825 resultados para Adrenal Hypoplasia Congenita


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We report a case of adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) due to a novel DAX1 mutation. A 19-month-old boy with hyperpigmentation and failure to thrive came to our service for investigation. Three brothers of the patient had died due to adrenal failure, and a maternal cousin had adrenal insufficiency. Adrenoleukodystrophy was excluded. MRI showed normal pituitary and hypothalamus. Plasma hormone evaluation revealed high ACTH (up to 2,790 pg/mL), and low levels of androstenedione, DHEA-S, 11-deoxycortisol, and cortisol. At 14 years of age the patient was still prepubescent, his weight was 43.6 kg (SDS: -0.87) and his height was 161 cm (SDS: -0.36), with normal body proportions. In the GnRH test, basal and maximum values of LH and FSH were respectively 0.6/2.1 and < 1.0/< 1.0 U/L. Molecular investigation identified a novel mutation that consists of a deletion of codon 372 (AAC; asparagine) in exon 1 of DAX1. This mutation was not found in a study of 200 alleles from normal individuals. Prediction site analysis indicated that this alteration, located in the DAX1 ligand-binding domain, may damage DAX1 protein. We hypothesize that the novel (p.Asp372del) DAX1 mutation might be able to cause a disruption of DAX1 function, and is probably involved in the development of AHC and HH in this patient. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):496-500


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The adrenal cortex secretes steroid hormones, including glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Glucocorticoids control body homeostasis, stress, and immune responses, while mineralocorticoids regulate the water and electrolyte balance. A spectrum of genetic defects can disrupt the normal adrenal development, causing adrenal hypoplasia and various forms of adrenal insufficiency, which usually present in infancy or childhood with or without mineralocorticoid deficiency and with or without gonadal dysfunction. The genetic causes of adrenal hypoplasia can be broadly categorized into adrenal hypoplasia due to adrenocorticotropic hormone resistance syndromes (i.e., familial glucocorticoid deficiency and triple A syndrome) and adrenal hypoplasia due to primary defects in the development of the adrenal glands (i.e., X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita and primary adrenal hypoplasia caused by steroidogenic factor 1 mutations).


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variety of transcription factors including Wilms tumor gene (Wt-1), steroidogenic factor 1 (Sf-1), dosage-sensitive sex reversal, adrenal hypoplasia congenita on the X-chromosome, Gene 1 (Dax-1), and pre-B-cell transcription factor 1 (Pbx1) have been defined as necessary for regular adrenocortical development. However, the role of Pbx1 for adrenal growth and function in the adult organism together with the molecular relationship between Pbx1 and these other transcription factors have not been characterized. We demonstrate that Pbx haploinsufficiency (Pbx1(+/-)) in mice is accompanied by a significant lower adrenal weight in adult animals compared with wild-type controls. Accordingly, baseline proliferating cell nuclear antigen levels are lower in Pbx1(+/-) mice, and unilateral adrenalectomy results in impaired contralateral compensatory adrenal growth, indicating a lower proliferative potential in the context of Pbx1 haploinsufficiency. In accordance with the key role of IGFs in adrenocortical proliferation and development, real-time RT-PCR demonstrates significant lower expression levels of the IGF-I receptor, and up-regulation of IGF binding protein-2. Functionally, Pbx1(+/-) mice display a blunted corticosterone response after ACTH stimulation coincident with lower adrenal expression of the ACTH receptor (melanocortin 2 receptor, Mc2-r). Mechanistically, in vitro studies reveal that Pbx1 and Sf-1 synergistically stimulates Mc2-r promoter activity. Moreover, Sf-1 directly activates the Pbx1 promoter activity in vitro and in vivo. Taken together, these studies provide evidence for a role of Pbx1 in the maintenance of a functional adrenal cortex mediated by synergistic actions of Pbx1 and Sf-1 in the transcriptional regulation of the critical effector of adrenocortical differentiation, the ACTH receptor.


