959 resultados para Advection-dispersion Equation


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In this paper we present the operational matrices of the left Caputo fractional derivative, right Caputo fractional derivative and Riemann–Liouville fractional integral for shifted Legendre polynomials. We develop an accurate numerical algorithm to solve the two-sided space–time fractional advection–dispersion equation (FADE) based on a spectral shifted Legendre tau (SLT) method in combination with the derived shifted Legendre operational matrices. The fractional derivatives are described in the Caputo sense. We propose a spectral SLT method, both in temporal and spatial discretizations for the two-sided space–time FADE. This technique reduces the two-sided space–time FADE to a system of algebraic equations that simplifies the problem. Numerical results carried out to confirm the spectral accuracy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. By selecting relatively few Legendre polynomial degrees, we are able to get very accurate approximations, demonstrating the utility of the new approach over other numerical methods.


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The truncation errors associated with finite difference solutions of the advection-dispersion equation with first-order reaction are formulated from a Taylor analysis. The error expressions are based on a general form of the corresponding difference equation and a temporally and spatially weighted parametric approach is used for differentiating among the various finite difference schemes. The numerical truncation errors are defined using Peclet and Courant numbers and a new Sink/Source dimensionless number. It is shown that all of the finite difference schemes suffer from truncation errors. Tn particular it is shown that the Crank-Nicolson approximation scheme does not have second order accuracy for this case. The effects of these truncation errors on the solution of an advection-dispersion equation with a first order reaction term are demonstrated by comparison with an analytical solution. The results show that these errors are not negligible and that correcting the finite difference scheme for them results in a more accurate solution. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The classic vertical advection-diffusion (VAD) balance is a central concept in studying the ocean heat budget, in particular in simple climate models (SCMs). Here we present a new framework to calibrate the parameters of the VAD equation to the vertical ocean heat balance of two fully-coupled climate models that is traceable to the models’ circulation as well as to vertical mixing and diffusion processes. Based on temperature diagnostics, we derive an effective vertical velocity w∗ and turbulent diffusivity k∗ for each individual physical process. In steady-state, we find that the residual vertical velocity and diffusivity change sign in mid-depth, highlighting the different regional contributions of isopycnal and diapycnal diffusion in balancing the models’ residual advection and vertical mixing. We quantify the impacts of the time-evolution of the effective quantities under a transient 1%CO2 simulation and make the link to the parameters of currently employed SCMs.


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The present thesis in focused on the minimization of experimental efforts for the prediction of pollutant propagation in rivers by mathematical modelling and knowledge re-use. Mathematical modelling is based on the well known advection-dispersion equation, while the knowledge re-use approach employs the methods of case based reasoning, graphical analysis and text mining. The thesis contribution to the pollutant transport research field consists of: (1) analytical and numerical models for pollutant transport prediction; (2) two novel techniques which enable the use of variable parameters along rivers in analytical models; (3) models for the estimation of pollutant transport characteristic parameters (velocity, dispersion coefficient and nutrient transformation rates) as functions of water flow, channel characteristics and/or seasonality; (4) the graphical analysis method to be used for the identification of pollution sources along rivers; (5) a case based reasoning tool for the identification of crucial information related to the pollutant transport modelling; (6) and the application of a software tool for the reuse of information during pollutants transport modelling research. These support tools are applicable in the water quality research field and in practice as well, as they can be involved in multiple activities. The models are capable of predicting pollutant propagation along rivers in case of both ordinary pollution and accidents. They can also be applied for other similar rivers in modelling of pollutant transport in rivers with low availability of experimental data concerning concentration. This is because models for parameter estimation developed in the present thesis enable the calculation of transport characteristic parameters as functions of river hydraulic parameters and/or seasonality. The similarity between rivers is assessed using case based reasoning tools, and additional necessary information can be identified by using the software for the information reuse. Such systems represent support for users and open up possibilities for new modelling methods, monitoring facilities and for better river water quality management tools. They are useful also for the estimation of environmental impact of possible technological changes and can be applied in the pre-design stage or/and in the practical use of processes as well.


