997 resultados para Admission procedures


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L’étude cherche à provoquer la convergence des regards sur des enjeux méthodologiques fondamentaux, soit les enjeux de mesure, de décision et d’impact inhérents à toute démarche de sélection académique. À cet effet, elle explorera la capacité de prédiction de certaines variables non cognitives envers la compétence de professionnalisme observée chez les étudiants du doctorat professionnel de premier cycle en pharmacie. La sélection des candidats au sein des programmes académiques en santé repose en grande partie sur une évaluation de la capacité cognitive des étudiants. Tenant compte du virage compétence pris par la majorité des programmes en santé, la pertinence et la validité des critères traditionnels de sélection sont remises en question. La présente étude propose de valider l’utilisation des échelles de mesure de la personnalité, des valeurs et de l’autodétermination pour guider l’optimalité et l’équité des décisions de sélection. Les enjeux de mesure de ces variables seront abordés principalement par la modélisation dichotomique et polytomique de Rasch. L’application de la méthode des strates permettra, par la suite, de répondre aux enjeux de décision en procédant à une différenciation et un classement des étudiants. Puis, les enjeux d’impact seront, à leur tour, explorés par le modèle de régression par classes latentes. L’étude démontre notamment que le recours à la modélisation a permis une différenciation précise des étudiants. Cependant, la violation de certaines conditions d’application des modèles et la faible différenciation établie entre les étudiants sur la base des critères de professionnalisme, rendent l’évaluation de la capacité de prédiction de la personnalité, des valeurs et de l’autodétermination hasardeuse. À cet effet, les modèles identifiés par les analyses de régression par classes latentes s’avèrent peu concluants. Les classes latentes ainsi identifiées ne présentent pas de distinctions marquées et utiles à la sélection. Bien que les diverses procédures de modélisation proposées présentent des avantages intéressants pour une utilisation en contexte de sélection académique, des recherches additionnelles sur la qualité des critères de professionnalisme et sur la qualité des échelles de mesure des variables non cognitives demeurent nécessaires.


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Gerenciamento de recursos de rádio é um tema importante e desafiador em redes sem fio. Na próxima geração de redes (redes 4G) esse tema é ainda mais desafiador devido à necessidade de gerenciamento de recursos das diversas redes sem fio de forma conjunta. Algoritmos de controle de admissão de chamadas (CAC) é uma alternativa viável e amplamente estudada em redes homogêneas para este fim. Contudo, os algoritmos de CAC propostos para redes homogêneas não são adequados para a próxima geração de redes sem fio por não possuírem uma visão global do sistema. Diante da importância de gerenciamento de recursos de rádio e da escassez de algoritmos de CAC destinados às redes heterogêneas, tem-se este tema como foco primário deste trabalho. Além da confecção de um modelo para controle conjunto de admissão de chamadas através da utilização de processos semi-markovianos de decisão, dada a existência de um conglomerado de tecnologias de acesso sem fio atuando colaborativamente, um estudo é realizado buscando-se avaliar o impacto da proporcionalidade existente entre os tamanhos de áreas de coberturas, no desempenho do sistema.


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This paper examines the factors that prevent slum children aged 5 to 14 from gaining access to schooling in light of the worsening urban poverty and sizable increase in rural-to-urban migration. Bias against social disadvantage in terms of gender and caste is not clearly manifested in schooling, while migrated children are less likely to attend school. I argue that the lack of preparation for schooling in the pre-schooling ages and school admission procedures are the main obstacles for migrated children. The most important implication for universal elementary education in urban India is raising parental awareness and simplifying the admission procedures.