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DAX-1 [dosage-sensitive sex reversal, adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) critical region on the X chromosome, gene 1] is an orphan nuclear receptor that represses transcription by steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1), a factor that regulates expression of multiple steroidogenic enzymes and other genes involved in reproduction. Mutations in the human DAX1 gene (also known as AHC) cause the X-linked syndrome AHC, a disorder that is associated with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism also. Characterization of Dax1-deficient male mice revealed primary testicular defects that included Leydig cell hyperplasia (LCH) and progressive degeneration of the germinal epithelium, leading to infertility. In this study, we investigated the effect of Dax1 disruption on the expression profile of various steroidogenic enzyme genes in Leydig cells isolated from Dax1-deficient male mice. Expression of the aromatase (Cyp19) gene, which encodes the enzyme that converts testosterone to estradiol, was increased significantly in the Leydig cells isolated from mutant mice, whereas the expression of other proteins (e.g., StAR and Cyp11a) was not altered. In in vitro transfection studies, DAX-1 repressed the SF-1-mediated transactivation of the Cyp19 promoter but did not inhibit the StAR or Cyp11a promoters. Elevated Cyp19 expression was accompanied by increased intratesticular levels of estradiol. Administration of tamoxifen, a selective estrogen-receptor modulator, restored fertility to the Dax1-deficient male mice and partially corrected LCH, suggesting that estrogen excess contributes to LCH and infertility. Based on these in vivo and in vitro analyses, aromatase seems to be a physiologic target of Dax-1 in Leydig cells, and increased Cyp19 expression may account, in part, for the infertility and LCH in Dax1-deficient mice.


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A human gene with strong homology to the MAGE gene family located in Xq27-qter has been isolated by using exon-trapping of cosmids in the Xp21.3 region. We have mapped and sequenced cDNA and genomic clones corresponding to this gene, MAGE-Xp, and shown that the last exon contains the open reading frame and is present in a minimum of five copies in a 30-kb interval. MAGE-Xp is expressed only in testis and, unlike the Xq27-qter MAGE genes, it is not expressed in any of 12 different tumor tissues tested. However, the gene and predicted protein structure are conserved, suggesting a similar function. MAGE-Xp is located in the 160-kb critical interval defined for the locus involved in sex determination within Xp21 and is 50 kb distal to the DAX-1 gene, which is responsible for X-chromosome-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita.


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Half of the members of the nuclear receptors superfamily are so-called orphan receptors because the identity of their ligand, if any, is unknown. Because of their important biological roles, the study of orphan receptors has attracted much attention recently and has resulted in rapid advances that have helped in the discovery of novel signaling pathways. In this review we present the main features of orphan receptors, discuss the structure of their ligand-binding domains and their biological functions. The paradoxical existence of a pharmacology of orphan receptors, a rapidly growing and innovative field, is highlighted.


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The network regulating human adrenal development is complex. Studies of patients with adrenal insufficiency due to gene mutations established a central role for transcription factors GLI3, SF1 and DAX1 in the initial steps of adrenal formation. Adrenal differentiation seems to depend on adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation and signalling, including biosynthesis and action of POMC, PC1, TPIT, MC2R, MRAP and ALADIN, all of which cause adrenocortical hypoplasia when mutated in humans. Studies of knockout mice revealed many more factors involved in adrenal development; however, in contrast to rodents, in humans several of those factors had no adrenal phenotype when mutated (e.g. WT1, WNT4) or, alternatively, human mutations have not (yet) been identified. Tissue profiling of fetal and adult adrenals suggested 69 genes involved in adrenal development. Among them were genes coding for steroidogenic enzymes, transcription and growth factors, signalling molecules, regulators of cell cycle and angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix proteins; however, the exact role of most of them remains to be elucidated.


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BACKGROUND: Hydrops foetalis is defined as excessive fluid accumulation within the foetal extravascular compartments and body cavities. It has been described in human and veterinary medicine, but despite several descriptive studies its aetiology is still not fully clarified. Pulmonary hypoplasia and anasarca (PHA) syndrome is a rare congenital abnormality in cattle that is characterised by hydrops foetalis including extreme subcutaneous oedema (anasarca) and undeveloped or poorly formed lungs (pulmonary hypoplasia). Until now, sporadic cases of PHA were reported in cattle breeds like Australian Dexter, Belted Galloway, Maine-Anjou, and Shorthorn. This report describes the first known cases of PHA syndrome in Slovenian Cika cattle. CASE PRESENTATION: A 13-year-old cow aborted a male calf in the seventh month of pregnancy, while a male calf was delivered by caesarean section on the due date from a 14-year-old cow. The pedigree analysis showed that the calves were sired by the same bull, the dams were paternal half-sisters and the second calf was the product of a dam-son mating. Gross lesions were similar in both cases and characterized by severe anasarca, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, ascites, hypoplastic lungs, absence of lymph nodes, and an enlarged heart. The first calf was also athymic. Histopathology of the second affected calf confirmed severe oedema of the subcutis and interstitium of the organs, and pulmonary hypoplasia. The lymph vessels in the subcutis and other organs were severely dilated. Histopathology of the second calf revealed also lack of bronchus associated lymphoid tissue and adrenal gland hypoplasia. CONCLUSIONS: The findings were consistent with known forms of the bovine PHA syndrome. This is the first report of the PHA syndrome occurring in the local endangered breed of Cika cattle. Observed inbreeding practice supports that this lethal defect most likely follows an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. In the light of the disease phenotype it is assumed that a mutation causing an impaired development of lymph vessels is responsible for the hydrops foetalis associated malformations in bovine PHA.


