927 resultados para Affinity peptides
Peptides constructed from α-helical subunits of the Lac repressor protein (LacI) were designed then tailored to achieve particular binding kinetics and dissociation constants for plasmid DNA purification and detection. Surface plasmon resonance was employed for quantification and characterization of the binding of double stranded Escherichia coli plasmid DNA (pUC19) via the lac operon (lacO) to "biomimics" of the DNA binding domain of LacI. Equilibrium dissociation constants (K D), association (k a), and dissociation rates (k d) for the interaction between a suite of peptide sequences and pUC19 were determined. K D values measured for the binding of pUC19 to the 47mer, 27mer, 16mer, and 14mer peptides were 8.8 ± 1.3 × 10 -10 M, 7.2 ± 0.6 × 10 -10 M, 4.5 ± 0.5 × 10 -8 M, and 6.2 ± 0.9 × 10 -6 M, respectively. These findings show that affinity peptides, composed of subunits from a naturally occurring operon-repressor interaction, can be designed to achieve binding characteristics suitable for affinity chromatography and biosensor devices.
Using in vitro selection method to isolate nucleic acids, peptides and proteins has been studied intensively in recent years. In vitro mRNA display is a new and effective technique for peptides selection, and the rationale of this technique is that a synthetic mRNA with puromycin could covalently link with the protein that it encodes, thus an mRNA-protein fusion is formed. This approach has been used in identification of many functional peptides. The peptides binding with thymidylate synthase RNA were isolated using mRNA display technique from a large peptide library (>10(13) different sequences). The selection scheme was constructed, and the experimental conditions, including library synthesis, formation of RNA-peptide fusion and RNA immobilization were optimized. Eight cycles have been processed and the results confirmed that the selected peptides could bind with thymidylate synthase mRNA specifically. Compared the amino acid sequences of the selected peptides with those from the initial random library, the basic and aromatic residues in selected peptides were enriched significantly, suggesting these peptide regions may be important in the peptide-TS mRNA interaction. As a novel in vitro selection approach, mRNA display technique would be developed as a powerful tool for isolation of functional peptides and proteins that could interact with immobilized targets with high affinity and specificity.
Thymidylate synthase (TS), an essential enzyme for catalyzing the biosynthesis of thymidylate, is a critical therapeutic target in cancer therapy. Recent studies have shown that TS functions as an RNA-binding protein by interacting with two different sequences on its own mRNA, thus, repressing translational efficiency. In this study, peptides binding TS RNA with high affinity were isolated using mRNA display from a large peptide library (>10(13) different sequences). The randomized library was subjected up to twelve rounds of in vitro selection and amplification. Comparing the amino acid composition of the selected peptides (12th round, R12) with those from the initial random library (round zero, R0), the basic and aromatic residues in the selected peptides were enriched significantly, suggesting that these peptide regions might be important in the peptide-TS mRNA interaction. Categorizing the amino acids at each random position based on their physicochemical properties and comparing the distributions with those of the initial random pool, an obvious basic charge characteristic was found at positions 1, 12, 17 and 18, suggesting that basic side chains participate in RNA binding. Secondary structure prediction showed that the selected peptides of R12 pool represented a helical propensity compared with R0 pool, and the regions were rich in basic residues. The electrophoretic gel mobility shift and in vitro translation assays showed that the peptides selected using mRNA display could bind TS RNA specifically and inhibit the translation of TS mRNA. Our results suggested that the identified peptides could be used as new TS inhibitors and developed to a novel class of anticancer agents.