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The author will explore the performance of boys and girls in external examinations in Slovenia at the beginning of upper secondary and tertiary education. These are critical points in students’ educational career at which he/she has to choose a school/university. Since both transitions are managed centrally by appropriate authorities, this is also a question of Educational Governance. Transitions between levels of education should, above all, assure fairness in selection procedures. At the point of transition to upper secondary schools we will explore differences between students’ achievements in various school subjects tested at the national assessment of knowledge (NA), and their school grades by gender. Since only school grades are used as admission criteria to upper secondary schools, this comparison of school grades with external and more objective measure of students’ achievement will show possible bias. In Slovenia admission to tertiary education usually consists of (externally assessed) Matura results and school grades in the last two years of upper secondary school. The author will compare the effects of both most commonly used measures of academic achievement on admission in view of gender differences. Study courses where selection procedure was actually applied will be of specific interest since they can show signs of (un)fairness. Results show signs of bias and build case for better Educational Governance. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Aims: To describe a local data linkage project to match hospital data with the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) National Death Index (NDI) to assess longterm outcomes of intensive care unit patients. Methods: Data were obtained from hospital intensive care and cardiac surgery databases on all patients aged 18 years and over admitted to either of two intensive care units at a tertiary-referral hospital between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 2005. Date of death was obtained from the AIHW NDI by probabilistic software matching, in addition to manual checking through hospital databases and other sources. Survival was calculated from time of ICU admission, with a censoring date of 14 February 2007. Data for patients with multiple hospital admissions requiring intensive care were analysed only from the first admission. Summary and descriptive statistics were used for preliminary data analysis. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used to analyse factors determining long-term survival. Results: During the study period, 21 415 unique patients had 22 552 hospital admissions that included an ICU admission; 19 058 surgical procedures were performed with a total of 20 092 ICU admissions. There were 4936 deaths. Median follow-up was 6.2 years, totalling 134 203 patient years. The casemix was predominantly cardiac surgery (80%), followed by cardiac medical (6%), and other medical (4%). The unadjusted survival at 1, 5 and 10 years was 97%, 84% and 70%, respectively. The 1-year survival ranged from 97% for cardiac surgery to 36% for cardiac arrest. An APACHE II score was available for 16 877 patients. In those discharged alive from hospital, the 1, 5 and 10-year survival varied with discharge location. Conclusions: ICU-based linkage projects are feasible to determine long-term outcomes of ICU patients


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Procedural pain in neonates has been a concern in the last two decades. The purpose of this review was to provide a critical appraisal and a synthesis of the published epidemiological studies about procedural pain in neonates admitted to intensive care units. The aims were to determine the frequency of painful procedures and pain management interventions as well as to identify their predictors. Academic Search, CINAHL, LILACS, Medic Latina, MEDLINE and SciELO databases were searched for observational studies on procedural pain in neonates admitted to intensive care units. Studies in which neonatal data could not be extracted from the paediatric population were excluded. Eighteen studies were included in the review. Six studies with the same study duration, the first 14 days of the neonate life or admission in the unit of care, identified 6832 to 42,413 invasive procedures, with an average of 7.5-17.3 per neonate per day. The most frequent procedures were heel lance, suctioning, venepuncture and insertion of peripheral venous catheter. Pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches were inconsistently applied. Predictors of the frequency of procedures and analgesic use included the neonate's clinical condition, day of unit stay, type of procedure, parental presence and pain assessment. The existence of pain protocols was not a predictor of analgesia. Painful procedures were performed frequently and often with inadequate pain management. Unlike neonate clinical factors, organizational factors may be modified to promote a context of care more favourable to pain management. © 2015 European Pain Federation - EFIC®


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BACKGROUND: In general cantons regulate and control the Swiss health service system; patient flows within and between cantons are thereby partially disregarded. This paper develops an alternative spatial model, based upon the construction of orthopedic hospital service areas (HSAOs), and introduces indices for the analysis of patient streams in order to identify areas, irrespective of canton, with diverse characteristics, importance, needs, or demands. METHODS: HSAOs were constructed using orthopedic discharge data. Patient streams between the HSAOs were analysed by calculating three indices: the localization index (% local residents discharged locally), the netindex (the ratio of discharges of nonlocal incoming residents to outgoing local residents), and the market share index (% of local resident discharges of all discharges in local hospitals). RESULTS: The 85 orthopedic HSAOs show a median localization index of 60.8%, a market share index of 75.1%, and 30% of HSAOs have a positive netindex. Insurance class of bed, admission type, and patient age are partially but significantly associated with those indicators. A trend to more centrally provided health services can be observed not only in large urban HSAOs such as Geneva, Bern, Basel, and Zurich, but also in HSAOs in mountain sport areas such as Sion, Davos, or St.Moritz. Furthermore, elderly and emergency patients are more frequently treated locally than younger people or those having elective procedures. CONCLUSION: The division of Switzerland into HSAOs provides an alternative spatial model for analysing and describing patient streams for health service utilization. Because this small area model allows more in-depth analysis of patient streams both within and between cantons, it may improve support and planning of resource allocation of in-patient care in the Swiss healthcare system.


