291 resultados para Aegirine


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Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe ore deposit is the largest REE deposit in the world. Owing to its unique type and tremendous economic value, this deposit has widely attracted interests from geological researchers and vast amount of scientific data have been accumulated. However, its genesis, especially ore-forming age and REE sources, have been under dispute for a long time. On the basis of previous research works, this paper mainly conducts studies on the Early Paleozoic ore-forming event in the Bayan Obo deposit. The following results and conclusions can be suggested: Sm-Nd isotopic analytical results of bastnaesite, beloeilite, albite and fluorite samples from a coarse-crystalline ore lode present an isochron age of 436±35Ma. Besides, Rb-Sr isotope dating of the coarse-crystalline biotite lode that intruded into banded ores gives an isochron age of 459±39Ma. The two ages verify the exist of Early Paleozoic ore-forming event at Bayan Obo, which characterized by extensive netted mineralization of REE fluorocarbonates, aeschynite and monazite, accompanied by widely fluorite-riebeckite-aegirine-apatite alteration. Sr-Nd isotope composition of vein minerals is located between EMI and ancient lower crust component in the ISr(t)-εNd(t) correlation diagram, indicating that there is a crustal contamination during veined mineralization. A large area late Paleozoic granitoids are distributed in the southeast region of east open pit of the mine. The granitoids intruded directly into the ore-bearing dolomite, and produced intense skarnization. Moreover, at 650-660m of the drill core on 22 line and 1598m level flat in the south of East Open Pit, we firstly found skarnization rocks. Single grain and low background Rb-Sr isochrone dating on phlogopite in skarn gives 309±12Ma. Considering the intruded contacting relationship, the late Paleozoic granitoids, already extended to the under part of REE ore bodies, must be posterior to the latest intense REE mineralization, and is only a destructive tectonic and magmatic activity. Fluid inclusion types of fluorite in the Bayan Obo deposit consist of multiphase daughter mineral-bearing inclusion, two or three phase CO2-bearing inclusion and two phase aqueous inclusion. Petrography, laser Raman analysis and microthermometry study indicate that the fluids involving in REE-Nb-Fe mineralization at Bayan Obo might be mainly of H2O-CO2-NaCl-(F-REE) system. The presence of REE-carbonate as a daughter mineral in fluid inclusions shows that the original ore-forming fluids are rich in REE elements.


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The Early Cretaceous alkaline magmatism in the northeastern region of Paraguay (Amambay Province) is represented by stocks, plugs, dikes, and dike swarms emplaced into Carboniferous to Triassic-Jurassic sediments and Precambrian rocks. This magmatism is tectonically related to the Ponta Pora Arch, a NE-trending structural feature, and has the Cerro Sarambi and Cerro Chiriguelo carbonatite complexes as its most significant expressions. Other alkaline occurrences found in the area are the Cerro Guazu and the small bodies of Cerro Apua, Arroyo Gasory, Cerro Jhu, Cerro Tayay, and Cerro Teyu. The alkaline rocks comprise ultramafic-mafic, syenitic, and carbonatitic petrographic associations in addition to lithologies of variable composition and texture occurring as dikes; fenites are described in both carbonatite complexes. Alkali feldspar and clinopyroxene, ranging from diopside to aegirine, are the most abundant minerals, with feldspathoids (nepheline, analcime), biotite, and subordinate Ti-rich garnet; minor constituents are Fe-Ti oxides and cancrinite as the main alteration product from nepheline. Chemically, the Amambay silicate rocks are potassic to highly potassic and have miaskitic affinity, with the non-cumulate intrusive types concentrated mainly in the saturated to undersaturated areas in silica syenitic fields. Fine-grained rocks are also of syenitic affiliation or represent more mafic varieties. The carbonatitic rocks consist dominantly of calciocarbonatites. Variation diagrams plotting major and trace elements vs. SiO(2) concentration for the Cerro Sarambi rocks show positive correlations for Al(2)O(3), K(2)O, and Rb, and negative ones for TiO(2), MgO, Fe(2)O(3), CaO, P(2)O(5), and Sr, indicating that fractional crystallization played an important role in the formation of the complex. Incompatible elements normalized to primitive mantle display positive spikes for Rb, La, Pb, Sr, and Sm, and negative for Nb-Ta, P, and Ti, as these negative anomalies are considerably more pronounced in the carbonatites. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns point to the high concentration of these elements and to the strong LRE/HRE fractionation. The Amambay rocks are highly enriched in radiogenic Sr and have T(DM) model ages that vary from 1.6 to 1.1 Ga. suggesting a mantle source enriched in incompatible elements by metasomatic events in Paleo-Mesoproterozoic times. Data are consistent with the derivation of the Cerro Sarambi rocks from a parental magma of lamprophyric (minette) composition and suggest an origin by liquid immiscibility processes for the carbonatites. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We used the fabrics of two granite plutons and U/Pb (SHRIMP) zircon ages to constrain the tectonic evolution of the E-trending Patos shear zone (Borborema Province, NE Brazil). The pre-tectonic Teixeira batholith consists of an amphibole leucogranite locally with aegirine-augite. Zircons from a syenogranite yielded crystallization ages of 591 +/- 5 Ma. The batholith fabrics were determined by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and mineral shape preferred orientation. The fabrics support pre-transcurrent batholith emplacement, as evidenced by: (i) magmatic/magnetic fabrics in low susceptibility (<0.35 mSI) leucogranites highly discordant to the regional host rock structure, and (ii) concordant magnetic fabrics restricted to high susceptibility (>1 mSI) corridors connected to shear zones branching off from Patos. One of these satellite shear zones controlled the syntectonic emplacement of the Serra Redonda pluton, which yields a crystallization age of 576 +/- 3 Ma. This late shearing event marks the peak regional deformation that, south of Patos, was coupled to crustal shortening nearly perpendicular to the shear belt. The chronology of the deformational events indicates that the major shear zones of the eastern Borborema are late structures active after the crustal blocks amalgamated. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The area studied is located on the north-easternmost portion of the Borborema Province, on the so-called São José de Campestre Massif, States of RN and PB, Northeast Brazil. Field relations and petrographic, geochemical and isotope data permitted the separation of five suites of plutonic rocks: alkali-feldspar granite (Caxexa Pluton), which constitutes the main subject of this dissertation, amphibole-biotite granite (Cabeçudo Pluton), biotite microgranite, gabbronorite to monzonite (Basic to Intermediate Suite) and aluminous granitoid. The Caxexa Pluton is laterally associated to the Remígio Pocinhos Shear Zone, with its emplacement along the mylonitic contact between the gneissic basement and the micashists. This pluton corresponds to a syntectonic intrusion elongated in the N-S direction, with about 50 km2 of outcropping surface. It is composed exclusively of alkali-feldspar granites, having clinopyroxene (aegirine-augite and hedenbergite), andradite-rich garnet, sphene and magnetite. It is classified geochemically as high silica rocks (>70 % wt), metaluminous to slightly peraluminous (normative corindon < 1%), with high total alkalis (>10% wt), Sr, iron number (#Fe=90-98) and agpaitic index (0.86-1.00), and positive europium anomaly. The Cabeçudo Pluton is composed of porphyritic rocks, commonly containing basic to intermediate magmatic enclaves often with mingling and mixing textures. Petrographically, it presents k-feldspar and plagioclase phenocrysts as the essential minerals, besides the accessories amphibole, biotite, sphene and magnetite. It is metaluminous and shows characteristics transitional between the calc-alkaline and alkaline series (or monzonitic subalkaline). Its REE content is greater than those ones of the Caxexa Pluton and biotite microgranite, and all spectra have negative europium anomalies. The biotite microgranites occur mainly on the central and eastern portion of the mapped area, as dykes and sheets with decimetric thickness, hosted principally in orthogneisses and micashists. Their field relationships as regards the Caxexa and Cabeçudo plutons suggested that they are late-tectonic intrusions. They are typically biotite granites, having also sphene, amphibole, allanite, opaques and zircon in the accessory assemblage. Geochemically they can be distinguished from the porphyritic types because the biotite microgranites are more evolved, peraluminous, and have more fractionated REE spectra. The Basic to Intermediate rocks form a volumetrically expressive elliptical, kilometric scale body on the Southeast, as well as sheets in micashists. They are classified as gabbronorites to monzonites, with the two pyroxenes and biotite, besides subordinated amounts of amphibole, sphene, ilmenite and allanite. These rocks do not show a well-defined geochemical trend, however they may possibly represent a monzonitic (shoshonitic) series. Their REE spectra have negative europium anomalies and REE contents greater than the other suites. The aluminous granitoids are volumetrically restricted, and have been observed in close association with migmatised micashists bordering the gabbronorite pluton. They are composed of almandine-rich garnet, andalusite, biotite and muscovite, and are akin to the peraluminous suites. Rb-Sr (whole rock) and Sm-Nd (whole-rock and mineral) isotopes furnished a minimum estimate of the crystallization (578±14 Ma) and the final resetting age of the Rb-Sr system (536±4 Ma) in the Caxexa Pluton. The aluminous granitoid has a Sm-Nd garnet age similar to that one of the Caxexa Pluton, that is 574±67 Ma. The strong interaction of shear bands and pegmatite dykes favoured the opening of the Rb-Sr system for the Caxexa Pluton and biotite microgranite. The amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer and the Al-in amphibole geobarometer indicate minimum conditions of 560°C and 7 kbar for the Cabeçudo Pluton, 730°C and 6 kbar for the microgranite and 743°C and 5 kbar for the basic to intermediate suite. The Zr saturation geothermometer reveals temperatures of respectively 855°C, 812°C and 957°C for those suites, whereas the Caxexa Pluton shows temperatures of around 757°C. The Caxexa, Cabeçudo and microgranites suites crystallized under high fO2 (presence of magnetite). On the other hand, the occurrence of ilmenite suggests less oxidant conditions in the basic to intermediate suite. Field relations demonstrate the intrusive character of the granitoids into a tectonically relatively stable continental crust. This is corroborated by petrographic and geochemical data, which suggest a late- or post-collisional tectonic context. It follows that the generation and emplacement of those granitoid suites is related to the latest events of the Brasiliano orogeny. Finally, the relationships between eNd (600 Ma), TDM (Nd) and initial Sr isotope ratio (ISr) do not permit to define the precise sources of the granitoids. Nevertheless, trace element modelling and isotopic comparisons suggest the participation of the metasomatised mantle in the generation of these suites, probably modified by different degrees of crustal contamination. In this way, a metasomatised mantle would not be a particular characteristic of the Neoproterozoic lithosphere, but a remarkable feature of this portion of the Borborema Province since Archaean and Paleoproterozoic times.


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The Brasiliano Cycle in the Seridó Belt (NE Brazil) is regarded mostly as a crustal reworking event, characterized by transcurrent or transpressional shear zones which operated under high temperature and low pressure conditions. In the eastern domain of this belt- the so-called São José de Campestre Massif (SJCM), a transtensional deformation regime is evidenced by extensional components or structures associated to the strikeslip shear zones. The emplacement of the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano granitoids is strongly controled by these discontinuities. Located in the southern border of the SJCM, the Remígio-Pocinhos shear zone (RPSZ) displays, in its northern half, top to the SW extensional movement which progressively grade, towards its southern half, to a dextral strike-slip kinematics, defining a negative semi-flower structure. This shear zone is overprinted upon allocthonous metasediments of the Seridó Group and an older gneiss-migmatite complex, both of which containing metamorphic parageneses from high amphibolite to granulite facies (the latter restricted to the strike-slip zone), defining the peak conditions of deformation. Several granitoid plutons are found along this structure, emplaced coeval with the shearing event. Individually, such bodies do not exceed 30 km2 in outcropping area and are essentially parallel to the trend of the shear zone. Petrographic, textural and geochemical data allow to recognize five different granitoid suites along the RPSZ: porphyritic granites (Serra da Boa Vista and Jandaíra), alkaline granites (Serra do Algodão and Serra do Boqueirão) and medium to coarse-grained granites (Olivedos) as major plutons, while microgranite and aluminous leucogranite sheets occur as minor intrusions. The porphyritic granites are surrounded by metasediments and present sigmoidal or en cornue shapes parallel to the trend of the RPSZ, corroborating the dextral kinematics. Basic to intermediate igneous enclaves are commonly associated to these bodies, frequently displaying mingling textures with the host granitoids. Compositionally these plutons are made up by titanite-biotite monzogranites bearing amphibole and magnetite; they are peraluminous and show affinities to the monzonitic, subalkaline series. Peraluminous, ilmenite-bearing biotite monzogranites and titanite-biotite monzogranites correspond, respectivally, to the Olivedos pluton and the microgranites. The Olivedos body is hosted by metasediments, while the microgranites intrude the gneiss-migmatite complex. Being highly evolved rocks, samples from these granites plot in the crustal melt fields in discrimination diagrams. Nevertheless, their subtle alignment also looks consistent with a monzonitic, subalkaline affinity. These chemical parameters make them closer to the I-type granites. Alkaline, clearly syntectonic granites are also recognized along the RPSZ. The Serra do Algodão and Serra do Boqueirão bodies display elongated shapes parallel to the mylonite belt which runs between the northern, extensional domain and the southern strike-slip zone. The Serra do Algodão pluton shows a characteristic isoclinal fold shape structure. Compositionally they encompass aegirine-augite alkali-feldspar granites and quartz-bearing alkaline syenite bearing garnet (andradite) and magnetite plus ilmenite as opaque phases. These rocks vary from meta to peraluminous, being correlated to the A-type granites. Aluminous leucogranites bearing biotite + muscovite ± sillimanite ± garnet (S-type granites) are frequent but not volumetrically important along the RPSZ. These sheet-like bodies may be folded or boudinaged, representing partial melts extracted from the metasediments during the shear zone development. Whole-rock Rb-Sr isotope studies point to a minimum 554��10 Ma age for the crystalization of the porphyritic granites. The alkaline granites and the Olivedos granite produced ca. 530 Ma isochrons which look too young; such values probably represent the closure of the Rb-Sr radiometric clock after crystallization and deformation of the plutons, at least 575 Ma ago (Souza et al. 1998). The porphyritic and the alkaline granites crystallized under high oxygen fugacity conditions, as shown by the presence of both magnetite and hematite in these rocks. The presence of ilmenite in the Olivedos pluton suggests less oxidizing conditions. Amphibole and amphibole-plagioclase thermobarometers point to minimum conditions, around 750°C and 6 Kbars, for the crystallization of the porphyritic granites. The zirconium geothermometer indicates higher temperatures, in the order of 800°C, for the porphyritic granites, and 780°C for the Olivedos pluton. Such values agree with the thermobarometric data optained for the country rocks (5,7 Kbar and 765°C; Souza et al. 1998). The geochemical and isotope data set point to a lower crustal source for the porphyritic and the alkaline granites. Granulite facies quartz diorite to tonalite gneisses, belonging or akin to the gneiss-migmatite complex, probably dominate in the source regions. In the case of the alkaline rocks, subordinate contributions of mantle material may be present either as a mixing magma or as a previously added component to the source region. Tonalite to granodiorite gneisses, with some metasedimentary contribution, may be envisaged for the Olivedos granite. The diversity of granitoid rocks along the RPSZ is explained by its lithospheric dimension, allowing magma extraction at different levels, from the middle to lower crust down to the mantle. The presence of basic to intermediate enclaves, associated to the porphyritic granites, confirm the participation of mantle components in the magma extraction system along the RPSZ. This mega-structure is part of the network of Brasiliano-age shear zones, activated by continental collision and terrane welding processes at the end of the Neoproterozoic


