934 resultados para Affective priming
Affective learning, the learning of likes and dislikes, is proposed to differ from signal learning, the learning of relationships between events. However, affective learning research varies in the methodology used, and in addition, researchers concerned primarily with affective learning tend to use different paradigms from those concerned with signal learning. The current research used an affective priming task in addition to verbal ratings to assess changes in the valence of neutral geometric shapes in an aversive differential conditioning procedure. After acquisition, affective learning was present as indexed by ratings and affective priming, whereas after extinction, affective learning remained significant only in the ratings. This study suggests that different measures of affective learning may be differentially sensitive to valence, which has implications for studies that employ verbal ratings as the sole measure of affective learning. Moreover, there is no evidence from the current study that affective learning differs from signal learning.
A target word is classified faster as pleasant or unpleasant if preceded by a prime that matches the target word’s valence. This affective priming phenomenon is currently popular as an implicit measure of stimulus valence. The present set of experiments investigated whether rated stimulus arousal will affect target classification as well. In three experiments, word targets were preceded by prime stimuli that differed in rated arousal and valence. The basic priming effect was replicated in all experiments, however, priming was largest after high arousal unpleasant and low arousal pleasant primes, and reduced after low arousal unpleasant and high arousal pleasant primes. This finding emerged for picture and word primes and does not reflect the effect of differences in stimulus complexity. The difference in the effectiveness of the primes was not affected by SOA and seemed to hold across a wide range (50-200 ms for words and 200-500 ms for pictures). The present results suggest that some failures to find affective priming may not reflect on prime valence, but on prime arousal. Moreover, it suggests that increases in stimulus arousal have differential effects for the processing of pleasant and unpleasant stimuli.
Background: There is evidence showing that men and women differ with regard to the processing of emotional information. However, the mechanisms behind these differences are not fully understood. Method: The sample comprised of 275 (167 female) right-handed, healthy participants, recruited from the community. We employed a customized affective priming task, which consisted of three subtests, differing in the modality of the prime (face, written word, and sound). The targets were always written words of either positive or negative valence. The priming effect was measured as reaction time facilitation in conditions where both prime and target were emotional (of the same positive or negative valence) compared with conditions where the emotional targets were preceded by neutral primes. Results: The priming effect was observed across all three modalities, with an interaction of gender by valence: the priming effect in the emotionally negative condition in male participants was stronger compared with females. This was accounted for by the differential priming effect within the female group where priming was significantly smaller in the emotionally negative conditions compared with the positive conditions. The male participants revealed a comparable priming effect across both the emotionally negative and positive conditions. Conclusion: Reduced priming in negative conditions in women may reflect interference processes due to greater sensitivity to negative valence of stimuli. This in turn could underlie the gender-related differences in susceptibility to emotional disorders.
The acquisition and extinction of affective valence to neutral geometrical shape conditional stimuli was investigated in three experiments. Experiment 1 employed a differential conditioning procedure with aversive shock USs. Differential electrodermal responding was evident during acquisition and lost during extinction. As indexed by verbal ratings, the CS1 acquired negative valence during acquisition,which was reduced after extinction. Affective priming, a reaction time based demand free measure of stimulus valence, failed to provide evidence for affective learning. Experiment 2 employed pictures of happy and angry faces as USs.Valence ratings after acquisitionweremore positive for theCS paired with happy faces (CS-H) and less positive for the CS paired with angry faces (CS-A) than during baseline. Extinction training reduced the extent of acquired valence significantly for both CSs, however, ratings of the CS-A remained different from baseline. Affective priming confirmed these results yielding differences between CS-A and CS-H after acquisition for pleasant and unpleasant targets, but for pleasant targets only after extinction. Experiment 3 replicated the design of Experiment 2, but presented the US pictures backwardly masked. Neither rating nor affective priming measures yielded any evidence for affective learning. The present results confirm across two different experimental procedures that, contrary to predictions from dual process accounts of human learning, affective learning is subject to extinction.
Esta tese revisou duas linhas de pesquisa, desenvolvidas nas últimas décadas: o estudo de efeitos de estimulação subliminar priming , e de desencadeamento de reações emocionais por estímulos controlados. Este estudo tem o objetivo de combinar tais linhas para o estudo da consciência com pré-preparo afetivo: efeito de estímulos de conteúdo aversivo, subliminares e supraliminares, sobre a cognição, pela análise do desempenho em tarefa de atenção. Três tarefas experimentais foram realizadas por 35 indivíduos em laboratório de neuropsicologia: a tarefa base onde testamos à detecção de alvo visual simples, e a mesma tarefa de base, porém com estímulos distratores aversivos intercalados, de forma supraliminar ou subliminar (500 ms ou 50 ms de duração), em blocos aleatorizados entre os indivíduos. Calcularam-se índices de detectabilidade e critério de resposta, que serviram para a comparação estatística entre condições (medidas repetidas). Os resultados mostram uma mudança significativa do índice critério , indicando mudança de estratégia na presença de distratores subliminares aversivos. Concluiu-se que a tarefa subliminar fez um efeito destruidor ou devastador na tarefa supraliminar, cometendo menos falso-alarmes protegendo a tarefa supraliminar, tendo um efeito protetor . Os resultados são discutidos no contexto da relevância de influências emocionais sobre o comportamento para a Psicologia da Saúde.
