1000 resultados para Age, calcium carbonate stratigraphy


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A total of 776 sediment samples were measured for percent CaCO3 using a coulometer. These data are compared with percent blue reflectance (450-550 nm) measured with the Oregon State University split-core analysis track. In previous studies percent blue reflectance has been an excellent proxy for percent CaCO3 and in this study shows many of the main depositional trends (i.e., a 100-k.y. cycle, with a 55% reflectance range is evident in the upper 900 k.y., underlain by sediments exhibiting a 40-k.y. cycle with only a 30% reflectance range). Between ~21 and 5 Ma the average percent reflectance decreases from ~35% to ~8%. A similar decrease is also recorded between ~24 and 22 Ma. Percent CaCO3 trends closely match those of the percent blue spectral reflectance. This is especially well shown in the 100-k.y. cyclicity and in the interval between 24.5 and 21.5 Ma. In both intervals CaCO3 analyses are abundant. An exception occurs in the interval between 2 and 5 meters composite depth (~193 and 240 k.y.). There, percent CaCO3 and percent reflectance are out of phase. The lack of agreement is not likely to be due to a very wet core, in which water would dominate the spectral reflectance instead of sediment, or to problems with the composite depth slice. The discrepancy remains unexplained and provides clear evidence that when noninvasive measurements are used as proxies for chemical measurements they must be substantiated by the actual chemical or physical measurements.


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Ten ODP sites drilled in a depth transect (2164-4775 m water depth) during Leg 172 recovered high-deposition rate (>20 cm/kyr) sedimentary sections from sediment drifts in the western North Atlantic. For each site an age model covering the past 0.8-0.9 Ma has been developed. The time scales have a resolution of 10-20 kyr and are derived by tuning variations of estimated carbonate content to the orbital parameters precession and obliquity. Based on the similarity in the signature of proxy records and the spectral character of the time series, the sites are divided into two groups: precession cycles are better developed in carbonate records from a group of shallow sites (2164-2975 m water depth, Sites 1055-1058) while the deeper sites (2995-4775 m water depth, Sites 1060-1063) are characterized by higher spectral density in the obliquity band. The resulting time scales show excellent coherence with other dated carbonate and isotope records from low latitudes. Besides the typical Milankovitch cyclicity significant variance of the resulting carbonate time series is concentrated at millennial-scale changes with periods of about 12, 6, 4, 2.5, and 1.5 kyr. Comparisons of carbonate records from the Blake Bahama Outer Ridge and the Bermuda Rise reveal a remarkable similarity in the time and frequency domain indicating a basin-wide uniform sedimentation pattern during the last 0.9 Ma.