La chaîne invariante (Ii ; CD74) est une protéine membranaire de type II qui joue un rôle majeur dans la présentation antigénique. Dans le réticulum endoplasmique (RE), Ii favorise l’assemblage du CMH II et prévient la liaison indésirable de polypeptides. Grâce à son motif di-leucine, la chaîne invariante cible le CMH II dans les endosomes. Une fois dans ces compartiments acides, Ii est dégradé, permettant la liaison de peptides de forte affinité qui seront ensuite présentés aux cellules T CD4+. Chez les souris déficientes en Ii murin (mIi), le CMH II présente une conformation non compacte typique des molécules vides ou liées faiblement à un peptide. Le transport du CMH II est aberrant ce qui conduit à une réduction de son expression en surface ainsi qu’à un défaut de présentation antigénique. De plus, Ii diversifie le répertoire de peptides et assure la sélection thymique des cellules T CD4+. Enfin, il a un rôle dans la maturation des cellules B et les souris déficientes en Ii présentent des nombres réduits de cellules B matures folliculaires (FO). L’isoforme mineure humaine p35 (Iip35) n’existe pas chez la souris et possède une extension cytoplasmique de 16 acides aminés contenant un motif R-x-R de rétention dans le RE. La sortie du RE est conditionnelle à la liaison du CMH II qui permet de masquer le motif de rétention. Iip35 agit comme dominant et impose la rétention aux autres isoformes d’Ii. Cependant, le rôle physiologique du motif R-x-R et, plus globalement, celui d’Iip35, demeurent nébuleux. Pour mieux cerner la fonction d’Iip35, nous avons généré des souris transgéniques (Tg) exprimant l’isoforme humaine Iip35 et avons analysé la conformation et le trafic du CMH II, la sélection thymique et la maturation des cellules B ainsi que la présentation antigénique. Nos résultats ont démontré qu’Iip35 favorise l’assemblage du CMH II dans le RE. Il induit également une conformation compacte du CMH II et augmente l’expression du CMH II en surface. De plus, Iip35 cible le CMH II dans les endosomes où un peptide de forte affinité se lie dans la niche peptidique. Par ailleurs, Iip35 diversifie le répertoire de peptides et rétablit totalement la sélection des cellules T CD4+ ainsi que le niveau d’expression du TCR de ces dernières. Iip35 restaure également la présentation antigénique de l’ovalbumine dont la présentation requiert l’expression d’Ii. Par contre, Iip35 rétablit la présentation des superantigènes mais à un niveau moindre que celui des souris sauvages. Ensuite, Iip35 permet le rétablissement de la sélection des cellules iNKT démontrant qu’il assiste la présentation des lipides par les molécules CD1d. Enfin, les résultats ont démontré qu’Iip35 restaure le développement des cellules B matures folliculaires (FO) mais pas celui des cellules B de la zone marginale. Ceci suggère qu’Iip35 est capable d’induire le développement des cellules FO sans stimulation préalable par le MIF (macrophage migration inhibitory factor). Ainsi, l’ensemble de ces résultats démontre qu’Iip35 est fonctionnel et assure la majorité des fonctions d’Ii. Cependant, Iip35 ne remplace pas mIi endogène concernant la maturation des cellules B MZ suggérant qu’il pourrait avoir un rôle de régulateur.
Der Lichtsammelkomplex II (LHCII) höherer Pflanzen ist eines der häufigsten Membranproteine der Welt. Er bindet 14 Chlorophylle und 4 Carotinoide nicht kovalent und fungiert in vivo als Lichtantenne des Photosystems II. Eine optimale Absorption von Licht ist auch bei Solarzellen entscheidend und es liegt nahe hier dasselbe Prinzip zu verwenden. Dafür bietet sich der Einsatz biologischer Komponenten wie des LHCII an. Dieser wurde evolutionär für eine effektive Absorption und Weiterleitung von Sonnenenergie optimiert. Zusätzlich lässt er sich in vitro in rekombinanter Form rekonstituieren. Für eine eventuelle Nutzung des LHCII in technologischen Anwendungen bedarf es der Interaktion mit anderen, vorzugsweise synthetischen Komponenten. Daher wurde die Bindung und der Energietransfer zwischen dem LHCII und organischen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen sowie anorganischen „Quantum dots“ (QDs) untersucht. rnMit Donorfarbstoffen wurde die Grünlücke des LHCII funktionell geschlossen. Dafür wurden bis zu vier Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe kovalent an den LHCII gebunden. Diese Interaktion erfolgte sowohl mit Maleimiden an Cysteinen als auch mit N-Hydroxysuccinimidylestern an Lysinen. Die Assemblierung, Struktur