503 resultados para Adhesión a Directriz


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Summary Points Brucellosis remains the commonest anthropozoonosis worldwide, and its treatment remains complex, requiring protracted administration of more than one antibiotic. In November 2006, a consensus meeting aimed at reaching a common specialist statement on the treatment of brucellosis was held in Ioannina, Greece under the auspices of the International Society of Chemotherapy and the Institute of Continuing Medical Education of Ioannina. The author panel suggests that the optimal treatment of uncomplicated brucellosis should be based on a six-week regimen of doxycycline combined either with streptomycin for 2–3 weeks, or rifampicin for six weeks. Gentamicin may be considered an acceptable alternative to streptomycin, while all other regimens/combinations should be considered second-line. The development of a common global therapeutic language for human brucellosis, and future, properly conducted clinical trials would definitely solve controversies regarding the disease.


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Initial care has been associated with improved survival of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). We aimed to investigate patient comorbidities and health status measured by the Charlson index and clinical signs at diagnosis associated with adherence to recommended processes of care in CAP. We studied 3844 patients hospitalized with CAP. The evaluated recommendations were antibiotic adherence to Spanish guidelines, first antibiotic dose <6 hours and oxygen assessment. Antibiotic adherence was 72.6%, first dose <6 h was 73.4% and oxygen assessment was 90.2%. Antibiotic adherence was negatively associated with a high Charlson score (Odds ratio [OR], 0.91), confusion (OR, 0.66) and tachycardia ≥100 bpm (OR, 0.77). Delayed first dose was significantly lower in those with tachycardia (OR, 0.75). Initial oxygen assessment was negatively associated with fever (OR, 0.61), whereas tachypnea ≥30 (OR, 1.58), tachycardia (OR, 1.39), age >65 (OR, 1.51) and COPD (OR, 1.80) were protective factors. The combination of antibiotic adherence and timing <6 hours was negatively associated with confusion (OR, 0.69) and a high Charlson score (OR, 0.92) adjusting for severity and hospital effect, whereas age was not an independent factor. Deficient health status and confusion, rather than age, are associated with lower compliance with antibiotic therapy recommendations and timing, thus identifying a subpopulation more prone to receiving lower quality care.


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BACKGROUNDS AUDIPOC is a nationwide clinical audit that describes the characteristics, interventions and outcomes of patients admitted to Spanish hospitals because of an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (ECOPD), assessing the compliance of these parameters with current international guidelines. The present study describes hospital resources, hospital factors related to case recruitment variability, patients' characteristics, and adherence to guidelines. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS An organisational database was completed by all participant hospitals recording resources and organisation. Over an 8-week period 11,564 consecutive ECOPD admissions to 129 Spanish hospitals covering 70% of the Spanish population were prospectively identified. At hospital discharge, 5,178 patients (45% of eligible) were finally included, and thus constituted the audited population. Audited patients were reassessed 90 days after admission for survival and readmission rates. A wide variability was observed in relation to most variables, hospital adherence to guidelines, and readmissions and death. Median inpatient mortality was 5% (across-hospital range 0-35%). Among discharged patients, 37% required readmission (0-62%) and 6.5% died (0-35%). The overall mortality rate was 11.6% (0-50%). Hospital size and complexity and aspects related to hospital COPD awareness were significantly associated with case recruitment. Clinical management most often complied with diagnosis and treatment recommendations but rarely (<50%) addressed guidance on healthy life-styles. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE The AUDIPOC study highlights the large across-hospital variability in resources and organization of hospitals, patient characteristics, process of care, and outcomes. The study also identifies resources and organizational characteristics associated with the admission of COPD cases, as well as aspects of daily clinical care amenable to improvement.


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Cell-mediated and innate immunity are considered the most important mechanisms of host defense against fungus infections. However, recent studies demonstrated that specific antibodies show different degrees of protection against mycosis. In a previous study, antigens secreted by Sporothrix schenckii induced a specific humoral response in infected animals, mainly against the 70-kDa molecule, indicating a possible participation of antibodies to this antigen in infection control. in the present study, an IgG1 mAb was produced against a 70-kDa glycoprotein of S. schenckii in order to better understand the effect of passive immunization of mice infected with S. schenckii. Results showed a significant reduction in the number of CFU in organs of mice when the mAb was injected before and during S. schenckii infection. Similar results were observed when T-cell-deficient mice were used. Moreover, in a second schedule treatment, the mAb was injected after infection was established, and again we observed a significant reduction in CFU associated with an increase of IFN-gamma production. Also, the 70-kDa antigen is shown to be a putative adhesin present on the surface of this fungus. In conclusion, we report for the first time the protective effect of a specific antibody against S. schenckii.


