933 resultados para Adversarial principle


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A tese objetiva estruturar os pressupostos constitucionais impostos pelo conteúdo atual e humanizado do contraditório participativo às técnicas de sumarização da cognição. A primeira parte do estudo volta-se ao descortínio do papel do contraditório no sistema processual civil, do seu conteúdo mínimo atual, a partir da experiência internacional, em especial das Cortes de proteção dos direitos humanos, em confronto com o estágio evolutivo da jurisprudência brasileira. A segunda parte estuda as pressões exercidas pela celeridade sobre as fronteiras do contraditório, passando pelo exame dos dados disponibilizados pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça e por outros institutos, pelo conteúdo do direito à razoável duração dos processos, também com amparo na experiência das Cortes internacionais de proteção dos direitos humanos, com o exame detido das condenações impostas ao Brasil pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos e da urisprudência interna sobre o tema, que nega aos prejudicados o direito à reparação dos danos sofridos pelos retardos injustificados. Definidas as bases, segue-se a análise das técnicas de sumarização da cognição, seus fundamentos, objetivos e espécies. A cognição sumária é definida em contraposição à cognição plena, segundo a qual as partes podem exercer, plenamente, em Juízo, os direitos inerentes ao contraditório participativo. O último quadrante se volta à estruturação dos pressupostos constitucionais legitimadores do emprego das técnicas de sumarização da cognição, impostos pelo contraditório como freio às pressões constantes da celeridade. O emprego legítimo das técnicas de tutela diferenciadas que se valem da cognição sumária para acelerar os resultados pressupõe, no quadro constitucional atual, (i) a observância do núcleo essencial do contraditório, identificado na audiência bilateral, em todo o iter da relação processual, (ii) a predeterminação legislativa, para que os cortes cognitivos não venham a ser casuisticamente realizados, (iii) a oportunidade, assegurada às partes, para integrar o contraditório em outra fase ou processo, em cognição plena, bem como (iv) a manutenção do equilíbrio na estabilização dos resultados, não podendo a cognição sumária, porque marcada pela incompletude, ser exaustiva em si. Ao final, depois do exame do caráter renunciável das garantias, é realizada a análise de alguns institutos processuais vigentes, nos quais é possível verificar o traço da sumarização da cognição, seguida da indicação das correções legislativas necessárias à conformação dos modelos aos padrões legitimadores propostos, reequilibrando as bases do sistema processual civil.


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The global and increasingly technological society requires the States to adopt security measures that can maintain the balance between the freedom, on the one hand, and the security and the respect for fundamental rights of a democratic state, on the other. A State can only achieve this aim if it has an effective judicial system and in particular a criminal procedure adequate to the new criminogenic realities. In this context, the national legislator has adopted, following other international legal systems, special means of obtaining proof more stringent of rights. Within those special means are included the covert actions, that, being a means to use sparingly, is a key element to fight against violent and highly organized crime. Therefore, the undercover agent, voluntary by nature, develops a set of activities that enables the investigation to use other means of taking evidence and/or probationary diligences itself, with the purpose of providing sufficient proof to the case file. In this milieu, given the high risks involved during the investigation, as well as after its completion, the undercover agent can act upon fictitious identity. This measure can be maintained during the evidentiary phase of the trial. Similarly, given the latent threat that the undercover agent suffers by its inclusion in criminal organizations, as well as the need for his inclusion in future covert actions it is crucial that his participation as a witness in the trial is properly shielded. Thus, when the undercover agent provides, exceptionally, statements in the trial, he shall do so always through videoconference with voice and image distortion. This measure can guarantee the anonymity of the undercover agent and concomitantly, that the adversarial principle and the right of the accused to a fair trial is not prejudiced since, in those circumstances, the diligence will be supervised in its entirety (in the audience and with the undercover agent) by a judge.


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L’elaborato si occupa di fare il punto in materia di indagini difensive a tre lustri dall’entrata in vigore della legge n. 397/2000, epilogo di un lungo processo evolutivo che ha visto da un lato, una gestazione faticosa e travagliata, dall’altro, un prodotto normativo accolto dagli operatori in un contesto di scetticismo generale. In un panorama normativo e giurisprudenziale in continua evoluzione, i paradigmi dettati dagli artt. 24 e 111 della Costituzione, in tema di diritto alla difesa e di formazione della prova penale secondo il principio del contraddittorio tra le parti, in condizioni di parità, richiedono che il sistema giustizia offra sia all’indagato che all’imputato sufficienti strumenti difensivi. Tenuto conto delle diversità che caratterizzano naturalmente i ruoli dell’accusa e della difesa che impongono asimmetrie genetiche inevitabili, l’obiettivo della ricerca consiste nella disamina degli strumenti idonei a garantire il diritto alla prova della difesa in ogni stato e grado del procedimento, nel tentativo di realizzare compiutamente il principio di parità accusa - difesa nel processo penale. La ricerca si dipana attraverso tre direttrici: l’analisi dello statuto sulle investigazioni difensive nella sua evoluzione storica sino ai giorni nostri, lo studio della prova penale nel sistema americano e, infine, in alcune considerazioni finali espresse in chiave comparatistica. Le suggestioni proposte sono caratterizzate da un denominatore comune, ovvero dal presupposto che per contraddire è necessario conoscere e che solo per tale via sia possibile, finalmente, riconoscere il diritto di difendersi indagando.