Esta tese revisou duas linhas de pesquisa, desenvolvidas nas últimas décadas: o estudo de efeitos de estimulação subliminar priming , e de desencadeamento de reações emocionais por estímulos controlados. Este estudo tem o objetivo de combinar tais linhas para o estudo da consciência com pré-preparo afetivo: efeito de estímulos de conteúdo aversivo, subliminares e supraliminares, sobre a cognição, pela análise do desempenho em tarefa de atenção. Três tarefas experimentais foram realizadas por 35 indivíduos em laboratório de neuropsicologia: a tarefa base onde testamos à detecção de alvo visual simples, e a mesma tarefa de base, porém com estímulos distratores aversivos intercalados, de forma supraliminar ou subliminar (500 ms ou 50 ms de duração), em blocos aleatorizados entre os indivíduos. Calcularam-se índices de detectabilidade e critério de resposta, que serviram para a comparação estatística entre condições (medidas repetidas). Os resultados mostram uma mudança significativa do índice critério , indicando mudança de estratégia na presença de distratores subliminares aversivos. Concluiu-se que a tarefa subliminar fez um efeito destruidor ou devastador na tarefa supraliminar, cometendo menos falso-alarmes protegendo a tarefa supraliminar, tendo um efeito protetor . Os resultados são discutidos no contexto da relevância de influências emocionais sobre o comportamento para a Psicologia da Saúde.
An affective priming task was used to examine bias in the processing of threat-related material in 25 clinically anxious compared to 25 matched, non-anxious control children and young adolescents. No significant differences were found between anxious and non-anxious children in terms of priming effects. However, age-related differences were found depending upon the valence of the target, independent of anxiety status. Both younger (7-10 years) and older (11-14 years) children showed faster response times to pleasant targets when they were preceded by a congruent compared to incongruent stimulus, consistent with a traditional priming effect. For threat target stimuli, older children showed no difference in response latency according to the congruency of the prime-target valence. Younger children, in contrast, showed a reverse priming effect for threat target stimuli, with slower response times for threat-congruent trials than for threat targets preceded by a pleasant prime. Possible explanations for developmental differences in the processing of threat-related material are discussed.
The eye-blink startle reflex can be modulated by attentional and emotional processes. The reflex is facilitated during stimuli that engage attention. A linear pattern of emotional modulation has also been consistently demonstrated: the reflex is facilitated during unpleasant stimuli and attenuated during pleasant stimuli. However, during anticipation of pleasant or unpleasant stimuli it is unclear whether emotion or attention drives startle reflex modulation. This study used a differential learning procedure to investigate whether startle modulation during anticipation of a salient stimulus reflected emotional or attentional processes. In acquisition, a CS+ was paired with a pleasant or unpleasant US and a CS- was presented alone. In extinction, blink startle magnitude was measured during CS+ and CS-. Post-acquisition valence ratings and affective priming showed that CS+ had acquired the same affective value as the pleasant or unpleasant US with which it was paired. No differences in modulation of blink startle reflexes during pleasant CS+ and unpleasant CS+ were found throughout extinction. Blink startle facilitation occurred during CS+ but not CS- across the first third of extinction. Thus, attentional rather than emotional processes appeared to facilitate blink startle during anticipation of salient stimuli.
Affective learning, the acquisition of likes and dislikes, was investigated in two experiments using verbal ratings and affective priming as indices of affective change. In both experiments, neutral geometric shapes were paired with pleasant or unpleasant pictures in a picture-picture conditioning procedure to acquire positive and negative valence. Experiment 1 found the acquisition of positive valence; however, this valence change was lost after extinction training. Experiment 2 used more salient pictures as unconditioned stimuli. Positive and negative valence was acquired during paired presentations and retained across extinction training. The results of Experiment 2 are consistent with dual process accounts, which claim that evaluative conditioning is distinct from Pavlovian conditioning because it is resistant to extinction.