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Este trabalho consiste na solução híbrida da Equação de Advecção-dispersão de solutos unidimensional em meios porosos homogêneos ou heterogêneos, para um único componente, com coeficientes de retardo, dispersão, velocidade média, decaimento e produção dependentes da distância percorrida pelo soluto. Serão estudados os casos de dispersão-advecção em que o retardamento, dispersão, velocidade do fluxo, decaimento e produção variem de forma linear enquanto a dispersividade assuma os modelos linear, parabólico ou exponencial. Para a solução da equação foi aplicada a Técnica da Transformada Integral Generalizada. Os resultados obtidos nesta dissertação demonstram boa concordância entre os problemas-exemplo e suas soluções numéricas ou analíticas contidas na literatura e apontam uma melhor adequação no uso de modelos parabólico no estudo da advecção-dispersão em curto intervalo de tempo, enquanto que o modelo linear converge mais rapidamente em tempos prolongados de simulação. A convergência da série mostrou-se ter dependência direta quanto ao comprimento do domínio, ao modelo de dispersão e da dispersividade adotada, convergindo com até 60 termos, podendo chegar a NT = 170, para os casos heterogêneos, utilizando o modelo de dispersão exponencial, respeitando o critério adotado de 10-4.


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A avaliação do risco a contaminação e a escolha de técnicas de remediação de poluentes em aquíferos fraturados depende da quantificação dos fenômenos envolvidos no transporte de solutos. A geometria da fratura, usualmente caracterizada pela abertura, é o principal parâmetro que indiretamente controla o transporte nos aquíferos fraturados. A simplificação mais comum desse problema é assumir que as fraturas são um par de placas planas e paralelas, isto é, com uma abertura constante. No entanto, por causa do limitado número de trabalhos experimentais, não está esclarecida a adequabilidade do uso de uma abertura constante para simular o transporte conservativo em fraturas do Aquífero Serra Geral (ASG), Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a influência da abertura de uma fratura natural do Aquífero Serra Geral sob o transporte conservativo de solutos. Uma amostra natural de basalto fraturado foi usada em um experimento hidráulico e de transporte de um traçador conservativo (escala de laboratório). O campo de abertura foi medido usando a técnica avançada, de alta resolução e tridimensional, chamada microtomografia computadorizada de raios-X. A concentração de traçador medida foi utilizada para validar uma solução analítica unidimensional da Equação de Advecção-dispersão (ADE). O desemprenho do ajuste da ADE às curvas de passagem experimentais foi avaliado para quatro diferentes tipos de aberturas constantes. Os resultados mostraram que o escoamento de água e o transporte de contaminantes pode ocorrer através de fraturas micrométricas, ocasionando, eventualmente, a contaminação do ASG. A abertura de balanço de massa é a única que pode ser chamada propriamente de \"abertura equivalente\". O uso de aberturas constantes na ADE não permitiu representar completamente o formato das curvas de passagem porque o campo de velocidade não é uniforme e intrinsicamente bidimensional. Portanto, na simulação do transporte deve-se incorporar a heterogeneidade da abertura da fratura.


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The presented thesis is devoted to investigation of wave processes in hybrid ferrite / ferroelectric structures. Spin wave devices based on ferrite films have such disadvantages, as huge size of the magnetic systems, low tuning velocity, considerable power inputs for parameters control that limits possible device applications. The considered layered structures allow to overcome the disadvantages mentioned and to promote the development of novel class of tunable microwave devices. The proposed theoretical analysis is intended to construct a model of hybrid electromagnetic-spin waves. Based on the theoretical analysis the experimental investigations were carried out. The experimental resonance characteristics of ferrite / ferroelectric resonator were obtained and their tunability by means of magnetic and electric field was demonstrated.