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The compulsory dispute resolution requirements in family law parenting cases create new roles and obligations for both lawyers and family dispute resolution (FDR) practitioners. This article will discuss how the legislative provisions impact on both sets of professionals in practice. It will also highlight the increased non-adversarial role of lawyers and a new role for FDR practitioners as “gatekeepers” to family courts in cases requiring FDR certificates.


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Using the generative processes developed over two stages of creative development and the performance of The Physics Project at the Loft at the Creative Industries Precinct at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) from 5th – 8th April 2006 as a case study, this exegesis considers how the principles of contemporary physics can be reframed as aesthetic principles in the creation of contemporary performance. The Physics Project is an original performance work that melds live performance, video and web-casting and overlaps an exploration of personal identity with the physics of space, time, light and complementarity. It considers the acts of translation between the language of physics and the language of contemporary performance that occur via process and form. This exegesis also examines the devices in contemporary performance making and contemporary performance that extend the reach of the performance, including the integration of the live and the mediated and the use of metanarratives.


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This article is a response to Professor Keown’s criticism of my paper “Finding a Way Through the Ethical and Legal Maze: Withdrawal of Medical Treatment and Euthanasia” (2005) 13 (3) Medical Law Review 357. The article takes up and responds to a number of criticisms raised by Keown in an attempt to further the debate concerning the moral and legal status of withdrawing life-sustaining measures, its distinction from euthanasia, and the implications of the lawfulness of withdrawal for the principle of the sanctity of life.


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In many prediction problems, including those that arise in computer security and computational finance, the process generating the data is best modelled as an adversary with whom the predictor competes. Even decision problems that are not inherently adversarial can be usefully modeled in this way, since the assumptions are sufficiently weak that effective prediction strategies for adversarial settings are very widely applicable.


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In many prediction problems, including those that arise in computer security and computational finance, the process generating the data is best modelled as an adversary with whom the predictor competes. Even decision problems that are not inherently adversarial can be usefully modeled in this way, since the assumptions are sufficiently weak that effective prediction strategies for adversarial settings are very widely applicable.


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Software forms an important part of the interface between citizens and their government. An increasing amount of government functions are being performed, controlled, or delivered electronically. This software, like all language, is never value-neutral, but must, to some extent, reflect the values of the coder and proprietor. The move that many governments are making towards e-governance, and the increasing reliance that is being placed upon software in government, necessitates a rethinking of the relationships of power and control that are embodied in software.


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Late discovery is a term used to describe the experience of discovering the truth of one’s genetic origins as an adult. Following discovery, late discoverers face a lack of recognition and acknowledgment of their concerns from family, friends, community and institutions. They experience pain, anger, loss, grief and frustration. This presentation shares the findings of the first qualitative study of both late discovery of adoptive and donor insemination offspring (heterosexual couple use only) experiences. It is also the first study of late discovery experiences undertaken from an ethical perspective. While this study recruited new participants, it also included an ethical re-analysis of existing late discovery accounts across both practices. The findings of this study (a) draws links between past adoption and current donor insemination (heterosexual couple only) practices, (b) reveals that late discoverers are demanding acknowledgment and recognition of the particularity of their experiences, and (c) offers insights into conceptual understandings of the ‘best interests of the child’ principle. These insights derive from the lived experiences of those whose biological and social worlds have been sundered and secrecy and denial of difference used to conceal this. It suggests that acknowledging the equal moral status of the child may be useful in strengthening conceptual understandings of the ‘best interests of the child’ principle. This equal moral status involves ensuring that personal autonomy and the ability to exercise free will is protected; that the integrity of the relationships of trust expected and demanded between parent/s and children is defended and supported; and that equal access to normative socio-cultural practices, that is; non-fictionalised birth certificates and open records, is guaranteed.


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Schizophrenia is often characterised by diminished self-experience. This article describes the development and principles of a manual for a psychotherapeutic treatment model that aims to enhance self-experience in people diagnosed with schizophrenia. Metacognitive Narrative Psychotherapy draws upon dialogical theory of self and the work of Lysaker and colleagues, in conjunction with narrative principles of therapy as operationalised by Vromans. To date, no manual for a metacognitive narrative approach to the treatment of schizophrenia exists. After a brief description of narrative understandings of schizophrenia, the development of the manual is described. Five general phases of treatment are outlined: (1) developing a therapeutic relationship; (2) eliciting narratives; (3) enhancing metacognitive capacity; (4) enriching narratives, and; (5) living enriched narratives. Proscribed practices are also described. Examples of therapeutic interventions and dialogue are provided to further explain the application of interventions in-session. The manual has been piloted in a study investigating the effectiveness of Metacognitive Narrative Psychotherapy in the treatment of people diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders.