982 resultados para Adhesive joints fatigue experimental numerical


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Research on adhesive joints is arousing increasing interest in aerospace industry. Incomplete knowledge of fatigue in adhesively bonded joints is a major obstacle to their application. The prediction of the disbonding growth is yet an open question. This thesis researches the influence of the adhesive thickness on fatigue disbond growth. Experimental testing on specimens with different thickness has been performed. Both a conventional approach based on the strain energy release rate and an approach based on cyclic strain energy are provided. The inadequacy of the former approach is discussed. Outcomes from tests support the idea of correlating the crack growth rate to the cyclic strain energy. In order to push further the study, a 2D finite element model for the prediction of disbond growth under quasi-static loading has been developed and implemented in Abaqus. Numerical simulations have been conducted with different values of the adhesive thickness. The results from tests and simulations are in accordance with each other. According to them, no dependence of disbonding on the adhesive thickness has been evidenced.


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The mode I and mode II fracture properties of the FM300-2 adhesive bond between 5HS/RTM6 laminates are determined experimentally by DCB and ELS test. The crack propagation is studied numerically by means of interface elements based on the decohesive zone model. The latter is characterized by material degradation, which is usually assumed to be linear. In the present study it is shown that if a non-linear material degradation is used with an increased magnitude of the interface relative displacement at failure it is possible to model more correctly the experimentally observed significant non-linear behaviour before the start of crack propagation. An adhesive stepped flush joint is studied experimentally and numerically. A mixed mode interaction criterion is used together with the nonlinear material degradation of the interface. Sensitivity studies are performed to study the influence of the parameters defining it.


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Experimental and theoretical studies on degradation of composite-epoxy adhesive joints were carried out on samples having different interfacial and cohesive properties. Oblique incidence ultrasonic inspection of bonded joints revealed that degradation in the adhesive can be measured by significant variation in reflection amplitude as also by a shift in the minima of reflection spectrum. It was observed that severe degradation of the adhesive leads to failure dominated by interfacial mode. Through this investigation it is demonstrated that a correlation exists between the bond strength and a frequency shift in reflection minimum. The experimental data was validated using analytical models. Though both bulk adhesive degradation and interfacial degradation influences the shift in spectrum minimum, the contribution of the latter was found to be significant. An inversion algorithm was used to determine the interfacial transverse stiffness using the experimental oblique reflection spectrum. The spectrum shift was found to depend on the value of interfacial transverse stiffness using which a qualitative assessment can be made on the integrity of the joint.


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Adhesively-bonded joints are extensively used in several fields of engineering. Cohesive Zone Models (CZM) have been used for the strength prediction of adhesive joints, as an add-in to Finite Element (FE) analyses that allows simulation of damage growth, by consideration of energetic principles. A useful feature of CZM is that different shapes can be developed for the cohesive laws, depending on the nature of the material or interface to be simulated, allowing an accurate strength prediction. This work studies the influence of the CZM shape (triangular, exponential or trapezoidal) used to model a thin adhesive layer in single-lap adhesive joints, for an estimation of its influence on the strength prediction under different material conditions. By performing this study, guidelines are provided on the possibility to use a CZM shape that may not be the most suited for a particular adhesive, but that may be more straightforward to use/implement and have less convergence problems (e.g. triangular shaped CZM), thus attaining the solution faster. The overall results showed that joints bonded with ductile adhesives are highly influenced by the CZM shape, and that the trapezoidal shape fits best the experimental data. Moreover, the smaller is the overlap length (LO), the greater is the influence of the CZM shape. On the other hand, the influence of the CZM shape can be neglected when using brittle adhesives, without compromising too much the accuracy of the strength predictions.


