6 resultados para Adital
The strong presence of the communication and information technologies (TICs) forced the productive routine of some media vehicles to go through significant changes. The same happened to the alternative agencies segment. Having a scarce literature and sources about this subject, this study’s objective is to understand how the Information Agency Frei Tito for Latin America (Adital) develops its proposal of alternative journalism, within the cyberspace, while aiming a Christian communication. For this finality, the study will describe and explain the practices of journalistic production, identifying the subjects involved and the relations maintained between them in this productive routine. Also, it will trace who and where these content replicators are and/or their online address. At first, it was presented a theoretical discussion about the concepts of “counter-hegemony”, alternative journalism and communicative citizenship, what brings us to the studies of Gramsci (2010), Peruzzo (2011), Moraes (2013), Paiva (2008), Coutinho (2008), Mata (2006), among other authors. Next, it will be approached briefly the historical path of the information agencies around the world and in Latin America, so that the study can focus on authors like Aguiar (2009), Pasti (2013) and Moraes (2010). This piece will draught a “methodologic route” for a qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive character. We gave up the etnometodological methods, what allow us to analyze the etnomethods or behavioral groups of action, procedures, activities and knowledge that constitutes these groups, giving them recognition and distinction. (COULON, 1995). To achieve the defined objectives, it was also used a bibliographical and documental research techniques, in addition to subject observation and semi-structured interviews. Finally, we analyze the collected data taking into consideration three pivots: the beginning of Adital; the practices, characteristics and subjects involved in the productive routine of the agency; and who are and where are these content replicators of content produced and transmitted by Adital. We can conclude that the production routine of an alternative agency and the counter-hegemonic of information is marked by some singularities regarding to the organization of the journalistic practice and to the obstacles found on the way. Our data allows us, even if there are still some doubts, to believe that Adital is a sort of independent information agency, alternative and counter-hegemonic, ergo, more close to a proposition of communicative citizenship.
The strong presence of the communication and information technologies (TICs) forced the productive routine of some media vehicles to go through significant changes. The same happened to the alternative agencies segment. Having a scarce literature and sources about this subject, this study’s objective is to understand how the Information Agency Frei Tito for Latin America (Adital) develops its proposal of alternative journalism, within the cyberspace, while aiming a Christian communication. For this finality, the study will describe and explain the practices of journalistic production, identifying the subjects involved and the relations maintained between them in this productive routine. Also, it will trace who and where these content replicators are and/or their online address. At first, it was presented a theoretical discussion about the concepts of “counter-hegemony”, alternative journalism and communicative citizenship, what brings us to the studies of Gramsci (2010), Peruzzo (2011), Moraes (2013), Paiva (2008), Coutinho (2008), Mata (2006), among other authors. Next, it will be approached briefly the historical path of the information agencies around the world and in Latin America, so that the study can focus on authors like Aguiar (2009), Pasti (2013) and Moraes (2010). This piece will draught a “methodologic route” for a qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive character. We gave up the etnometodological methods, what allow us to analyze the etnomethods or behavioral groups of action, procedures, activities and knowledge that constitutes these groups, giving them recognition and distinction. (COULON, 1995). To achieve the defined objectives, it was also used a bibliographical and documental research techniques, in addition to subject observation and semi-structured interviews. Finally, we analyze the collected data taking into consideration three pivots: the beginning of Adital; the practices, characteristics and subjects involved in the productive routine of the agency; and who are and where are these content replicators of content produced and transmitted by Adital. We can conclude that the production routine of an alternative agency and the counter-hegemonic of information is marked by some singularities regarding to the organization of the journalistic practice and to the obstacles found on the way. Our data allows us, even if there are still some doubts, to believe that Adital is a sort of independent information agency, alternative and counter-hegemonic, ergo, more close to a proposition of communicative citizenship.
El presente escrito, constituye una aproximación a los procesos de privatización del agua en América Latina. Lo anterior, en el marco de la acción colectiva, específicamente de los movimientos sociales y su interacción estratégica con oponentes como las compañías multinacionales, las organizaciones financieras internacionales y el Estado. Tomando como referencia las luchas ocurridas en Bolivia, Uruguay y México, con especial énfasis en La Guerra del Agua en Cochabamba (Bolivia).
El propósito del presente estudio diagnóstico, es el de analizar el proceso de reconstrucción de la identidad del Pueblo Indígena Muisca de la Localidad de Bosa, en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C desde el año de 1999 hasta el 2013. Este diagnóstico tiene como punto de partida, el análisis de la pérdida del territorio ancestral por parte de esta comunidad de indígenas urbanos, debido a los proceso de expansión y de urbanización legales e ilegales que tienen lugar en el territorio. Con base en el análisis de los anteriores fenómenos, se estudian las características principales de las comunidades e individuos indígenas presentes en las ciudades, y los retos que enfrentan las instituciones oficiales en materia de desarrollar políticas de reconocimiento con base en modelos de planificación indígena.
Bajo la tipología de estudio de caso, la presente investigación pretende explicar la influencia ejercida desde el Banco Mundial en la configuración de políticas públicas nacionales en Bolivia para la privatización del suministro, transporte y acceso al agua potable. El objetivo general de la investigación es explicar los alcances y limitaciones del modelo de privatización del agua en Bolivia como política pública, promovido por el Banco Mundial (BM), en la primera década del siglo XXI. Sosteniendo que el modelo de privatización del BM ha sido permeado y superado por el interés nacional del pueblo boliviano en materia de acceso al agua. Finalmente, la metodología empleada será de corte cualitativa a partir del análisis de documentos oficiales, textos académicos y científicos, legislaciones y disposiciones tomadas desde el BM y desde Bolivia en lo que respecta a la privatización del agua.
Nas décadas de 1970 e 1980 houve a eclosão de experiências comunicacionais populares, em todo Brasil, com vasta produção de materiais, especialmente arquivados pelos centros de documentação. Em sua maioria, criados e financiados por setores progressistas da Igreja Católica e Protestante. Entre eles, o Centro de Pastoral Vergueiro (CPV) e o Centro de Comunicação e Educação Popular de São Miguel Paulista (CEMI) que também tiveram importante papel na construção e preservação da memória das lutas populares no período de reorganização social, no contexto de distensão da ditadura militar. No entanto, tais acervos estão em iminente risco, por falta de investimento e vontade política. O que seria um prejuízo histórico e científico para movimentos sociais atuais e à pesquisa acadêmica. O objetivo do estudo é identificar a que se deve este desinteresse. A abordagem se dá pelo método da história oral e como técnicas de investigação adotamos a pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e a pesquisa de campo, por meio da entrevista em profundidade. A falta de uma política pública que garanta a preservação dos documentos é sinal de que no Brasil predomina uma cultura que não privilegia a memória, sobretudo das camadas empobrecidas da população. Além do que, a memória pode ser subversiva. Afinal tais documentos expressam a força da participação popular no processo de transformação social e podem despertar novas ações, o que não interessa aos grupos que estão no poder.