923 resultados para Adrenergic alpha-2 Receptor Antagonists


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Very low doses (0.00001 mg/kg) of the alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist, yohimbine, improved working memory performance in a subset of aged monkeys. Improvement appeared to result from increased norepinephrine (NE) release onto postsynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors, as the response was blocked by the ''postsynaptic'' alpha-2 antagonist, SKF104078. Cognitive-enhancing effects of low dose yohimbine treatment may depend on aged animals retaining an intact, endogenous NE system. In contrast to yohimbine, the alpha-2 agonist, clonidine, has improved working memory in air aged animals examined. In the present study, clonidine's beneficial effects were also blocked by the postsynaptic antagonists SKF104078 and SKF104856, suggesting that clonidine acts by directly stimulating postsynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors. Beneficial doses of clonidine (0.01 mg/kg) and yohimbine (0.00001 mg/kg) were combined to see if they would produce additive effects on memory enhancement. This strategy was successful in young monkeys with intact NE systems but was not effective in the aged monkeys. These findings demonstrate that drugs that indirectly stimulate postsynaptic alpha-2 receptors by increasing NE release are not as reliable in aged monkeys as directly acting agonists that can replace NE at postsynaptic alpha-2 receptors.


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This study was undertaken to identify the alpha-adrenergic receptor type responsible for sympathetically evoked mydriasis in pentobarbital-anesthetized rabbits. Frequency-response curves of pupillary dilation were generated by stimulation of the preganglionic cervical sympathetic nerve (1-64 Hz). Evoked mydriatic responses were inhibited by systemic administration of nonselective alpha-adrenergic antagonists, phentolamine (0.3-10 mg/kg) and phenoxybenzamine (0.03-0.3 mg/kg), as well as the selective alpha(1)-adrenergic antagonist, prazosin (0.1-1 mg/kg). The alpha(2)-adrenergic antagonist, RS 79948 (0.3 mg/kg, i.v.) was without inhibitory effect, but potentiated the mydriatic response. In addition, the selective alpha(1A)-adrenoceptor antagonist, 5-methylurapidil (0.1-1 mg/kg, i.v.), antagonized the elicited mydriasis in a dose-dependent fashion. Unlike previous observations that prazosin does not block the adrenoceptor in rabbit iris dilator muscle, our results suggest that prazosin is effective in inhibiting neuronally elicited mydriasis in this species, and that alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors appear to mediate the response.


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Background: The relationship between use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine-2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs) and pancreatic cancer risk has yet to be examined. Data from a range of studies suggest biologically plausible mechanisms, whereby these drugs (or the conditions for which they are prescribed) may affect pancreatic cancer risk. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between use of PPIs/H2RAs and pancreatic cancer risk.

Methods: A nested case – control study was conducted within the UK general practice research database (GPRD). Cases had a diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic cancer and controls were matched to cases on general practice site, sex and year of birth. Exposure to PPIs and to H2RAs since entry into GPRD until 2 years before the diagnosis date (corresponding date in controls) and in the 5 years before the diagnosis date were separately assessed. Conditional logistic regression analyses were used to generate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) associated with PPI or H2RA use compared with nonuse.

Results: Ever use of PPIs since entry into the GPRD (excluding the 2 years prior to diagnosis) was not associated with risk of pancreatic cancer; OR (95% CI) 1.02 (0.85 – 1.22). Neither the dose nor the duration of PPI or H2RA use was associated with pancreatic cancer risk. No consistent patterns of association were seen when cumulative exposure (dose and duration) to these drugs was examined separately or together.

Conclusion: PPI/H2RA use, in a UK population, was not associated with pancreatic cancer risk.


