453 resultados para Aditivo


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El presente estudio se llevo a cabo con el propósito de investigar el efecto de incorporar un aditivo comercial en la ración suplementaria, sobre la producción de leche. Se utilizaron 18 vacas de diversos grados de encastamientos con razas europeas. Se dividieron en dos grupos de 9 vacas cada uno a los cuales se les aplico al azar los siguientes tratamientos: (I) Pastoreo mas ración suplementaria sin aditivo; (II) Pastoreo mas ración suplementaria sin aditivo. Al momento del ordeño se ofreció a las vacas individualmente la ración suplementaria compuesta de ingredientes nacionales en proporción de 3.70 kg diarios, agregando simultáneamente a mano el aditivo a las vacas sometidas al tratamiento II. las vacas se ordeñaron dos veces al día y se tomaron datos individuales de producción de leche, un día determinado de cada semana hasta completar diez. Al inicio y al final del ensayo se tomaron muestras de leche de cada vaca para determinar porcentaje de grasa. Todos los datos se analizaron siguiendo el modelo estadístico de MANN -WHITNEY. Los promedios de producción de leche por vaca por día fueron de 10.77 y 11.80 kg. para los tratamientos I y II respectivamente. Estadisticamente tanto las producciones de leche como el porcentaje de grasa al final del ensayo fueron iguales. El tratamiento II, al producir un incremento de 1.03 kg de leche por vaca, rindió un beneficio de C$1.36 mas en relación al testigo I. Por lo cual se concluye que es económicamente justificable el uso del aditivo.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia, especialidade de Psicologia da Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ecología Acuática y Pesca) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Orientación en Materiales de Construcción) UANL, 2012.


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Resumen tomado parcialmente de la revista.- El artículo forma parte de un monográfico dedicado a Psicología de las Matemáticas


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Os objetivos gerais desta tese foram a otimização do processo de congelamento do camarão, e a avaliação do efeito da adição do fosfato que pode afetar o rendimento e a qualidade do produto, conforme percebido pelo consumidor final. Inicialmente, foi feito um levantamento da capacidade tecnológica das empresas de pescado do Brasil. A seguir, foi feita uma revisão da literatura, buscando entender as variáveis que afetam o processo de congelamento do pescado, particularmente as questões associadas ao uso do fosfato no processamento do camarão. Após a revisão da literatura, foi elaborado um planejamento experimental, onde foi possível obter dados referentes ao rendimento (evolução do peso do produto) em cada etapa estudada: imersão em soluções de fosfato, congelamento, descongelamento e cocção. Os melhores rendimentos foram obtidos pelo congelamento com N2 líquido e com o uso de fosfato. A partir desses resultados preliminares, encontrou-se o ajuste ótimo dos fatores analisados e, a partir dele, foram executados novos ensaios para a validação das previsões de rendimento e complementação do estudo através de análises químicas e sensoriais. O uso de fosfato mostrou-se eficaz na retenção de água no descongelamento e após a cocção. Observou-se menor perda de peso no descongelamento do camarão tratado com blend de fosfato (-1,87 %) quando comparado com o Tripolifosfato de sódio – TPF (-2,86%) e controle (imersão em água, -15,5%) O mesmo foi verificado após a cocção: Blend (-7,61%), TPF (-9,05%) e controle (-25,3%). Esses rendimentos foram comprovados com a diminuição da perda de exsudado (drip loss) no descongelamento e após a cocção, o aumento do teor de umidade após a imersão em fosfato e a sua retenção após o descongelamento e cocção. Os níveis residuais de fosfato (TPF e blend) estavam abaixo do limite 0,5% estabelecido pela legislação internacional. Os resultados da análise sensorial demonstraram que o camarão tratado com fosfato reteve os atributos sensoriais, contribuindo, assim, para a maior preferência e aceitação pelos julgadores.


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Neste trabalho apresentamos um novo método numérico com passo adaptativo baseado na abordagem de linearização local, para a integração de equações diferenciais estocásticas com ruído aditivo. Propomos, também, um esquema computacional que permite a implementação eficiente deste método, adaptando adequadamente o algorítimo de Padé com a estratégia “scaling-squaring” para o cálculo das exponenciais de matrizes envolvidas. Antes de introduzirmos a construção deste método, apresentaremos de forma breve o que são equações diferenciais estocásticas, a matemática que as fundamenta, a sua relevância para a modelagem dos mais diversos fenômenos, e a importância da utilização de métodos numéricos para avaliar tais equações. Também é feito um breve estudo sobre estabilidade numérica. Com isto, pretendemos introduzir as bases necessárias para a construção do novo método/esquema. Ao final, vários experimentos numéricos são realizados para mostrar, de forma prática, a eficácia do método proposto, e compará-lo com outros métodos usualmente utilizados.


