrasting results between field host range and host use pattern under no-choice conditions are discussed.


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Variability in rainfall is known to be a major influence on the dynamics of tropical forests, especially rates and patterns of tree mortality. In tropical dry forests a number of contributing factors to tree mortality, including dry season fire and herbivory by large herbivorous mammals, could be related to rainfall patterns, while loss of water potential in trees during the dry season or a wet season drought could also result in enhanced rates of death. While tree mortality as influenced by severe drought has been examined in tropical wet forests there is insufficient understanding of this process in tropical dry forests. We examined these causal factors in relation to inter-annual differences in rainfall in causing tree mortality within a 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot located in the tropical dry deciduous forests of Mudumalai, southern India, that has been monitored annually since 1988. Over a 19-year period (1988-2007) mean annual mortality rate of all stems >1 cm dbh was 6.9 +/- 4.6% (range = 1.5-17.5%); mortality rates broadly declined from the smaller to the larger size classes with the rates in stems >30 cm dbh being among the lowest recorded in tropical forest globally. Fire was the main agent of mortality in stems 1-5 cm dbh, elephant-herbivory in stems 5-10 cm dbh, and other natural causes in stems > 10 cm dbh. Elephant-related mortality did not show any relationship to rainfall. On the other hand, fire-related mortality was significantly negatively correlated to quantity of rainfall during the preceding year. Mortality due to other causes in the larger stem sizes was significantly negatively correlated to rainfall with a 2-3-year lag, suggesting that water deficit from mild or prolonged drought enhanced the risk of death but only with a time lag that was greater than similar lags in tree mortality observed in other forest types. In this respect, tropical dry forests growing in regions of high rainfall variability may have evolved greater resistance to rainfall deficit as compared to tropical moist or temperate forests but are still vulnerable to drought-related mortality.


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Combretastatin-A4 (CA-4) is a natural derivative of the African willow tree Combretum caffrum. CA-4 is one of the most potent antimitotic components of natural origin, but it is, however, intrinsically unstable. A novel series of CA-4 analogs incorporating a 3,4-diaryl-2-azetidinone (β-lactam) ring were designed and synthesized with the objective to prevent cis -trans isomerization and improve the intrinsic stability without altering the biological activity of CA-4. Evaluation of selected β-lactam CA-4 analogs demonstrated potent antitubulin, antiproliferative, and antimitotic effects in human leukemia cells. A lead β-lactam analog, CA-432, displayed comparable antiproliferative activities with CA-4. CA-432 induced rapid apoptosis in HL-60 acute myeloid leukemia cells, which was accompanied by depolymerization of the microtubular network, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage, caspase-3 activation, and Bcl-2 cleavage. A prolonged G(2)M cell cycle arrest accompanied by a sustained phosphorylation of mitotic spindle checkpoint protein, BubR1, and the antiapoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L) preceded apoptotic events in K562 chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cells. Molecular docking studies in conjunction with comprehensive cell line data rule out CA-4 and β-lactam derivatives as P-glycoprotein substrates. Furthermore, both CA-4 and CA-432 induced significantly more apoptosis compared with imatinib mesylate in ex vivo samples from patients with CML, including those positive for the T315I mutation displaying resistance to imatinib mesylate and dasatinib. In summary, synthetic intrinsically stable analogs of CA-4 that display significant clinical potential as antileukemic agents have been designed and synthesized.


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This paper is concerned with leader-follower finite-time consensus control of multi-agent networks with input disturbances. Terminal sliding mode control scheme is used to design the distributed control law. A new terminal sliding mode surface is proposed to guarantee finite-time consensus under fixed topology, with the common assumption that the position and the velocity of the active leader is known to its neighbors only. By using the finite-time Lyapunov stability theorem, it is shown that if the directed graph of the network has a directed spanning tree, then the terminal sliding mode control law can guarantee finite-time consensus even under the assumption that the time-varying control input of the active leader is unknown to any follower.


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A study was carried out to assess the stability of antimicrobial susceptibility of wild isolates upon long-term storage using fifty-three Escherichia coli strains isolated in 1978 from feces of healthy children from the Amazon region in Brazil, exposed to low levels of antimicrobial agents, and examined for resistance to mercury and four antibiotics. All of the strains were kept in Lignieres medium at room temperature and were transferred to fresh media four times during this period. Thirty-five out of the 53 strains analyzed in 1978 were viable. Upon recovery, antibiotic and mercury resistance was estimated. All of the 35 strains maintained their original phenotype in a stable fashion, except for one multiresistant strain which became susceptible to kanamycin. Fifty-four percent of the strains exhibited a resistance phenotype, among which 47% had conjugative plasmids.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of particleboard made with pruning wastes from Ipê (Tabebuia serratifolia) and Chapéu-de-Sol (Terminalia catappa) trees. Particleboards were prepared with both wood species, using all the material produced by grinding the pruning wastes. The particleboards had dimensions of 45×45 cm, a thickness of approximately 11.5 mm and an average density of 664 kg/m3. A urea-formaldehyde adhesive was used in the proportion of 12% of the dry particle mass. The particleboards were pressed at a temperature of 130 C for 10 mins. The physical and mechanical properties analyzed were density, moisture content, thickness swelling, percentage of lignin and cellulose, modulus of resilience, modulus of elasticity and tensile strength parallel to the grain, accordingly to the standards NBR 14810 and CS 236-66 (1968). The particleboards were considered to be of medium density. The particle size significantly affected the static bending strength and tensile strength parallel to the grain. Ipê presented better results, demonstrating a potential for the production and use of particleboard made from this species. © The Author(s) 2013.


