840 resultados para Advertising Agencies
The availability of new media as a universal communication tool has an impact on the power of the general public to comment on a variety of issues. This paper examines this increase in consumer power with respect to bloggers. The research context is controversial advertising, and specifically Tourism Australia’s “Where the bloody hell are you?” campaign. By utilising Denegri-Knott’s (2006) four on-line power strategies, a content analysis of weblogs reveals that consumers are distributing information, opinion and even banned advertising material, thereby forming power hubs of like-minded people, with the potential to become online pressure groups. The consequences and implications of this augmented power on regulators, advertisers and bloggers are explored. The findings contribute to the understanding of blogs as a new communication platform and bloggers as a new demographic of activists in the process of advertising.
The tough competition in the global and national markets and new trends in consumerism resulted in an increase in the volume of advertisements. Sometimes advertisers are successful in achieving their intended objectives with a particular advertisement and sometimes they are not .These factors contributed a lot towards the decision making problems of advertising agencies with regard to the selection of appropriate advertising strategies and tactics. The tough competition and large volume of advertising make the consumers confused and this even created doubts in the minds of consumers about the genuineness and reliability of manufacturers and products. These factors caused a query regarding the active role of credibility element in advertising. The proposed study examines the effects of advertising credibility in consumer health care non durable product advertising on communication effect, purchase behavior and ad skepticism. This paper examines the need for the study of advertising credibility and reviews the advertising- consumer behaviour- credibility – healthcare theories which form a basis for the study. It identifies the different components and dimensions of advertising credibility and the importance of communication effect, purchase behavior and ad skepticism. It also studies the relevance of credibility in the consumer healthcare products advertising and suggests a Theoretical Framework for the proposed study
Os investimentos com publicidade na Internet como uma percentagem das despesas totais de publicidade variam significativamente de um país para outro. O número é tão baixo quanto 4,7% no mercado brasileiro e tão alto como 28,5% no mercado britânico (ZenithOptimedia, 2011b). Algumas razões explicam tal disparidade. No nível macro, a participação dos gastos com publicidade na Internet está fortemente ligada a variáveis como o produto interno bruto per capita e à penetração da Internet na população. No nível micro, uma pesquisa qualitativa foi feita para identificar os fatores que contribuem e inibem o crescimento da participação da publicidade online no mercado brasileiro. A vasta lista de inibidores parece ter profundo impacto sobre como os profissionais de mercado tomar decisões de alocação de investimento em publicidade por tipo de mídia. Devido à legislação, à auto-regulamentação e às dinâmicas da indústria, grande parte da tomada de decisão é realizada por agências de publicidade. Estas parecem ter fortes incentivos econômicos para selecionar outros tipos de mídia e não a Internet ao definir planos de mídia. Ao mesmo tempo, a legislação e a auto-regulamentação fornecem desincentivos para corretores de mídia a operar no mercado local. A falta de profissionais qualificados e a padronização limitada também desempenham papéis importante para inibir uma maior participação da Internet nos gastos com publicidade no Brasil. A convergência dos resultados quantitativos com os qualitativos indica possíveis motivos pelos quais a participação da publicidade online no Brasil é tão baixa. Em primeiro lugar, a participação é explicada pelo estágio de desenvolvimento dos países. Quanto mais rico e mais desenvolvido um país, maior a proporção de gastos com publicidade online tende a ser. Em segundo lugar, o estágio econômico emergente do Brasil potencialmente dá espaço para o aumento do ineficiências do mercado, tais como programas de descontos oferecidos de forma desproporcional para os principais decisores de alocação de investimentos de mídia. Este fato aparentemente produz um feedback negativo, contribuindo para manter a baixa participação da publicidade online no total dos investimentos publicitários.
Since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed in 2002, it has become commonplace in the advertising industry to use creativity-award-show prizes instead of gross income figures to attract new customers. Therefore, achieving a top creativity ranking and winning creativity awards have become high priorities in the advertising industry. Agencies and marketers have always wondered what elements in the advertising creation process would lead to the winning of creativity awards. Although this debate has been dominated by pure speculation about the success of different routines, approaches and strategies in winning creativity awards, for the first time our study delivers an empirical insight into the key drivers of creativity award success. We investigate what strategies and which elements of an advertising campaign are truly likely to lead to winning the maximum number of creativity awards. Using a sample of 108 campaigns, we identify factors that influence campaign success at international advertising award shows. We identify innovativeness and the integration of multiple channels as the key drivers of creativity award success. In contrast to industry beliefs, meaningful or personally connecting approaches do not seem to generate a significant benefit in terms of winning creativity awards. Finally, our data suggest that the use of so-called “fake campaigns” to win more creativity awards does not prove to be effective.