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The rat exposure test (RET) is a prey (mouse)-predator (rat) situation that activates brain defensive areas and elicits hormonal and defensive behavior in the mouse. Here, we investigated possible correlations between the spatiotemporal [time spent in protected (home chamber and tunnel) and unprotected (surface) compartments and frequency of entries into the three compartments] and ethological [e.g., duration of protected and unprotected stretched-attend postures (SAP), duration of contact with the rat's compartment] measures (Experiment 1). Secondly, we investigated the effects of systemic treatment with pro- or anti-aversive drugs on the behavior that emerged from the factor analysis (Experiment 2). The effects of chronic (21 days) imipramine and fluoxetine on defensive behavior were also investigated (Experiment 3). Exp. 1 revealed that the time in the protected compartment, protected SAP and rat contacts loaded on factor 1 (defensive behavior), while the total entries and unprotected SAP loaded on factor 2 (locomotor activity). Exp. 2 showed that alprazolam (but not diazepam) selectively changed the defensive factor. Caffeine produced a mild proaversive-like effect, whereas yohimbine only decreased locomotor activity (total entries). Fluoxetine (but not imipramine) produced a weak proaversive-like effect. 5-HT1A/5-HT2 receptor ligands did not change any behavioral measure. In Exp. 3, chronic fluoxetine (but not imipramine) attenuated the defensive behavior factor without changing locomotion. Given that the defensive factor was sensitive to drugs known to attenuate (alprazolam and chronic fluoxetine) and induce (caffeine) panic attack, we suggest the RET as a useful test to assess the effects of panicolytic and panicogenic drugs. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Central injections of the alpha(2) adrenergic/imidazoline receptor agonist moxonidine inhibit water and NaCl intake in rats. In the present study, we investigated the possible involvement of central alpha(2) adrenergic receptors on the inhibitory effect of moxonidine in 0.3 M NaCl intake induced by 24 h sodium depletion. Male Holtzman rats with stainless-steel cannulas implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. Sodium depletion was produced by the treatment with the diuretic furosemide (20 mg/kg of body weight) injected subcutaneously + 24 h of sodium-deficient diet. Intracerebroventricular (icv) injections of moxonidine (20 nmol/l mul) reduced sodium depletion-induced 0.3 M NaCl intake (6.6 +/- 1.9 ml/120 min vs. vehicle: 12.7 +/- 1.7 ml/120 min). Pre-treatment with the alpha(2) adrenoreceptor antagonists RX 821002 (80 nmol/l mul), SK&F 86466 (640 nmol/l mul) and yohimbine (320 nmol/3 mul) injected icv abolished the inhibitory effect of icv moxonidine on sodium depletion-induced 0.3 M NaCl intake (13.3 +/- 1.4, 15.7 +/- 1.7 and 11.8 +/- 2.2 ml/120 min, respectively). The results show that the activation of alpha(2) adrenoreceptors is essential for the inhibitory effect of central moxonidine on sodium depletion-induced NaCl intake. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transgenic overexpression (40- to 100-fold) of the wild-type human beta2-adrenergic receptor in the hearts of mice leads to a marked increase in cardiac contractility, which is apparently due to the low level of spontaneous (i.e., agonist-independent) activity inherent in the receptor. Here we report that transgenic mice expressing a mutated constitutively active form of the receptor (CAM) show no such phenotype, owing to its modest expression (3-fold above endogenous cardiac beta-adrenergic receptor levels). Surprisingly, treatment of the animals with a variety of beta-adrenergic receptor ligands leads to a 50-fold increase in CAM beta2-adrenergic receptor expression, by stabilizing the CAM beta2-adrenergic receptor protein. Receptor up-regulation leads in turn to marked increases in adenylate cyclase activity, atrial tension determined in vitro, and indices of cardiac contractility determined in vivo. These results illustrate a novel mechanism for regulating physiological responses, i.e., ligand-induced stabilization of a constitutively active but inherently unstable protein.


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Myocarditis, often initiated by viral infection, may progress to autoimmune inflammatory heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Although cardiac myosin is a dominant autoantigen in animal models of myocarditis and is released from the heart during viral myocarditis, the characterization, role and significance of anti-cardiac myosin autoantibodies is poorly defined. In our study, we define the human cardiac myosin epitopes in human myocarditis and cardiomyopathies and establish a mechanism to explain how anti-cardiac myosin autoantibodies may contribute to heart disease. We show that autoantibodies to cardiac myosin in sera from myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathies in humans targeted primarily epitopes in the S2 hinge region of cardiac myosin. In addition, anti-cardiac myosin antibodies in sera or purified IgG from myocarditis and cardiomyopathy targeted the beta-adrenergic receptor and induced antibody-mediated cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) cell signaling activity in heart cells. Antibody-mediated PKA activity in sera was abrogated by absorption with anti-human IgG. Antibody-mediated cell signaling of PKA was blocked by antigen-specific inhibition by human cardiac myosin or the beta-adrenergic receptor but not the alpha adrenergic receptor or bovine serum albumin. Propranolol, a beta blocker and inhibitor of the beta-adrenergic receptor pathway also blocked the antibody-mediated signaling of the beta-adrenergic receptor and PKA. The data suggest that IgG antibody against human cardiac myosin reacts with the beta-adrenergic receptor and triggers PKA signaling in heart cells. In summary, we have identified a new class of crossreactive autoantibodies against human cardiac myosin and the beta-adrenergic receptor in the heart. In addition, we have defined disease specific peptide epitopes in the human cardiac myosin rod S2 region in human myocarditis and cardiomyopathy as well as a mechanistic role of autoantibody in the pathogenesis of disease.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundamento: Estresse e etanol são ambos, independentemente, importantes fatores de risco cardiovascular. Objetivo: avaliar o risco cardiovascular do consumo de etanol e exposição ao estresse, isolados e em associação, em ratos machos adultos. Métodos: Os ratos foram separados em quatro grupos: controle, etanol (20% na água de beber durante seis semanas), estresse (imobilização 1h dia/5 dias por semana/ 6 semanas) e estresse/etanol. As curvas de concentração-resposta à noradrenalina - na ausência e na presença de ioimbina, L-NAME ou indometacina - ou fenilefrina foram determinadas em aortas torácicas com e sem endotélio. EC50 e resposta máxima (n = 8-12) foram comparadas através de ANOVA de dois fatores (two-way) / método de Bonferroni. Resultados: Estresse ou estresse em associação com o consumo de etanol aumentaram as respostas máximas de noradrenalina em aortas intactas. Essa hiper-reatividade foi eliminada pela remoção do endotélio, ou pela presença da indometacina ou ioimbina, mas não foi alterada pela presença de L-NAME. Enquanto isso, o consumo de etanol não alterou a reatividade à noradrenalina. As respostas da fenilefrina em aortas com e sem endotélio também permaneceram inalteradas independentemente do protocolo. Conclusão: O estresse crônico aumentou as respostas aórticas dos ratos à noradrenalina. Esse efeito é dependente do endotélio vascular e envolve a liberação de prostanóides vasoconstritores através da estimulação de α-2 adrenoceptores endoteliais. Além disso, o consumo crônico de etanol pareceu não influenciar as respostas de noradrenalina em aorta de rato, nem modificar o aumento de tais respostas observadas em consequência da exposição ao estresse.