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It was decided to carry out a morphological and molecular characterization of the Italian Alternaria isolatescollected from apple , and evaluate their pathogenicity and subsequently combining the data collected. The strain collection (174 isolates) was constructed by collecting material (received from extension service personnel) between June and August of 2007, 2008, and 2009. A Preliminary bioassays were performed on detached plant materials (fruit and leaf wounded and unwounded), belonging to the Golden cultivar, with two different kind of inoculation (conidial suspension and conidial filtrate). Symptoms were monitored daily and a value of pathogenicity score (P.S.) was assigned on the basis of the diameter of the necrotic area that developed. On the basis of the bioassays, the number of isolates to undergo further molecular analysis was restricted to a representative set of single spore strains (44 strains). Morphological characteristics of the colony and sporulation pattern were determined according to previous systematic work on small-spored Alternaria spp. (Pryor and Michaelides, 2002 and Hong et al., 2006). Reference strains (Alternaria alternata, Alternaria tenuissima, Alternaria arborescens and four Japanese strains of Alternaria alternata mali pathotype), used in the study were kindly provided by Prof. Barry Pryor, who allows a open access to his own fungal collection. Molecular characterization was performed combining and comparing different data sets obtained from distinct molecular approach: 1) investigation of specific loci and 2) fingerprinting based on diverse randomly selected polymorphic sites of the genome. As concern the single locus analysis, it was chosen to sequence the EndoPG partial gene and three anonymous region (OPA1-3, OPA2- and OPa10-2). These markers has revealed a powerful tool in the latter systematic works on small-spored Alternaria spp. In fact, as reported in literature small-spored Alternaria taxonomy is complicated due to the inability to resolve evolutionary relationships among the taxa because of the lack of variability in the markers commonly used in fungi systematic. The three data set together provided the necessary variation to establish the phylogenetic relationships among the Italian isolates of Alternaria spp. On Italian strains these markers showed a variable number of informative sites (ranging from 7 for EndoPg to 85 for OPA1-3) and the parsimony analysis produced different tree topologies all concordant to define A. arborescens as a mophyletic clade. Fingerprinting analysis (nine ISSR primers and eight AFLP primers combination) led to the same result: a monophyleic A. arborescens clade and one clade containing both A. tenuissima and the A. alternata strains. This first attempt to characterize Italian Alternaria species recovered from apple produced concordant results with what was already described in a similar phylogenetic study on pistachio (Pryor and Michaelides, 2002), on walnut and hazelnut (Hong et al., 2006), apple (Kang et al., 2002) and citurus (Peever et al., 2004). Together with these studies, this research demonstrates that the three morphological groups are widely distributed and occupy similar ecological niches. Furthermore, this research suggest that these Alternaria species exhibit a similar infection pattern despite the taxonomic and pathogenic differences. The molecular characterization of the pathogens is a fundamental step to understanding the disease that is spreading in the apple orchards of the north Italy. At the beginning the causal agent was considered as Alteraria alternata (Marshall and Bertagnoll, 2006). Their preliminary studies purposed a pathogenic system related to the synthesis of toxins. Experimental data of our bioassays suggest an analogous hypothesis, considering that symptoms could be induced after inoculating plant material with solely the filtrate from pathogenic strains. Moreover, positive PCR reactions using AM-toxin gene specific primers, designed for identification of apple infecting Alternaria pathovar, led to a hypothesis that a host specific toxin (toxins) were involved. It remains an intriguing challenge to discover or not if the agent of the “Italian disease” is the same of the one previously typified as Alternaria mali, casual agent of the apple blotch disease.


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Symptoms associated with pistachio dieback in Australia include decline (little or no current season growth), xylem staining in shoots two or more years old, trunk mu and limb lesions (often covered by black, superficial fungal growth), excessive exudation of resin, dieback and death of the tree. Bacteria belonging to the genus Xanthomonas have been suggested as the causal agent. To confirm the constant association between these bacteria and the disease syndrome, the absence of other pathogens and the identity of the pathogen, we performed a series of isolations and pathogenicity tests. The only microorganism consistently isolated from diseased tissue was a bacterium that produced yellow, mucoid colonies and displayed morphological and cultural characteristics typical of the genus Xanthomonas. Database comparisons of the fatty acid and whole-cell protein profiles of five representative pistachio isolates indicated that they all belonged to X. translucens, but it was not possible to allocate the isolates to pathovar. Pathogenicity tests on cereals and grasses supported this identification. However, Koch's postulates have been only partially fulfilled because not all symptoms associated with pistachio dieback were reproduced on inoculated two-year-old pistachio trees. While discolouration was observed, dieback, excessive resinous exudate and trunk and limb lesions were not produced; expression of these symptoms may be delayed, and long-term monitoring of a small number of inoculated trees is in progress.


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Tubercularia lateritia was recorded for the first time as causing canker, characterised by a sunken centre surrounded by galls or callus, on macadamia. The fungus was isolated and inoculated on young macadamia trees in the glasshouse and produced characteristic disease symptoms from which the fungus was successfully reisolated.