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The use of relatively low modulus adhesive at the ends of overlap in a bi-adhesive bondline of a bonded joint can reduce the stress concentration significantly and, therefore, potentially lead to higher strength of the joint. This study presents the two-dimensional and three-dimensional nonlinear (geometric and material) finite element analyses of adhesively bonded single lap joints having modulus-graded bondline under monotonic loading conditions. The adhesives were modelled as an elasto-plastic multi-linear material, while the substrates were regarded as both linear elastic and bi-linear elasto-plastic material. The computational simulations have been performed to investigate the bondline behaviour by studying the stress and strain distributions both at the mid-plane as well as at the interface of the bondline. It has been observed that the static strength is higher for joints with bi-adhesive bondlines compared to those with single adhesives in bondline. Higher joint strength has also been observed for optimum bi-adhesive bondline ratio through parametric studies. Effects of load level, and bondline thickness on stress distribution in the bi-adhesive bondline have also been studied. 3D analysis results reveal the existence of complex multi-axial stress/strain state at the ends of the overlap in the bondline which cannot be observed in 2D plane strain analysis. About 1/3rd of the width of the joint from the free edge in the width direction has 3D stress state, especially in the compliant adhesive of the bondline. Magnitudes of longitudinal and lateral stress/strain components are comparable to peel stress/strain components. It has also been analytically shown that the in-plane global stiffness of the joint remains unaffected by modulus gradation of the bondline adhesive. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2010.


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This thesis describes a series of experimental, numerical, and analytical studies involving the Caltech magnetohydrodynamically (MHD)-driven plasma jet experiment. The plasma jet is created via a capacitor discharge that powers a magnetized coaxial planar electrodes system. The jet is collimated and accelerated by the MHD forces.

We present three-dimensional ideal MHD finite-volume simulations of the plasma jet experiment using an astrophysical magnetic tower as the baseline model. A compact magnetic energy/helicity injection is exploited in the simulation analogous to both the experiment and to astrophysical situations. Detailed analysis provides a comprehensive description of the interplay of magnetic force, pressure, and flow effects. We delineate both the jet structure and the transition process that converts the injected magnetic energy to other forms.

When the experimental jet is sufficiently long, it undergoes a global kink instability and then a secondary local Rayleigh-Taylor instability caused by lateral acceleration of the kink instability. We present an MHD theory of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability on the cylindrical surface of a plasma flux rope in the presence of a lateral external gravity. The Rayleigh-Taylor instability is found to couple to the classic current-driven instability, resulting in a new type of hybrid instability. The coupled instability, produced by combination of helical magnetic field, curvature of the cylindrical geometry, and lateral gravity, is fundamentally different from the classic magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability occurring at a two-dimensional planar interface.

In the experiment, this instability cascade from macro-scale to micro-scale eventually leads to the failure of MHD. When the Rayleigh-Taylor instability becomes nonlinear, it compresses and pinches the plasma jet to a scale smaller than the ion skin depth and triggers a fast magnetic reconnection. We built a specially designed high-speed 3D magnetic probe and successfully detected the high frequency magnetic fluctuations of broadband whistler waves associated with the fast reconnection. The magnetic fluctuations exhibit power-law spectra. The magnetic components of single-frequency whistler waves are found to be circularly polarized regardless of the angle between the wave propagation direction and the background magnetic field.