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A pulse of chromated copper arsenate (CCA, a timber preservative) was applied in irrigation water to an undisturbed field soil in a laboratory column. Concentrations of various elements in the leachate from the column were measured during the experiment. Also, the remnants within the soil were measured at the end of the experiment. The geochemical modelling package, PHREEQC-2, was used to simulate the experimental data. Processes included in the CCA transport modelling were advection, dispersion, non-specific adsorption (cation exchange) and specific adsorption by clay minerals and organic matter, as well as other possible chemical reactions such as precipitation/dissolution. The modelling effort highlighted the possible complexities in CCA transport and reaction experiments. For example, the uneven dosing of CCA as well as incomplete knowledge of the soil properties resulted in simulations that gave only partial, although reasonable, agreement with the experimental data. Both the experimental data and simulations show that As and Cu are strongly adsorbed and therefore, will mostly remain at the top of the soil profile, with a small proportion appearing in leachate. On the other hand, Cr is more mobile and thus it is present in the soil column leachate. Further simulations show that both the quantity of CCA added to the soil and the pH of the irrigation water will influence CCA transport. Simulations suggest that application of larger doses of CCA to the soil will result in higher leachate concentrations, especially for Cu and As. Irrigation water with a lower pH will dramatically increase leaching of Cu. These results indicate that acidic rainfall or significant accidental spillage of CCA will increase the risk of groundwater pollution.


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Neste trabalho obtém-se uma solução analítica para a equação de advecção-difusão aplicada a problemas de dispersão de poluentes em rios e canais. Para tanto, consideram-se os casos unidimensionais e bidimensionais em regime transiente com coeficientes de difusividade e velocidades constantes. A abordagem utilizada para a resolução deste problema é o método de Separação de Variáveis. Os modelos resolvidos foram simulados utilizando o MatLab. Apresentam-se os resultados das simulações numéricas em formato gráfico. Os resultados de algumas simulações numéricas existem na literatura e puderam ser comparados. O modelo proposto mostrou-se coerente em relação aos dados considerados. Para outras simulações não foram encontrados comparativos na literatura, todavia esses problemas governados por equações diferenciais parciais, mesmo lineares, não são de fácil solução analítica. Sendo que, muitas delas representam importantes problemas de matemática e física, com diversas aplicações na engenharia. Dessa forma, é de grande importância a disponibilidade de um maior número de problemas-teste para avaliação de desempenho de formulações numéricas, cada vez mais eficazes, já que soluções analíticas oferecem uma base mais segura para comparação de resultados.


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Using a numerical implicit model for root water extraction by a single root in a symmetric radial flow problem, based on the Richards equation and the combined convection-dispersion equation, we investigated some aspects of the response of root water uptake to combined water and osmotic stress. The model implicitly incorporates the effect of simultaneous pressure head and osmotic head on root water uptake, and does not require additional assumptions (additive or multiplicative) to derive the combined effect of water and salt stress. Simulation results showed that relative transpiration equals relative matric flux potential, which is defined as the matric flux potential calculated with an osmotic pressure head-dependent lower bound of integration, divided by the matric flux potential at the onset of limiting hydraulic conditions. In the falling rate phase, the osmotic head near the root surface was shown to increase in time due to decreasing root water extraction rates, causing a more gradual decline of relative transpiration than with water stress alone. Results furthermore show that osmotic stress effects on uptake depend on pressure head or water content, allowing a refinement of the approach in which fixed reduction factors based on the electrical conductivity of the saturated soil solution extract are used. One of the consequences is that osmotic stress is predicted to occur in situations not predicted by the saturation extract analysis approach. It is also shown that this way of combining salinity and water as stressors yields results that are different from a purely multiplicative approach. An analytical steady state solution is presented to calculate the solute content at the root surface, and compared with the outputs of the numerical model. Using the analytical solution, a method has been developed to estimate relative transpiration as a function of system parameters, which are often already used in vadose zone models: potential transpiration rate, root length density, minimum root surface pressure head, and soil theta-h and K-h functions.