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The Cretaceous Banhado alkaline complex in southeastern Brazil presents two potassic SiO2-undersaturated series. The high-Ca magmatic series consist of initially fractionated olivine (Fo(92-91)) + diopside (Wo(48-43)En(49-35)Ae(0-7)), as evidenced by the presence of xenocrysts and xenoliths. In that sequence, diopside (Wo(47-38)En(46-37)Ae(0-8)) + phlogopite + apatite + perovskite (Prv(> 92)) crystallized to form the phlogopite melteigite and led to the Ca enrichment of the magma. Diopside (Wo(47-41)En(32-24) Ae(3-14)) continued to crystallize as an early mafic mineral, followed by nepheline (Ne(74.8-70.1)Ks(26.3-21.2)Qz(7.6-0.9)) and leucite (Lc(65-56)) and subsequently by melanite and potassic feldspar (Or(85-99)Ab(1-7)) to form melanite ijolites, wollastonite-melanite urtites and melanite-nepheline syenites. Melanite-pseudoleucite-nepheline syenites are interpreted to be a leucite accumulation. Melanite nephelinite dykes are believed to represent some of the magmatic differentiation steps. The low-Ca magmatic series is representative of a typical fractionation of aegirine-augite (Wo(36-29)En(25-4)Ae(39-18)) + alkali feldspar (Or(57-96)Ab(3-43)) + nepheline (Ne(76.5-69.0)Ks(19.9-14.4)Qz(15.1-7.7)) + titanite from phonolite magma. The evolution of this series from potassic nepheline syenites to sodic sodalite syenites and sodalitolites is attributed to an extensive fractionation of potassic feldspar, which led to an increase of the NaCl activity in the melt during the final stages forming sodalite-rich rocks. Phonolite dykes followed a similar evolutionary process and also registered some crustal assimilation. The mesocratic nepheline syenites showed interactions with phlogopite melteigites, such as compatible trace element enrichments and the presence of diopside xenocrysts, which were interpreted to be due to a mixing/mingling process of phonolite and nephelinite magmas. The geochemical data show higher TiO2 and P2O5 contents and lower SiO2 contents for the high-Ca series and different LILE evolution trends and REE chondrite-normalized patterns as compared to the low-Ca series. The Sr-87/Sr-86, Nd-143/Nd-144, Pb-206/Pb-204 and Pb-208/Pb-204 initial ratios for the high-Ca series (0.70407-0.70526, 0.51242-0.51251, 17.782-19.266 and 38.051-39.521, respectively) were slightly different from those of the low-Ca series (0.70542-0.70583, 0.51232-0.51240, 17.758-17.772 and 38.021-38.061, respectively). For both series, a CO2-rich potassic metasomatized lithospheric mantle enriched the source with rutile-bearing phlogopite clinopyroxenite veins. Kamafugite-like parental magma is attributed to the high-Ca series with major contributions from the melting of the veins. Potassic nephelinite-like parental magma is assigned to the low-Ca series, where the metasomatized wall-rock played a more significant role in the melting process.


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Hyalotekite, a framework silicate of composition (Ba,Pb,K)(4)(Ca,Y)(2)Si-8(B,Be)(2) (Si,B)(2)O28F, is found in relatively high-temperature(greater than or equal to 500 degrees C) Mn skarns at Langban, Sweden, and peralkaline pegmatites at Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan. A new paragenesis at Dara-i-Pioz is pegmatite consisting of the Ba borosilicates leucosphenite and tienshanite, as well as caesium kupletskite, aegirine, pyrochlore, microcline and quartz. Hyalotekite has been partially replaced by barylite and danburite. This hyalotekite contains 1.29-1.78 wt.% Y2O3, equivalent to 0.172-0.238 Y pfu or 8-11% Y on the Ca site; its Pb/(Pb+Ba) ratio ranges 0.36-0.44. Electron microprobe F contents of Langban and Dara-i-Pioz hyalotekite range 1.04-1.45 wt.%, consistent with full occupancy of the F site. A new refinement of the structure factor data used in the original structural determination of a Langban hyalotekite resulted in a structural formula, (Pb1.96Ba1.86K0.18)Ca-2(B1.76Be0.24)(Si1.56B0.44)Si8O28F, consistent with chemical data and all cations with positive-definite thermal parameters, although with a slight excess of positive charge (+57.14 as opposed to the ideal +57.00). An unusual feature of the hyalotekite framework is that 4 of 28 oxygens are non-bridging; by merging these 4 oxygens into two, the framework topology of scapolite is obtained. The triclinic symmetry of hyalotekite observed at room temperature is obtained from a hypothetical tetragonal parent structure via a sequence of displacive phase transitions. Some of these transitions are associated with cation ordering, either Pb-Ba ordering in the large cation sites, or B-Be and Si-B ordering on tetrahedral sites. Others are largely displacive but affect the coordination of the large cations (Pb, Ba, K, Ca). High-resolution electron microscopy suggests that the undulatory extinction characteristic of hyalotekite is due to a fine mosaic microstructure. This suggests that at least one of these transitions occurs in nature during cooling, and that it is first order with a large volume change. A diffuse superstructure observed by electron diffraction implies the existence of a further stage of short-range cation ordering which probably involves both (Pb,K)-Ba and (BeSi,BB)-BSi.