und Funktion des Pigment-Protein-Komplexes wurde durch die Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe nicht gestört.rnAuf der Suche nach einem Farbstoff, der als Akzeptor die vom LHCII aufgenommene Energie übernimmt und durch Elektronenabgabe in elektrische Energie umwandelt, wurden drei Rylenfarbstoffe, ein Quaterrylen und zwei Terrylene, untersucht. Der LHCII konnte mit allen Farbstoffen erfolgreich markiert werden. Für die Nutzung der Hybridkomplexe ergaben sich allerdings Probleme. Das Quaterrylen beeinträchtigte aufgrund seiner Hydrophobizität die Rekonstitution des Proteins, während bei beiden Terrylenen der Energietransfer ineffizient war.rn Zusätzlich zu den Standard-Verknüpfungen zwischen Farbstoffen und Proteinen wurde in dieser Arbeit die „native chemische Ligation“ etabliert. Hierfür wurde eine LHCII-Mutante mit N-terminalem Cystein hergestellt, markiert und rekonstituiert. Messdaten an diesem Hybridkomplex ließen auf einen Energietransfer zwischen Farbstoff und Protein schließen. rnIn Hybridkomplexen sollen langfristig zur Ladungstrennung fähige Typ II-QDs Anwendung finden, wobei der LHCII als Lichtantenne dienen soll. Bis diese QDs verwendet werden können, wurden grundlegende Fragen der Interaktion beider Materialen an Typ I-QDs mit Energietransfer zum LHCII untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass QDs in wässriger Lösung schnell aggregieren und entsprechende Kontrollen wichtig sind. Weiterführend konnte anhand der Trennung von ungebundenem und QD-gebundenem LHCII die Bindung von LHCII an QDs bestätigt werden. Dabei wurden Unterschiede in der Bindungseffizienz in Abhängigkeit der verwendeten LHCII und QDs festgestellt. Durch Herstellung von Fusionsproteinen aus LHCII und Affinitätspeptiden konnte die Bindung optimiert werden. Ein Energietransfer von QDs zu LHCII war nicht sicher nachzuweisen, da in den Hybridkomplexen zwar die QD- (Donor-) Fluoreszenz gelöscht, aber die LHCII- (Akzeptor-) Fluoreszenz nicht entsprechend stimuliert wurde.rnZusammenfassend wurden in dieser Arbeit einige Hybridkomplexe hergestellt, die in weiterführenden Ansätzen Verwendung finden können. Auf die hier gewonnenen Erkenntnisse über Interaktionen zwischen LHCII und synthetischen Materialien kann jetzt weiter aufgebaut werden.
An iminodiacetic acid (IDA)-type adsorbent is prepared at the one end of a capillary by covalently bonding IDA to the monolithic rods of macroporous poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate). Cu(II) is later introduced to the support via the interaction with IDA. By this means, polymer monolithic immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) materials are prepared. With such a column, IMAC for on-line concentration and capillary electrophoresis (CE) for the subsequent analysis are hyphenated for the analysis of peptides and proteins. The reproducibility of such a column has been proved good with relative standard deviations (RSDs) of dead time of less than 5% for injection-to-injection and 12% for column-to-column (n = 3). Through application on the analysis of standard peptides and real protein samples, such a technique has shown promising in proteome study.
Nonenzymatic glycation of peptides and proteins by D-glucose has important implications in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, particularly in the development of diabetic complications. However, no effective high-throughput methods exist for identifying proteins containing this low-abundance posttranslational modification in bottom-up proteomic studies. In this report, phenylboronate affinity chromatography was used in a two-step enrichment scheme to selectively isolate first glycated proteins and then glycated, tryptic peptides from human serum glycated in vitro. Enriched peptides were subsequently analyzed by alternating electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) and collision induced dissociation ( CID) tandem mass spectrometry. ETD fragmentation mode permitted identification of a significantly higher number of glycated peptides (87.6% of all identified peptides) versus CID mode (17.0% of all identified peptides), when utilizing enrichment on first the protein and then the peptide level. This study illustrates that phenylboronate affinity chromatography coupled with LC-MS/MS and using ETD as the fragmentation mode is an efficient approach for analysis of glycated proteins and may have broad application in studies of diabetes mellitus.