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Tidal water table fluctuations in a coastal aquifer are driven by tides on a moving boundary that varies with the beach slope. One-dimensional models based on the Boussinesq equation are often used to analyse tidal signals in coastal aquifers. The moving boundary condition hinders analytical solutions to even the linearised Boussinesq equation. This paper presents a new perturbation approach to the problem that maintains the simplicity of the linearised one-dimensional Boussinesq model. Our method involves transforming the Boussinesq equation to an ADE (advection-diffusion equation) with an oscillating velocity. The perturbation method is applied to the propagation of spring-neap tides (a bichromatic tidal system with the fundamental frequencies wt and wt) in the aquifer. The results demonstrate analytically, for the first time, that the moving boundary induces interactions between the two primary tidal oscillations, generating a slowly damped water table fluctuation of frequency omega(1) - omega(2), i.e., the spring-neap tidal water table fluctuation. The analytical predictions are found to be consistent with recently published field observations. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The action of water waves moving over a porous seabed drives a seepage flux into and out of the marine sediments. The volume of fluid exchange per wave cycle may affect the rate of contaminant transport in the sediments. In this paper, the dynamic response of the seabed to ocean waves is treated analytically on the basis of pore-elastic theory applied to a porous seabed. The seabed is modelled as a semi-infinite, isotropic, homogeneous material. Most previous investigations on the wave-seabed interaction problem have assumed quasi-static conditions within the seabed, although dynamic behaviour often occurs in natural environments. Furthermore, wave pressures used in the previous approaches were obtained from conventional ocean wave theories: which are based on the assumption of an impermeable rigid seabed. By introducing a complex wave number, we derive a new wave dispersion equation, which includes the seabed characteristics (such as soil permeability, shear modulus, etc.). Based on the new closed-form analytical solution, the relative differences of the wave-induced seabed response under dynamic and quasi-static conditions are examined. The effects of wave and soil parameters on the seepage flux per wave cycle are also discussed in detail. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The movement of chemicals through the soil to the groundwater or discharged to surface waters represents a degradation of these resources. In many cases, serious human and stock health implications are associated with this form of pollution. The chemicals of interest include nutrients, pesticides, salts, and industrial wastes. Recent studies have shown that current models and methods do not adequately describe the leaching of nutrients through soil, often underestimating the risk of groundwater contamination by surface-applied chemicals, and overestimating the concentration of resident solutes. This inaccuracy results primarily from ignoring soil structure and nonequilibrium between soil constituents, water, and solutes. A multiple sample percolation system (MSPS), consisting of 25 individual collection wells, was constructed to study the effects of localized soil heterogeneities on the transport of nutrients (NO3-, Cl-, PO43-) in the vadose zone of an agricultural soil predominantly dominated by clay. Very significant variations in drainage patterns across a small spatial scale were observed tone-way ANOVA, p < 0.001) indicating considerable heterogeneity in water flow patterns and nutrient leaching. Using data collected from the multiple sample percolation experiments, this paper compares the performance of two mathematical models for predicting solute transport, the advective-dispersion model with a reaction term (ADR), and a two-region preferential flow model (TRM) suitable for modelling nonequilibrium transport. These results have implications for modelling solute transport and predicting nutrient loading on a larger scale. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a new type of very fine grid hydrological model based on the spatiotemporal repartition of a PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation) and on the topography. The goal is to estimate the influence of this rain on a PMF (Probable Maximum Flood) on a catchment area in Switzerland. The spatiotemporal distribution of the PMP was realized using six clouds modeled by the advection-diffusion equation. The equation shows the movement of the clouds over the terrain and also gives the evolution of the rain intensity in time. This hydrological modeling is followed by a hydraulic modeling of the surface and subterranean flow, done considering the factors that contribute to the hydrological cycle, such as the infiltration, the resurgence and the snowmelt. These added factors make the developed model closer to reality and also offer flexibility in the initial condition that is added to the factors concerning the PMP, such as the duration of the rain, the speed and direction of the wind. All these initial conditions taken together offer a complete image of the PMF.