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OBJETIVO: O "Cuestionario para la Evaluación de la Adhesión al Tratamiento Antiretroviral" é um instrumento auto-aplicável para a identificação do grau de adesão ao tratamento anti-retroviral em pacientes com infecção pelo HIV. O objetivo do estudo foi de traduzir, adaptar e validar o questionário para seu uso no Brasil. MÉTODOS: O questionário foi traduzido do original em espanhol ao português, utilizando o processo de tradução-retradução (espanhol/português/espanhol), seguido de avaliação verbal da compreensão com um pequeno grupo de pacientes. Foram estudadas as propriedades psicométricas do instrumento em uma amostra de 59 pacientes com infecção pelo HIV em tratamento anti-retroviral. Os pacientes foram avaliados em centro especializado no atendimento de pacientes infectados pelo HIV ou com Aids, em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, entre os meses de junho a novembro de 2005. Para o processo de validação do instrumento foram analisados os indicadores de consistência interna, validez relacionada a um critério externo, sensibilidade e especificidade. RESULTADOS: A análise dos resultados permitiu identificar uma adequada confiabilidade do questionário (alfa=0,64) e validade relacionada a um critério externo (carga viral; r=-0,48; p<0,001). Também observou-se adequada sensibilidade (79,2%) e especificidade (57,1%) do questionário para a detecção entre indivíduos com carga viral indetectável e detectável. CONCLUSÕES: A versão em português do Questionário para Avaliação da Adesão ao Tratamento Anti-retroviral mostrou ser útil, confiável e válida para a avaliação do grau de adesão ao tratamento anti-retroviral em pacientes com infecção pelo HIV.


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El present treball aborda una situació actual dins d'una Europa en moviment, des dels inicis d'una possible integració europea, passant pels problemes generats per les dos guerres mundials, seguint per la constitució de la CECA com a antesala a la Comunitat Econòmica Europea (CEE). I, a partir d'eixe moment analitzar tot el procés de creixement del que ha vingut a cridar-se Unió Europea (UE). Els tractats d'adhesió i aquells que han marcat un abans i un després en el procés de creació de la UE actual. Analitzar les futures ampliacions de la UE és un apartat important i més en concret la possible adhesió de Turquia. La història de Turquia com a país, els seus antecedents dins del marc europeu, la innegable voluntat de cooperació i adhesió al projecte europeu. La seua cultura, els seus costums, les seues creences, la seua demografia, les seues característiques geogràfiques especials. La complicada situació en què es troba per a acceptar el patrimoni comunitari que s'exigix a tot país interessat en la incorporació a la UE. Les exigències polítiques i jurídiques que fan d'esta incorporació un procés en marxa on no es concreta el final del mateix. Les distintes posicions dels Estats membres davant d'una realitat que canviaria en gran manera la relació de forces de l'actual UE de 27 membres després del Tractat de Lisboa i les seues conseqüències dins del repartiment de poder per als Estats membres.


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Introducción: La adhesión de las resinas dentales al esmalte no depende solamente del grabado ácido del esmalte. Otros factores, como el pulido de la superficie del esmalte pueden influir en la fuerza de adhesión de las resinas. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la adhesión de un sellador de fisuras fotopolimerizable tras la utilización previa de distintos métodos de profilaxis y dos diferentes tiempos de grabado. Material y método: Ochenta terceros molares extraídos quirúrgicamente se seccionaron en dos mitades (vestibular y lingual). Los dientes se dividieron en ocho grupos de 20 muestras cada uno, de acuerdo con los métodos de profilaxis: polvo de piedra pómez, pasta fluorada, espray de bicarbonato y control (sin profilaxis); y dos tiempos de grabado: 15 y 30 segundos. Se midió la fuerza de adhesión mediante una prueba de tracción en una máquina de ensayos universal INSTRON. Resultados y conclusión: Se utilizó el test estadístico ANOVA, detectándose diferencias significativas en la resistencia a la tracción; el posterior test de Dunnett encontró estas diferencias entre los grupos control y de profilaxis con piedra pómez para 15 y 30 segundos de grabado respecto de los grupos tratados con pasta fluorada y espray de bicarbonato, para los mismos tiempos de grabado (p<0,05), siendo esta diferencia mayor en el grupo de espray con bicarbonato.