"This book is dedicated to the memory of Richard Dexter Knight and Frank Davenport Livermore on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the business which they founded"
Mode of access: Internet.
Immersive environments are part of a recent media innovation that allow users to become so involved within a computer-based simulated environment that they feel part of that virtual world (Grigorovici, 2003). A specific example is Second Life, which is an internet-based, three-dimensional immersive virtual world in which users create an online representation of themselves (an avatar) to play games and interact socially with thousands of people simultaneously. This study focuses on Second Life as an example of an immersive environment, as it is the largest adult freeform virtual world, home to 12 million avatars (IOWA State University, 2008). Already in Second Life there are more than 100 real-life brands from a range of industries, including automotive, professional services, and consumer goods and travel, among others (KZero, 2007; New Business Horizons, 2009). Compared to traditional advertising media, this interactive media can immerse users in the environment. As a result of this interactivity, users can become more involved with a virtual environment, resulting in prolonged usage over weeks, months and even years. Also, it can facilitate presence. Despite these developments, little is known about the effectiveness of marketing messages in a virtual world context. Marketers are incorporating products into Second Life using a strategy of online product placement. This study, therefore, explores the perceived effectiveness of online product placement in Second Life in terms of effects on product/brand recall, purchase intentions and trial. This research examines the association between individuals’ involvement with Second Life and online product placement effectiveness, as well as the relationship between individuals’ Second Life involvement and the effectiveness of online product placement. In addition, it investigates the association of immersion and product placement involvement. It also examines the impact of product placement involvement on online product placement effectiveness and the role of presence in affecting this relationship. An exploratory study was conducted for this research using semi-structured in-depth interviews face-to-face, email-based and in-world. The sample comprised 24 active Second Life users. Results indicate that product placement effectiveness is not directly associated with Second Life involvement, but rather effectiveness is impacted through the effect of Second Life involvement on product placement involvement. A positive relationship was found between individuals’ product placement involvement and online product placement effectiveness. Findings also indicate that online product placement effectiveness is not directly associated with immersion. Rather, it appears that effectiveness is impacted through the effect of immersion on product placement involvement. Moreover, higher levels of presence appear to have a positive impact on the relationship between product placement involvement and product placement effectiveness. Finally, a model was developed from this qualitative study for future testing. In terms of theoretical contributions, this study provides a new model for testing the effectiveness of product placement within immersive environments. From a methodological perspective, in-world interviews as a new research method were undertaken. In terms of a practical contribution, findings identified useful information for marketers and advertising agencies that aim to promote their products in immersive virtual environments like Second Life.
Social media enable advertising agencies to engage directly with the public by participating in-and observing-real conversations. The current study recruited a Delphi panel to explore how some of the world's leading advertising professionals view the use of social media to test, track, and evaluate advertising campaigns and how they identify related risks and ethical considerations. The findings suggest that agencies primarily use social media as a tool for understanding consumers and igniting insight, not as a means of testing creative ideas. The authors believe this research provides an important benchmark of agency best practice in social-media research and outlines ethical implications.
Nosso objetivo neste trabalho é investigar como o design gráfico se relaciona com os meios de produção da indústria gráfica brasileira. Não é comum encontrar referências abordando temas que relacionam design e tecnologia em livros sobre a história do Brasil, o que demonstra a urgência do resgate histórico de indústrias que implementaram novas tecnologias para atender a demandas projetuais e mercadológicas. Sediada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a clicheria Latt-Mayer como era comumente chamada, era sinônimo de qualidade e tecnologia. Entre seus clientes podemos apontar agências de publicidade, editoras, escritórios de designers e gráficas de todo país. Esta pesquisa se baseia em um corpus composto por imagens, documentos, manuais técnicos, reportagens, matrizes e depoimentos com pessoas que estiveram diretamente envolvidas com essa empresa. Catalogamos maquinaria e técnicas utilizadas, além de projetos gráficos relevantes que tiveram matrizes e provas produzidas na empresa. Por meio deste trabalho, é possível visualizar um abrangente painel histórico, que contempla um período em que ocorreram significativas transformações na relação entre designers e tecnologia na indústria gráfica brasileira.