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O estudo de escoamentos turbulentos em descarregadores em degraus tem sido um desafio para os investigadores. A macro-rugosidade do leito, a ondulação da superfície livre, a intermitência da localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar e o escoamento bi-fásico a jusante da secção inicial de entrada de ar fazem com que a caracterização do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus não seja simples. Actualmente, é possível combinar técnicas de medição fiáveis com simulações numéricas e análise teórica. Nesta dissertação, o estudo experimental baseia-se em resultados experimentais obtidos em duas instalações experimentais: a instalação A, do Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), dotada de um descarregador em degraus com declive de 1V:0.75H e a instalação B, do Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), dotada de um descarregador em degraus com declive de 1V:2H. Uma sonda de ar, um tubo de Pitot modificado e vários hidrómetros permitiram o estudo do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões mono- e bifásico ao longo do descarregador em degraus da instalação A. Na bacia de dissipação de energia, a observação visual do escoamento foi auxiliada pelas leituras efectuadas em tomadas de pressão localizadas na soleira da bacia e pelas leituras da altura do escoamento efectuadas em réguas graduadas localizadas nas paredes da bacia. Na instalação B foram utilizados um tubo de Pitot e vários hidrómetros para estudar a região não arejada do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões no descarregador em degraus. O estudo numérico é baseado em simulações numéricas da região não arejada do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões sobre descarregadores em degraus com o código comercial de CFD FLOW-3D® de modo a reproduzir as condições ensaiadas experimentalmente. As simulações beneficiaram da técnica de blocos múltiplos (multi-block) num sistema de coordenadas cartesianas, da determinação da superfície livre pelo método TruVOF e da utilização de dois modelos de turbulência: os modelos k- e RNG k-. Por último, o estudo teórico consistiu em desenvolver um modelo simplificado 1D para determinar as características hidráulicas principais do trecho não arejado do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus. O modelo foi desenvolvido a partir das equações de Navier-Stokes, conjuntamente com resultados experimentais e numéricos. Os resultados apresentados nesta dissertação contribuem para o conhecimento do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus, nomeadamente na região não arejada, na secção inicial de entrada de ar e na região arejada. A hidráulica dos dissipadores de energia a jusante de descarregadores em degraus, em particular das bacias tipo III do USBR, é também objecto de estudo. Em relação à região não arejada do escoamento em descarregadores com declive acentuado, e com base em resultados experimentais e numéricos, são propostas expressões para estimar o desenvolvimento da altura equivalente de água, da espessura da camada limite, da concentração média de ar, do coeficiente de energia cinética, da dissipação de energia, do factor de resistência e do coeficiente n da fórmula de Manning. São ainda propostas expressões adimensionais para a energia cinética turbulenta e sua dissipação. Para declives moderados, são propostas expressões para estimar o desenvolvimento da altura equivalente de água, do coeficiente de energia cinética e da energia específica residual. São ainda apresentados valores do expoente 1/N da expressão adimensional da distribuição de velocidades, quer para descarregadores com declive acentuado quer com declive moderado. Em conformidade com outros estudos centrados em escoamentos de parede e com derivações teóricas, para a região não arejada do escoamento em descarregadores em degraus de acentuado declive, observa-se que o factor de resistência depende da macro-rugosidade criada pelos degraus e da geometria da secção transversal e que o coeficiente n da fórmula de Manning aumenta com a rugosidade. A descrição estatística da turbulência do escoamento é igualmente explorada, contribuindo para o conhecimento da estrutura do escoamento. Observou-se que para números de Reynolds rugoso não superiores a 6.8x104 a energia cinética turbulência e a sua dissipação cumprem leis de semelhança. Estas expressões adimensionais estão de acordo com os resultados obtidos por outros autores para escoamentos completamente desenvolvidos em canais abertos e no escoamento em rios com leito de gravilha. Em acréscimo, a taxa de dissipação de energia, quer para descarregadores de declive acentuado quer de moderado declive, é baixa. Por último, observa-se que os valores da média temporal da concentração de ar entre 0 e 1 medidos na região não arejada do escoamento dizem respeito não só ao ar capturado entre ondas de água, na zona de ondulação da superfície livre, mas também ao ar emulsionado no escoamento, i.e., sob a forma de bolhas de ar, quando perto da secção média inicial de entrada de ar, devido à diferença entre localizações instantânea e média temporal. Foram revistas metodologias e fórmulas para estimar a localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar e apresentadas expressões para estimar a concentração média de ar e a altura equivalente de água nessa secção. Relativamente à região de escoamento arejado em descarregadores em degraus com declive acentuado, os resultados experimentais apresentados nesta dissertação permitiram estimar a influência da definição da superfície livre nos parâmetros hidráulicos da região do escoamento arejado e estimar a máxima elevação do escoamento nesta região do escoamento. Com base nos resultados experimentais obtidos na bacia de dissipação de energia do tipo III do USBR localizada a jusante do descarregador em degraus da instalação A, observou-se que os perfis da altura piezométrica e da altura do escoamento tendem a seguir o perfil recomendado pelo USBR para bacias tipo III. A excepção ocorre à entrada da bacia, onde as alturas piezométricas apresentadas nesta dissertação excedem largamente as apresentadas pelo USBR. É ainda observado que, tal como entre as bacias tipo I e tipo III do USBR, o ressalto hidráulico estabiliza muito mais rapidamente numa bacia tipo III a jusante de um descarregador em degraus do que uma bacia tipo I a jusante do mesmo descarregador em degraus. Finalmente, observa-se que os blocos de amortecimento a colocar no descarregador não têm influência visível nos resultados da altura piezométrica nem da altura do escoamento ao longo da bacia. Relativamente às simulações numéricas do escoamento não arejado, a proximidade entre resultados experimentais e numéricos permite validar o modelo teórico e a integração numérica usados no FLOW-3D®. As simulações desenvolvidas também mostraram que o modelo de turbulência k- permite representar as características do escoamento não arejado em descarregadores em degraus, uma vez que não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as simulações com este modelo e com o modelo RNG k-. Finalmente, observou-se que o modelo de entrada de ar usado no FLOW-3D® é válido para estimar a localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar. Por último, a proximidade entre os resultados obtidos da aplicação do modelo teórico desenvolvido no âmbito desta dissertação e os resultados experimentais indica que as hipóteses e simplificações consideradas no desenvolvimento do modelo são adequadas.