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Streptococcus suis is an important pig pathogen but it is also zoonotic, i.e. capable of causing diseases in humans. Human S. suis infections are quite uncommon but potentially life-threatening and the pathogen is an emerging public health concern. This Gram-positive bacterium possesses a galabiose-specific (Galalpha1−4Gal) adhesion activity, which has been studied for over 20 years. P-fimbriated Escherichia coli−bacteria also possess a similar adhesin activity targeting the same disaccharide. The galabiose-specific adhesin of S. suis was identified by an affinity proteomics method. No function of the protein identified was formerly known and it was designated streptococcal adhesin P (SadP). The peptide sequence of SadP contains an LPXTG-motif and the protein was proven to be cell wall−anchored. SadP may be multimeric since in SDS-PAGE gel it formed a protein ladder starting from about 200 kDa. The identification was confirmed by producing knockout strains lacking functional adhesin, which had lost their ability to bind to galabiose. The adhesin gene was cloned in a bacterial expression host and properties of the recombinant adhesin were studied. The galabiose-binding properties of the recombinant protein were found to be consistent with previous results obtained studying whole bacterial cells. A live-bacteria application of surface plasmon resonance was set up, and various carbohydrate inhibitors of the galabiose-specific adhesins were studied with this assay. The potencies of the inhibitors were highly dependent on multivalency. Compared with P-fimbriated E. coli, lower concentrations of galabiose derivatives were needed to inhibit the adhesion of S. suis. Multivalent inhibitors of S. suis adhesion were found to be effective at low nanomolar concentrations. To specifically detect galabiose adhesin−expressing S. suis bacteria, a technique utilising magnetic glycoparticles and an ATP bioluminescence bacterial detection system was also developed. The identification and characterisation of the SadP adhesin give valuable information on the adhesion mechanisms of S. suis, and the results of this study may be helpful for the development of novel inhibitors and specific detection methods of this pathogen.


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Stimulation of the mammalian immune system by administration of plasmid DNA has been shown to be an important approach for vaccine development against several pathogens. In the present study we investigated the use of DNA vaccines to induce immune responses against an enteric bacterial pathogen, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). Three plasmid vectors encoding colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I), an ETEC fimbrial adhesin, were constructed. Eukaryotic cells transfected with each of these plasmids expressed the heterologous antigen in different compartments: bound to the cytoplasmic membrane (pRECFA), accumulated in the cytoplasm (pPolyCFA) or secreted to the outside medium (pBLCFA). BALB/c mice were intramuscularly (im) inoculated with purified plasmid DNA and the systemic, cellular and secreted CFA/I-specific immune responses were analyzed. The results showed that all three DNA vaccine formulations could elicit CFA/I-specific immune responses. Moreover, cellular location of the plasmid-encoded CFA/I seems to have an important role in the induced immune response. Taken together, these results indicate that DNA vaccines also represent a promising approach against enteric bacterial pathogens.


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Metarhizium robertsii is an entomopathogenic fungus that is additionally plant rhizosphere competent. Two adhesin-encoding gens, Mad1 and Mad2, are involved in insect pathogenesis or plant root colonization, respectively. This study examined differential expression of the Mad genes for M robertsii grown on a variety of insectand plant-related substrates. Mad1 was up regulated in response to insect cuticles and up regulation of Mad2 resulted from root exudates, tomato stems and non-preferred carbohydrates. A time course analysis that compared water, minimal media, and nutrient rich broth revealed Mad2 gene expression increased as nutrient availability decreased. The regulation of Mad2 compared to known stress-related genes (Hsp30, Hsp70 and ssgA) under various stresses (nutrient, pH, osmotic, oxidative, temperature) revealed Mad2 to be generally up regulated by nutrient starvation only. Examination of the Mad2 promoter region revealed two copies of a stress-response element (S TRE) known to be regulated under the general stress response pathway.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Ortodoncia) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Mecánica con Especialidad en Materiales) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Orientación en Psicología de la Salud) UANL, 2011.


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Tesis (Maestría en Odontología Restauradora) UANL, 2011