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BACKGROUND: Most healthcare in the US is delivered in the ambulatory care setting, but the epidemiology of errors and adverse events in ambulatory care is understudied. METHODS: Using the population-based data from the Colorado and Utah Medical Practices Study, we identified adverse events that occurred in an ambulatory care setting and led to hospital admission. Proportions with 95% CIs are reported. RESULTS: We reviewed 14,700-hospital discharge records and found 587 adverse events of which 70 were ambulatory care adverse events (AAEs) and 31 were ambulatory care preventable adverse events (APAEs). When weighted to the general population, there were 2608 AAEs and 1296 (44.3%) APAEs in Colorado and Utah, USA, in 1992. APAEs occurred most commonly in physicians' offices (43.1%, range 46.8-27.8), the emergency department (32.3%, 46.1-18.5) and at home (13.1%, 23.1-3.1). APAEs in day surgery were less common (7.1%, 13.6-0.6) but caused the greatest harm to patients. The types of APAEs were broadly distributed among missed or delayed diagnoses (36%, 50.2-21.8), surgery (24.1%, 36.7-11.5), non-surgical procedures (14.6%, 25.0-4.2), medication (13.1%, 23.1-3.1) and therapeutic events (12.3%, 22.0-2.6). Overall, 10% of the APAEs resulted in serious permanent injury or death. The proportion of APAEs that resulted in death was 31.8% for general internal medicine, 22.5% for family practice and 16.7% for emergency medicine. CONCLUSION: An estimated 75,000 hospitalisations per year are due to preventable adverse events that occur in outpatient settings in the US, resulting in 4839 serious permanent injuries and 2587 deaths.


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Objective: This dissertation evaluated three aspects of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' Hospital Acquired Conditions and Present on Admission Indicator Reporting program (HACPOA program) to produce three journal articles for publication. ^ Methods: All payer admission records from state inpatient databases from Arizona, New Jersey and Washington states were analyzed for the year 2008. However some analyses required a sample of adult only Medicare patients in the first two studies. California's inpatient data (2004 – 2010) was also analyzed in the third study to examine the reporting and non-payment program elements' impact on the incidence of hospital acquired conditions. ^ Results: Majority diagnoses reported in inpatient prospective payment systems hospitals were present on admission. However, some diagnoses are still coded as "not present on admission" and "insufficient documentation to determine whether or not conditions are present on admission or not". This is important because it reveals that hospital complications still occur in hospitals. Hospital fall and trauma injuries were the most common hospital acquired conditions observed in this study. Predictors of hospital fall injuries include age, gender, number of diagnoses, number of procedures, number of chronic conditions while predictors of hospital trauma injuries include number of e-codes, number of diagnoses and the presence of chronic conditions on a patient's admission records. Finally, the implementation of the present on admission reporting requirement increased reports of certain hospital acquired conditions while the non-payment policy element in the Hospital Acquired Conditions program reduced the incidence of hospital fall and trauma injuries in particular. ^ Conclusion: The implementation of the Hospital Acquired Conditions and Present on Admission Indicator Reporting program has made the state inpatient database a more useful source of data capable of now identifying hospital complications. The reporting and nonpayment program elements in the HACPOA program have also impacted the incidence of hospital acquired conditions. ^


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Contractor selection is a crucial element in construction procurement (Drew & Skitmore 1993, p. 363). Contractors are selected through the tender process, which varies according to country, state and contracting organisation and is subject to individual differences. This paper reviews a range of international tender processes, highlighting the ethical features that govern these guidelines. The paper is part of a project to develop ethical guidelines for procurement for major contracting authorities. By reviewing tender guidelines we are able to gain an indication of the type of ethical standards reserved for procurement. The need for good business ethics in the tender process stems from the belief that ‘good ethical practice’ is critical in meeting organisational goals (Vee & Skitmore 2003, p. 125). Hence, an ethical tender process will select ethical contractors who are viewed as beneficial to the contracting authority.


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The aim of this paper is to provide a contemporary summary of statistical and non-statistical meta-analytic procedures that have relevance to the type of experimental designs often used by sport scientists when examining differences/change in dependent measure(s) as a result of one or more independent manipulation(s). Using worked examples from studies on observational learning in the motor behaviour literature, we adopt a random effects model and give a detailed explanation of the statistical procedures for the three types of raw score difference-based analyses applicable to between-participant, within-participant, and mixed-participant designs. Major merits and concerns associated with these quantitative procedures are identified and agreed methods are reported for minimizing biased outcomes, such as those for dealing with multiple dependent measures from single studies, design variation across studies, different metrics (i.e. raw scores and difference scores), and variations in sample size. To complement the worked examples, we summarize the general considerations required when conducting and reporting a meta-analysis, including how to deal with publication bias, what information to present regarding the primary studies, and approaches for dealing with outliers. By bringing together these statistical and non-statistical meta-analytic procedures, we provide the tools required to clarify understanding of key concepts and principles.


