985 resultados para Affect (Psychology) -- Congresses


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The study of emotion and affect on organizational settings has been steadily gaining momentum for much of the last decade. Important catalysts in this process have been the Emonet e-mail discussion group and the biannual International Conferences on Emotions and Organizational Life. The articles in this volume represent a selection of the best papers presented at the fourth Conference (which was conducted in London, England, in June, 2004), together with invited papers by some of the leading scholars in the field.
The theme of the book, "the effect of affect in organizations," was chosen to capture the centrality of emotion and affect in everyday organizational life. The opening chapter, co-authored by Howard Weiss, one of the inventors of "Affective Events Theory" (AET), sets the scene. At the heart of AET is the idea that organizational members experience daily hassles and uplifts that are reflected in their attitudes and behaviours. Following chapters flesh out the way that AET can be applied, covering a variety of constructs that relate to organizational life, including emotional intelligence, motivation, employee monitoring of web access, and emotional regulation. Other chapters deal with other aspects of emotion in organizations, such as loneliness, leader-member relationships in teams, organizational justice, negative behaviour, creativity, and organizational reactions to crisis situations. In the final chapter, Rob Briner and his colleagues round out the theme in a critical account of emotion in organizations.


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Recent research has demonstrated high levels of dieting, food preoccupation and muscle preoccupation in preadolescent children. In children, these attitudes and behaviours can constitute health risks. The design of appropriate intervention programs relies on empirical identification of the relevant risk factors. The current study was designed to investigate low self-esteem, perceived parental relations, perceived peer relations, negative affect, perfectionism and BMI as predictors of dieting, food preoccupation and muscle preoccupation in 8 to 10 year old children, over a 10 month period. The results demonstrate the importance of perfectionism as a predictor of dieting and muscle preoccupation in preadolescent boys.


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This thesis ratifies a tool for assessing affective-cognitive integration and techniques for affective-cognitive integration. It contributes to theories regarding responses to emotions triggering events, humanistic psychology and the field of emotional intelligence and provides a model of the psychology of the integration of affect and cognition.


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This thesis clarifies the processing routes through which Affect can influence global subjective well-being, and reveals that the strength of these processing routes is moderated by dispositional factors. This has important implications that furthers understanding in the field of subjective well-being. The portfolio focuses on the client characteristics that are indicated to be influential upon the effectiveness, and thus the suitability of cognitive behavioural therapy. Four case studies are presented which illustrate how the suitability of CBT can be influenced by client factors.


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College students receive a wealth of information through electronic communications that they are unable to process efficiently. This information overload negatively impacts their affect, which is officially defined in the field of psychology as the experience of feeling or emotion. To address this problem, we postulated that we could create an application that organizes and presents incoming content in a manner that optimizes users’ ability to process information. First, we conducted surveys that quantitatively measured each participant’s psychological affect while handling electronic communications, which was used to tailor the features of the application to what the user’s desire. After designing and implementing the application, we again measured the user's affect using this product. Our goal was to find that the program promoted a positive change in affect. Our application, Brevitus, was able to match Gmail on affect reduction profiles, while succeeding in implementing certain user interface specifications.


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Breu crònica de la XIV i XV Setmana psicològica


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Síntesi del procés d’elaboració del DVD adreçat a nois i noies adolescents per a treballar les qüestions sexuals i afectives en contextos educatius. Fa una anàlisi dels aspectes més rellevants, des d’una perspectiva educativa. El projecte neix de les pràctiques realitzades a l’Equip Municipal de Promoció de la Salut de l’Ajuntament de Girona, amb l’objectiu de ser utilitzat com a recurs didàctic


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The affective component of Subjective Wellbeing (SWB) was investigated according to the Circumplex model of affect. Structural equation modelling demonstrated that affect is the dominant component of SWB and it is concluded that core affect is the central component of SWB, and the driving force behind SWB homeostasis.


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This thesis quantifies the normative characteristics of Subjective Wellbeing amongst Australian high-school age students using the Personal Wellbeing Index adapted for school children. No previous study has undertaken this task. The results confirm the homeostatic model and corroborate previous research suggesting that Subjective Wellbeing is a construct driven primarily by Core Affect.


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This thesis examined the subjective emotional responses of women to depictions of violent and sexually violent film. Findings highlighted the significance of contextual factors, such as the gender of the perpetrator and victim upon viewers, and found that exposure to sexual violence in the media has important implications for women. The portfolio's four case studies demonstrate the complexities involved in making risk judgements and treatment planning given the diversity of offences and needs, as well as the implications these decisions can have when determining the amenability of offenders to specific sex offender treatment.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Individuals often pursue activities for which they are passionate about, and this passion is operationalized as being harmonious (an autonomous desireto engage in the activity) or obsessive (a controlled desire to engage in the activity) in nature (Vallerand et al., 2003). With regard to harmonious passion, Vallerand et al. (2003) suggests that it is fostered in environments that nurture innate needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The purpose of the present study was to explore the nature of the passion-basic psychological needs (competence, autonomy, relatedness) relationship. Kinesiology students (N = 917; Mage = 18.54 SD = 1.66) completed the Passion Scale (Vallerand et al., 2003) and the Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale (Wilson et al., 2006). Results from the SEM path analysis indicated that harmonious passion was positively related to competence (SPE = .43) and relatedness (SPE = .43) and obsessive passion was negatively related to autonomy (SPE = -.18)(CFI = .90, RMSEA = .07, SRMR = .07). Implications for exercise participation/enjoyment are discussed.