Descripción del Negocio Kinderpup es una guardería para perros como mascota ubicada en el centro comercial Unicentro en la ciudad de Bogotá, creada para atender las necesidades de las personas propietarias de éstas mascotas, las cuales presentan inconvenientes al dar un paseo por varios lugares en los cuales no es permitido el acceso de estos animales. Los lugares más comunes son los centros comerciales, y es precisamente por esto que el proyecto se concentra en este tipo de establecimientos. El objetivo es ofrecer tranquilidad y comodidad a los usuarios de nuestros servicios, brindando atención y cariño a sus mascotas y entendiéndolas como parte importante de las familias. Para cumplir con nuestro objetivo, Kinderpup contará con personal calificado siempre dispuesto a prestar servicios de guardería, veterinaria, peluquería y entrenamiento, esenciales para mantener a las mascotas saludables, hermosas y felices. El servicio de peluquería incluye corte de pelo, arreglo de uñas y dientes; entrenamiento, incluye salida a pasear alrededor del centro comercial y adiestramiento por un entrenador capacitado. El servicio veterinario incluye diagnostico, historia clínica del canino, revisión general y recomendaciones. También se cuenta con artículos para la venta, concentrado y productos de estética animal, que podrán ser adquiridos por los usuarios de las mascotas en la sede de Kinderpup. Mercado En Colombia actualmente no existe un espacio adecuado para atender a las mascotas en los centros comerciales, aún se mantiene prohibido el acceso de animales a estos establecimientos y las personas propietarias de mascotas que frecuentan estos lugares plantean la necesidad de proporcionar un espacio para que puedan dejar sus animales allí. Dado a lo que sugiere el mercado potencial y a la localización central del centro comercial Unicentro, se da la oportunidad de ofrecer diferentes servicios además de guardería a las personas de estratos 4, 5 y 6 que frecuentan los centros comerciales y que necesitan un lugar de confianza para dejar a sus mascotas cuando tengan que salir y no los puedan llevar, quieran peluquear a su perro o adiestrarlo. De igual manera, este servicio es muy beneficioso para las personas que viven alrededor del centro comercial debido a que durante la semana tienen la preocupación de dejar a su mascota sola en casa o con una persona inexperta. Según el estudio de mercados, existe un porcentaje interesante de personas que visitan los establecimientos comerciales en fines de semana, el 26% de 100 personas encuestadas asisten al centro comercial entre 2 y 3 veces al mes y el 22%, van 4 veces al mes, además el 44% de los encuestados dicen que el centro comercial de su preferencia es Unicentro y una cifra todavía más significativa es que el 78% de las personas llevarían a su perro al centro comercial si esto no fuera prohibido. Operaciones El ciclo de servicio comienza a partir de que el cliente se acerca a solicitar información en la recepción de Kinderpup, al recibir un volante publicitario o comunicándose con nosotros por teléfono o email. A partir del momento en que las personas deseen dejar su mascota a nuestro cuidado, se procede a un acercamiento con la mascota que le proporcione tranquilidad tanto a la mascota como a su amo y, a continuación se ejecuta el servicio indicado según el caso. Equipo de Gestión El equipo gestor de Kinderpup estará formado por los siguientes integrantes: Silvia Valencia: Veterinaria, responsable de asesorar sobre el cuidado de las mascotas, las normas de higiene y protección y administrar la guardería. José Segura: Promotor de ventas encargado de hacer los contactos con las empresas proveedoras, agencias de publicidad y Unicentro. Ana María Romero: Directora encargada de dirigir a los empleados y de planear las estrategias de mercadeo y competitividad. Viabilidad económica La inversión a realizar es de $47’599.463, financiados en un 60% por una entidad financiera, se asume un incremento en ventas del 4% según la investigación de mercados, además un aumento de los costos y precios en un 3%. Tras este análisis podemos identificar los principales indicadores financieros que nos guiaran en la toma de decisión acerca de la viabilidad del mismo: Los flujos de caja que tenemos para obtener los anteriores indicativos son los siguientes: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $ -47.599.463,20 $ 17.056.542,57 $ 13.744.893,02 $ 25.924.959,20 $ 39.316.390,43 $ 52.499.868,67
It always has been a need for the abiltiy to create color proofs. When an error occurs late in the production process, itis allways complicated and difficult to correct the error. In this project, digital proofs been made and discussions havebeen held with several people in the printing industry, in order to examine how well excisting digital proofs, meet thedemand of the market. And how close the digital proofs can come to the actual printsheat from the press. The study hasbeen shown that the one thing that has had the most influence on the outcome for the quality of a digital proof, is theprintshop operator’s knowledge about color management and proofing systems. Many advertising agencies in the graphicindustry think rasterised proofs are not necessesary and expensive. Therefor they prefer a cheaper alternative, whichdoesn’t show colors as well as the rasterised proof, but well enough to be content with it. There are a good awarenessconcerning lack of communication between printshop, reproduction and advertising agency. Advertising agencies thinkthat printshop rarely listen to what they have to say, while the printshop think that the advertising agency doesn’t understandwhat they are trying to tell them. The outcome of the printed proofs in this study can’t be representive for howgood digital proofs are conducted in regular basis in the industry. The divergence between the print press sheat and thedigital proof that was made was bigger than expected. This shows that implementation of ICC profiles in a color managementflow, not alone is the answer to making perfect digital proofs. There are so many other issues that has to be examined,like color management software, measure tools and correct color management module. In order to make a perfectproof, you have to look at the whole picture. In the end, the human eye finally has the last word on wheather theproof is good or not.