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Pharmacologic, biochemical, and genetic analyses have demonstrated the existence of multiple alpha 2-adrenergic receptor (alpha 2AR) subtypes. We have cloned a human alpha 2AR by using the polymerase chain reaction with oligonucleotide primers homologous to conserved regions of the previously cloned alpha 2ARs, the genes for which are located on human chromosomes 4 (C4) and 10 (C10). The deduced amino acid sequence encodes a protein of 450 amino acids whose putative topology is similar to that of the family of guanine nucleotide-binding protein-coupled receptors, but whose structure most closely resembles that of the alpha 2ARs. Competition curve analysis of the binding properties of the receptor expressed in COS-7 cells with a variety of adrenergic ligands demonstrates a unique alpha 2AR pharmacology. Hybridization with somatic cell hybrids shows that the gene for this receptor is located on chromosome 2. Northern blot analysis of various rat tissues shows expression in liver and kidney. The unique pharmacology and tissue localization of this receptor suggest that this is an alpha 2AR subtype not previously identified by classical pharmacological or ligand binding approaches.


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An alpha 2-adrenergic receptor subtype has been cloned from a human kidney cDNA library using the gene for the human platelet alpha 2-adrenergic receptor as a probe. The deduced amino acid sequence resembles the human platelet alpha 2-adrenergic receptor and is consistent with the structure of other members of the family of guanine nucleotide-binding protein-coupled receptors. The cDNA was expressed in a mammalian cell line (COS-7), and the alpha 2-adrenergic ligand [3H]rauwolscine was bound. Competition curve analysis with a variety of adrenergic ligands suggests that this cDNA clone represents the alpha 2B-adrenergic receptor. The gene for this receptor is on human chromosome 4, whereas the gene for the human platelet alpha 2-adrenergic receptor (alpha 2A) lies on chromosome 10. This ability to express the receptor in mammalian cells, free of other adrenergic receptor subtypes, should help in developing more selective alpha-adrenergic ligands.


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Salivation induced by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of pilocarpine (cholinergic agonist) is reduced by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections of moxonidine (alpha(2) adrenergic and imidazoline receptor agonist). In the present study, we investigated the involvement of central alpha(2) adrenergic receptors in the inhibitory effect of i.c.v. moxonidine on i.p. pilocarpine-induced salivation. Male Holtzman rats with stainless steel cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. Saliva was collected using pre-weighted small cotton balls inserted into the animal's mouth under ketamine (100 mg kg(-1)) anesthesia. Salivation was induced by i.p. injection of pilocarpine (4 mu mol kg(-1)). Pilocarpine-induced salivation was reduced by i.c.v. injection of moxonidine (10 nmol) and enhanced by i.c.v. injections of either RX 821002 (160 nmol) or yohimbine (320 nmol). The inhibitory effect of i.c.v. moxonidine on pilocarpine-induced salivation was abolished by prior i.c.v. injections of the alpha(2) adrenergic receptor antagonists, RX 821002 (160 nmol) or yohimbine (160 and 320 nmol). The alpha(1) adrenergic receptor antagonist prazosin (320 nmol) injected i.c.v. did not change the effect of moxonidine on pilocarpine-induced salivation. The results suggest that moxonidine acts on central alpha(2) adrenergic receptors to inhibit pilocarpine-induced salivation, and that this salivation is tonically inhibited by central alpha(2) adrenergic receptors. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)