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Glucocorticoid hormones are critical to respond and adapt to stress. Genetic variations in the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene alter hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and associate with hypertension and susceptibility to metabolic disease. Here we test the hypothesis that reduced GR density alters blood pressure and glucose and lipid homeostasis and limits adaption to obesogenic diet. Heterozygous GR βgeo/+ mice were generated from embryonic stem (ES) cells with a gene trap integration of a β-galactosidase-neomycin phosphotransferase (βgeo) cassette into the GR gene creating a transcriptionally inactive GR fusion protein. Although GRβgeo/+ mice have 50% less functional GR, they have normal lipid and glucose homeostasis due to compensatory HPA axis activation but are hypertensive due to activation of the renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system (RAAS). When challenged with a high-fat diet, weight gain, adiposity, and glucose intolerance were similarly increased in control and GRβgeo/+ mice, suggesting preserved control of intermediary metabolism and energy balance. However, whereas a high-fat diet caused HPA activation and increased blood pressure in control mice, these adaptions were attenuated or abolished in GRβgeo/+ mice. Thus, reduced GR density balanced by HPA activation leaves glucocorticoid functions unaffected but mineralocorticoid functions increased, causing hypertension. Importantly, reduced GR limits HPA and blood pressure adaptions to obesogenic diet.


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As the key neuron-to-neuron interface, the synapse is involved in learning and memory, including traumatic memories during times of stress. However, the signal transduction mechanisms by which stress mediates its lasting effects on synapse transmission and on memory are not fully understood. A key component of the stress response is the increased secretion of adrenal steroids. Adrenal steroids (e.g., cortisol) bind to genomic mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors (gMRs and gGRs) in the cytosol. In addition, they may act through membrane receptors (mMRs and mGRs), and signal transduction through these receptors may allow for rapid modulation of synaptic transmission as well as modulation of membrane ion currents. mMRs increase synaptic and neuronal excitability; mechanisms include the facilitation of glutamate release through extracellular signal-regulated kinase signal transduction. In contrast, mGRs decrease synaptic and neuronal excitability by reducing calcium currents through N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels by way of protein kinase A- and G protein-dependent mechanisms. This body of functional data complements anatomical evidence localizing GRs to the postsynaptic membrane. Finally, accumulating data also suggest the possibility that mMRs and mGRs may show an inverted U-shaped dose response, whereby glutamatergic synaptic transmission is increased by low doses of corticosterone acting at mMRs and decreased by higher doses acting at mGRs. Thus, synaptic transmission is regulated by mMRs and mGRs, and part of the stress signaling response is a direct and bidirectional modulation of the synapse itself by adrenal steroids.