Små reklambyråer har, i skuggan av den ekonomiska krisen, fått konkurrens om sina kunder av större reklambyråer och tryckerier. En lösning kan vara att skapa relationer till företag utanför närområdet. Internetbaserade verktyg för distanskommunikation skulle i sådana fall kunna erbjuda ett bra komplement till det fysiska mötet. Distanskommunikation är effektivt eftersom det bland annat ger minskad tidsåtgång för möten och minskade resekostnader. Denna typ av kommunikation kan dock innebära större risk för missförstånd, och färre tillfällen att bygga en personlig relation till kunden. Användningen av internetbaserade verktyg för att kommunicera på distans förväntas dock bli allt vanligare i framtiden, i takt med att utbudet av kommunikationsverktyg ökar. Huvudmålet med denna studie har därför varit att undersöka förutsättningarna för distanskommunikation mellan reklambyrå och kund. Syftet har varit att ta reda på hur för- och nackdelar med distanskommunikation värderas av respektive parter, samt vilket kommunikationssätt som de anser lämpar sig bäst vid olika arbetssteg. Detta undersöktes genom enkätundersökning till utvalda företag samt intervjuer med fyra mindre reklambyråer i Dalarna. Studiens resultat, visade tydligt att det personliga mötet är mycket viktigt, och att det inte kan ersättas av någon form av distanskommunikation. Däremot ansåg både företag och reklambyråer att verktyg för distanskommunikation kan användas vid arbetsmöten.
Studiens syfte var att undersöka byråanställda art directors och originalares olika perspektiv på och förhållningssätt till sin yrkesroll med särskilt fokus på kreativitet och kundrelationer.Nio semi-strukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes med sex art directors och fyra originalare. Respondenterna valdes ut genom ett kombinerat strategiskt bekvämlighetsurval från nio reklambyråer.Professionalism inom yrkesrollen visade sig vara något som respondenterna inte reflekterat över men det framkom att det främst handlar om hur art directors och originalare förhåller sig till kunden. Dessutom framkom det att respondenterna såg variation i arbetet som en positiv aspekt av yrket medan de såg prestationsångest och utomståendes oförståelse av yrket som negativa.Det framkom även att art directors och originalare i första hand ser på kreativitet som problemlösning, dock såg de olika på problemlösning i sina respektive roller. De använde sig av samma metoder för att finna inspirationsamt hanterade ångest på liknande sätt.Studien visade även att kunden och kundrelationen spelade en stor roll för yrket och ämnet berördes återkommande i respondenternas svar under intervjuernas gång. De använde sig av samma metoder för att finna inspiration
Syftet med denna studie var att genom semistrukturerade djupintervjuer, med särskild fokus på visuella gerillakampanjer, kartlägga de av byråerna benämnda karaktärsdragen för gerillakampanjer samt byråernas arbetssätt för dessa kampanjer.Fem semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes på respektive respondents arbetsplats utvalda genom ett kombinerat strategiskt och bekvämlighetsurval.Resultaten visade tydliga karaktärsdrag för en gerillakampanj. Utifrån dessa har följande definition tagits fram: en gerillakampanj kännetecknas av att den saknar köpt medieexponering och ofta karaktäriseras av en kreativ, ofta situations- och miljöanpassad, utformning som på egen hand väcker stort intresse eller uppmärksamhet relativt mot den nyttjade budgeten i syfte att skapa djupare relationer med mottagaren.Arbetssätten för en visuell gerillakampanj och vanliga gerillakampanjer skiljer sig inte nämnvärt mot arbetssätten för en traditionell reklamkampanj. Vid framtagandet av en gerillakampanj görs juridiska överväganden om huruvida lagöverträdelser kan komma att krävas. Det framkom även att spridningen i efterhand av en gerillakampanj var viktig för att få så stort genomslag som möjligt genom nyttjandet av traditionell media.