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This paper is concerned with the construction of fracture envelopes of DP780 sheets using two methods: a hybrid experimental-numerical method; two-dimensional digital image correlation (2D-DIC). For the hybrid method, four types of ductile fracture tests were carried out covering a wide range of stress states on specimens: with a central hole; two symmetric circular notches; flat grooved; and diagonally double-notched. Based on the fracture strain and loading paths identified with finite element simulation, a fracture envelope was obtained by employing the three-parameter modified Mohr-Coulomb fracture model. In addition, the fracture surface strain was directly measured using 2D-DIC. Loading histories of each test were extracted from a surface element of a three dimensional finite element model. The comparison of fracture envelopes constructed by the two methods reveals that there is little difference. Thus, it can be concluded that 2D-DIC is applicable to fracture modelling of DP780 sheets despite the assumption of the plane stress condition even after necking


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Adhesives are widely used to execute the assembly of aerospace and automotive structures due to their ability to join dissimilar materials, reduced stress concentration, and improved fatigue resistance. The mechanical behavior of adhesive joints can be studied either using analytical models or by conducting mechanical tests. However, the complexity owing to multiple interfaces, layers with different properties, material and geometric nonlinearity and its three-dimensional nature combine to increase the difficulty in obtaining an overall system of governing equations to predict the joint behavior. On the other hand, experiments are often time consuming and expensive due to a number of parameters involved. Finite element analysis (FEA) is profoundly used in recent years to overcome these limitations. The work presented in this paper involves the finite element modeling and analysis of a composite single lap joint where the adhesive-adherend interface region was modeled using connector elements. The computed stresses were compared with the experimental stresses obtained using digital image correlation technique. The results showed an agreement. Further, the failure load predicted using FEA was found to be closer to the actual failure load obtained by mechanical tests.


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In this study, the tensile strength of single-lap joints (SLJs) between similar and dissimilar adherends bonded with an acrylic adhesive was evaluated experimentally and numerically. The adherend materials included polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), carbon-epoxy (CFRP), and glass-polyester (GFRP) composites. The following adherend combinations were tested: PE/PE, PE/PP, PE/CFRP, PE/GFRP, PP/PP, CFRP/CFRP, and GFRP/GFRP. One of the objectives of this work was to assess the influence of the adherends stiffness on the strength of the joints since it significantly affects the peel stresses magnitude in the adhesive layer. The experimental results were also used to validate a new mixed-mode cohesive damage model developed to simulate the adhesive layer. Thus, the experimental results were compared with numerical simulations performed in ABAQUS®, including a developed mixed-mode (I+II) cohesive damage model, based on the indirect use of fracture mechanics and implemented within interface finite elements. The cohesive laws present a trapezoidal shape with an increasing stress plateau, to reproduce the behaviour of the ductile adhesive used. A good agreement was found between the experimental and numerical results.