Despite the improvements in cancer therapy during the past years, high-grade gliomas and many other types of cancer are still extremely resistant to current forms of therapy. Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) provides a promising way to destroy cancer cells without damaging healthy tissue. However, BNCT in practice is still limited due to the lack of boron-containing compounds that selectively deliver boron to cancer cells. Since many neuroendocrine tumors show an overexpression of the somatostatin receptor, it was our aim to synthesize compounds that contain a large number of boron atoms and still show high affinity toward this transmembrane receptor. The synthetic peptide Tyr (3)-octreotate (TATE) was chosen as a high-affinity and internalizing tumor targeting vector (TTV). Novel boron cluster compounds, containing 10 or 20 boron atoms, were coupled to the N-terminus of TATE. The obtained affinity data demonstrate that the use of a spacer between TATE and the closo-borane moiety is the option to avoid a loss of biological affinity of closo-borane conjugated TATE. For the first time, it was shown that closo-borane conjugated regulatory peptides retain high biological affinity and selectivity toward their transmembrane tumor receptors. The results obtained and the improvement of spacer and boron building block chemistry may stimulate new directions for BNCT.
UNLABELLED Gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPrs) are overexpressed on a variety of human cancers, providing the opportunity for peptide receptor targeting via radiolabeled bombesin-based peptides. As part of our ongoing investigations into the development of improved GRPr antagonists, this study aimed at verifying whether and how N-terminal modulations improve the affinity and pharmacokinetics of radiolabeled GRPr antagonists. METHODS The potent GRPr antagonist MJ9, Pip-d-Phe-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Sta-Leu-NH(2) (Pip, 4-amino-1-carboxymethyl-piperidine), was conjugated to 1,4,7-triazacyclononane, 1-glutaric acid-4,7 acetic acid (NODAGA), and 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid (NOTA) and radiolabeled with (68)Ga and (64)Cu. The GRPr affinity of the corresponding metalloconjugates was determined using (125)I-Tyr(4)-BN as a radioligand. The labeling efficiency of (68)Ga(3+) was compared between NODAGA-MJ9 and NOTA-MJ9 in acetate buffer, at room temperature and at 95°C. The (68)Ga and (64)Cu conjugates were further evaluated in vivo in PC3 tumor xenografts by biodistribution and PET imaging studies. RESULTS The half maximum inhibitory concentrations of all the metalloconjugates are in the high picomolar-low nanomolar range, and these are the most affine-radiolabeled GRPr antagonists we have studied so far in our laboratory. NODAGA-MJ9 incorporates (68)Ga(3+) nearly quantitatively (>98%) at room temperature within 10 min and at much lower peptide concentrations (1.4 × 10(-6) M) than NOTA-MJ9, for which the labeling yield was approximately 45% under the same conditions and increased to 75% at 95°C for 5 min. Biodistribution studies showed high and specific tumor uptake, with a maximum of 23.3 ± 2.0 percentage injected activity per gram of tissue (%IA/g) for (68)Ga-NOTA-MJ9 and 16.7 ± 2.0 %IA/g for (68)Ga-NODAGA-MJ9 at 1 h after injection. The acquisition of PET images with the (64)Cu-MJ9 conjugates at later time points clearly showed the efficient clearance of the accumulated activity from the background already at 4 h after injection, whereas tumor uptake still remained high. The high pancreas uptake for all radiotracers at 1 h after injection was rapidly washed out, resulting in an increased tumor-to-pancreas ratio at later time points. CONCLUSION We have developed 2 GRPr antagonistic radioligands, which are improved in terms of binding affinity and overall biodistribution profile. Their promising in vivo pharmacokinetic performance may contribute to the improvement of the diagnostic imaging of tumors overexpressing GRPr.
The phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain is a recently identified protein module that has been characterized as binding to phosphopeptides containing an NPXpY motif (X = any amino acid). We describe here a novel peptide sequence recognized by the PTB domain from Drosophila Numb (dNumb), a protein involved in cell fate determination and asymmetric cell division during the development of the Drosophila nervous system. Using a Tyr-oriented peptide library to screen for ligands, the dNumb PTB domain was found to bind selectively to peptides containing a YIGPYφ motif (φ represents a hydrophobic residue). A synthetic peptide containing this sequence bound specifically to the isolated dNumb PTB domain in solution with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 5.78 ± 0.74 μM. Interestingly, the affinity of this peptide for the dNumb PTB domain was increased (Kd = 1.41 ± 0.10 μM) when the second tyrosine in the sequence was phosphorylated. Amino acid substitution studies of the phosphopeptide demonstrated that a core motif of sequence GP(p)Y is required for high-affinity binding to the dNumb PTB domain. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments performed on isotopically labeled protein complexed with either Tyr- or pTyr-containing peptides suggest that the same set of amino acids in the dNumb PTB domain is involved in binding both phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated forms of the peptide. The in vitro selectivity of the dNumb PTB domain is therefore markedly different from those of the Shc and IRS-1 PTB domains, in that it interacts preferentially with a GP(p)Y motif, rather than NPXpY, and does not absolutely require ligand phosphorylation for binding. Our results suggest that the PTB domain is a versatile protein module, capable of exhibiting varied binding specificities.