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Cementing operations are conducted at different times of the well s life and they have high importance, because the functions are fundamental to keep good properties during a long life of the well, such as, maintain the mechanical stability of the well, to promote the isolation hydraulic and support the tubing. In some situations, the rocky zones have low fractures pressures and require the use of lightweight slurries to prevent the hydrostatic pressure in the formation is greater than the pressure of fracture. There are three ways to reduce the density of cement slurries: exterders water additives, microspheres and foamed slurries. The most used extender water additive is sodium bentonite, which is a clay with a good capacity of water absorption and expansion of its volume, the main disadvantage of this additive is the reduction of the strength. Currently, the use of nanoscale particles has received special attention, mainly because they get new functionalities. Following this trend, this paper aims to use a colloidal solution of nano-silica as an exterders water additives for use in oil wells. Slurries were designed with fixed 13lb/gal density and concentration of nano silica 0.1 gpc; 0.4 gpc; 0.7 and 1gpc, the influence of nano-silica was studied at these levels in isolation and combined varying concentrations of CaCl2,. Tests including rheology, stability, strength, thickening time, porosity and permeability. Besides the API tests, microstructural characterizations were performed after 28 days of the slurries, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)


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Generally, cellulose ethers improves mortar properties such as water retention, workability and setting time, along with adherence to the substrate. However, a major disadvantage of the addition of cellulose ethers in mortars is the delay in hydration of the cement. In this paper a cellulose phosphate (Cp) was synthesized water soluble and has been evaluated the effect of their incorporation into mortar based on Portland cement. Cellulose phosphate obtained was characterized by spectrophotometry Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), elemental analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mortar compositions were formulated with varying phosphorus content in cellulose and cellulose phosphate concentrations, when used in partial or total replacement of the commercial additive based hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose (HEMC). The mortars formulated with additives were prepared and characterized by: testing in the fresh state (consistency index, water retention, bulk density and air content incorporated) and in the hardened state (absorption by capillarity, density, flexural and compression strength). In mixtures the proportion of sand:cement of 1:5 (v / v) and factor a / c = 1.31 and water were held constant. Overall, the results showed that the celluloses phosphates employed in mortars added acted significantly when partially substituting the commercial additive. With regard to consistency index, water retention and bulk density in the fresh state and absorption by capillarity and bulk density apparent in the hardened state, showed no appreciable differences as compared to the commercial additive. The incorporated air content in the fresh state reduced markedly, but did not affect other properties. The mortars with cellulose phosphate, partially replacing the commercial additive showed an improvement of the properties of flexural strength and compressive strength


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Fuel cells are considered one of the most promising ways of converting electrical energy due to its high yield and by using hydrogen (as fuel) which is considered one of the most important source of clean energy for the future. Rare earths doped ceria has been widely investigated as an alternative material for the electrolyte of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) due to its high ionic conductivity at low operating temperatures compared with the traditional electrolytes based on stabilized zirconia. This work investigates the effect of gallium oxide (Gallia) as a sintering aid in Eu doped ceria ceramic electrolytes since this effect has already been investigated for Gd, Sm and Y doped ceria electrolytes. The desired goal with the use of a sintering aid is to reduce the sintering temperature aiming to produce dense ceramics. In this study we investigated the effects on densification, microstructure and ionic conduction caused by different molar fraction of the dopants europium (10, 15 and 20%) and gallium oxide (0.3, 0.6 and 0.9%) in samples sintered at 1300, 1350 and 1450 0 C. Samaria (10 and 20%) doped ceria samples sintered between 1350 and 1450 °C were used as reference. Samples were synthesized using the cation complexation method. The ceramics powders were characterized by XRF, XRD and SEM, while the sintered samples were investigated by its relative density, SEM and impedance spectroscopy. It was showed that gallia contents up to 0.6% act as excellent sintering aids in Eu doped ceria. Above this aid content, gallia addition does not promote significant increase in density of the ceramics. In Ga free samples the larger densification were accomplished with Eu 15% molar, effect expressed in the microstructure with higher grain growth although reduced and surrounded by many open pores. Relative densities greater than 95 % were obtained by sintering between 1300 and 1350 °C against the usual range 1500 - 1600 0 C. Samples containing 10% of Sm and 0.9% of Ga reached 96% of theoretical density by sintering at 1350 0 C for 3h, a gain compared to 97% achieved with 20% of Sm and 1% of Ga co-doped cerias sintered at 1450 0 C for 24 h as described in the literature. It is found that the addition of gallia in the Eu doped ceria has a positive effect on the grain conductivity and a negative one in the grain boundary conductivity resulting in a small decrease in the total conductivity which will not compromise its application as sintering aids in ceria based electrolytes. Typical total conductivity values at 600 and 700 °C, around 10 and 30 mS.cm -1 respectively were reached in this study. Samples with 15% of Eu and 0.9 % of Ga sintered at 1300 and 1350 °C showed relative densities greater than 96% and total conductivity (measured at 700 °C) between 20 and 33 mS.cm -1 . The simultaneous sintering of the electrolyte with the anode is one of the goals of research in materials for SOFCs. The results obtained in this study suggest that dense Eu and Ga co-doped ceria electrolytes with good ionic conductivity can be sintered simultaneously with the anode at temperatures below 1350 °C, the usual temperature for firing porous anode materials