Esta tese revisou duas linhas de pesquisa, desenvolvidas nas últimas décadas: o estudo de efeitos de estimulação subliminar priming , e de desencadeamento de reações emocionais por estímulos controlados. Este estudo tem o objetivo de combinar tais linhas para o estudo da consciência com pré-preparo afetivo: efeito de estímulos de conteúdo aversivo, subliminares e supraliminares, sobre a cognição, pela análise do desempenho em tarefa de atenção. Três tarefas experimentais foram realizadas por 35 indivíduos em laboratório de neuropsicologia: a tarefa base onde testamos à detecção de alvo visual simples, e a mesma tarefa de base, porém com estímulos distratores aversivos intercalados, de forma supraliminar ou subliminar (500 ms ou 50 ms de duração), em blocos aleatorizados entre os indivíduos. Calcularam-se índices de detectabilidade e critério de resposta, que serviram para a comparação estatística entre condições (medidas repetidas). Os resultados mostram uma mudança significativa do índice critério , indicando mudança de estratégia na presença de distratores subliminares aversivos. Concluiu-se que a tarefa subliminar fez um efeito destruidor ou devastador na tarefa supraliminar, cometendo menos falso-alarmes protegendo a tarefa supraliminar, tendo um efeito protetor . Os resultados são discutidos no contexto da relevância de influências emocionais sobre o comportamento para a Psicologia da Saúde.
According to the sociometer hypothesis individuals with low self-esteem experience increased negative affect in response to negative social stimuli, even when these stimuli are not perceived consciously. Using an affective priming paradigm, the present study examined whether trait self-esteem would moderate mood following briefly presented facial expressions. Results from 43 undergraduates revealed that, after controlling for baseline mood, anxiety and depression, the degree of negative affect experienced by the participants following exposure to expressions of anger and disgust varied as a function of their self-esteem. Implications for individuals with low-self esteem and our understanding of the link between self-esteem and negative affect are discussed.
Fear relevance, the potential of a stimulus to become quickly associated with fear, is a characteristic assumed to have an evolutionary basis and to result in preferential processing. Previous research has shown that fear relevant stimuli share a number of characteristics, negative valence and preferential identification in a visual search task, for instance. The present research examined whether these two characteristics can be acquired by non-fear relevant stimuli (geometric shapes) as a result of Pavlovian fear conditioning. Two experiments employed an aversive learning paradigm with geometric shape CSs and a shock US, with stimulus ratings, affective priming and visual search performance assessed before and after acquisition and after extinction. Differential electrodermal responses, larger during CS1 than CS, were present during acquisition but not during extinction. Affective priming results suggest that the CS1 acquired negative valence during acquisition, which was lost during extinction. However, negative valence as indexed by more negative ratings for CS1 than for CS shapes seemed to survive extinction. Preferential attentional processing as indexed by faster detection of CS1 among CS shapes than vice versa on the visual search task also remained. The current research confirmed that characteristics of fear relevant stimuli can be acquired in an aversive learning episode and that they may be extinguished. This supports the proposal that fear relevance may be malleable through learning.
The current research explored the processes that predominate during the anticipation of an emotionally salient event. Experiment 1 (N536), employed three different conditional stimuli followed by pictorial pleasant, unpleasant or neutral unconditioned stimuli. Half the participants were trained with visual CSs, the other half with tactile CSs. In the group trained with visual CSs, startle eyeblinks were larger and faster during CSs that were paired with unpleasant pictures than CSs paired with neutral or pleasant pictures respectively, indicating an affect startle pattern. This linear trend was not found in the group trained with tactile CSs. Experiment 2 (N564) aimed to investigate whether the affective pattern found in the startle data in Experiment 1 could also be found using a behavioural measure of emotion. This time participants’ reaction time during a post-experimental affective priming taskwas used as dependantmeasure to assess the presence of emotional learning. Instead of a simple differential conditioning task, an occasion setting paradigm was employed and participants were trained using either a feature positive or feature negative design with pleasant or unpleasant picture USs. For participants trained with unpleasant USs, valence ratings collected before and after conditioning training suggested the presence of emotional learning, whereas no such pattern was found for participants trained with pleasant USs. These findings were not confirmed in the priming data.
Fear-relevant stimuli, such as snakes, spiders and heights, preferentially capture attention as compared to nonfear-relevant stimuli. This is said to reflect an encapsulated mechanism whereby attention is captured by the simple perceptual features of stimuli that have evolutionary significance. Research, using pictures of snakes and spiders, has found some support for this account; however, participants may have had prior fear of snakes and spiders that influenced results. The current research compared responses of snake and spider experts who had little fear of snakes and spiders, and control participants across a series of affective priming and visual search tasks. Experts discriminated between dangerous and nondangerous snakes and spiders, and expert responses to pictures of nondangerous snakes and spiders differed from those of control participants. The current results dispute that stimulus fear relevance is based purely on perceptual features, and provides support for the role of learning and experience.