We report the use of “mRNA display,” an in vitro selection technique, to identify peptide aptamers to a protein target. mRNA display allows for the preparation of polypeptide libraries with far greater complexity than is possible with phage display. Starting with a library of ≈1013 random peptides, 20 different aptamers to streptavidin were obtained, with dissociation constants as low as 5 nM. These aptamers function without the aid of disulfide bridges or engineered scaffolds, yet possess affinities comparable to those for monoclonal antibody–antigen complexes. The aptamers bind streptavidin with three to four orders of magnitude higher affinity than those isolated previously by phage display from lower complexity libraries of shorter random peptides. Like previously isolated peptides, they contain an HPQ consensus motif. This study shows that, given sufficient length and diversity, high-affinity aptamers can be obtained even from random nonconstrained peptide libraries. By engineering structural constraints into these ultrahigh complexity peptide libraries, it may be possible to produce binding agents with subnanomolar binding constants.
Albumin binds low–molecular-weight molecules, including proteins and peptides, which then acquire its longer half-life, thereby protecting the bound species from kidney clearance. We developed an experimental method to isolate albumin in its native state and to then identify [mass spectrometry (MS) sequencing] the corresponding bound low–molecular-weight molecules. We used this method to analyze pooled sera from a human disease study set (high-risk persons without cancer, n= 40; stage I ovarian cancer, n = 30; stage III ovarian cancer, n = 40) to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach as a discovery method. Methods Albumin was isolated by solid-phase affinity capture under native binding and washing conditions. Captured albumin-associated proteins and peptides were separated by gel electrophoresis and subjected to iterative MS sequencing by microcapillary reversed-phase tandem MS. Selected albumin-bound protein fragments were confirmed in human sera by Western blotting and immunocompetition. Results In total, 1208 individual protein sequences were predicted from all 3 pools. The predicted sequences were largely fragments derived from proteins with diverse biological functions. More than one third of these fragments were identified by multiple peptide sequences, and more than one half of the identified species were in vivo cleavage products of parent proteins. An estimated 700 serum peptides or proteins were predicted that had not been reported in previous serum databases. Several proteolytic fragments of larger molecules that may be cancer-related were confirmed immunologically in blood by Western blotting and peptide immunocompetition. BRCA2, a 390-kDa low-abundance nuclear protein linked to cancer susceptibility, was represented in sera as a series of specific fragments bound to albumin. Conclusion Carrier-protein harvesting provides a rich source of candidate peptides and proteins with potential diverse tissue and cellular origins that may reflect important disease-related information.
Single step affinity chromatography was employed for the purification of plasmid DNA (pDNA), thus eliminating several steps compared with current commercial purification methods for pDNA. Significant reduction in pDNA production time and cost was obtained. This chromatographic operation employed a peptide-monolith construct to isolate pDNA from Escherichia coli (E. coli) impurities present in a clarified lysate feedstock. Mild conditions were applied to avoid any degradation of pDNA. The effect of some important parameters on pDNA yield was also evaluated with the aim of optimising the affinity purification of pDNA. The results demonstrate that 81% of pDNA was recovered and contaminating gDNA, RNA and protein were removed below detectable levels. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Plasmid DNA for therapeutic and vaccination purposes must be highly purified. The high selectivity of affinity chromatography makes it ideal for the isolation of pDNA from complex biological feed stocks. Affinity chromatography makes use of the biological function and/or individual chemical structure of the interacting molecules. However, the success of any affinity purification protocol is dependent on the availability of suitable ligands. In this study, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based Biacore system has been employed for the detection and quantification of the binding between lac operon (lacO) sequence contained in a pDNA and synthetic peptides based on the DNA-binding domain of the lac repressor protein, lad. The equilibrium dissociation constant (K D) and association and dissociation rate constants (ka, kd) for the interaction between plasmid DNA and designed peptides were determined.