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Foram avaliados os efeitos do óxido de cálcio aplicado no momento da ensilagem nas doses de 0,5; 1 e 2% sobre a composição química de silagens de cana-de-açúcar durante a fermentação e pós-abertura. Antes da ensilagem, doses crescentes de óxido promoveram redução dos teores de FDN, FDA e lignina e aumento da hemicelulose e da digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). No momento da abertura dos silos, os teores de FDN e FDA foram superiores aos observados antes da ensilagem e menores nas silagens com doses mais altas de aditivo. Nesta mesma fase, quanto maior o nível do aditivo maior a DIVMS. do momento da abertura ao 3º dia, não houve alteração significativa nos teores de PB, FDN, FDA, lignina e hemicelulose ou na DIVMS. O teor de FDN das silagens controle e com 0,5% de aditivo aumentou do 3º ao 6º dia. Silagens com 0,5% de cal tiveram aumento do teor de FDN também do 6c ao 9ºdia, enquanto, nas silagens com 1% de cal, esse aumento ocorreu do 3º ao 9º dia e, nas silagens com 2%, não houve alteração após abertura. Na silagem com 2% de óxido de cálcio, a maior recuperação de matéria seca digestível verdadeira e de CNF ocorreu na ensilagem e, naquelas com 1 e 2% de aditivo, após a abertura do silo. A adição de cal virgem reduziu o teor de FDN das silagens em todos os momentos e manteve o teor de FDN mais estável após abertura.


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The tricalcium phosphate ceramics has been widely investigated in the last years due its bioresorbable behavior. The limiting factor of the application of these materials as temporary implants is its low strength resistance. The tricalcium phosphate presents an allotropic transformation β→α around 1250 ºC that degrades its resistance. Some studies have been developed in order to densify this material at this temperature range. The objective of this work is to study the influence of the addition of magnesium oxide (MgO) in the sintering of β-TCP. The processing route was uniaxial hot pressing and its objective was to obtain dense samples. The samples were physically characterized through density and porosity measurements. The thermal behavior was studied through dilatometric, thermal differential and thermogravimetric analysis. The mechanical properties were characterized by three point flexure test and Vickers microhardness measurements, analyzed of the microstructure. The addition of magnesium oxide doesn t cause an improvement of the mechanical strength in relation to material without additive.


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The calcium phosphate ceramics have been very investigated as material for bone implants. The tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) had a great potential for application in temporary implants like a resorbable bioceramic. This material presents a limitation in its sintering temperature due to occurrence of the allotropic transformation β → α at temperatures around 1200°C, not allowing the attainment of dense ceramic bodies. This transformation also causes cracks, what diminishes the mechanical strength, limiting its use to applications of low mechanical requests. This work studies the influence of the addition of manganese oxide in the sintering of β-TCP. Two processing routes were investigated. The first was the powder metallurgy conventional process. The test bodies (samples) were pressed and sintering at temperatures of 1200 and 1250°C. The second route was uniaxial hot pressing and its objective was to obtain samples with high relative density. The samples were physically characterized through density and porosity measurements. The thermal behavior was studied through dilatometric, thermal differential and thermogravimetric analysis. The mechanical properties were characterized by three point flexure test and Vickers microhardness measurements. The microstructure was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The addition of manganese oxide caused an improvement of the mechanical strength in relation to the material without additive and promoting the stabilization of β-TCP to greater temperatures