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PURPOSE: This study investigated the significance of baseline cortisol levels and adrenal response to corticotropin in shocked patients after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). METHODS: A short corticotropin stimulation test was performed in 35 patients with cardiogenic shock after AMI by intravenously injecting of 250 μg of tetracosactrin (Synacthen). Blood samples were obtained at baseline (T0) before and at 30 (T30) and 60 (T60) minutes after the test to determine plasma total cortisol (TC) and free cortisol concentrations. The main outcome measure was in-hospital mortality and its association with T0 TC and maximum response to corticotropin (maximum difference [Δ max] in cortisol levels between T0 and the highest value between T30 and T60). RESULTS: The in-hospital mortality was 37%, and the median time to death was 4 days (interquartile range, 3-9 days). There was some evidence of an increased mortality in patients with T0 TC concentrations greater than 34 μg/dL (P=.07). Maximum difference by itself was not an independent predictor of death. Patients with a T0 TC 34 μg/dL or less and Δ max greater than 9 μg/dL appeared to have the most favorable survival (91%) when compared with the other 2 groups: T0 34 μg/dL or less and Δ max 9 μg/dL or less or T0 34 μg/dL or higher and Δ max greater than 9 μg/dL (75%; P=.8) and T0 greater than 34 μg/dL and Δ max 9 μg/dL or less (60%; P=.02). Corticosteroid therapy was associated with an increased mortality (P=.03). There was a strong correlation between plasma TC and free cortisol (r=0.85). CONCLUSIONS: A high baseline plasma TC was associated with a trend toward increased mortality in patients with cardiogenic shock post-AMI. Patients with lower baseline TC, but with an inducible adrenal response, appeared to have a survival benefit. A prognostic system based on basal TC and Δ max similar to that described in septic shock appears feasible in this cohort. Corticosteroid therapy was associated with adverse outcomes. These findings require further validation in larger studies.


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Progeny of mice treated with the mutagen N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) revealed a mouse, designated Longpockets (Lpk), with short humeri, abnormal vertebrae, and disorganized growth plates, features consistent with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SEDC). The Lpk phenotype was inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. Lpk/+ mice were viable and fertile and Lpk/Lpk mice died perinatally. Lpk was mapped to chromosome 15 and mutational analysis of likely candidates from the interval revealed a Col2a1 missense Ser1386Pro mutation. Transient transfection of wild-type and Ser1386Pro mutant Col2a1 c-Myc constructs in COS-7 cells and CH8 chondrocytes demonstrated abnormal processing and endoplasmic reticulum retention of the mutant protein. Histology revealed growth plate disorganization in 14-day-old Lpk/+ mice and embryonic cartilage from Lpk/+ and Lpk/Lpk mice had reduced safranin-O and type-II collagen staining in the extracellular matrix. The wild-type and Lpk/+ embryos had vertical columns of proliferating chondrocytes, whereas those in Lpk/Lpk mice were perpendicular to the direction of bone growth. Electron microscopy of cartilage from 18.5 dpc wild-type, Lpk/+, and Lpk/Lpk embryos revealed fewer and less elaborate collagen fibrils in the mutants, with enlarged vacuoles in the endoplasmic reticulum that contained amorphous inclusions. Micro-computed tomography (CT) scans of 12-week-old Lpk/+ mice revealed them to have decreased bone mineral density, and total bone volume, with erosions and osteophytes at the joints. Thus, an ENU mouse model with a Ser1386Pro mutation of the Col2a1 C-propeptide domain that results in abnormal collagen processing and phenotypic features consistent with SEDC and secondary osteoarthritis has been established.


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Estrogen signalling is critical for ovarian differentiation in reptiles with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). To elucidate the involvement of estrogen in this process, adrenal-kidney-gonadal (AKG) expression of estrogen receptor (ER alpha) was studied at female-producing temperature (FPT) in the developing embryos of the lizard, Calotes versicolor which exhibits a distinct pattern of TSD. The eggs of this lizard were incubated at 31.5 +/- 0.5 degrees C (100% FPT). The torso of embryos containing adrenal-kidney-gonadal complex (AKG) was collected during different stages of development and subjected to Western blotting and immunohistochemistry analysis. The ER alpha, antibody recognized two protein bands with apparent molecular weight similar to 55 and similar to 45 kDa in the total protein extracts of embryonic AKG complex of C. versicolor. The observed results suggest the occurrence of isoforms of ER alpha. The differential expression of two different protein isoforms may reveal their distinct role in cell proliferation during gonadal differentiation. This is the first report to reveal two isoforms of the ER alpha in a reptile during development. Immunohistochemical studies reveal a weak, but specific, cytoplasmic ER alpha immunostaining exclusively in the AKG during late thermo-sensitive period suggesting the responsiveness of AKG to estrogens before gonadal differentiation at FPT. Further, cytoplasmic as well as nuclear expression of ER alpha in the medulla and in oogonia of the cortex (faint activity) at gonadal differentiation stage suggests that the onset of gonadal estrogen activity coincides with sexual differentiation of gonad. Intensity and pattern of the immunoreactions of ER alpha in the medullary region at FPT suggest endogenous production of estrogen which may act in a paracrine fashion to induce neighboring cells into ovarian differentiation pathway. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.