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Pyroxenes constitute an important component in mafic igneous and metamorphic rocks. They often possess a prismatic habit, and their long axis, the crystallographic c axis, helps define a lineation in a textured rock. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) serves as a fabric indicator in igneous and metamorphic rocks. If a rock’s AMS is carried by pyroxenes, it can be related to their crystallographic preferred orientation and degree of alignment. This requires knowing the intrinsic AMS of pyroxene single crystals. This study provides a comprehensive low-field and high-field AMS investigation of chemically diverse orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene crystals in relation to crystal structure, chemical composition, oxidation state of Fe, and the possible presence of ferromagnetic inclusions. The paramagnetic anisotropy, extracted from high-field data, shows clear relationships to crystallographic directions and Fe concentration both in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. In the diopside-augite series, the intermediate susceptibility is parallel to b, and the maximum is at 45° to the c axis. In aegirine, the intermediate axis remains parallel to b, while the maximum susceptibility is parallel to c. The AMS of spodumene depends on Fe concentration. In enstatite, the maximum susceptibility aligns with c and the minimum with b, and in the case of hypersthene, the maximum susceptibility is normal to the exsolution lamellae. Magnetite inclusions within augite possess a ferromagnetic anisotropy with consistent orientation of the principal susceptibilities, which dominates the low-field anisotropy. These results provide better understanding of magnetic anisotropy in pyroxenes and form a solid basis for interpretation of magnetic fabrics in pyroxene-bearing rocks.


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Sixty-four volcanic chists, sandstones and tephras between 5.95 and 618.19 meters below sea floor (mbsf) in the Cape Roberts Project cores 2 and 2A cores (CRP-2/2A) were examined for Cenozoic and Mesozoic volcanic components, using optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Minerals and glass shards in a selection of samples were analysed by electron microprobe fined with an EDAX detector. Laser-Ablation ICP-Mass-Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to determine rare earth elements and 14 additional trace elements in glass shards, pyroxenes and feldspars in order to pin-point the onset of McMurdo Volcanic Group (MVG) activity in the stratigraphic column. Pumices in tephra layers of peralkaline phonolite composition in Unit 7.2 -between 108 and 114 mbsf - were also analysed for trace elements by ICP-MS. This tephra unit is not reworked and its isotopic age (21.44 ± 0.05 Ma) is the age of deposition. The height of the eruptive column responsible for the deposition of the tephra was probably less than 8 km; the source was local, probably within 30 km from the drill site. Phonolite of unit 7.2 of CRP-2/2A has no direct petrogenetic relation with the peralkaline trachyte in the tephra-enriched layer of CRP-1 at 116.55 mbsf. Volcanic clasts and sand grains (glass shards, aegirine-augite, anorthoclase) related to Cenozoic activity of MVG were observed only starting from Unit 9.8, where they are dated at 24.22 ± 0.06 Ma at c. 280 mbsf. In this unit the lowest- occurring basaltic glass shard is found at 297.54 mbsf. Sampled McMurdo volcanics are generally vesicular and vary in composition from alkali basalt to trachyte and peralkaline phonolite. By contrast, below 320 mbsf, aphyric or slightly-porphyritic volcanic clasts become more abundant but they are all non-vesiculated, pigeconite and ilmenite-bearing basalts and dolerite of tholeiitic affinity. These rocks are considered to be related to lava flows and associated intrusions of Jurassic age (Kirkpatrick basalts and Ferrar dolerite). As in CRP-1, McMurdo volcanics appear to derive from a variety of lithologics. Besides glaciers, a dominant role of wind transportation from exposed volcanic rocks may be inferred from the contemporary occurrence of glass shards of different compositions at depths above 297.54 mbsf. These data confirm that the onset of magmatic activity in southern Victoria Land is considerably delayed (by about 24 Ma) with respect to northern Victoria Land.