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Emissions from airport operations are of significant concern because of their potential impact on local air quality and human health. The currently limited scientific knowledge of aircraft emissions is an important issue worldwide, when considering air pollution associated with airport operation, and this is especially so for ultrafine particles. This limited knowledge is due to scientific complexities associated with measuring aircraft emissions during normal operations on the ground. In particular this type of research has required the development of novel sampling techniques which must take into account aircraft plume dispersion and dilution as well as the various particle dynamics that can affect the measurements of the aircraft engine plume from an operational aircraft. In order to address this scientific problem, a novel mobile emission measurement method called the Plume Capture and Analysis System (PCAS), was developed and tested. The PCAS permits the capture and analysis of aircraft exhaust during ground level operations including landing, taxiing, takeoff and idle. The PCAS uses a sampling bag to temporarily store a sample, providing sufficient time to utilize sensitive but slow instrumental techniques to be employed to measure gas and particle emissions simultaneously and to record detailed particle size distributions. The challenges in relation to the development of the technique include complexities associated with the assessment of the various particle loss and deposition mechanisms which are active during storage in the PCAS. Laboratory based assessment of the method showed that the bag sampling technique can be used to accurately measure particle emissions (e.g. particle number, mass and size distribution) from a moving aircraft or vehicle. Further assessment of the sensitivity of PCAS results to distance from the source and plume concentration was conducted in the airfield with taxiing aircraft. The results showed that the PCAS is a robust method capable of capturing the plume in only 10 seconds. The PCAS is able to account for aircraft plume dispersion and dilution at distances of 60 to 180 meters downwind of moving a aircraft along with particle deposition loss mechanisms during the measurements. Characterization of the plume in terms of particle number, mass (PM2.5), gaseous emissions and particle size distribution takes only 5 minutes allowing large numbers of tests to be completed in a short time. The results were broadly consistent and compared well with the available data. Comprehensive measurements and analyses of the aircraft plumes during various modes of the landing and takeoff (LTO) cycle (e.g. idle, taxi, landing and takeoff) were conducted at Brisbane Airport (BNE). Gaseous (NOx, CO2) emission factors, particle number and mass (PM2.5) emission factors and size distributions were determined for a range of Boeing and Airbus aircraft, as a function of aircraft type and engine thrust level. The scientific complexities including the analysis of the often multimodal particle size distributions to describe the contributions of different particle source processes during the various stages of aircraft operation were addressed through comprehensive data analysis and interpretation. The measurement results were used to develop an inventory of aircraft emissions at BNE, including all modes of the aircraft LTO cycle and ground running procedures (GRP). Measurements of the actual duration of aircraft activity in each mode of operation (time-in-mode) and compiling a comprehensive matrix of gas and particle emission rates as a function of aircraft type and engine thrust level for real world situations was crucial for developing the inventory. The significance of the resulting matrix of emission rates in this study lies in the estimate it provides of the annual particle emissions due to aircraft operations, especially in terms of particle number. In summary, this PhD thesis presents for the first time a comprehensive study of the particle and NOx emission factors and rates along with the particle size distributions from aircraft operations and provides a basis for estimating such emissions at other airports. This is a significant addition to the scientific knowledge in terms of particle emissions from aircraft operations, since the standard particle number emissions rates are not currently available for aircraft activities.


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The missing-item format and interrupted behaviour chain strategy have been used to increase spontaneous requests among children with developmental disabilities, but their relative effectiveness has not been compared. The present study compared the extent to which each strategy evoked spontaneous requests and challenging behaviour in three children with autism. Sessions where a needed item was withheld (missing-item format) were compared to sessions involving the removal of a needed item (interrupted behaviour chain strategy). Comparisons were conducted across three activates in an alternating treatments design. Both strategies evoked spontaneous requests with no significant difference in effectiveness. Few differences were obtained in the amount of challenging behaviour evoked but the two conditions, although a moderate inverse relationship between spontaneous requesting and challenging behaviour was observed. The results suggest that theses two procedures yield similar outcomes. Concurrent use of both strategies may enable teachers to create a greater number of opportunities for requesting.


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Objective: To conduct an audit of elective foot and ankle surgery in Queensland public hospitals and to compare the frequency of these procedures performed to other states and territories of Australia. ---------- Methods: ICD-10-AM data was used to extract elective foot and ankle procedures from the Data Services Unit of Queensland Health, and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare between the years of 2000 and 2004. ---------- Results During the 4-year audit period 3846 primary procedures were performed during the 4-year period with a complication rate of 2.2% during the hospital admission period. Mean length of stay was 1.7 days. Post-operative infection rates were 0.26%. With the exception of Tasmania and the Northern Territory, Queensland performs the least number of elective foot and ankle procedures per capita per year in Australia. ---------- Conclusions This is the first reported audit of elective foot and ankle surgery for Queensland public hospitals. Complication rates cannot be directly compared to the literature as this data could only capture complications within hospital admission period. Fewer elective foot and ankle procedures were performed in Queensland public hospitals compared to all other mainland states of Australia during the data collection period.